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We had one lunch experience with a couple who were very important :) They owned this, that, and those. They'd travelled here, there, everywhere. They knew this person and that person and and and and AND. They never found out anything about us -- they never stopped talking and bragging the entire meal. Were we intimidated? No. We socialize at home with a number of truly wealthy people (that you'd never be able to identify as wealthy if you didn't know them).


On one cruise, though, it turned out **I** was the designated fork selector :D which was quite uncomfortable -- everyone at the table waiting to see which cutlery I used, and how I approached some of the dishes.

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Not sure if I would call it intimidated but earlier in our marriage we were on a cruise and seated at a table for ten, First night out, One couple was mid western farm couple, one couple was Drunk almost to the point of falling out of their chairs. One was what I would call your mainstream cruise couple, Middle age middle income, We were younger than most at the table and hubby was an Electronic Tech at that time. The remaining couple were Rich as Skunks or so it appeared and were in a suite. Well after what was to say the least an interesting dinner, as we left the table the Rich couple called the Maitre d' over and spoke to him. Before we even made it out of the dining room he caught up to us and suggested that perhaps we would like to have a table for two for the rest of our cruise.

Since I had no desire to return to that table especially now I took it, It was under the stairs next to the kitchen door.

I have no idea where the other poor couples ended up, or if only we were the unacceptable ones LOL


Oh, I'd have returned to that table and not given up my seat. They would not have the satisfaction that they could get their way. :rolleyes:

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My husband and I have never been intimidated by anyone we have met on a cruise and have really enjoyed most of the people we have shared meals with. We always choose Anytime Dining on Princess because it gives us so much flexibility so we have different tablemates each time. And it lets us have an occasional dinner alone when we're in the mood.

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Never been intiminated by tablemates and can't imagine that happening BUT seated with tablemates where I could see those with us having that effect on others, YES! Let's just say that DH has always wished to have traditional dining and has always enjoyed having the same wait staff each night and getting to know our tablemates but after our recent cruise even he's ready to try anytime dining on our next cruise ! Something I never thought I'd hear him say!:eek::)

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I guess I was initmidated once. It was at a table to share on NCL so there were 10 of us, 5 couples & we only had to put up with him for one meal.

I actually had the same "fancy" job as the guy but he was loud & overbearing. He leaned forwarded & shouted every arrogant comment he made. His wife just sat there shrinking in fear. The rest of us stayed quiet & looked at our food. When they left before dessert the rest of us literally let out the breaths we had been holding. It was like a huge wieght had been lifted when they left.

I wasn't intimidated in the philosophical sense but I seriously wondered it somebody challanged that jacka$$ if he would haul off & hit them. Since that was only speculation on my part, we couldn't do anything about it but we steered clear for the rest of the cruise.

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On our first cruise together on the Cunard Crown Jewel (was a great little ship at 800 passengers max), we selected a table for 4. We were hoping that our prospective seatmates would be compatible & interesting. At our first dinner seating, we had some apprehension as we were shown to our little table. At this table were two Catholic priests, dressed in their black cassocks and with those white collars. Further, they must have been in their 70's and 80's. After our initial shock, we were very glad we were placed with them because they had the best stories from their world-wide travels.

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Our first cruise was after the Gore/Bush election. The winner had not been announced yet and even though we were having fun in Australia many of us kept watching CNN through the cruise to see what was happening at home.


Who am I kidding everyone we sat with had an opinion. Those who tried to keep their thoughts about who should win, who stole what and the rights of anyone who didn't vote to themselves looked positively constipated at dinner. Red faces, anguish, and tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Those who felt they had found like minded tablemates expressed themselves freely.


I wouldn't say any of us were intimidated but it certainly added some color to our dinner conversations. We sat with a judge, a cowboy, travel agent and real estate investor.

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I have never been intimidated but my dh sometimes gets a little irritated by overbearing people who monopolize the conversation. That is why we love anytime dining on Princess. On our last cruise (actually a week ago on the Crown) we actually sat with really nice and friendly people for every meal. In fact we ended up going on some excursions with people we met at dinner. At least with anytime dining you don't have to be uncomfortable for more than one night.

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been intimadated by other tablemates?? What I mean is their occupations or job descriptions being different or slightly better than yours?


I've never been intimidated in my life...with 2 exceptions:


Mother Angela: She was the head Nun at the school I attended. Loving, smart and tough as nails. Short but with a voice that could call hogs from 3 hollers.


