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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Belle ~ Hey! Sounds like you had an uneventful New Years also. I think we all needed the rest. ;) I up 6 lbs from all of my pigfest. I'm not going to feel guilty or dwell on it. I know I'll get it off soon. I hope you can get your eating under control. It is so hard to do that when we are stressed. I think most of us on this message board are stress eaters that use food for comfort. Always here if you need an ear. :)


Hello to all of the other "girls."


Donna ~ What cruise did you cancel? I must've missed that. The Euro/US Dollar is awful now. I sure hope that our dollar will increase in value soon. I guess our government needs to stop spending so much....enough of that though. ;)


Carolyn ~ I hope you're at least enjoying a little of your Hawaii trip. We're here if you need us, OK?


Baby ~ You're MIA again!


Talk to you later!

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Sorry about the MIA!!! Of course, you all know the reason! I am so fed up with myself. today I am up 1 from the awful pound. Can't let this go on. Have to get back down a few pounds, or will be in BIG TROUBLE.


Sheila, you are great at encouraging us, so I will encourage you back! By next Sunday, let's both be down 2 pounds! Think we can do it???? Let's make a pact!


Belle, we are getting reports of Northern California snowstorms. Are they affecting you? New Year's Eve was very nice. We had a delicious dinner at a Greek fish restaurant (NOBODY does grilled fish as well as the Greeks!) One couple cancelled at the last minute due to illness. Then we went back to our friend's house for dessert and champagne (well, sparkling wine, to be exact!) and to watch the countdown in Times Square.


We are looking forward to Palm Springs. Any recommendations? We are sticking with the Best Western Las Brisas. Hope we like it! Also, hope their weather improves by the time we go. It won't be until the second half of Feb.


Carolyn, how are you doing? Please let us know.


Take care, all!

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Hi girls! Had a really good weekend. Got in some good exercise and didn't eat anything not WOE-friendly!


Belle ~ I hope you're OK! Check in to let us know how you fared with the storms.


Baby ~ It's a deal! Two pounds off by this Sunday. :D


Hello to Donna & Carolyn.

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To let you know..No snow here.

Just rain and wind Thursday night

and rain on Friday. No flooding here.

Thank you for your concern Baby and



Baby.. Palm Springs doesn't get very

much rain. I'm sure it will be in the

70's when you go and maybe in the 80's

some days. The desert will be so pretty.


Sheila..You had a good weekend. Your doing

so good, wish I could do 1/3 of what your doing.

I will soon. Just waiting for "my click to click in"

and say..Eat right and exercise!


Same with parents good and bad days. Getting hard.

Going on eleven months now. I need a CRUISE!


Carolyn..Hope things are getting better for you.



Donna..Hope Joe is feeling better.

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Well, I am happy to report that I went down 1/2 pound each day. So I am down a grand total of 1 pound!!! Today I weighed in at the awful pound...and it looked good! I never thought I'd say that!


Sheila, you are my inspiration. I am determined not to disappoint you! Glad you had a good weekend.


Belle, such a difficult year. Just find time each day to do something for yourself, whatever it is, to unburden a little.


What do you do in Palm Springs. We will be there for over 2 weeks. I need ideas!


Here we are having a Jan. thaw. The temp may go up to 50 F today. Lots of rain and fog. Not pretty. The mountains of snow outside are now very dirty and black. Yuch!


Have a great day, all!

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Hi girls! The weather was gorgeous here yesterday...in the high 70's and sunny. I skipped the gym and decided to walk 3 miles in my neighborhood. It is hilly so I get a good workout.


Belle ~ I agree with Baby...you need to make some time for yourself for you and your DH to travel. You really need the break. If your parents are in good care, can you not leave them for one week?


Baby ~ I'm so glad you've lost! I'm really being good so I won't disappoint you on Sunday. ;) I hope I'm down at least one pound and maybe I'll be down another by Sunday. Let's keep our fingers crossed that we do it!


