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Disrespectful Guests.........


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The disrespectful behaviour extends to fellow passengers and manifiests itself in hogging deck chairs each morning at 7AM or trying to reserve entire rows in the showroom for friends who are 'on their way' (we regularly ignore these people and sit in those seats if we so wish), or pawing through food in the buffet area. As for age groups...we notice the rude behaviour, saving seats in the showroom, and pawing food in the buffet happens more with older guests and in particular older female guests but this could well be a misperception on our part.

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As for age groups...we notice the rude behaviour, saving seats in the showroom, and pawing food in the buffet happens more with older guests and in particular older female guests but this could well be a misperception on our part.


I'm so glad you said this and not me....although I completely agree with you.



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LOL ... yeah, but you gotta remember ... a lot of those passengers could be on their first cruise ... they may not know what the various stripe combinations are.


As for rudely interrupting the Hotel Manager ... what can I say, we live in an "entitled" generation these days. Simple courtesies have gone by the wayside when it comes to getting our money's worth. They feel they spent their money, and if they are dissatisfied they want someone to know about it ... common courtesies be "dammed."


Not saying it's right, just that it is the way it is.


Blue skies ...





Rita....... They well may not know his position but it is impossible they didn't know he worked on the ship.


Did they not notice all the other people dressed in the white uniforms with gold buttons and shoulder boards of varying stripes?

No one is that oblivious and if they are.......whoa. Of course they knew he 'worked there'. They were being insulting and rude.

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Originally Posted by iancal

As for age groups...we notice the rude behaviour, saving seats in the showroom, and pawing food in the buffet happens more with older guests and in particular older female guests but this could well be a misperception on our part.



I'm so glad you said this and not me....although I completely agree with you.





Whew........ seeing as we never go to the shows I know you can't be talking about us!! :D

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I would hope that people aren't being judged too harshly. We've spent almost 8 months on the "Amsterdam" on 3 cruises - and have gotten to know the Captain & his wife fairly well and like them SO much. Going thru a reception line, I exclaimed "Ok- Where's the BOSS?" and Edward said with a huge grin "She's coming later" I wasn't intending to be rude in ANY way; this was SHARED humor! When you see SOME things, it possibly could be a simple thing. Demanding people are seldom just simple things.


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Great pics Copper :)


Seing all those stripes reminds me of Robin Williams in "Good Morning Vietnam"


He walks up to a Master Sergeant and calls him Mac or Buddy or something.


Of course the Sgt becomes very indignant and asks him what he thinks three up and three down means.



Willams says "End of an inning?"


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I have tried to instill in my children that there is nothing more attractive than a young man (woman) with good manners. On the flip side, there is nothing less attractive than a young man with poor manners. Excellent manners are learned behavior. Whenever I see a young man rush to open the door for me, wait to enter/leave an elevator before a woman, pull out a chair, open a car door, etc....I think to myself, now that young man had a good mama. A severely good looking, handsome man can be terribly ugly displaying poor manners. A homely man can be made appealingly attractive displaying excellent manners. Those boars treating the staff, brass or not, less than respectfully are just disrespecting their mamas.


No need to pick on the boys alone... there are plenty of young ladies out there that could learn a trick or two about respect. Now that we mention it, more often than not, the young boys are nowhere near as rude and pushy as the older ladies that so often push past to get what they need at the buffet line. Fortunately a smile and a good morning/afternoon often remind them where they are. Brazenly, blushing rarely occurs...



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No need to pick on the boys alone... there are plenty of young ladies out there that could learn a trick or two about respect. Now that we mention it, more often than not, the young boys are nowhere near as rude and pushy as the older ladies that so often push past to get what they need at the buffet line. Fortunately a smile and a good morning/afternoon often remind them where they are. Brazenly, blushing rarely occurs...







being the father of teens (1 girl and 2 boys) i always have a houseful of both. I have seen the girls make the guys blush.

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No need to pick on the boys alone... there are plenty of young ladies out there that could learn a trick or two about respect. Now that we mention it, more often than not, the young boys are nowhere near as rude and pushy as the older ladies that so often push past to get what they need at the buffet line. Fortunately a smile and a good morning/afternoon often remind them where they are. Brazenly, blushing rarely occurs...

