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Saints and Sinners B2B on the Destiny Collaborative Review


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Ok... I guzzled a bimmie at Fat Tuesday's so withdrawal time is over... hehe.... and went outside in the back with the group to enjoy a strawberry margarita. We're taking pictures and the newbies are starting to get acquainted with everyone when our very kind waitress comes back to tell us our golf carts are being ticketed for being in a no parking zone. :eek:


The lady writing the ticket was by "cart #2" in our line of three carts (no names mentioned in order to protect the innocent...) but let's just say that my sis and I jump in one cart and zip away around the corner into hiding, and Rob drives away in his cart. Apparently the driver of the third cart was thinking of doing the same when the lady says "You're getting this ticket!!". Since she already had the license plate, "unnamed driver" waited for her to complete the $35 ticket before hitting the streets again.



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Guys, this review has been going for three days and 7 pages and you haven't even left Key West (and you were only there until 2:00!)


Pick up the pace, would ya? Bad romance novels are more interesting. :rolleyes::p


agree. put some pep in the step peeps!:p


amy and paulie made a "flat trish" and took me on the coz bus. so, i'm waiting to hear if i drank a lot.:p :D :p

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Ok, here is my review......went to work went to work, Saturday cleaned, Sunday watched Football, went to work, work, work, work, work, got drunk kicked out of bar, hang over, back to work....Done!!!!!!! Thank you for shopping at Kmart!:p


We missed you SO much, Reecey!!! :(

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In Key West, I was honored to head to Irish Kevin's with a group which consisted of Lucy, Ricky, Zone, Maria, Duckie, and I'm pretty sure Jill and Sharon were with us. When we got there, the place was empty, and when we left a couple hours later, it was packed and jammin'. The entertainer was amazing. His name was Jeff Harris (I think..... some of the details have become vague :D) and he was fantastic, combining great singing and guitar skills with comedy bits and interacting with the crowd. He sold several "Boobies" t-shirts to women in our crowd.... Duckie may have bought one, too, but it's sort of hazy :)... and they were modeled on stage. We ran into a group from the ship who were in Olivia Newton-John type "Let's Get Physical" costumes, and had a lot of fun with them, too.


It was a fantastic time, but unfortunately, the ship was calling so we had to leave. We made it back onto the ship without incident and were off to a very good start for celebrating Halloween. :)

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More of duval street and then off to lunch at Jose' s cantina for cuban sandwiches.




Along the way, they manage to ditch my sister and I. :p Actually we got stuck at a traffic light while they advanced, and somehow in the traffic couldn't see where they turned. We drove circles looking for each other (at least they tell us they tried to find us.;))


Anyway, after asking several people (most who spoke only limited English) we found someone who was able to guide us to Jose's Cantina. It was perfect timing when we FINALLY arrived! We got free food from some of our fellow sinnas since the sandwiches were enormous. Ummm Yummy!! Oh, and we did chip in to help pay for the "infamous ticket". :p Figured we were all guilty. :eek:


After that we returned the carts and got a ride to Schooner's where I indulged in my first-ever Lanyard Beer. Watched guy feeding the fish off the dock, and headed back to the ship.


What a greeting we got when we were back on board. If I remember correctly, this was the day that "Lucy" arrived on the Lido Deck. Her black shoes were already strewn about the deck, she was flat as a pancake on the lido, with some guys trying to assist her in getting back up (while laughing hysterically, I might add.) It seems to me that somewhere along the way Lucy shed some cute black and red striped tights. Of course, all the while Chris was being an absolute Saint <insert halo> :D


Meanwhile, another grope of peeps was doing a Duval Crawl after a visit to Kino's Sandals. They'll have to share their own stories (if they can remember them. LOL!)

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Who all had the 9A aft wraps on the Destiny? Is there one deck that is better/worse than the others for those?


Rob had the deck 6 wrap, and we had the deck 8 one. 6 has a better interior layout and a deeper balcony. 8 is closer to Lido and has a sizeable portion of the balcony on the side as well as corner and back. We have 6 on the Splendor, after having had 8 3 times, so we'll see which one we like better.


What is up with our shirts? What about the Scruples cruisers? It was truly a treat to wait to board then spend sail away with Jeffie, it was the only time for the whole cruise he was out during the daylight.


I got one of the Scruples shirts! I traded my S&S 4 pin for it. They gave me a shampoo, conditioner, and hair serum sample, too.


On to Key West. Such a lovely little town...