Donna ~ How is Joe doing?


Carolyn ~ How is everything going with you? I've been thinking about you!


Today, I start back lifting weights. I know I'll be sore tomorrow, but it will be a good sore. Talk to you "girls" later!

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Doing "ok" mentally... had been "good" woe for 3 days and then "lost it". Major aches and pains lately (even watching carbs). Made it through funeral "ok" (DS had all of her friends surrounding her, put on an "act" w/me <linking her arm through mine.. patting me asking 'are you ok' -- I just wanted nothing to do w/her, especially how she treated me though everything... it's going to take a long time for me to "let it go"> and then she rushed off to limo to ride back to NYC. I barely had time for the kids and I to say goodbye to my DAunt who DS had been staying w/for last 10 days). So that was Jan. 2. Next day Alex and Libby were back to school. Back to shuttling everyone around. Luckily weather has been OK (actually a bit seasonably mild until today so it made the adjustment back from Hawaii not that hard). But now I'm back to "reality" and I'm in a real "funk". Trying to make sure Mom's bills are in order. Trying to clear out all the mounting papers that are coming in from her 1 1/2 months in hospital. Trying to figure out when I'm going to go to nursing home to clear out Mom's stuff (Diane was there when Mom passed but didn't go through anything== no surprise -- why do anything when it can be passed on to me). I've got 30 days from Dec. 26th to go down. It's not so close by and Mike's got 2 trips coming up and I'd really not want to go down by myself. I'm just numb.

Try to watch what I eat but then I'm at the point where I just don't care. Wish I had someone else to make something for me. Luckily Alex can get 3 meals a day at school. Libby's gotten to be a picky eater. The house is in such chaos.. just did a few loads of laundry today (I'm in a blue-funk... doesn't help that it's TOM -- surprise after skipping-- with migraine for 2 days straight and leg cramp too).

OK ladies.. I'm venting... sorry for my pitty party. Doesn't help that Mike's away the whole weekend of b-trip (or earlier in week stuck at work). Alex is at school late so it's just Libby and me -- doesn't help her that I'm in this blue-funk. Haven't gotten any support from temple (though I haven't made much of a plea for help either -- I'm not into advertising my "problems"). DS went back to her home and got her "shiva" from her temple so she got the support and caring she needed. I felt abandoned and forgotten. DS kept calling me up 3-4 times a day and after 2nd day I finally said "can you give me some space" -- I really didn't want to talk to her. She made sure to make my vacation horrible even before she got to Mom 5 days after I left NY -- and before sh*t hit fan. She fouled things up and dropped the ball. All I did for the last year and a half seemed to have been for naught. Really leaves me numb... why did I do it. Why have I put my kids on hold w/phone calls to doctors, nursing home supervisors etc. when I should have been paying attention to them (loving DS says "well it's your mother.. it's your responsibility... blah blah blah yet when she was in charge she still expected me to do it from a distance w/5 hr time difference) and impact on kids (like when I was in car w/Libby in Hawaii and DS wanted to "chat" and I said ... Libby needs my attention "well why can't she grow up" <very understanding on DS part --NOT!!> she can't understand that an 11 yo sometimes wants some undivided attention from her Mommy when Mom's always taken away on phone when she gets home from school etc. DS thinks Libby's being spoiled and selfish <btw Libby's far from spoiled, especially when it comes to material stuff of other kids around here.. she's one to think twice about things>.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Hope you're all doing well.

Baby, where's your water. Hope that dreaded lb. goes somewhere south and won't find you in Canada or Palm SPrings (getting excited).

