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Got blasted on the X board...should've known better


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I was debating to post here or on the X board, and I can see I made the wrong decision given someone who posted asking if cruising with an 11 month old was old enough to get on RCCL and ended the post with "I didn't post on the RCCL board because of the rude comments" or something to that effect. Was I supposed to know? Someone should warn all the newbies, not to mention kids or babies on any other board other than the family cruise board :)


Anyway, there were some very unsavory comments because someone had posted a summit review commenting that someone brought an infant to the MDR and I was offended by that. We are taking our infant at the end of the month and I felt that comment was inappropriate, especially when some adults have behaved worse than some kids I've seen, what about them? Anyway, I got some really insensitive comments which I took the bait and also retaliated in a less than classy way. I'm sorry but there are some who I've noticed on some of the boards who only get on to post negative and/or unhelpful comments. Gee, I didn't know children bothered so many people,. Needless to say, from what I can tell obviously they didn't have any kids to speak of. And they all assumed my child would or could be a terror just like some they had witnessed. All of a sudden I feel like I have to defend my parenting skills and child and thats not fair.


Anyway, this forum has always been great and I've learned lots of tips from all of you. Wish I had known not to post in the cruise line forum itself like the other smarter poster LOL :)

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I saw that post, and didn't understand it, myself! About 70% (I'm guessing!!) sail with children! They don't bother anyone! Especially on RCI!!! They do a fabulous job of keeping the kids busy and active and away from the "adult frequented" areas.


Most of us have kids---(ours are grown and gone!!!) and we have nothing against children. Don't let one post on these boards deter you from asking/commenting on anything!

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Welcome to the internet! Even back in the days of BBS's there were folks who just roamed board to board to post the most provocative, irritating, outrageous stuff they could in order to prompt a flame war. As the web has grown those folks, and their successors, are still around.


One can find amazingly helpful information on the web, but a certain amount of "thick skin" is necessary. I went to see the thread I THOUGHT was the one you were talking about here, and I thought you received LOTS of supportive input, as well as a few less supportive comments.


That said, and on the other hand (since you came here to post and call attention to that thread) -- I'll stick my size ten foot in it and say that I truly do think your original post was one designed to elicit strong responses.


Your original post on that thread included this:


Hello everyone



I'm rather miffed at this comment. As if responsible parents would not remove a crying infant from the dining room should they become disruptive, as if its such to the poster's amazement the nerve of some parents to bring their infant to the dining room.


We paid a full 3rd guest fee for our infant to attend this vacation which means sir that they are just as entitled to be in the main dining room as any other person there. If that is not to a passenger's liking I heard there are plenty of vacations that can be kid free out there, but I've not seen or heard of it on cruises. So no matter which cruise line, there might <gasp!> be infants or babies in the dining room.


Point one (and I doubt any of the regulars here would disagree with this) -- no responsible parent would fail to remove their disruptive child from the dining room -- but many parents are NOT "responsible" and the tales are legion of children screaming unabated for long periods while the parents ignored them, or (older kids) running wild, tripping waiters, sticking their fingers in other diners' food, and so on. It's not like someone has just "invented" the potential problems with little ones whose parents are NOT "responsible."


Point two is that your posts in the thread you began (I didn't go find the original one) were sort of... provocative. It seemed as if (from your reference in the first post on the thread to "sir") that you were continuing a discussion from another thread? When you stated your intention to take your infant to Normandie, a teacher pointed out that the specialty dining facility has a 12 year old minimum age, and you suggested that she change her career!


You tried to edit that post, but another poster had quoted it first and I was a little "miffed" at YOUR attacking post. I'm also a teacher, a loving aunt to five, a mother of none because God didn't have that plan for me, and my sincere opinion is that by starting that thread and what you posted on it it seems as if maybe you were spoiling for a fight, and finding offense where I think none was intended.


On the web, other folks may never have seen the original review/post which so incensed you -- they may well have just seen YOUR post and the replies you made on YOUR thread. That's why in general it's better to put replies to particular posts in the same thread, and not begin a new one.