And then I woke up from that dream. At 7:30. Two and a half hours before the klingon decided to grace us with his presence. :rolleyes:


Our trip to Key West shot, we decided to have a lazy day on the ship. We took the klingon to camp while Matt and I worked out, then took him to the children's pool, then went by the main pool on Lido. Matt took him in the non-adult hot tub for a bit while I sunned. Had a french fries and hot dog picnic, then it was off to take the klingon down for his nap. Can't remember where I was at the time, maybe I laid down with them? I remember coming back on deck thinking all the people were back, so maybe I was in the cabin, who knows? Didn't have to leave the ship to drink. :o


We missed dinner this night to take the klingon trick-or-treating. We ate on Lido beforehand, and were running a little late. Didn't start until 8:10, and it ended at 8:30. So we spent so much time running him around trying to hit all the stops we didn't get a single picture of him in his fireman costume. :(


This day is blurry for me. Why is that? I never got off the ship! :o

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On Halloween night, we went to the piano bar where we found out that the entertainer was Damian, who was also on SS2 out of Galveston. Amazingly, he remembered us and immediately made us feel welcome and a part of things. A lot of our group was in costume and a great time was had by all. After we closed down the piano bar, we went to the disco where we ran into Damian again. He was extrememly friendly and out-going and introduced us to a lot of the ship's staff, including several of the dancers (including my Personal Private Dance Instructor Lonnel :D), David, the ship's doctor and his beautiful physician wife, and Mark Drake, the Milkman. We quickly slipped into a nightly routine of closing down the piano bar, then closing the disco, then heading up to the pizza bar for food and more libations, and finally ending up on Deck 10 for fresh air and converstation until about 5:30 a.m. Two of the women in our group pulled all-nighters a couple of times, watching the sun come up from loungers on the pool deck. We also became very good friends with a gorgeous and very sweet young pair of newlyweds, Abbey and Zach.


I could not have imagined how welcoming and accepting a ship's crew could be to passengers. This was one of the highlights of all the cruises I've ever taken. There's nothing quite like being hugged, kissed and molested by female professional dancers at 4 a.m. each night. Okay, I do have to admit that they all called me "Dad", but who's quibbling? :D That's better than being called "Grand Dad". :eek:

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Brian, Gabby and I got off the ship early and walked down Duval Street to South Beach. Brian took pics (surprise there). Then we walked the block or so over to the Southernmost Point for more pics. There we met up with Paulie, Amy, Vickie and group. Chatted for a bit and then they took off in their carts. The three of us headed back up Duval stopping at a few stores to browse. Some of the shirts and stuff that were for sale for :eek::eek::eek:. I guess in KW though, some of that is the norm. YIKES.


We were heading back to the ship as Allen, Lucy and company were getting off. Time for lunch and my first nap of the cruise for us. Woke up just in time for Brian to take pictures of us sailing away. Then up to Lido for some sinna watching.

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Halloween Costumes... Ah yes. We thought the grope was meeting up on Lido. My sister was a costume with a clock that said "It's five o'clock somewhere" and I was a "Margarita Queen" dressed up in a margarita glass.


On deck we met Rob and Barb but couldn't find others, so we headed to disco. Man, it was packed in there! Couldn't find anyone in our group so on to the Piano Bar where we hooked up with some of our peeps.


A few other costumes showed up (Ricky LMAO and Jeffie were hysterical). Nice azz Jeffie! LOL!


Oh, and I just remembered, it was the Captain's Party before dinner. We indulged in a few (Brian and Rob mentioned the Manhattans were getting the job done. LOL!) It was elegant night and the Sinnas looked stunning. For the first time ever, Jeffie looked like a Saint in his priestly-tuxedo. At dinner someone managed to "tip" a glass of wine all over my dress -- but nothing the dry cleaner couldn't handle. LOL! We got a good laugh over that.


I remember that night that Brian kept asking about going to the disco and was looking for some people to join him. Steph wasn't up to it, but said it was fine if Brian wanted to go.... ummm.... he made it as far as his cabin before passing out... I mean going to sleep. :eek:


Oh, and was this the night that the waiters came over to sing Happy Anniversary to Jeffie and Allen. I just remember Allen turning beet red and covering his head with a napkin. Thought he was gonna die. hehe PRICELESS!!

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Guys, this review has been going for three days and 7 pages and you haven't even left Key West (and you were only there until 2:00!)