Belle, hope things have settled down for a bit. Hope your DF is comfortable and things are "uneventful" for you and DH.. (that's about all that you can hope for these days) Be kind and gentle w/yourself. Take it from one who's been in your shoes. It's a long, easy journey (for me it was over 4 years of living/putting my life in limbo). Even though I wasn't an only child I know I would have been better off since I was the only one who did anything and when I did (on rare occasion) pass things to DS, she'd delegate anything and then I'd be left w/cleaning up the mess but literally and otherwise (like she'd hire help that was incompetant and put Mom/house is potential danger-- had to fire that person and find someone else over a weekend when I was w/Mom with kids -- ruined a weekend there).

Donna, hope you're doing well and works not too "overwhelming". Hope Joe's getting stronger and you have many trips in the future to look forward to.

Sheila, you're our inspiration. Help us get back "on track". Hope you had a good "new year" and enjoying January.

It's midnight now, think I better get to bed. Gotta get Libby to Hebrew school tomorrow AM. She really doesn't want to go. To tell you truth, I don't blame her but Mike wants her to go. I'm the one stuck driving her back/forth though. He's away or wants to sleep in (and now he's in San Diego so it's no help for me).

Take care everyone


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Hope you are all well. Today it is sunny. It is so strange (and wonderful) to see a little sunshine!. But the price for that is colder temps. C'est la vie!


Sheila....I really tried. You know I am not a dieter, but I tried to eat healthy and drink my water and in the week I am down 1/2-1 pound (the battery in my scale is low and the results are a bit temperamental!). Result is that I am not down from the awful pound. I will continue to try. Hopefully, by next Sunday! How did you do?


Carolyn, you have gone through a lot.


I hope you don't mind my saying what I am going to say. You never mention friends and/or activities for yourself. Maybe it is time for you to get involved with something, where you can get your mind off yourself and your problems for a few hours a day. I don't know your interests or what is available in your community, but think about it!


Belle, how are you doing? Hope you post soon.


Donna, where are you?


Take care, all!

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that this goes through. Just lost this page before starting it so trying again.


Baby, Just keep drinking that water and eating healthy! I'm sure you'll do OK in Palm Beach and need to get out of the gloom and cold.


Belle, Not easy but you have to remember yourself! Don't need to end up sick from being worn out so make sure you get some breaks!


Carolyn, You do need to get out and do things! As to your sister - you can now tell her to go away or you won't have time to get the estate work done (which I'm sure she is waiting for a check from). Once that is settled then tell her she has been disowned! Things should be better now and it sounds like your children have learned a lot about responsibility which is a good thing. Hope you can work out having Mike with you go do the clean out.


Sheila, 70? I think it is getting on time to move south! Sounds like the exercise is going well. Have you adjusted to the weights yet? We were booked on the March 7th Galaxy cruise but he just isn't up to it right now so we moved the booking to next March. Still hoping we get something in since the lack of sun is definitely effecting me!


Well, crazy weeks seem to be the norm but this one was a definite topper! Sunday/Monday set record temps and then the tornado hit less than 2 miles from us. It's path as it continued put it about 1/2 mile from home and I stood outside work watching. We still have roads closed and stuff is being found 30 miles away. The damage is unbelievable and will take months to clean up. Fortunately, no major injuries involved. Our house had the high winds and hail but was south of where the tornado dumped the debris. Joe's reaction was to finally turn his computer off! Work is crazy but the diet is going relatively well. Joe still isn't feeling great but he isn't going to. He is still waiting for the sleep study schedule but he is doing South Beach (doctor suggestion) and doing surprisingly well at taking it seriously (with the exception of the day that he found the pistachio's), Ended up running around and out to dinner twice this week where he ordered salads (a first) so I'm hoping his first weigh in tomorrow will show all his effort. Mine is WW with a SB leaning and I'm on track at about 1.5 lbs a week which I'm not going to argue with. Problem is that I gained so much back that it is going to take forever yet again!


Still only managed to get him on the treadmill once for 15 minutes so that will take some work. Yesterday was running errands and today is major un-decorating which I started last weekend but haven't had time to do since then. It is now all in the guest room so heading there yet tonight to start boxing it and moving it down to storage. No treadmill/elliptical tonight since I got plenty of exercise working and am about to continue.