Last -- I read every single post on the thread you began, and except for the one responding to your post directed at the teacher who posted the specialty dining room age limits, there wasn't a single "nasty" post about you or your infant. That's probably the tamest "child hater" post I've ever been referred to here at CC.


I hope you have a great cruise and find good info here -- but there are plenty of folks who post here on this board with whom you might also become "miffed." Lots of those here understand that not all parents act responsibly, that not all kids are angels, and so on.

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Prologue added later -- prior to agreeing with this poster that this is another child-hater situation, one might want to read the thread to which she is referring. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=921884&highlight=


Welcome to the internet! Even back in the days of BBS's there were folks who just roamed board to board to post the most provocative, irritating, outrageous stuff they could in order to prompt a flame war. As the web has grown those folks, and their successors, are still around.


One can find amazingly helpful information on the web, but a certain amount of "thick skin" is necessary. I went to see the thread you mentioned, and I thought you received LOTS of supportive input, as well as a few less supportive comments.


That said, and on the other hand (since you came here to post and call attention to that thread) -- I'll stick my size ten foot in it and say that I truly do think your original post was one designed to elicit strong responses.


Your original post on that thread included this:


Hello everyone



I'm rather miffed at this comment. As if responsible parents would not remove a crying infant from the dining room should they become disruptive, as if its such to the poster's amazement the nerve of some parents to bring their infant to the dining room.


We paid a full 3rd guest fee for our infant to attend this vacation which means sir that they are just as entitled to be in the main dining room as any other person there. If that is not to a passenger's liking I heard there are plenty of vacations that can be kid free out there, but I've not seen or heard of it on cruises. So no matter which cruise line, there might <gasp!> be infants or babies in the dining room.


Point one (and I doubt any of the regulars here would disagree with this) -- no responsible parent would fail to remove their disruptive child from the dining room -- but many parents are NOT "responsible" and the tales are legion of children screaming unabated for long periods while the parents ignored them, or (older kids) running wild, tripping waiters, sticking their fingers in other diners' food, and so on. It's not like someone has just "invented" the potential problems with little ones who don't have responsible parents.


Point two is that your posts were pretty over the top in that thread. A teacher pointed out that the specialty dining facility has a 12 year old minimum age, in response to your statement of intent to take your baby to Normandie, and that not all parents DO remove screaming infants, and you suggested that she change her career? You tried to edit that post, but another poster had quoted it first and I was really "miffed" at YOUR attacking post. I'm also a teacher, a loving aunt to five, a mother of none because God didn't have that plan for me, and my sincere opinion is that by starting that thread and what you posted on it you seemed to be spoiling for a fight, and finding offense where I think none was intended.


Last -- I read every single post on that thread, and except for the one responding to your post directed at the teacher who posted the specialty dining room age limits, there wasn't a single "nasty" post about you or your infant. That's probably the tamest "child hater" post I've ever been referred to here at CC.


I hope you have a great cruise and find good info here -- but there are plenty of folks who post here on this board with whom you might also become "miffed." Lots of those here understand that not all parents act responsibly, that not all kids are angels, and so on.


PS I did go back and look, and was unsuccessful in finding whatever the original post was which prompted you to start your thread. It doesn't seem as if you posted to that one, though, but began a new one instead? That might account for why your posts seemed so strident -- they weren't in the context of whatever posts you read which prompted them.

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I was debating to post here or on the X board, and I can see I made the wrong decision given someone who posted asking if cruising with an 11 month old was old enough to get on RCCL and ended the post with "I didn't post on the RCCL board because of the rude comments" or something to that effect. Was I supposed to know? Someone should warn all the newbies, not to mention kids or babies on any other board other than the family cruise board :)


Anyway, there were some very unsavory comments because someone had posted a summit review commenting that someone brought an infant to the MDR and I was offended by that. We are taking our infant at the end of the month and I felt that comment was inappropriate, especially when some adults have behaved worse than some kids I've seen, what about them? Anyway, I got some really insensitive comments which I took the bait and also retaliated in a less than classy way. I'm sorry but there are some who I've noticed on some of the boards who only get on to post negative and/or unhelpful comments. Gee, I didn't know children bothered so many people,. Needless to say, from what I can tell obviously they didn't have any kids to speak of. And they all assumed my child would or could be a terror just like some they had witnessed. All of a sudden I feel like I have to defend my parenting skills and child and thats not fair.


