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We Cruisers Need to be Realists........


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Maybe because we are Canadians we "get" to pay more. I've been cruising off and on since 1984. The price I pay now is the same I paid back then. Of course once you adjust that for the time value of money the cruise would be cheaper today. I paid $5900 for my last cruise of 26 days and $2700 for the one in March...not exactly a deal for either one of them. This is for the cheapest inside on the ship. If HAL or Princess can't make money off that then they should not be in business IMO.


I don't know if being Canadian has as much to do with it as the single suppliment. Cruise lines probably look at solo cabins as a lost opportunity cost, expecially when a cruise sells out.


Crystal probably has some of the lowest single suppliments out there, starting at about 20% for an outside cabin. On some of the longer and more exitic cruises, such as the ones you do, it might be worthwhile to take a look at them.

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They pay their international crew in $US. With the decline in the value of the $US on international markets the crews have really taken a pay cut over the past year. In addition experienced crew in Indonesia and the Philipines are less prepared to leave family and home for six months at a time for $US. The point I am trying to make here is that a reduction in service may be as much to do with not being able to hire and maintain enough crew on the ships as it HAL deciding to reduce crews and service to save costs.

Six months? Try one year for most of the lower end employees ... such as cabin stewards and bar/wait staff. And, yes, you might have a point here. Is the deal really worth it for many of them any longer? It could very well be that many of the service cuts are not by choice on HAL's part, but rather as a result of their not being able to retain enough staff any longer. Maybe that's the exact reason for HAL increasing the auto-tip by another buck ... to put a few more dollars per passenger in those people's pockets.


Blue skies ...



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Not all of the service news is bad in a bad economic environment. I've noticed that in some cases service has improved. Some of our stores and restaurants in town are going a bit further in trying to keep our business, and it doesn't necessarily cost them any more. A smile from a waiter or a salesperson asking if I want help goes a long way to making me happy, and can improve the bottom line. The HAL staff has always been good about giving me the smile and the service, so an entree or two less won't stop me from appreciating my cruise.



I recently read in the Wall Street Journal that some airlines are starting to serve hot food again. I sure do not want to see cruise lines in a race to the bottom in service.

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I agree. If the Cruise Lines cut back too much I won't complain, I'll just spend my hard earned $ somewhere else. JMO
Where you'll probably find pretty much the same cutbacks as on the cruise lines.


I think eventually the only way you'll be able to keep up the standards that you may be used to is to make the step up to luxury travel ... whether that be in terms of cruising or a land vacation.


Blue skies ...



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Crystal probably has some of the lowest single suppliments out there, starting at about 20% for an outside cabin. On some of the longer and more exitic cruises, such as the ones you do, it might be worthwhile to take a look at them.

It wouldn't hurt to look but I'm willing to bet the sticker price will be a bit of a shock. Wouldn't hurt to look. Thanks for the info.

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I am curious about the many statements I have read on this forum about cruises being cheaper than they were 10 years ago.


In 1999 I treated a friend to a trip to Alaska in peak season. I paid $3600 for the 2 of us for the cheapest guarantee on the ship, a ship that was about to be drydocked, and was WAY overdue for its drydock. Our cabin furniture included an old office waiting room chair in electric blue, that looked as though 100 generations of puppies had used it to teethe.


DH & I went last year, off-peak, for less than half of what it cost in 1999. Andn our ship was not ready or overdue for drydock, it was lovely, MUCH nicer than the one I'd sailed on in 1999.


price isn't always the final deciding factor for me


Also not for us, but for many it is. For people who have never cruised, it can be a HUGE component of the decision-making process. And for people who have very strict budgets, a $100/person can be the deciding factor.

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We do not use the pool area, have never been to or participated in onboard games, and our adult offspring have not needed a children's program for far longer than I care to admit. :rolleyes:


We enjoy relaxing with each other, exploring new ports and destinations, meeting new companions and learning about their experiences (especially the 'very' senior passengers, as they always have wonderful stories to share if encouraged to do so), cocktail hour before a traditional (!) dinner seating... and clean towels every day.


We're all different in our needs and expectations. The lessening of activities may be a deal breaker for some. The lack of clean towels is my breaking point. :o


To date, HAL is best able to accomodate our needs.

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Didn't I read somewhere that you were starting a new job? If that has changed, I am so sorry.


Blue skies ...



Rita, Let's put it this way I thought I had the job, they called me several time while I was on the Eurodam and called me as soon as I returned to come back in on January 6th whihc I did. Then they went as far to tell me when training would start but they would call me back. I never heard a word, I called them several more times and was told they were over whelmed with the new branches opening and they would call me. Unfortunately I never heard back :( So I have moved on and continue to keep applying.

