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Just back from the Marqueses - Tahitian Princess


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Welcome Back packed-n-ready.

Remember when we were supposed to meet at the pool bar on our last day and your first? Well, I never realized that we had not said how to identify each other before we left. I was there, were you? LOL


Hope you had better weather on your sailing then we did, it was pretty rainy and rough for us.


Glad you made it home safely!

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Thanks for posting your return status so quickly. Hopefully your swaying will not last to long. When I took the TP Cook route in 2003, I think I swayed for a week.


I am on the 2/21/05 Marquesas route and would like to find out what you did for excursions in Raiatea, Hiva Oa, and Rangiroa.


If you flew coach AF, your feedback on food, beverage service, and movies would be appreaciated.


Thanks Trina

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Yes, I was at the pool bar. I kept going up to people and asked if they were from cruise critic. Everyone thought I was nuts.


Our trip was better weather wise than yours from what I heard. We had clouds everyday but very little rain. It at least kept it from being totally hot.

We did not get to go into Hiva Oa because of the swells.


We met Christy and Ken and had dinner with them one night, so we heard about the rough seas to Roratonga. Our seas were semi rough, but I was wearing a patch since I get sea sick. I am still rocking back and forth this morning from the movement of the ship and we got off on Wednesday.


I also met up with John, Andy and Lenny who were on our thread. I never did get to meet Robyn. I didn't see Richard and Debbie either from your cruise.


The whole trip was really great. I loved all the islands. Everything is so lush green. The clouds come down on the mountains and change the way it looks.

Everytime you look again it is different and just as beautiful.


We took 600 pictures and 2 tapes of movie pictures. Thank goodness for didgital cameras.


Christy cut her hair off on the last day of the cruise. It is adorable, she cut it in a bob and had it highlighted. We told Ken he had a whole new wife after one week of marraige.


I heard you got scraped on the coral. We did the drift snorkle too, but I decided not to start at the end since I didn't have fins. I was afraid I wouln't be able to get away from the coral. What happened to Debbie, Christy didn't mention that to us.


I'm glad me made it home safely too, I was worried about my son a few times when he didn't e-mail me for several days, but he was fine with the animals.

It is a little scary going so far away if something were to happen at home.

But everything turned out perfect. Now if I could only get this room to stop moving..........:confused:

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Well, wouldn't you know. Here I was walking around the pool bar area looking for some sign of Cruise Critic and couldn't find a one. I had a cruise critic hat that was a gift to me but forgot and packed the darned thing so could not get it back that last day. Sorry we missed you.


OMG Christy cut off her long hair, I would have loved to see it, I bet it was adorable. She was usually in a long braid on excursions, which was very versatile for her in the water.


We watched the web cam and it didn't look like you all had a great deal of sun, we were just hoping for calmer sea for the next trip, but it sounds like you didn't have much calmer then we did. :(


Hope you enjoyed it and glad you made it home safely.

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We flew Air New Zealand which was very nice.


We were unable to tender into Hiva Oa because of the swells. But there is no

excursions to take there. You just take a shuttle to the town and they put on a show and have crafts for sale.


In Rangira we did the snorkle adventure from princess. We snorkled for a long while in an area with a lot of coral and lots of fish. Even got a picture of a shark there. Then they took us out to the waves of the ocean to look for dolphins. We saw some, they like to play with the waves.

Be sure to look over the side of the ship as well when you go through the pass and you will see them playing in the waves also.


In Raiatea we did the drift snorkle with Princess. It took about 35 minutes to get to the coral garden. You walk to the end of the pass and then snorkle with the drift back to the boat. Bring fins as you will need them to manage your way through. The current changes daily and you don't know how strong it will be until you are there. Lots of fish and coral to take pictures of here.


In Nuku Hiva we arranged for an excursion on our own. It was one of our best days. I highly recommend them. We did a 7 hour 4x4 to 4 valleys.

Ask for Taete (Marie). She is 25 years old and speaks English very well.