Anyway, this forum has always been great and I've learned lots of tips from all of you. Wish I had known not to post in the cruise line forum itself like the other smarter poster LOL :)


People on Carnival, Disney, NCL and Royal Caribbean are to a large extent very tolerant of babies and children. People on Princess a little less so. People on HAL and Celebrity are not tolerant of children and people on the luxury lines are intolerant of babies and children.


I have seen comments regarding children that left me wondering if the poster realized that children are people too.

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As you have probably figured out, i am right there with you.. I refuse to avoid the X boards simply becuase I have kids. I love X AND I cruise with my kids.


I have learned to keep my sense of humor though.. you have to, otherwise you may have a stroke from the sheer discrimination you will see on the X board.


The best revenge is proving those folks wrong. (While enjoying a FABULOUS cruise with your family!)

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I'm not sure I would say that people on Celebrity are not tolerant of children - though it may sometimes seem that way reading the boards.


We were on Celebrity in Alaska with our 6 year old. There were lots of other kids. The kids program was wonderful, the kids had a great time. We had a great time. We were also on RCCL with our kids (a couple of years later) and I didn't notice it to be more kid-friendly - though there were more kids because it was a school vacation week. Even traveling with our kids, I liked the atmosphere on Celebrity a bit better.


Don't be afraid to take your kids on Celebrity because of what some posters will say. Like any public place, you get all kinds.

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Thanks for your insight. I used the term sir to direct it at the person who posted the review. I didn't understand why anyone would comment that someone brought an infant to the MDR. This person also did not mention the child was rowdy or disruptive, it was just a statement that someone had brought a baby that I felt was unfair. They are paying customers too, and if the baby was not disruptive, then why should it be a problem?


I didn't intend to provoke any controversy over it. You are right, I did get some very supportive people, but the teacher comment I felt was insensitive, how could one be in the field of childcare and psychology and yet not show even more compassion than most cruisers who would just see it as a nuisance? How could you say you love your job which involves children, yet be weary of being near one that "might" misbehave. I do think a career change might be in order. I totally agree I tried to take back a very charged response too late, and I regretted stooping to that level. I am not claiming my baby is an angel but I'm also not disillusioned when I think he is very well behaved. To suggest everyone thinks their baby is an angel comment from this person was unfair and I shot back or people who just automatically assumed some parents tune out their babies crying...One of the responses from that thread was of a young mother who had an infant with an ear infection that was upset and in the end disrupting another couple's dinner who moved their table...I guess what some of the people who responded also need to know that sometimes parents are irresponsible yes, but also, those who have crying infants do not intend to ruin anyone else's time either. I would think I am more cognizant of the people around me to respond if my baby acts out, but a little sensitivity from the folks out there would be greatly appreciated too.


From all I've read on these posts, the parents who are not willing to parent or supervise their kids do not seem to be on CC. From what I've read, all the parents on these boards are trying to make their family vacations better, not finding a way to drop them off everyday at the kid's programs or get babysitting all the time...I've read good advice on keeping kids occupied, what to bring, etc. and I'm also here for the same reason. Trying to find ways for us to have the best vacation, while spending time with our baby and each other, without hindering anyone else's cruise. We wouldn't want anyone to enjoy their vacation any less, but its hard to be considerate if just a presence of an infant is not acceptable to some. I can appreciate some of the stories from the responses of my post that makes sense, I'm not trying to ruin anyone's good time either, but I've figured out I can't make everyone happy, some people might be upset because a baby is in the MDR..oh well


Also, one final point is I didn't know Normandie has an age requirement until today. Of course we would not bring our baby because of this. Just like we won't be hanging out at the bar with him, or the casino.


Lastly, I'm sorry if I offended you. I really just intended to say that someone who has a background that should understand not just from an educational perspective, but a practical one (we can't always control any kid 100% of the time) shouldn't be weary when a child is seated close without giving the child the benefit of the doubt. I think there is definite space to offer more understanding or compassion to parents, its not always easy!