OK, back to work! Have to finish the bedroom then hoping to get at least two boxes packed and stored before its time to get ready for work tomorrow.


Have a great evening.

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Hi girls! I had a good weekend, but it was too busy! We went to a dinner party on Sat. night and the food was magnificent! Needless to say, I ate everything. Good news is that the portions were very small (think France) so I wasn’t overly stuffed.


Carolyn ~ Boy, oh, boy. You sound so down. I agree with Baby, please find some friends to do things with….even if just lunch while the kids are in school. You need to laugh! I also agree with Donna, once the estate is settled…goodbye Diane! Take care of yourself…we’re always here when you need to vent. OK?


Donna ~ Great job on continuing to lose! South Beach really is a great WOE for the heart. I do something like WW also, but with a SB leaning.


I really get tired of the up and down temps down here in the South. I wrecks havoc on my sinuses. I guess we are lucky during the winter time, but the summer is a killer!


I hope Joe gets better soon. I know that the healing process can take a long time.


Baby ~ Please don’t be mad at me, but I lost 4 lbs., which really is unusual for me. I normally only lose 1-2 lbs a week when I’m trying. However, I’ve increased my exercise by one day so that’s got to be why. You did good losing what you did. I KNOW you’ll have another pound off by the end of the week. Just keep trying. YOU CAN DO IT!


Belle ~ How’s everything going with you?


Hugs to you all! ;)

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I am so fed up and frustrated. I managed to gain 1 and 1/2 pounds this weekend. And the joke on me is that I thought I was pretty good. Can you imagine if I were bad?


I am having lunch today with a skinny friend who watches herself.I will copy her and see if that helps.


Meanwhile, I did do my exercises this morning and I am drinking water. Hope it comes off as fast as it came on.


Sheila. I am so proud of you! I hope you will be my inspiration! (I desperately need one!).


Donna, I hope Joe improves steadily (even if it is slowly...as long as it in the right direction!)


The Tornado sounds frightful. You actually saw it? OMG.


Here it is snowing today. I plan to go to an indoor mall.


Take care, everyone.

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I am so fed up and frustrated. I managed to gain 1 and 1/2 pounds this weekend. And the joke on me is that I thought I was pretty good. Can you imagine if I were bad?


I am having lunch today with a skinny friend who watches herself.I will copy her and see if that helps.


Meanwhile, I did do my exercises this morning and I am drinking water. Hope it comes off as fast as it came on.


Sheila. I am so proud of you! I hope you will be my inspiration! (I desperately need one!).


Donna, I hope Joe improves steadily (even if it is slowly...as long as it in the right direction!)


The Tornado sounds frightful. You actually saw it? OMG.


Here it is snowing today. I plan to go to an indoor mall.


Take care, everyone.

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The sun is shining and although it is cold, it's good to see some sunshine. Yesterday, it snowed the entire day. The driving was very messy and I ventured only to an indoor mall (with indoor heated parking).


Good news. The pound and a half came off in one day! I ate at home and made eggs for dinner! (I love breakfast for lunch or dinner...in the morning all I want is a slice of toast or 1/2 a bagel). Also, I did my exercises and I made sure that I walked in the mall! I think I sit around too much in the winter.


I agree with you, Sheila. A lot is water retention. It must be whatever the restaurants put in their food. I didn't pig out over the weekend and that is the only reason I can figure for the gain. I don't know if my body reacts more than others. (Don't forget not everyone weighs themselves daily as I do!)


Have a great day, all.


Carolyn and Belle...check in and let us know how you are doing.


Donna...it's always great to hear from you.


Sheila...I hope it's more than just you and me!

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Baby ~ Great job on your exercise....even with the snow. If it snows down here just the tiniest bit, the whole place shuts down. LOL Weighing every day can be good AND bad. It is good to keep you on track, but bad because it can be frustrating when you see a little gain that is mostly likely water. Restaurant food definitely is VERY high in sodium.