She showed us the island and every plant and tree and flower and fruit on it.

There were breath taking views and we stopped all the time. Lunch wasn't in the price but we stopped for lunch at Chez Yvonne (her aunts restaurant).

contact Pau Excursions at claudepua@mail.pf Price was $220.00 per car

4 people max.


In Bora Bora we rented jet ski's from Miki Miki Jet ski. It was my favorite day.

We arranged for this on our own also.


In Moorea we did the Motu Picnic. this is similar to Mark's picnic in Huahine that everyone talks about. We had the guys playing the music for us and a very nice lunch and sit in the water with the bat rays and spend time snorkeling there as well.


I hope I stop swaying soon, I have to return back to work tomorrow.

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You memtioned that the captain was leaving after your cruise. Well the captain that replaced him evidentally came from the Regal. He said at least 3 times over the loud speaker to enjoy our day on the Regal. He corrected himself for the first 2 times and said the Tahitian, but the 3rd time he didn't even realize he said Regal. We knew he had just come aboard without anyone saying they had changed captains. We never did go to meet him.


We went to all the art auctions with Tricia. She was so cute and made them fun to come and listen to. We bought a painting (must have been all the free champaign they were giving us). We got a Teri Graber painting. ($1500.)

What was I thinking? It went on to our room bill :D no problem...........

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Sounds like you had a very enjoyable trip. Sorry you had to miss a port, happened so half our ship also as the seas were just too rough.


That is so funny about that captain. We didn't know his name but I know the entire crew was eagerly awaiting the change. The captain we had lunch with was an old stick in the mud, they said he was always like that and all business, not a funny bone in his body. lol


Again, sorry we missed you. I should have stood on a bar stool and yelled CRUISE CRITIC ANYONE HERE? (that is what the DH told me to do but I wouldn't lol)

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Thank you so much for the quick reply. I have a few more questions.


Rangi - we have 3 people diving in AM and I booked the Princess snorkel also in the AM so that leaves us a few hours in the afternoon. What did you do with yourself for the rest of the day in Rangi? Did you hear about anyone snorkeling off by themselves off the shore?


Moorea - who did you book the Motu picnic with? I did Marc's on Huahine and loved having picnic in water.


Raiatea - We also booked the Princess Tahaa drift snorkel. Looking forward to that one.

Nuku Hiva - a fellow passenger has already booked Pau so we are trying to hook up with Jocelyn or someone else.



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In Rangiroa we did the afternoon snorkle, so we had a few hours to kill in the morning.

Right at the dock we took a free shuttle to a Pearl farm. My friend bought a few loose pearls there.

After our dive we walked down the road to the other side where the waves are and picked up coral to bring home.

There is also a nice bar at the dock for Hinano Beer and people selling jewelry at the dock also.


Moorea picnic tour was the Princess Motu Islet Beach and BBQ


Nuku Hiva - Pau Excursions has 6 different guides. Maybe you could still get Marie. She said she was the only one who spoke english.

Jocelyn has a similiar tour for more money.


What ever port you are in on a Sunday, don't expect anything to be open.


We also had a holiday on ours and everything was closed down.


In Nuku Hiva I got several bites on me. Don't forget the deet to spray yourself. Then I got a few bites on some other islands as well. Don't forget the calamine lotion for the itching, they don't sell any on the ship.

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We were at the pool for the meet-up, but couldn't find anyone. We even wore cruise critic lanyards.


John was with us for just about all of our dives. I remember sitting across from him on a dive boat, noticed his camera equipment, so we introduced ourselves as from cruise critic.


For me, the best dive was in Nuku Hiva. Probably because of the uniqueness of the colors of the coral - hot pinks and coppery golden colors. And, this was a day dive! Rangiora was another fabulous dive.






Yes, I was at the pool bar. I kept going up to people and asked if they were from cruise critic. Everyone thought I was nuts.