I think part of the reason you see that "pushing ahead" is because HAL's buffet lines can be confusing. Does one have to stand in line through the whole buffet if they only want stuff at one station? I am under the impression that you do not. If you want just breakfast meats, you can pick up your tray and walk up to that section of the line to get your meats. You don't have to wait behind everyone getting eggs, sausage, bacon, etc. But when I do that, I get dirty looks as I walk past people. I've been told on a couple of occasions that "the line starts way back there." Nooooooo, not if I don't want all that other stuff.


So perhaps HAL needs some signage at the buffet line letting people know exactly what the rules are. If it is required to start from the very back of the line, where the trays are handed out, and then proceed in an orderly fashion through all the stations, perhaps HAL needs to tell people that. But it's my assumption that isn't the case, and I was told that on a couple of occasions. So, maybe HAL is actually the ones creating the problem by not being clear about the "rules."


Blue skies ...



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So perhaps HAL needs some signage at the buffet line letting people know exactly what the rules are.
Could be. I always proceed directly to the area that has what I want. Now, if there are other people in that area, I get behind them. But I don't get a tray and stand in line there, waiting. I'd be there all day!
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I've debated whether to post this but, being the blunt one around here, I figure why not.


Can someone please tell me when guests became so disrespectful of senior officers on cruise ships?


I don't know about anyone else but when I see a Captain or a Hotel Manager, a Chief Officer, a Chief Engineer or Executive Chef etc, I respect them immediately for their position. Until I have a chance to know them personally, just their position warrants my respect and courtesy IMO


A Captain has a huge responsibility and it is inconceivable anyone sailing a ship does not recognize the thousands of lives and the immensely costly ship for which he is the ultimate responsible person. He didn't get that position without many years of long training, education, experience and ability. Only a special personality, aptitude and talent makes a handful among us capable of this position but yet, I personally heard idiots approach our Captain and ask:


"Do you work here?" What? Do they think he's wearing a halloween costume with four stripes on his shoulders? Jerks!


Without a thought to the fact they are interrupting him, they will approach the Hotel Manager and blast him because they only got two bath towels in their cabin and they want three.


I have seen this disrespect build through the last few years but our most recent cruises last summer and now it seems to have built to a new level that is beyond belief IMO


Sure, there are always a handful of idiots but this is more than a handful. How did we become such a rude, disrespectful bunch and what can/should we be doing about it?


I've seen none of that behavior. However, except for one cruise when the electrical engineer was assigned to our table, I don't socialize with the ship's officers.


Some years ago a Seattle rep told me that there are four million Mariners. Odds are, there's a few jerks among them :p

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Kyros and jhannah,


I agree with you completely! I was wondering if this was what folks were really getting at when they spoke about people cutting in line.


Now some folks are downright rude, but I always thought it was OK to go to the part of the line where your desired food is. In fact, on numerous occasions I have seen the guys cooking suggesting people to do so. Of course consideration is appropriate as to where and how you "cut" in line.


Frequently I only want a toasted English Muffin and a poached egg. I have seen no need to wait for folks who like to carefully pick-over the fruits to get the best looking pieces (their right) and/or meats and/or sliced cheeses. Nor do I wait behind those wanting pancakes, Eggs Benedict, etc if everything I want is after them in line.


So, maybe I am one of the "rude" folks who cut in line, but I personally think those who would expect me to wait behind them in line while they pick over their choices when there is empty line space beyond them are the inconsiderate ones. NOT because they are picking or waiting, but that they expect me to wait for them as well when there is empty space beyond them and crew just waiting to serve others.

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As someone who can suffer intense, unanticipated digestive issues, I have, on occasion, inerrupted a conversation (prefacing my question with "excuse me") to ask for a restroom location. Sorry.


As someone who was afflicted with ulcerative colitis for roughly 15 years, I can relate. And I, too, was wondering what was so hysterically funny about someone asking a ship's officer for the location of the nearest restroom.

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It is indeed unfortunate to see anyone disrespected. There are many people who appear to have been raised by wolves! They are the "entitled," as Ken noted in his post. How sad!


Plse do not compare people to wolves.. Humans do not even come close to the dignity and class of the wolves or even dogs for that matter! Besides, if those folks had been raised by wolves they wld be a LOT more respectful..


First of all - only the best of a wolf pack have offspring - 'alpha' male & female - the rest aren't considered good enough..! Now theres something we shld think about, hmmm?


