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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Back home again...did cleaning, tried to

get some paper work done, which means

being on the phone forever!

Going back July 7th to tackle the garage

and talk about selling.

Only wish it was closer than eight hours away.


Driving home got a call, my father had an

infection, had to work out everything

with a new pharmacy for medicine.

Stayed with them for hours then finally

made it home.


Visited yesterday..father feeling better.

medicine worked fast. butI took time off today.

Going early tomorrow my mother has her Dr. appt.

at 11 o'clock. Help her dress and get ready.


So you see.. much hasn't changed. Still busy

and tired.


I want/need a vacation!!!!!


How are all of you?


Baby wedding date? Next weekend?

Know you will look beautiful. A pound up or down.

Just enjoy and don't worry.


Donna where are you going on the cruise in Sept.?

How's Joe feeling? How was his tests? Is he still working?


Shelia how did your dinner go? You have fun? Hope

you didn't work to hard. How's your exercise going?

Mine is at a standstill. Think my stress eating has got

to me..am up some. I need to exercise and eat better.


Carolyn how are you doing since your kids are home

from school? Know you don't get to use the computer as much.


Well I hope you ALL had a good weekend..fun and food wise!

(exercise wise too..know it's a dirty word) LOL

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No one answers. Did you forget me..Already?

It's me Belle! LOL


Still here..plugging along. Took mother to the Dr.

today, now she has problems. next week have to take

her to three different places for tests. Thought she

did have something, ankles were swelling.


So I need a break before all this starts. Husband and I

are going away for a few days to the mountains.

Alone time , walking by the river, maybe a little gambling.

Just to get away from it for awhile, doesn't matter what we do.


Well you all be good, see you Friday.

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Good morning!


Belle ~ Hi! I tried to reply to your post yesterday and the boards were screwed up! It still sounds like you're busy, busy! I hope your DF and DM feel better soon. Are you the only child? Have a great time on your trip with your DH. You definitely deserve some R&R!


My dinner went fine on Sat. I cooked mostly WOE-friendly foods. I did have a few cocktails though. :o


Donna ~ I vacuumed everything in sight this past weekend and I love the Dyson! My GF has a Roomba and she loves it so I guess having a Dyson and Roomba is heaven! Have y'all decided about the Sept. trip yet? Still going?


Baby ~ Is the wedding this weekend? Are you going crazy yet?


Carolyn ~ Where are you?


Sissy & Kip ~ Did y'all decide to abandon us?


My WOE and exercise have been OK. I could do better and that's probably why the scales aren't moving. I'm leaving next Wed. for Universal Orlando for our son's graduation trip. I know I'll be eating junk, but walking a lot. I guess that's why I'm not committed 100% right now.

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Nice to hear from you Shelia.

Glad your dinner went well.


Have fun in Orlanda. How long are you going for?


Yes I'm an only child. No one to share this with

except my husband.


Hope everyone has a great week.

We're leaving in a little while.


Take care.

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Belle, have a relaxing and fun time! You both need this so just forget about the problems your leaving behind. They'll still be there. September is the TA from Dover to NJ. Probably one of the easiest cruises that we could take that actually has European ports. Just not quite sure if he is up to it yet.


Sheila, I'm sure you'll have a great time in Orlando and you'll do enough walking to keep it under control. You will continue to love the Dyson! Roomba is fun because it actually chases the cats. Actually, it does do a good cleaning job too! We have until 7/7 for final payment and he has a battery of tests being run on 7/2 so we'll see. Unfortunately, I really feel behind the curve on this one since all this indecision has meant that I haven't done any research on a cruise that we booked last August! On the other hand, we have a lot of great friends on this one so will rely on some of their research.


Baby, Where is your water? Probably want a Xanax with it right about now! I'm sure it will be wonderful but you will need a vacation when it is over!


Carolyn, Have they made you crazy yet?


Sissy should be heading home from CA shortly. She has had a very challenging time with trying to get her stepmother taken care of and taking care of her grandson at the same time so I'm thinking that she is really looking forward to getting home about now.


Linda and Kip?


OK, Back to work!

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Belle ~ We'll be in Orlando for 3 nights. No need to go longer as we're staying at the Hard Rock Hotel and we get front of the line access on all of the rides at the theme parks. :D Have a great trip and try to relax!