Our trip was better weather wise than yours from what I heard. We had clouds everyday but very little rain. It at least kept it from being totally hot.

We did not get to go into Hiva Oa because of the swells.


We met Christy and Ken and had dinner with them one night, so we heard about the rough seas to Roratonga. Our seas were semi rough, but I was wearing a patch since I get sea sick. I am still rocking back and forth this morning from the movement of the ship and we got off on Wednesday.


I also met up with John, Andy and Lenny who were on our thread. I never did get to meet Robyn. I didn't see Richard and Debbie either from your cruise.


The whole trip was really great. I loved all the islands. Everything is so lush green. The clouds come down on the mountains and change the way it looks.

Everytime you look again it is different and just as beautiful.


We took 600 pictures and 2 tapes of movie pictures. Thank goodness for didgital cameras.


Christy cut her hair off on the last day of the cruise. It is adorable, she cut it in a bob and had it highlighted. We told Ken he had a whole new wife after one week of marraige.


I heard you got scraped on the coral. We did the drift snorkle too, but I decided not to start at the end since I didn't have fins. I was afraid I wouln't be able to get away from the coral. What happened to Debbie, Christy didn't mention that to us.


I'm glad me made it home safely too, I was worried about my son a few times when he didn't e-mail me for several days, but he was fine with the animals.

It is a little scary going so far away if something were to happen at home.

But everything turned out perfect. Now if I could only get this room to stop moving..........:confused:

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I think we met your son and his girlfriend on a tender boat. My girlfriend said later to me that he mentioned his mom on the cruise. I said to her that he might have been the son of the one I was looking for. I was on the tender boat too but couldn't hear what they were saying. He was cut from doing an introductory dive in Bora Bora. Does he have short curly hair?


My girlfriend also was the one who just happened to start talking to John one morning having coffee and then he mentioned cruise critic and she told him I was the one who had been e-mailing him. She pointed him out to me later and I started talking with him every day.


It's fun to have people you have already been talking to and meet them.


I also asked every young couple that even looked like Christy (Wystiria) and Ken, who they were until I finally got the right couple.

We had dinner with them at Sabatini's one night.

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You memtioned that the captain was leaving after your cruise. Well the captain that replaced him evidentally came from the Regal. He said at least 3 times over the loud speaker to enjoy our day on the Regal. He corrected himself for the first 2 times and said the Tahitian, but the 3rd time he didn't even realize he said Regal. We knew he had just come aboard without anyone saying they had changed captains. We never did go to meet him.



Do you by chance remember the Captain's name that came from the Regal ??

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You probably did meet them - they are a very outgoing couple and managed to talk to almost everyone on the ship! He did do the Boro Boro introductory dive, so he wasn't the one you were thinking of.


If you happened to go to the first dinner "magician" show you would have seen me. The magician picked my husband and myself to take part in the beginning of his show. That's what happens when you sit in the front row!!


Wow, those ten cruise days flew by so quickly. The suitcases are just about unpacked; my doggie is so happy to be home; and its back to the real life again.








I think we met your son and his girlfriend on a tender boat. My girlfriend said later to me that he mentioned his mom on the cruise. I said to her that he might have been the son of the one I was looking for. I was on the tender boat too but couldn't hear what they were saying. He was cut from doing an introductory dive in Bora Bora. Does he have short curly hair?


My girlfriend also was the one who just happened to start talking to John one morning having coffee and then he mentioned cruise critic and she told him I was the one who had been e-mailing him. She pointed him out to me later and I started talking with him every day.


It's fun to have people you have already been talking to and meet them.


I also asked every young couple that even looked like Christy (Wystiria) and Ken, who they were until I finally got the right couple.

We had dinner with them at Sabatini's one night.

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The captain's name was Fabio Amitrano. He talked very very slow over the microphone.