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Thank you again for your post, if it weren't for you I would have never noticed my post was heavily edited.


In my original thread I posted the link to the review but since your point I went back and it has been edited out and deleted. The original review is on the celebrity summit member reviews board called 'seven days of pleasure' and was quite lengthy. I found the review exceptionally well written and noted this as well as some other positive aspects on it and then prefaced it as valuable information and then to say I didn't understand what about a baby being in the MDR bothered this person. All of my feedback that said all this is gone, what is left sounds like a confrontational complaint and rant without the good part of the review and of course the link to it.


Now I feel lucky everyone took it easy on me!

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Thanks for your insight. I used the term sir to direct it at the person who posted the review. I didn't understand why anyone would comment that someone brought an infant to the MDR. This person also did not mention the child was rowdy or disruptive, it was just a statement that someone had brought a baby that I felt was unfair. They are paying customers too, and if the baby was not disruptive, then why should it be a problem?


I didn't intend to provoke any controversy over it. You are right, I did get some very supportive people, but the teacher comment I felt was insensitive, how could one be in the field of childcare and psychology and yet not show even more compassion than most cruisers who would just see it as a nuisance? How could you say you love your job which involves children, yet be weary of being near one that "might" misbehave. I do think a career change might be in order. I totally agree I tried to take back a very charged response too late, and I regretted stooping to that level. I am not claiming my baby is an angel but I'm also not disillusioned when I think he is very well behaved. To suggest everyone thinks their baby is an angel comment from this person was unfair and I shot back or people who just automatically assumed some parents tune out their babies crying...One of the responses from that thread was of a young mother who had an infant with an ear infection that was upset and in the end disrupting another couple's dinner who moved their table...I guess what some of the people who responded also need to know that sometimes parents are irresponsible yes, but also, those who have crying infants do not intend to ruin anyone else's time either. I would think I am more cognizant of the people around me to respond if my baby acts out, but a little sensitivity from the folks out there would be greatly appreciated too.


From all I've read on these posts, the parents who are not willing to parent or supervise their kids do not seem to be on CC. From what I've read, all the parents on these boards are trying to make their family vacations better, not finding a way to drop them off everyday at the kid's programs or get babysitting all the time...I've read good advice on keeping kids occupied, what to bring, etc. and I'm also here for the same reason. Trying to find ways for us to have the best vacation, while spending time with our baby and each other, without hindering anyone else's cruise. We wouldn't want anyone to enjoy their vacation any less, but its hard to be considerate if just a presence of an infant is not acceptable to some. I can appreciate some of the stories from the responses of my post that makes sense, I'm not trying to ruin anyone's good time either, but I've figured out I can't make everyone happy, some people might be upset because a baby is in the MDR..oh well


Also, one final point is I didn't know Normandie has an age requirement until today. Of course we would not bring our baby because of this. Just like we won't be hanging out at the bar with him, or the casino.


Lastly, I'm sorry if I offended you. I really just intended to say that someone who has a background that should understand not just from an educational perspective, but a practical one (we can't always control any kid 100% of the time) shouldn't be weary when a child is seated close without giving the child the benefit of the doubt. I think there is definite space to offer more understanding or compassion to parents, its not always easy!


Thanks for that reply, and glad to see you took my response as I intended it -- mostly educational. I did say I was "really miffed" but I thought I'd gone back to edit that to say "a little miffed," and I truthfully wasn't really offended (or I'd have posted that I was! :D). If you read some of my posts here you'll see that I'm one who does understand "meltdown moments," and I try to show parents I empathize with friendly smiles or supportive comments, and such, so I'm not concerned with posters who want to call me a "kid hater."


I do agree that there are some people who think the mere presence of a child ruins their cruise vacation -- and I agree with you that those folks need to find a new vacation venue, or a different cruiseline. Families are an integral part of cruising, and that includes the kids!


I'm sure you'll have a great cruise, and (I haven't seen anyone mention this) -- the crew on cruiselines ADORE children. Most of them are separated from their own and I'm sure your little one will receive the admiration she deserves! :)


And PS I just saw your supplement -- well now THAT makes more sense! I kept looking for the original review and not finding it, so I was doubly confused!