Donna ~ I sure hope Joe's tests come back free and clear so y'all can go on that cruise. I sending good vibes and thoughts your way. I KNOW it will all be fine! :) Thanks for the update on Sissy. Tell her we're all thinking of her and missing her.

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The wedding is over (sob,sob). Our last out-of-town guests left this morning. Now what am I going to do? I was so busy, with so many lists...no more lists! It was wonderful. The bride was beautiful, the groom was handsome. Both were so happy. I hope they will always be that happy. I could go on and on, but I don't want to bore you! If you have any specific questions, I will be happy to answer.


Belle, whenever you read this...we are all routing for you. I know it is difficult being the only child. Often, even if there are siblings, one takes on most of the responsibilities. Than G-d, your husband is a help. Hope you enjoyed your break.


Sheila...I have never heard of either vacuum cleaner. How are they different from other brands? Your son must be very excited about his Disney Trip. I hope you have great weather and a great time. Just go easy on the junk. The walking should take care of the rest!


Donna...no water at the moment (sorry, will drink some, soon!) Hope Joe's test results are all good. Best to check with the Doctor about the cruise before final payment. Even if results are good, make sure that the trip will not be too much for him at this time. Most important is that he gets well. There will be lots of cruises when he is better. No research is the least important thing right now.


Hi to everyone else that reads this!


Have a great day!


It's very hot and humid here. I think I will stay in and try to get my life back in order!

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Baby ~ Oh my! I thought the wedding was this coming weekend. I'm so glad you had a good time and the bride & groom were so happy! I'm sure it was a wonderful wedding. Now, you can devote time to yourself! :D We're not going to Disney World. We're going to Universal Orlando. They have two theme parks: Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. Both of completely different and tons of fun! The Hard Rock Hotel is on-site and it is a destination within itself. We're all excited! You can check out the Dyson here: http://www.dyson.com. The Roomba is a "robot" vacuum! It is so cool! Good luck getting your life back in order. :)


Hi to all of the other girls! I didn't have a loss again this week, but that's OK. I can feel my hip bones real good again so I know I'm losing inches. LOL


I had allergy testing yesterday and will begin the injections next week. My doctor said I needed to take them for 3 years, but I will start to notice their effects within 6 months. I scheduled my sinus surgery for July 24th. I hope it works!

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Well, my weight is O.K. and I want to keep it that way. So...this morning I took my walk, and I plan to journal what I eat. Hope I stick with plan!


For the wedding, I was very organized. But my house is soooo disorganized! So, my summer project is to get it in order. (It may take many summers!!!! I think I need one of those ladies from the TV shows!!!!)


We took our kids to Universal in Calif. when they were young. It is so much fun! You will feel like a kid yourself!!


I will check out the vacuums...although we bought a good one a few years ago and I have no intention of replacing it.


Inches are good. Fewer inches FEEL good. Also your clothes feel better.


Good luck with the allergies. Tell me about the sinus surgery.


Have a great day. It's sunny and cool....just the way I like it!

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Baby ~ My house needs re-painting and all sorts of things. It is just finding the time to do it. It is 7 years old and things are starting to need touching up and replacing such as the carpet. Good luck getting your house organized. I need to do that to some of my closets. DS's room is a nightmare. I want to organize it also.


We've been to Universal Orlando many times and we all love it. I actually wanted to go to Disney, but got voted down.


I'm having a septoplasty with turbinate reduction. I also have a bone spur in my sinus cavity that needs to be removed. It won't be too bad. ;)


I'm glad your weight is doing good. Keep up the good work!


Donna & Carolyn ~ HELLO!


Belle ~ I hope you're having a good time!

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Thank you for your wishes on everything.

Yes we had a good time. Just nice getting away.

Now back to normal. Doctors and tests next week

for my parents.


I don't mean to keep moaning amd groaning. I know

everyone has problems too.


Donna..Is Joes health problems do to his surgery or

does he have new ones now? I hope everything will be

alright on his tests. What ports do you stop at? How

many? Will it be an easy cruise. I have to tell you

the cruise we took to Europe was a tiring one. Time

change, ports ect. Make sure he's up to it.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.


Shelia sorry you are having so many health problems too.

Have fun on your trip. Great job on the inches but you didn't

have to give them to me! LOL Ate to much on our short vacation.