Pick up the pace, would ya? Bad romance novels are more interesting. :rolleyes::p


You've been here before girl... you know, it's one day equals one day on the cruise :p


I guess I need to still add first day of the cruise and then Key West... my Key West day should be REALLY SHORT!!!!! :eek:

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Oh, and those Boobies shirts... Seems like I saw a pretty girl wearing one in the pool... along with Jill's cute Save the Tattas shirt. :)


Just one thing, though, Allen... I thought Jill and Sharon were with the golf cart brigade, so one of us must have been hitting it too hard too early in the day. Since the dynamic duo of Jill/Sharon are in my pictures, I guess we know whose memory is fuzzier? :p

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Okay, I'll back track to the first day of the cruise. I woke up and felt like an azz sammich. Thinking the vertigo combined with an extreme hangover was not a good combo. Grabbed an iced coffee in the lobby and headed next door, still in my PJ's and watched a few others eat breakfast :p Randy assisted me back to the hotel and we started to get ready... got packed, which was an ordeal... I had WAY too much stuff. Paul, Amy, Zone, me and Randy caught two taxis to the port (i think that is who was with us!!!) All this after buying a $4 bottle of water at the Catalina :rolleyes:


Made it to the port and made our way to VIP quickly... didn't have to wait in the lounge, they took us right in. Randy and I went and dropped our things in the cabin and we were on deck, drink in hand by noon. I sent a few hateful texts of my DOD at that time :p Everyone started arriving, and I stayed busy handing out group material for a while. Noticed that Anderson was on the ship, he was our bar waiter also on the Valor... love him, as well as Iwayan, who was with us on the Fantasy for S&S 2.5. I knew we would at least get good bar service (as if I was worried). Had a couple DOD's, mingled... had my turkey on country roll which I always crave, ate half of it but it wasn't real good on this ship :( So I never had another... bummer.


I went to my cabin to start unpacking before muster drill... finished unpacking and met everyone back up on deck for sailaway... we left probably about 30 minutes late? Hmm... this is fuzzy. At some point, several of us went to eat sushi and then we were going to the liquor tasting (that was this day wasn't it??? LOL) We saw Ricky in the casino with Maria and a few others... no pain was being felt at all, LOL. Went to the liquor tasting, where the guy running things quickly tired of the S&S'ers.... "okay, who hasn't tried this one"... and after about the 4th time of us all saying "I haven't", he caught on. There were some gift shop antics... but I'll leave that to the people that were actually there... I ain't tellin on nobody!!! LOL! Oh yeah... the transvestites all over the ship were a highlight that first afternoon!!! These weren't ones you could mistake for women... there was one, who I referred to as "Trainwreck Trannie", who donned a beautiful crochet bikini that day... she had to be 6'5" and came in at over 200... with quite a build. And some of them didn't "tuck", and did quite a bit of "adjusting" in front of everyone on the ship. And I wonder why I had no appetite all week.


Randy and I went up on the lido for a bit and then went to the cabin to get ready for dinner. Our cabin steward (also Iwayan) was wonderful by the way... and I couldn't have asked for a better cabin-mate than Ricky!!! We always had a lot of laughs while getting ready for dinner and this night was no exception. There was some molestation of a towel animal (this was no animal people... seriously, this was a towel "part of a woman's anatomy"... it's not right, there are kids on the ship, LOL!!!!) We made it to dinner, not sure what we had... but I would guess it was pretty good. Blur blur blur blur... piano bar. Went into the piano bar for a bit, but didn't stay too long the first night (one of only 2 nights I wasn't in there from open to close, LOL). Actually, I have no idea what I did the first night. I think I went to bed early? I remember talking to Jeff in there for a little bit, trying to track someone down to give them their group stuff... but eventually got tired of walking around and went to bed... yup, that was it!!!

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Oh, and I just remembered, it was the Captain's Party before dinner. We indulged in a few (Brian and Rob mentioned the Manhattans were getting the job done. LOL!) It was elegant night and the Sinnas looked stunning. For the first time ever, Jeffie looked like a Saint in his priestly-tuxedo. At dinner someone managed to "tip" a glass of wine all over my dress -- but nothing the dry cleaner couldn't handle. LOL! We got a good laugh over that.


I remember that night that Brian kept asking about going to the disco and was looking for some people to join him. Steph wasn't up to it, but said it was fine if Brian wanted to go.... ummm.... he made it as far as his cabin before passing out... I mean going to sleep. :eek:


Yeah, I'm thinking Brian's early night had something to do with the extra Vodka he consumed on the Lido (wonder where he got that?) and the extra Manhattans kept finding their way in front of him. I'll refrain from names to protect the guilty.:cool::p

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Yeah, I'm thinking Brian's early night had something to do with the extra Vodka he consumed on the Lido (wonder where he got that?) and the extra Manhattans kept finding their way in front of him. I'll refrain from names to protect the guilty.:cool::p



Oopsies! I forgot about the vodka. LOL! Guess my memory is fuzzy, too. hehe...