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I only have one thought or maybe its a question..... If and when the economy comes back and starts a nice upturn, will the cutbacks we see now in alot of areas besides the cruise industry ever go back to where they were before ? Will prices eventually go up because there is more money to spend/be made, and the recession era cutbacks remain?

While we all seem to agree on the need to tighten our belts and accept the fact that companies are struggling and we will deal with a little less in our expectations,what happens if we hit a boom a few years down the road? Do we heighten our expectations again? Its going to be a very interesting few years coming up.

I never could really understand my Moms depression era mentality. She never forgets it after all these years. I wonder if we will be the same????

I still enjoy cruising and it hasn't gotten close to the point where I would say I would quit. Yes, there are changes but they haven't soured me yet.

So what does anyone think? What will change when we get the economy rolling again? Stay the same as now or maybe less, or reintroduce some things that were deep sixed?

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[quote=Krazy Kruizers;17863338


If I remember correctly -- there is a cruise line that does charge for room service -- someone help me out here -- which line is it?? If people had to pay for this service -- bet they wouldn't do it every day and at all hours of the day.


The cruise line is RCCL and they are charging $3.95 including tip for room service ordered between Midnight and 5AM on all ships.

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We do not use the pool area, have never been to or participated in onboard games, and our adult offspring have not needed a children's program for far longer than I care to admit. :rolleyes:

Exactly why my suggestion would be ... rather than cut overall service and quality, add charges for discretionary items that people can choose to do without if they want. Not everyone has kids, so charge a nominal fee for the children's program, but beef it up so that the parents feel they are getting something worthwhile for the new charge. Charge for room service. You can always opt to go get your own grub up in the Lido if you don't want to pay it. Charge for food at private parties ... because those charges can also be avoided by simply not opting for refreshments or sending a contingent up to the Lido to fetch them.


I'd rather see the food quality and service standards remain what they have always been on HAL, and have the cost cuts made by instituting added charges for these discretionary items. After all, I think pretty much all of us are affected when food quality goes down, and we are all affected when service is not what it used to be. But there are only some people affected by these various added charges ... so for those of us who find some of these items absolutely necessary to a wonderful cruise experience, then we can pay and continue to get them. For those for whom these items really don't matter, well ... the added charges won't affect us because we won't avail ourselves of these things.


Blue skies ...



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Rita, Let's put it this way I thought I had the job, they called me several time while I was on the Eurodam and called me as soon as I returned to come back in on January 6th whihc I did. Then they went as far to tell me when training would start but they would call me back. I never heard a word, I called them several more times and was told they were over whelmed with the new branches opening and they would call me. Unfortunately I never heard back :( So I have moved on and continue to keep applying.
Jeez, I'm sorry, Lisa. But hopefully they will call you back eventually. Sounds to me like a temporary hiring freeze. But if they're opening a lot of new branches, it will have to be lifted soon. I'll keep you in my prayers. You know what they say -- for every door that closes, a much better one is sure to open!


Blue skies ...



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I agree with all that Sail said in her first post. I also think that when things are perhaps not quite as good, eg if our cabin does not get done as early, those of us still able to cruise should give a thought to those who would give anything to have any holiday at all. We all hope things will not deteriorate too much, but if the only way cruiselines can fill cabins is discounting something has to give somewhere.

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Yes to all this BUT........



To Anyone at HAL who might be reading this, :)


we are NOT giving a Blank Check to let things slide to a level which makes it unappealing for us to even want to continue cruising.......


But, we KNOW you'd never to that. :) :thumbsup:


Fair winds .......

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I agree with all that Sail said in her first post. I also think that when things are perhaps not quite as good, eg if our cabin does not get done as early, those of us still able to cruise should give a thought to those who would give anything to have any holiday at all. We all hope things will not deteriorate too much, but if the only way cruiselines can fill cabins is discounting something has to give somewhere.


This has been an interesting thread and I think the cabins being made up in a timely manner is a good point of discussion.


On our recent Eurodam cruise we were in an aft deluxe verandah suite. I think we were the "last" on our team's line, as the people next door to us and all down that hallway (across the stern) had a different cabin steward. On the two sea days we had quite a bit of difficulty getting our cabin cleaned- now, we did go in and out a few times but I would usually say something to the effect of "we are going to breakfast now and then to basketball- we'll see you in an hour and a half or so!" because I thought that might be helpful. Finally on the first sea day we returned from having been gone a couple hours (it was now 1pm) and our cabin still was not made up. Our steward apologized and asked for 15 minutes, we said sure no problem and came back in 40--- it still wasn't done but they were in it. It was finished when we returned in another 20 minutes.


I think 2pm is awfully late to be cleaning cabins.

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Yes I think 2 pm is very late to be cleaning cabins - but from the cabin steward's point of view because it is eating into their free time and they work so hard. From a passenger's point of view I would rather that than have the quality of food reduced.