Baby I'm so happy the wedding was wonderful. Bet you ALL

were beautiful/handsome. Relax and don't worry about your

house. It will still be there for you. I keep waiting for the

"housecleaning fairy" will come by and do my house while I'm

gone down south but hasn't happen yet!! So it's still a mess.

Like you take me a few summers to get it clean.


Carolyn guess your still busy with kids, husband and summer

things. Hope to hear from you soon.


Sissy hope your home safe and sound. Come talk to us.


Everyone have a Good Weekend.

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Good Morning!


Belle ~ Glad you had a wonderful time away. Hope the rest of your week is uneventful. RE: my healther problems...they are nothing, really. ;) I ate way to much yesterday as we celebrated the 4th with family since we'll be in Orlando. I got on the scales this AM and it said I was up 5 lbs! :eek: I know it is just water weight so I'm not worried. When we return from Universal, I'm really going to have to put my "serious" hat on and watch what I eat closely. I'd like to lose 10 lbs before we leave for Scotland. We just have to keep trying. We can do it, Belle!


Hope everyone else is having a wonderful time!


Miss you all!

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Shelia sure it's water weight and

will come off fast with all the walking

you'll do. Have a good time.

When are you going to Scotland?

I didn't see that before. Staying with

your friends again. Seeing new places?

What fun tht you get to go again.


I wonder when I'll get to travel again.

Now just taking my mother to tests for

her heart. Everyday seems to be a new

problem. One appt. today, two Tuesday.


The Fourth we're having lunch with parents.

Owner invited us, Guess a party for the 4th.

Think I'll take a couple of pies. They eat so healthy there.

My parents will like some sweet treats.

Everyone have a great time for the 4th, no matter

what your doing.

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Belle ~ We're leaving for Scotland on Sept. 21st. We're staying with our friends and then in the Highlands somewhere. They want us to see Loch Ness, etc. They're making all of the arrangements and we'll just ride along. We'll also be going to England to visit their DD who lives in Carlisle. Have fun tomorrow with your parents. I'm sure they'll really enjoy the time with you. I hope your DM's test come back OK. Hang in there, sweetie!


Good morning to everyone else! Y'all sure have been quiet lately.

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Oh my.. it's going to be a LONG summer I feel.

The last 2 days have been mild (luckily). Alex just started his Chinese course at Choate yesterday so he'll be "occupied" for the next 4 weeks (good since he's been out of school since June 4th... too long!!) but Libby's got 2 more weeks before he short summer school class starts (only 2 weeks). The other classes she was interested all got cancelled and she doesn't want to go to any other the other "local" day camps.. (not into swimming in lakes or bugs etc.). So she's either on the computer, in front of tv and reading an awful lot (usually tv is muted and she's reading lol). She's gone through about 2 1/2 books so far in past week which is great.. just wish she's comprehending it. We shall see.

As for me I was fine for about 5 days and then (of course) the sh@t hit the fan... get a call at 7ish in AM from dr. from nursing home (this doctor has been assigned to another floor for the last 3 weeks... he's kind of on probation) and said they were sending Mom to hospital (and not for the usual stuff). Sister was in NY this weekend so I contact her. She was expecting me to drive all the way down.Long story short.. Mom got checked over in ER and sent back to home (found out from D that she bought Mom box of wheatthins thinking nothing of it and Mom ate the whole box while watching TV... Mom's supposed to watch carbs (checked for diabetes 2x daily though not on any meds and also her stomach can't tolerate too much at one time). Figured out that was probably causing this episode (D said Mom has something like this when she ate too many Cheesenips.. she cons people into giving her things). Well from 7AM until about 3PM I was on "alert" and when I finally figured out it was from something she ate I got totally p-off. I can understand when it's something out of Mom's control. We've been watching her fluid intake to avoid her getting dehydrated and kidney problems but this caught me off guard. Mom was saying "why me" (supposedly she's drinking.. but I don't know about it). I realize that this is going to be my "burden <responsiblity> until she goes" but I don't know how much of the yo-yo I can take. I can't make any plans w/kids since something always "happens" and then it just takes any joy away. Mom says "I've taken over where Dad left off" (Dad took care of everything up until 3 months before he died -- 3 years ago today next month), I just need a break but realize that it just isn't going to happen.. now I've been eating 'crap" for 2 days... and now feeling like crap (between the carbs and weather I may be heading towards a sciatica flare up... not sure but the pain's gotten really bad and it's not on my usual side === trying to stretch things out and avoid major flare). So that's my "story". THanks for letting me vent.