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Oh, and was this the night that the waiters came over to sing Happy Anniversary to Jeffie and Allen. I just remember Allen turning beet red and covering his head with a napkin. Thought he was gonna die. hehe PRICELESS!!


And on the first night, when the photographer came around taking pictures, I was sitting next to Jeffie and just as the picture was taken, he kissed me on the cheek. Vickie bought the picture and gave it to Jeffie, but I'm sure he won't post it. :eek:


And yes, the waiters did bring me a piece of cake with two candles on it and sang Happy Anniversary to us. I'm hoping there were no pictures of that, either. SFS


And at Carlos and Charlies, they took a picture of us in the big Happy Anniversary heart.


By then, I would have started questioning my own sexuality if Rick and Laurie hadn't told me that the expression on my face in the "kiss" picture proved beyond a doubt that I was "straight". Of course, Jeffie had a blissful smile on his face. :rolleyes::eek::rolleyes:

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In Key West' date=' I was honored to head to Irish Kevin's with a group which consisted of Lucy, Ricky, Zone, Maria, Duckie, and I'm pretty sure Jill and Sharon were with us. When we got there, the place was empty, and when we left a couple hours later, it was packed and jammin'. The entertainer was amazing. His name was Jeff Harris (I think..... some of the details have become vague ) and he was fantastic, combining great singing and guitar skills with comedy bits and interacting with the crowd. He sold several "Boobies" t-shirts to women in our crowd.... Duckie may have bought one, too, but it's sort of hazy ... and they were modeled on stage. We ran into a group from the ship who were in Olivia Newton-John type "Let's Get Physical" costumes, and had a lot of fun with them, too.


It was a fantastic time, but unfortunately, the ship was calling so we had to leave. We made it back onto the ship without incident and were off to a very good start for celebrating Halloween. :)[/quote']


What a great time that was!!!! A great group to be there with too! Many group members eventually showed up, including Rick, Laurie, Trevor and Angie... Jeff had fun with Angie and Laurie! LOL! But I'll let them tell that story :)


I bought one of Jeff Harris' CD's... it's wonderful and hilarious all at the same time! He was a riot and I would go see him anytime!!!


We did about 14 shots each before noon... I think Randy, Maria and I were on the higher end of that spectrum. Plus several Smithwicks, and 2 of the Irish Kevin famous drinks... something with 151 in it, that's all I know and that's all she wrote :p Apparently we left Irish Kevin's at some point :p LOL!!!!


There was a party up on deck... Lucy had worn her black and red striped tights, a black skirt, sin shirt and her red devil wig... not for halloween, just for the hell of it. Apparently it all got wet back on the ship... there was more alcohol consumed... spanking? dancing? the cockroach? I don't know... I'd rather stories NOT be told about that day thankyouverymuch :p LOL


I'll be back for the evening...

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atlanta airport= made it!!!

miami airport= made it!!!! picked up Randy and Zone:)

catalina=yep-made it there too and started drinking way too early:rolleyes:

port on Thursday= made it there too and on board finally--Jill and I chose the wrong line- then a few DOD's (very good)

Key West---sightseeing first then meeting up with others at Irish Kevin's and had to make up for lost time:cool: **we accomplished that w/o a problem!

sail away from Key West= **I was a little Key Wasted** but I had fun!!!!

Cozumel= ????????no comment**did enjoy CNC with the guys lined up singing to the girls---classic!!!!!!!!


Sea day= recovery from Cozumel I do remember going to bed that night with my fifth of vodka tucked in with me:eek:

back to Miami port= thankful I don't have to go home yet--my cruise is not over !!!!



I had a blast meeting everyone. The piano bar was fun each night. I only made it one night up on deck for fresh air--lol--after everything closed down--I needed sleep so I could do it again the next day!!!!!


Thanks Duck for letting us use your room for luggage storage--having to change rooms really sucked---won't do that again.


Randy and his halloween costume was the best ever!!!!!! although I thought Zone was a cutie in his Toga! *but that was another night!!


Chris's friend Eric was very nice--glad I got to meet him--tell him the girls from Ga said Hello!!


Jeff and Allen are banned from using my cellphone* I'm in time-out for that one--haha--good one guys!!!!


more later--I need to be working

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Just one thing, though, Allen... I thought Jill and Sharon were with the golf cart brigade, so one of us must have been hitting it too hard too early in the day. Since the dynamic duo of Jill/Sharon are in my pictures, I guess we know whose memory is fuzzier? :p


I'm sure you're right. If they weren't with us physically, they were definitely with us in spirit. :) Maybe they showed up at Irish Kevin's before we headed back to the ship.

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