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When we meet and Greet on the ship there could be a coupon for each in our group for a $ credit for our next cruise with a time limit. They could offer the Concierge level cabin service like X with upgrades, canapes, flowers, etc for an additional cost in every cabin level below the suites. I think additional surcharge restaurants would also draw more passengers to them with different food themes. I don't mind the surcharge if I can get something special and not be crowded or rushed. I particularly like the idea of adding a Tamarind Grill to the other ships. I also was quite impressed with the supper clubs on Carnival. (the only thing we liked about them). Also put brochures for flower arrangements and room service canapes in the cabins so passengers could order these. I also think allowing liquor in the cabins would actually increase bar purchaes on board. We really like the cabin and dining stewards and always give them additional tips. We are putting off long foreign cruises like Asia and the Med as the air cost and day trips can really add up. I'm not willing to pay $1000 a day (for 2) on a vacation.

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Yes to all this BUT........



To Anyone at HAL who might be reading this, :)


we are NOT giving a Blank Check to let things slide to a level which makes it unappealing for us to even want to continue cruising.......


But, we KNOW you'd never to that. :) :thumbsup:


Fair winds .......


I wholeheartedly agree! Although we do not take advantage of many of the activities, we are NOT willing to accept a decline in the service HAL is know and respected for, cleanliness, ambiance, or dining experience.


As I mentioned previously, we all have our line... and trust HAL will not cross it.

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Yes I think 2 pm is very late to be cleaning cabins - but from the cabin steward's point of view because it is eating into their free time and they work so hard. From a passenger's point of view I would rather that than have the quality of food reduced.


I agree with this point as well- I think we all concur that ship's crew (on any line) are very hard-working folks with little free time and many responsibilities.


If it is coming to the point that passenger cabins can't be cleaned until 2pm perhaps a second look at the "buddy system" is in order? On my five previous cruises I cannot recall ever having a cabin not cleaned until afternoon and I believe they were usually done by 10am or so.

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I think there are a couple of things that the cruise lines cannot compromise on without running the risk of getting passengers to return.



Food Quality

Cheerful staff


Please note I said quality, not quantity.:D


Those are the top two that come to mind. Room service should not take an hour to deliver and cabins should be cleaned before 2 p.m.


Food in the dining room needs to be of good quality and served at the correct temperature on a timely basis.


If the first two cannot be done, they are squeezing their staff too tight, and it stands to reason that the third will slide as a result.


Anything else is extra, but those lapses in those three things will drive customers away faster than the plague.


We rarely get a "deal" on our cabins, because we are picky about the cabins we book and in order to get them, we book well in advance, plus we are Canadian so we get to pay the difference in exchange rate. So if I'm paying top dollar, I expect to have all three of those. If I don't get it, then I will certainly take my business elsewhere.


And while many think it's a privilege to cruise, it's a privilege we're paying for, and as has been said before, there are lines beyond which I'm not willing to let a cruise line slide past.


I also have no problem with a small service charge for delivery of room service as long as it is prompt and correct.


The cruise lines are advertising wonderful deals at the same time they are touting their service committments, and all the wonderful things that they have on board. If they are going to advertise that they have White Star service, Royal Service, Excellence Service, whatever the slogan is, it doesn't matter how much or how little you pay for your cabin, you are being told to expect a certain standard and the cruise lines will need to maintain what they advertise.

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When we meet and Greet on the ship there could be a coupon for each in our group for a $ credit for our next cruise with a time limit. They could offer the Concierge level cabin service like X with upgrades, canapes, flowers, etc for an additional cost in every cabin level below the suites.really add up.




:confused: I want to be sure I understand you.


You think they should give us something because we post on CC? Why should HAL give coupons or credits or anything because we post on an internet BB?


And definitely why should people get Concierge service if they have are not in a Suite? Those of us who pay for suites have paid for that service? So.......if we paid for the service in the fare we pay for our Suite and we happen to be CC'ers, then what? We should get money back?


I don't think so.



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If it is coming to the point that passenger cabins can't be cleaned until 2pm perhaps a second look at the "buddy system" is in order? On my five previous cruises I cannot recall ever having a cabin not cleaned until afternoon and I believe they were usually done by 10am or so.

I agree.....the service has suffered IMO since the buddy system came into play. I've always had pretty quick cleaning of my cabin. That was not the case on my Nov.08 Statendam cruise. I heard a lot of other people grumbling about it too.

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Sail, I didn't quite understand the 'coupon concept' either... but I thought it was just me. Thanks for making me feel better.


We are booked in a deluxe suite for the first time on a cruise later this year because we are celebrating two significant birthdays and a special anniversary. Knowing that we are making a stretch to do this, and having booked over a year in advance in order to obtain the cabin we wanted, it would be a slap to think others could 'coupon' their way to something we have so dearly looked forward to, and for so very long!

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