I thought that who it might be.. Fabio is a personal friend. I met him and his wife before he was promoted to Captain..
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How was the new Radisson hotel? Is it worth the extra time to get to the hotel? I currently have reservations for two nights prior to my cruise in Feb. Anything that you could tell me about your overall experience at the Radisson would be appreciated. Since it is brand new, I am sure the rooms were nice and clean. Would you stay at this hotel again? Or if you you spend the extra money and stay at the Beachcomber or even the Sheraton? Did you take a taxi from the airport to the hotel when you arrived? What was the cost of the taxi?


Welcome back.



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hey guys! heh - my hair is a hot topic these days :) but really it was time for it all to go. and it is so nice to have a "style" now!!! hee hee and now I have no more gray!


Raitea: for those of you willing to book your own tours definitely try to book Bruno http://www.tahaa.net he was GREAT. Toto will coborate with me on this one. his tour is all day, although you can customize it if you need too. His drift snorkel is amayzing and you won't need fins, the space between coral heads is to tight they would get in the way. I have his e-mail some where when I find it I will post it!


I am working on my trip review I am doing one monster one as a back to bcak fun fun. I will alert you all when I post it!

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Christy, welcome back. I told Toto you cut your hair and that it was adorable.


I wish you would have done it the day before, I would have for sure gone and done it myself. I almost went yesterday to get it cut off but I don't know where to go. Did you take your hair home for "locks for kids". I may have that wrong but it is where you mail your hair in to be made into wigs for children with cancer. One of the girls at work did that. She had waist length

hair and cut it all off like you did.


We got back to cold weather here and rain today. I had to get out the flannel night gown.

We returned to work today and had to put in 10 hours. We just got home.

Back to reality.:(

I'm working on our next trip to Whistler Canada for sking in January.;)

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for those who have done Cook Islands and this route, can you compare or give your thoughts on which you prefered?



mary beth


Watch for Wystiria's review. She just did both tours on a back to back.


I really enjoyed Nuku Hiva. We couldn't tender into Hiva Oa, but I have heard that it is nice. They put on a show and have their crafts for sale and you can

go to the burial spot of Gaugaun. Rangiroa we did a snorkle and went to a pearl farm. Those are the 3 we did different from the cook. There are only 10 cruises a year that go to this itenerary.

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How was the new Radisson hotel? Is it worth the extra time to get to the hotel? I currently have reservations for two nights prior to my cruise in Feb. Anything that you could tell me about your overall experience at the Radisson would be appreciated. Since it is brand new, I am sure the rooms were nice and clean. Would you stay at this hotel again? Or if you you spend the extra money and stay at the Beachcomber or even the Sheraton? Did you take a taxi from the airport to the hotel when you arrived? What was the cost of the taxi?


Welcome back.



I wanted to stay at the Radisson because it was the newest on the island.

It was further out, but the taxi was still 20.00 plus the bags were $1.00 each.

The rooms were very nice and there is one big pool and an out door restaurant. There is a black sand beach here as well. We only booked this for a day room from 4:00am to 11:00am for $125.00.


We then stayed 2 nights at the IC Beach Comber. Wow, what a beautiful place. I would go back and stay here in a heart beat. The property is much bigger and they have 2 pools (one with a swim up bar) and the other with a lagoon that you can snorkle in. The best way to get a good rate here is to go online and sign up for the Priority Club Rewards. I think I went to Inter Continental Hotels first. The rate is great, but the only draw back is that it

comes out of your credit card immediatly and you can't get a refund if you don't go. Only $47.50 more than I paid for a day room at the other place.

The hotels do add on 11% and maybe some other fee too.


I wouldn't do the Sheraton. People said they stayed there and then went over to check out the ICBC and they said they wished they would have booked there instead.


Hope this helps.

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Don't try to get Wadewood to take my guide from me. We are on their cruise and Marie is ours for the day. :D I am glad to hear that she did a good job on the Nuka Hiva tour. We are really looking forward to visiting the island. We also are anxious to visit Hiva Oa. I would be really disappointed if we missed it; but when in paradise, we will go with the flow.

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