Mstr Sgt R. Miller: He was the head drill instructor when I was a Marine Boot at Parris Island. The man terrified me.......intimidation doesn't come close to the feeling at all.


I think once you've been through the training of a tough Nun and a master drill instructor.....nothing else can intimidate you ever again.

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Intimidated? Never! Frequently bored stiff by people who, for whatever reason, seemed only able to go on and on and on about who they are, what they have, how much they spent on ... yadda, yadda, yadda. When dealing with those folks, all a person can do is to just smile and nod encouragingly. That's all they really need. Somebody who seems to be listening to them.

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On our first cruise together on the Cunard Crown Jewel (was a great little ship at 800 passengers max), we selected a table for 4. We were hoping that our prospective seatmates would be compatible & interesting. At our first dinner seating, we had some apprehension as we were shown to our little table. At this table were two Catholic priests, dressed in their black cassocks and with those white collars. Further, they must have been in their 70's and 80's. After our initial shock, we were very glad we were placed with them because they had the best stories from their world-wide travels.



We had almost the same experience! We had a couple of elderly priests and were afraid we mught have to curb our dinking and caroussing! It was no problem and they were great tablemates! I guess its only the nuns that take vows of poverty!

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Never intimidated but a little uncomfortable when DH and I had to share a BOOTH with four other people we didn't know at all...and they mostly spoke Spanish. Having a table for six with separate chairs is one thing, but squeezing into a booth is another. I needed just a little more personal space during dinner.

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:cool: On our last cruise we had our 2 and 3 year old neice and nephew and we were seated with an older couple from CT. The kids were acting up a little and then I found out she was a retired nanny. I felt like we were on that Nanny tv show with her watching our every move. We ended up eating in the Windjammer the rest of the cruise and loved it. Not really because of the couple, but it was easier with the kids. 1 1/2 - 2 hrs. is a long time to sit still at that age.:cool:

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I've found that cruising is no different than going out to dinner parties. You find all kinds and even though I have found folks who make an evening less than completely enjoyable, I have never found anyone intimidating. Rude and imature yes <grin>, but again, you find those everywhere. All of my cruises have been wonderful.

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slightly off topic. but.


When i was learning to play bridge many years ago, I ended up playing against a former Canadian Champion and bridge columnist. A very nice fellow. To make sure I was comfortable, he asked, in a kind way, " are you intimidated to play against me?"


I answered, "that depends on two things." he asked, "and they are?"


My response, "Are you armed, and are we playing for money."


The point is, only you can allow yourself to be intimidated.



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I'm not intimidated by anyone's status or income or anything else. We're all just people and have more similarities than differences. We all have that "special" relative, health issues, ghosts in our closets, etc. I truly enjoy talking with people from all walks of life. The only people I find annoying are the constant complainers. Those that feel the need to boast about their portfolios or other accomplishments are only showing their insecurities.



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the Rich couple called the Maitre d' over and spoke to him. Before we even made it out of the dining room he caught up to us and suggested that perhaps we would like to have a table for two for the rest of our cruise.


How RUDE! I'd rather be living under a bridge than be as nasty as those people. Geesh. :mad:


I wonder how much those jerks had to pay the maitre'd for your table for 2???

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Not sure if I would call it intimidated but earlier in our marriage we were on a cruise and seated at a table for ten, First night out, One couple was mid western farm couple, one couple was Drunk almost to the point of falling out of their chairs. One was what I would call your mainstream cruise couple, Middle age middle income, We were younger than most at the table and hubby was an Electronic Tech at that time. The remaining couple were Rich as Skunks or so it appeared and were in a suite. Well after what was to say the least an interesting dinner, as we left the table the Rich couple called the Maitre d' over and spoke to him. Before we even made it out of the dining room he caught up to us and suggested that perhaps we would like to have a table for two for the rest of our cruise.

Since I had no desire to return to that table especially now I took it, It was under the stairs next to the kitchen door.

I have no idea where the other poor couples ended up, or if only we were the unacceptable ones LOL


Perhaps they were doing you a favor. They knew they wanted a table for 2, after seeing whom they were seated with, and believed you deserved one also, because you were the best of the bunch. LOL!


One cruise we were seated with a young couple, traveling together, but not married. I know that because they corrected us when we assumed. This was a transatlantic on Celebrity and we were at a table for 6. The other couple and us were in their fifties, this couple in their early thirties.