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First of all you are going to have a wonderful time on Summit. The diningroom staff in particular will cater to you and your infant. The crew adores children on Celebrity- partly because of all the rude seniors they have to deal with.


As for the majority of the people on Celebrity-they will be very nice. I have traveled with my son (now 8) on Celebrity 6 times- on 4 different vessels and have always been well received by the crew and no one turned their nose up at me with my then 6 month old or when he was 13 months old.


Relax and have fun. One thing I like about Celebrity is that it is not over run by kids. No, kids are not obnoxious and they are in the minority on Celebrity. Even on the busiest Celebrity cruises there are only about 300 children (maybe 600 over Christmas). But the Celebrity Millenium Class ships carry 2500 people- so, no, the majority of their passengers are not traveling with kids.

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I'm not sure I would say that people on Celebrity are not tolerant of children - though it may sometimes seem that way reading the boards.


Yes by-and-large you will find that the GOF (grumpy old farts - and remember "old" is a state of mind, not an age!) that love to bash kids and parents on the boards are much less public about it on-board. If you pay close attention, you will find some GOFs on-board who feel the need to move if your family sits too near them in some public place. Some GOFs seem to believe that they do not need to mind their manners around kids and feel it appropriate to cut in line in front of kids or similar things.


We've traveled with our DD (now 13YO) her whole life and have encountered virtually no outright rudeness toward her or us as a family.


Once when she was 8 a woman at another table in the MDR very loudly commented that in "her grandmother never whould have let anyone read at the dining table!" and that it is just "SO rude". My DD was reading after desserts had been served and hers eaten, and all of the adults were busy chatting. (Someone had commented quietly to me only a few minutes early that they could not believe how patient my DD was.)

DD (being a VERY sensitive girl at that age) burst out crying and other non-related to us adults all gave the woman a nasty stare and one of her table mates equally loudly commented that "her grandmother had told her that commenting about someone else's manners was the most rude thing anyone could ever do!" The rude woman left and did not come back to the MDR for the rest of the cruise. The head waiter brought my DD extra ice cream and arranged for her to have a personal tour of the kitchens the next day!


Last year when she was 12YO, she and four of her 12YO girl friends wanted to go to one of the shows. Her father and I and one of the other girl's moms went with them but sat in the row behind them (hey, it's a teenage thing). Prior to the show beginning 4 GOFs tried to kick them out of their seats saying that adults had priority over children. Now the girls were not sitting anywhere where they should not have been sitting, and had been behaving themselves quite well, and it was PRIOR to the show starting. An unrelated woman sitting next to the girls, told the GOFs that the girls had been there before them and that those were their seats, before any of the parents could even speak up.


On our last cruise in November, we were seated at a table where (beyond my DD) I was the youngest person (and I'm 49!). On the last night one of the women (a retired school teacher) admitted to my DD that she had had "concerns" when a teen had been seated at their table, but was that she was happy to admit that she had been so wrong, and that my DD had been "the most delightful dining companion" that she had ever had on any of their cruises.


So I prefer to dwell on the pax who genuinely LIKE the kids on board, rather than the GOFs who are just looking for a reason to justify their grumpiness!

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I don't have any children, but I was one once myself!


I recently had a problem trying to book myself into a mystery dinner on Royal Caribbean. Somehow they had my age as nine, and told me I was too young! However, it has been many years since I was that age, and I hope that the content of the mystery dinner is age-appropriate for the 13 year olds who do happen to attend!


Personally, I have never been annoyed by the children on cruise ships. However, friends of mine who traveled told me that there were children on the ship they were on that went around knocking at everyone's doors at all hours. But that would not be all children! And I hope someone did speak to the parents! From what I have seen, the cruise ships cater to families and there are so many activities for the kids that I think they would enjoy. Obviously, most diners with children would opt for the early seating in the dining rooms. The children I have sat with have been very well behaved and the parents have been excellent, too. But we do know that all kinds of people are on board.


Betty Jean

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I don't see anything wrong with a child reading at the table and I know kids get bored with adult conversation. I do think it is bad manners when kids bring handheld video games to dinner. Dinner is a social activity.