Baby, so glad the wedding went well. I'm sure you and the rest of the party looked beautiful and had a wonderful day. How's the weather been up "north"? We're trying to figure out where to go this summer for our family vacation. Libby wants to go to California but I'm not if that's going to happen since we didn't jump on airfare (trying to keep things on budget). Montreal area might work,... we shall see.


Good luck w/surgery. How was Orlando? We went 2 years ago in August and boy was it hot (but humidity was brutal). We've never been to IOA or Uni but been to Disney many times (but never in summer other than when I was a teen). Well we vowed never to go again in summer. When did you decide on Scotland this fall... that's wonderful!!


Hope you had a little break from managing your parents care and getting the house ready for market. I know exactly what you're going through. Take time for yourself whenever you can manage it. Consult a realtor to find out what you need to do to have the house move quickly. A fresh coat of paint and eliminate clutter is what I did (well we needed to do a bit more since a bathroom was in total disrepair) and all MY (and Mike was helpful too when he came down.. emptying out attic/garage and lower level filled to capacity) hard work paid off.. that house is the main reason Alex is able to go to Choate (well he probably would have been able to go and get a little bit of financial aide w/his grades but then it would have put a major dent in our savings). Once the house is taken care of you'll be able to just take care of things in your area... good luck and know we care about you.


Hope you're not being totally overworked and have some nice plans for the holiday. Hope Joe's reports come back with positive news. We'd love to do a Europe cruise but w/four of us realize it will be a ways. Think if the $ ever recovers we may go over next Xmas. Mike gets to go alot but rarely when we're all off. Someday.

Well, think I better try to eat something "decent" and somewhat healthy.

Libby's been quietly reading.


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Carolyn ~ So glad you checked in. I've been worried about you. It seems that you're still dealing with your DM and DS. {{HUGS}} We're leaving in the morning for Orlando. It will be fun even in the heat. We'll be taking breaks during the hottest part of the day and going to the resort's pool for a while. The parks will be more fun at night. Your kids would love Universal Orlando. It has a lot of things for them to do. We love it! We decided to go to Scotland this Fall a while back. We bought our tickets in Feb. and wouldn't you know it, the prices came down last week by $200/ticket! GRRRR! Take care!

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Haven't posted, cuz...guess what...in 2 days managed to GAIN 2 1/2 pounds. Yuch! Anyway, today I am down 1 of them, so here I am!


Sheila...have a great time in Orlando!


Scotland in the fall...fantastic! They have great (and healthy!!!) salmon! A bummer about the airfare. I get aggravated too when that happens. You'll forget all about it...just the way you forget when you get the better deal!


Belle...good to hear from you. I'd like to come over for one of your pies! I am very imressed. I have NEVER baked a pie. I don't know why..I guess I have the impression they are difficult to make.


Carolyn...so glad you got to the computer. Glad that Libby is reading so much. I loved to read when I was a kid. My sons were never big readers.

Interesting that Alex is studying Chinese. Just shows what the future holds!


Take care, everyone!

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well, it's almost midnight...

so I guess I can be the "first" to remind you, Baby... "where's the water"?(lol)

<I really need to start drinking H2O -- been drinking a bit of Diet Coke Plus (new "stuff" has B vitamins and caffeine.. sort of tastes like TAB... haven't been getting jittery from the caffeine <or headaches which I was having before starting to drink it>

Just feel like it's going to be a LONG summer -- luckily it's not very hot (YET)


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Sorry I haven't been on much, just

busy, mstly with parents. Doc appts.

visiting and such.

Nice time at lunch but got the bad

news I was expecting. Month evaluations

of parents care, they need much more now.

So the monthly price really went up. Need to sell

their house.

In fact leaving Sat. 7-7-7 to back south for

more cleaning out and seeing about selling the

house. Be gone a week. Wish me luck.


Carolyn so good to see you. Yes remember those hectic

summers. You'll get thru.