We learned the first night,it was her first cruise, although he had been on numerous cruises, (she told us) and apparently many on Cunard. Now he did not "brag" this, the young woman had mentioned he had cruised before, and we asked him, and we learned as a child, his parents ad taken him many times on Cunard, although he had not cruised recently.


I was after this I noticed his clothing. (perhaps this made me pay more attention LOL!) Very well tailored, expensive, and I am almost positive not "off the rack". He also wore a very nice pinky ring which had a diamond of about 2 carats. This ring looked genuine, and actually understated, in spite of the size of the diamond. Nothing about it indicated "CZ" I beleive it was real.


The young woman was always dressed nice, and her clothing good quality, but not the league of her companion. However both of these people were very nice and friendly. The young man, if anything, tried hard to NOT make us feel intimated. He was not showy at all.


They did several nights eat at Oceanliners, (12 night cruise) and the other couple seated with us hinted that they believed that the couple did not enjoy our company, (the four of us) and seemed bothered by this. However, I did not believe this. I think it was simply the young man could afford to show his girlfriend a good time, and so he did. If anything, perhaps they simply did not want to eat dinner every night with two married couples in their fifties, who were old enough to be their parents! LOL! I could not blame them my self!

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Intimidated? Nope. Irritated? You bet! We've had nice experiences, and horrible ones too. The worst was a guy who was married to, and cruising with, the Minister of Tourism for the Bahamas. What an ass-clown! Nightly, he LOUDLY told the most vile, rude, dirty jokes I'd ever heard. :eek: His wife just sat there horrified. It was so bad, DH and I kept looking around for the hidden camara. You know, they HAD to be filming an episode of Candid Camara or Punk'd or something!


Anyhoo, he sucessfully chased away one couple after the first night, and the other couple after the second night. DH and I headed to our table on day 3 hoping the ass-clown would be AWOL, but there he was in all his glory. We opted to quietly exit the dining room and never returned for dinner. :mad:


Side note...this was one of our first cruises. I would definitely handle it differently now that I am older, and wiser! ;)

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I forgot to mention that DH and I now prefer to eat dinner alone or with our DD and her friend, if theyre with us. We don't feel like we're missing out on meeting people, as there are plenty of other opportunities to chat with folks during the cruise. We look forward to MTD when we cruise in June.

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been intimadated by other tablemates?? What I mean is their occupations or job descriptions being different or slightly better than yours?

never on a cruise,only once at a family get together.Everyone were surgeons,Judges,Dr.etc and my sister in laws best friend from California wouldn't look or speak to me since i was a common labourer back then 40 +years ago!So weird.Maybe it was a foreign thing(she was from another country originally.haha.

On cruises,if we r not comfortable u can get a table for 2


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been intimadated by other tablemates?? What I mean is their occupations or job descriptions being different or slightly better than yours?

never on a cruise,only once at a family get together.Everyone were surgeons,Judges,Dr.etc and my sister in laws best friend from California wouldn't look or speak to me since i was a common labourer back then 40 +years ago!So weird.Maybe it was a foreign thing(she was from another country originally.haha.

On cruises,if we r not comfortable u can get a table for 2

Another time,we were invited to a private party in one of the suites and some officers were there and people that thought their s#@% doesn't stink only because they wanted to find out if my wife was the actress Suzanne Sommers (not)As soon as they knew for sure it was BYE,BYE as if they never knew us from the start!What a joke.We became ghosts to them as soon as they knew our real status!Some people.


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I never get intimidated, but table mates always seem to be hit or miss, some cruises it's great company, others it can be awkward if you have nothing in common. I'm pretty open to things, but we had one cruise where we got stuck with early sitting, so after our day in Cozumel we were still sipping on 3 ft tall glasses, so we quickly boarded the ship showered and rushed down for dinner, still drinking the 3ft drinks, and being in a hurry I thought it would be funny to dress up and wear a huge souvenir sombrero I got in port.


We were in our mid 20's at the time, (no we weren't drunk). half the table was cracking up and asked us where we had gotten the things, but one couple (40 ish ), was really conservative and had a fit, and demanded we threw them away. I simply told them to lighten up, as did the rest of the table, but they stormed out of the dining room. We were on Carnival and half the people in the MDR were wearing kaki shorts and nice sandals, we were dressed pretty decent for dinner (besides the hat attire), that was an awkward sitting.

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