Wolves raise their young very respectfully as do their cousins the dogs - all pups know the rules and their place and those who refuse to follow them get punished..

I mean - gosh - they might even inflict 'pain'...

Never has a good slap on ther rear hurt anyone but today all I hear is 'cxxx' about not spanking our children - yah right - see what its getting us.

Take a cruise during a 'holiday' time frame and u yourself can 'enjoy' some of the out-of-control kids with permissive parents!!

I am NOT talking 'beating' here, that is a human trait not an animals - most creatures do not maul their females or young - might eat them - say - thats not a bad idea at times :)


Perhaps we need 'obedience' (behaviour) classes for people - seems their parents & society as a whole aren't teaching them much if anything and its getting worse!!


In the meantime I am going cruising - when its not holiday time!


PS to pipedreams62 - I agree 'u can't fix stupid' but perhaps we cld, with careful planning, eliminate it from our 'gene' pool! :)


Wishing u smooth sailin' & the best of the New Year to all! :)

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HAL crew uniforms 101:


Deck/Navigation Department in Summer (white) and working (khaki) uniform. From left to right: Captain (four and half gold bars with Nelson loop), Third Officer (one gold bar with Nelson loop), First Officer (three gold bars with Nelson loop), Second Officer (two gold bars with Nelson loop), Fourth Officer (one point five gold bar with Nelson loop), Chief Officer ((three and a half gold bars with Nelson loop), Cadet (one half gold bar with Nelson loop), Second Officer (two gold bars with Nelson loop), Fourth Officer (one and a half gold bar with Nelson loop) and Third Officer (one gold bar with Nelson loop)


Copper 10-8,


Thanks for the photos, however I think you may have got a confused with a couple? Maybe too many stripes in the picture!


The Captain has 5 stripes but the bottom 2 are together

The Chief Officer has 4 stripes.

First Officer has 3 stripes

Second Officer has 2 stripes

Third Officer has 1 stripe

Fourth Officer has 1/2 stripe

Cadets have a 1/4 stripe (also known as the spaghetti stripe)


Will you have to go on a cruise just to update the photos when HAL officers uniforms (but not the stripes) are changed early in 2009? Sorry to go off topic.

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As someone who was afflicted with ulcerative colitis for roughly 15 years, I can relate. And I, too, was wondering what was so hysterically funny about someone asking a ship's officer for the location of the nearest restroom.

I was also wondering about that. Are they above answering questions like that:confused:.

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About two years ago a male guest ( I use that guest term with reservations) was so concerned with getting a front seat on a tour bus that he broke into line and pushed a lady in a walker over and she fell. A HAL representative helped her up and was so angry with the guy that he was going to recommend the guy be put off the ship but the lady inter seeded for him.

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Copper 10-8,


Thanks for the photos, however I think you may have got a confused with a couple? Maybe too many stripes in the picture!


The Captain has 5 stripes but the bottom 2 are together

The Chief Officer has 4 stripes.

First Officer has 3 stripes

Second Officer has 2 stripes

Third Officer has 1 stripe

Fourth Officer has 1/2 stripe

Cadets have a 1/4 stripe (also known as the spaghetti stripe)


Will you have to go on a cruise just to update the photos when HAL officers uniforms (but not the stripes) are changed early in 2009? Sorry to go off topic.


Hi Bishop; where's ManBehindtheCurtain when you need him?;)

I wasn't aware HAL officer uniforms were changing in early 2009

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I think we will always have some rude folks to deal with! Sometimes people appear rude when they don't mean to; other times you never know. Some years ago during my Navy career I was in an airport in Washington, DC, in my blue uniform when a lady asked me a question about her flight. I took her to one of those bulletin boards and when that didn't answer her question I escorted her to some type of information booth. The entire episode lasted several minutes during which she continually gave me (quite loudly) her negative opinion about my lack of knowledge and airline people in general. I knew she did not recognize the difference between my uniform and an airline pilot's so I felt general courtesy was appropriate. I think Rev Neal would have been proud of me.


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On our cruise to Hawaii last March,there was a very angry man in the Lido,he was so rude,chewed one of the chefs out,I told the passenger to calm down and he got upset with me.Told me to shut up. I went to the Hotel manager and reported what I had witnessed,the hotel manager thanked me for telling him. he was happy to hear the "other side". The chef did not know how to thank me.

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