Baby are you drinking? Water that is! Enjoying your



Shelia know your having a great time. Saw the early show

was there with music preformers. Was looking for you! LOL


Donna how did Joe's Dr. visit go! Hope he's alright.


Thank You all for the kind wishes, thoughts. This is a hard time.

So sad to see your parents like this.


See you all in about 8 or 9 days. Be Good!

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Hi girls! We're back!!!!! Had a great time, but it was so exhausting! I slept for almost 13 hours Sat. night. It felt really good though.


DH's grandmother passed away while we were in Orlando. You know "they" say that things happen in threes? Well, my DGM died while we were on our cruise and now DH's DGM died while we were in Orlando. I sure hope no one else passes away anytime soon.


Baby ~ Don't you know that if you post on here, your weight will stay down? LOL You need to post here even if you have a gain so we can support you.


Belle ~ That's tough news about your parent's care. I hope you can get their house sold fast. I know the money will come in handy. Hang in there, sweetie!


Carolyn ~ I hope everything is going great for you! :D


Donna ~ How are you and Joe doing?


Take care, all!

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Libby's standing over me (bored) asking the "usual" question (where are we going today and ''' GET OFF the computer... I want to go SOMEWHERE <meaning anywhere>) <she just told me to try the icon's and make a face lol> I'm computer challenged so it's popping up by title.

Baby... where's the water

Sheila.... hope there won't be a "third" for a very long time (I get a bit superstitious like that)

Belle.... good luck with getting your parents' house ready for market. Declutter as much as possible w/o having it look "distressed". A quick coat of paint does wonders. From my own experience be careful what you "throw out" or give away unless you really don't care about things. When I finally asked DS to "help out" (really gave specific instructions to clean out clutter in basement) she delegated it (as usual) to another person and then had a "vulture" come by to see what they'd buy ( I dealt w/one before and played hardball asking 3X what I wanted and walked away to ask Mom -- though it was just for effect.. I was the one making decisions and on a few things they weren't offering much for certain items so I wanted to keep them -- well Diane sold them for next to nothing.. boy was I PO'd - was a pair of capodiamonte lamps that she got $25 for .. I liked them though if I was offered a decent $$ would have sold... they were my grandmother's and I had some memories... Diane wanted the sewing machine in table and it's still in my house (along w/alot of other things of hers). As far as I'm concerned now.. what's in my house is mine... (it's been 3 years now). Stay cool and take care of yourself.

Donna, Hope you're having an "uneventful" summer, Joe's health is improving and you're looking forward to your transatlantic.

Now for me... luckily Libby's got summer school class for the next 2 weeks. Alex's is enjoying Chinese and he's got 2 more weeks there too. I've got my hands full w/DM < the usual "crap" that's just starting up again... problems 'cause she's had a different doctor each week.. and one discontinued her antibiotic 6/20 that she's supposed to take every three days "forever" so she could avoid a UTI -> kidney failure... I just found out yesterday that they stopped the meds then... I was livid and today was told that "guess what -- she's got a UTI - AGAIN" .

CALGON.. take me away...

trying to figure out where to go for family vacation. Airfare's a steep. Mike's been suggesting St. Johns or Halifax... maybe Montreal.. Baby... any suggestions.

HUGS to everyone


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Can't plan anything till I get all the

results back on my mothers tests.


We did get lot of work done, cleaned

out the garage..that was a chore,

rented a 10 yd dumpster. Can you

tell how much "junk" there was.

Donated some things too.


Cleaned out more things from the

house too. Saving things I know I don't

have room for.


Having a furniture sell later.


We are tired!!!


Shelia glad you had a good trip.

Carolyn sorry your still having trouble with dm.

Donna let us know how Joe is.

Baby come in even if gaining..I am!


Will write more later..just got in about an hour ago.

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Hello ladies! I stayed at home all weekend and cleaned. I actually cleaned out my closet. It was a mess!


Belle ~ So glad that you have a buyer for your parent's house. That will make it easier. When will you find out the test results?


Carolyn ~ I sure hope that things settle down with your DM and she gets over her UTI soon. Hang in there!


Donna ~ Where are you?


Hugs to everyone else!


My WOE/exercise have been going well. I lost 5 lbs last week...which was what I gained at Universal Orlando. Now, I need to lose another 10 before I'll be happy. I'm going to quit after that and just maintain.


Talk later!

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