I don't let my son bring a videogame to dinner at home and certainly not to a restaurant.


Some things are etiquette and I don't think that these things should change.


As for toddler and babies, of course they have limitations with time and it is up to the adult to make sure that they don't leave a huge mess for the waiters to clean up. I worked in a restaurant and occasionally we were absolutely appalled at the way they patrons with children left the table- torn bread, french fries- you name it. Be congnizant that you shouldn't leave food on the floor and it isn't "cute".

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Remember that only a very tiny fraction of people who cruise are members of Cruise Critic. Attitudes onboard ships tend to be quite different than the ones you encounter here--rarely are people nearly as rude in person as they are on the Internet.

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Some people would like to see the cruiselines ban all children. :rolleyes:


I think we should ban OLD (aka GOF's) people!! All of those walkers, scooters, wheelchairs and oxygen machines are a safety hazard!!!


Oh, and the blue hair and the 14 inch long comb-overs...who wants to see that?? And then there are the wrinkly liver spotted speedo wearers by the pool!!


Not to mention the constant whining/buzzing from all of the hearing aids distracts from the shows!


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Remember that only a very tiny fraction of people who cruise are members of Cruise Critic. Attitudes onboard ships tend to be quite different than the ones you encounter here--rarely are people nearly as rude in person as they are on the Internet.



Thats becuse the GOFs have WAY too much time on their hands, and use it to flame others on CC!!

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Enuf already with the GOF references! :eek: This discussion has snowballed outta control. GOFs did nuthin here to deserve this.


OP, I think this is the part of the Summit review that you had read that concerned you, no?...

Children: I’m sensitive to this, especially after our first cruise with 1000+ kids on the Caribbean Princess. There were, according to the cruise director, slightly fewer than 100 children on this sailing, as one might expect in January. I actually thought there might be fewer. In any case, by in large, they were all very well behaved, and I can’t think of one time when they seemed to be a big presence. Many of the kids, especially the girls, got dressed up every night for dinner and shows, which I think helps contribute to their behaving well and providing everyone a more upscale cruise experience. The only time I found it to be a (minor) problem was when some mothers brought their infants (not children, but infants) to dinner or the theatre, which of course, made for some noise. I think it’s hard to fully appreciate Broadway show tunes at the age of six months, but I could be wrong about that.


Sorry, but I don't see anything terribly negative in what the reviewer said. Mentioned that infants in MDR and show made some noise, but only said that was a minor thing. Not a biggie to me (as I know it is true with my babes), but I guess I can see why it bugged you. But note that the reviewer is not a GOF---reviewer is 33 year old dude with 27 year old DW and no kids. ;) Ha ha, just wait til he has kids of his own...he will learn about noise!




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But note that the reviewer is not a GOF---reviewer is 33 year old dude with 27 year old DW and no kids. ;) Ha ha, just wait til he has kids of his own...he will learn about noise!


I'm also a 33 year old "dude" with a 24 year old DW and a 5-day old DD. Let me tell you, the past handful of days have been very educational. :p

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Welcome to Cruise Critic where you learned lesson number one...nothing stirs the board like babies, smoking, jeans in the dining room and chair hogging. ;)


I just got off of RCCL Independence. The kids from the pirate parade were getting into the elevator with the counselors (one elevator for all of the kids). Some grumpy ole bitty got off of the other elevator and commented to her companion "That's the reason I came ON this cruise, to get away from THAT" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


So, as usual I don't miss a trick, I turn to her and said "You picked the wrong cruise line...maybe I can suggest another" ;)


Then I turned to my hubby and said "I came on this cruise to get away from grumpy people, guess it didn't work" :D

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Awww, I'm sorry you were attacked. That's horrible. To date, all of our cruises have been without our children and honestly, we have never had a problem with the kids on board. We purposely choose late seating for dinner knowing most cruisers with kids will have already eaten. I can honestly say I've can't recall a single incident where I noticed a misbehaving or tired child and we're pretty experienced cruisers.


We are however, planning a 2011 cruise with our kids! I'm so excited and the kid haters can stuff it! LOL!

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