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Belle ~ Hi! I wondered if you'd be back today to start the weigh-in thread. You are so thoughtful to take time out of your day...or night....to do that. I hope today is an UP day; not a down one. {{{HUGS}}}


Hello to all of the other girls! :D

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And about the only time I have to get caught up right now and post.


Carolyn, how are you doing? Has Diane finally decided that making you crazy isn't to her advantage right now? Able to get down and clear out the nursing home?


Sheila, the wind chill is in the - mid twenties today so your weather sounds fantastic! Sounds like a great dinner party and that your doing great overall.


Baby, drink your water and stay warm! Your off next and I'm sure you'll have a great time and enjoy the warmer temps!


Belle, How are you holding up? Do you get any days when you can just hibernate and not have to do anything? You have to be careful so you don't get sick.


Well, caught something last weekend and it appears to finally be gone so no excuse not to get back on the equipment today, especially since we are going absolutely nowhere. Hibernation is definite for today and may be for tomorrow also since the temp is going to get much better. Now better go and see what projects we are going to work on. Joe was working out a list so need to get him started on them.


Have a great weekend!

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Hi girls! I had a good weekend. I did absolutely nothing! It felt great! We actually got snow on Saturday, which is rare here. I enjoyed watching it fall.


Donna ~ Glad you're feeling better. Did you and Joe get your projects finished?


Belle ~ Hi sweetie!


Carolyn ~ How are you?


Baby ~ Are you staying off the scale? ;)


Hugs to you all! :)

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What a winter! More snow yesterday. Roads were yucky. Today, not bad (high of about 20F), deep freeze again tomorrow.


Weight...frustrating. I gained over the weekend. Finally lost what I gained. Have been quite good really, yet still at the AWFUL pound. Can't seem to get below it. Will try again today.


Sheila, I can't stay off the scale!!!!


Belle, thinking of you.


Donna... glad that you post on weekends. We like to know that all is well. Have my water (first glass of the day) right here.


Carolyn...where are you? I hope our advice didn't scare you off.


Have a great day, all!

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Baby ~ Y'all have been bombarded with snow! Be careful if you have to drive. I'm going to challenge you to stay off the scale for one solid week. Can you do it? ;)


I'm doing pretty good. I finally got a full workout in last night and it didn't bother my back. I hope it continues to not flair up. I don't think I'll lose anything this week because of not being able to exercise as much as I should last week. We'll see tomorrow.


How is everyone else doing?

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Nah, Sheila, I can't accept your challenge. It's ingrained in me!


I am really watching myself. I don't starve or diet, but I am careful about what and how much I am eating, and the scale is not budging. That awful pound is still there. It is very frustrating. I think as we age, it becomes more and more difficult to lose.


I hope your back is doing well! Yesterday, I was exercising, and I felt it. So, I did other exercises, and then went back to the culprit and did it much more carefully. I tend to do some too fast, automatically, without thinking!


First glass of water is at hand!


Have a great day!

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Baby ~ Too funny! I figured you wouldn't accept my challenge, but I had to try. ;) Try cutting your calories for a week, just by 100 and see if you lose that dreaded pound. Maybe by doing that and exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, it will come off. I'm happy to hear you are exercising. I hope it doesn't hurt too much. Hang in there!


My back is doing better. I think my weekend of rest really helped it. I'm having my Mom a surprise b'day party on Sat. and I'm sure I'll over-do it then. DH and I decided to have it catered so we won't have to get organized, clean AND cook.


I'm having LASIK eye surgery next Friday and I'm so excited. My eyes have started changing and I can no longer wear contacts. I don't like wearing glasses so I'm biting the bullet and doing the LASIK. :D


Hello to Carolyn, Donna, and Belle! Miss you girls! :)

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