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Anyone play Craps on Carnival ships?

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Hey there Big D! :D I haven't noticed a "not full size table". Are they like half or what?
They might have what we call a "Tub" a full sized table has room for 16 players. A tub has room for 6-8 players. A full sized table can have 4 casino employees on it: Stickman, two base dealers and a boxman. A tub is usually ran by one dealer and may or may not have a supervisor.
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House edge on a ship w/ full 2x odds w/ player taking odds is .606% (horrible) and .326 at 5X odds. This isnt exactly layman terms but plain and simply craps on a cruise a decided house advantage over a true craps table w/ 5X odds. Confused yet? I'll talk about the come bet if not. :eek:


Speaking of being confused......


Do you really believe that a house advantage of 6/10 of 1% is "horrible"?


You realize of course, that that means for every $100 you bet, the house is expected to win 60 cents. That's sixty c-e-n-t-s. That's horrible??

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As for the odds, it makes a bit of a difference and here in Las Vegas, I'll go from one casino to the next door if one offers more odds than the other, on a cruise ship without competition it's a sellers market.


Here we have casinos that offer double odds, full double odds, 3x-4x-5xs, 5xs, 10xs, 20xs and 100xs odds. For 95% of players anything over 3-4-5 makes no difference as they don't take more than that in odds.


Double odds vs 5xs odds vs place bets:


$5 bet with $10 odds pays $25 on 4 or 10 $15 place bet pays $27. ($29 when it's "Bought")


$5 bet with $10 odds on 5 or 9 pays $20 $15 place bet pays $21.


$5 bet with $10 odds pays $17 on 6 or 8 $15 place bet pays $17 (Should be $17.50)


$5 bet with $25 odds on 4 or 10 pays $55 $30 place bet pays $54 ($59 when it's "Bought")


$5 with $30 odds on 5 or 9 pays $50 $35 place bet pays $49


$5 with $25 odds on the 6 or 8 pays $35 $30 place bet pays $35


Makes very little difference on the house edge.

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They might have what we call a "Tub" a full sized table has room for 16 players. A tub has room for 6-8 players. A full sized table can have 4 casino employees on it: Stickman, two base dealers and a boxman. A tub is usually ran by one dealer and may or may not have a supervisor.


Thanks. That's what I was picturing. The Fascination has a full size table FWIW!

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Originally Posted by guru66 viewpost.gif

House edge on a ship w/ full 2x odds w/ player taking odds is .606% (horrible) and .326 at 5X odds. This isnt exactly layman terms but plain and simply craps on a cruise a decided house advantage over a true craps table w/ 5X odds. Confused yet? I'll talk about the come bet if not. :eek:



Speaking of being confused......


Do you really believe that a house advantage of 6/10 of 1% is "horrible"?


You realize of course, that that means for every $100 you bet, the house is expected to win 60 cents. That's sixty c-e-n-t-s. That's horrible??

And the difference between a 2xs odds table and a 5xs odds table is $.38 on every $100. What a rip off.
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If I remember right most of the big casions in Vegas offer 3.4.5 x odds(ie number 4 and 10 is 3 x odds, 5 and 9 is 4 x odds and 6 and 8 is 5 x odds) now if you placeyour bet direct on the number if will pay the same as these odds





8 is the point $25 on the line $125 odds (total $150) payoff is $175

9 is the point $25 on the line $100 odds (total $125) payoff is $175



8 is the point, place $150 on 8, payoff is $175

9 is the point, place $125 on 9, payoff is $175


also when you place your numbers your average bet is higher (if rated) as casinos dont rate your odds.


I think this is correct

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Is that by placing the bet (instead of riding out the come out roll) you forfeit your player's advantage coming out.


Since there are six ways to make a 7 and two ways to make an 11 (both winners on the come out roll) you have a 22.22% chance of winning your pass line bet on the come out roll. Matched against only three ways to make a "craps" loser on the come out roll (only an 8.3% chance), the player does have an advantage on their pass line bet on the come out roll.


I believe this come out advantace is factored into the overall house advantage referred to in earlier posts.


Bottom-line, I think it's best to ride out the come out roll vice just placing numbers after the point is rolled.


As for the comment earlier on the field being a rip off (2 x vice 3 x for 2 or 12) it's a rip off either way....keep your money out of the field.


On the Liberty there was only one craps table (as I recall). When it was crowded (of course, this usually coincided with a couple of good shooters and a lot of noise which attracted folks) it was difficult for the table crew to keep track of who's place bets belonged to whom. Since the pit crew is less experienced (in my opinion) than a vegas crew at a 1st class casino, this means mistakes are made.


I was pretty pissed when the dealer paid someone else for my placed 9. Of course the other player said it was his (and then snuck away) and it was only $24....but it still pissed me off, I've never had that happen in Vegas.


Anyway...good luck and maybe I'll see you at the tables!

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I too am a blackjack person but have been wondering about craps and the pass line. So this has been very helpful. I am going to read everything I can find on it before I sail 5/2 (Fascination).


Haven't tried it on the ships yet but Craps is the only thing I play in Vegas. Best odds and always a party goin' on. If you hear a bunch of people hootin' and hollerin' in a casino, follow the excitement and it will always lead you to the Craps tables.


If you're new to the game, just focus on the pass and come bets as the others are considered sucker bets. Try one if you want to have a little fun but don't expect to win much unless you're playing Pass and Come.


The staff and other players will help you figure out odds and such. Don't use two hands when you're the "shooter", don't get the dice wet when you kiss them for luck, and have fun and make lots of noise.

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I've had several occasions where I've had to correct the dealer on place bets. Keep track of your place bets. They've tried to give my money to other people, and other people's money to me. I've even had them screw up the amount on all bets as well. If you're going to play craps on a ship, make sure you know what your payout would be on all your bets. After I got screwed out of about $30 behind the line once, I pay extra careful attention and don't touch any chips until I'm sure it's the right amount.

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If I remember right most of the big casions in Vegas offer 3.4.5 x odds(ie number 4 and 10 is 3 x odds, 5 and 9 is 4 x odds and 6 and 8 is 5 x odds) now if you placeyour bet direct on the number if will pay the same as these odds





8 is the point $25 on the line $125 odds (total $150) payoff is $175

9 is the point $25 on the line $100 odds (total $125) payoff is $175



8 is the point, place $150 on 8, payoff is $175

9 is the point, place $125 on 9, payoff is $175


also when you place your numbers your average bet is higher (if rated) as casinos dont rate your odds.


I think this is correct



No, you are not correct.


When you place a bet on a number, you do not get "true" odds. (Because, if you did, then the house would have no advantage whatsoever).


Whereas an odds bet behind the pass line will pay 6:5 on a 6 or 8, a place bet on those numbers will yield a payoff of 7:6.


Similarly, an odds bet for 5 & 9 pay 3:2, but pay 7:5 when placed.


Finally, 4 & 10 pay 2:1 behind the line, but 9:5 when placed.

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No, you are not correct.


When you place a bet on a number, you do not get "true" odds. (Because, if you did, then the house would have no advantage whatsoever).


Whereas an odds bet behind the pass line will pay 6:5 on a 6 or 8, a place bet on those numbers will yield a payoff of 7:6.


Similarly, an odds bet for 5 & 9 pay 3:2, but pay 7:5 when placed.


Finally, 4 & 10 pay 2:1 behind the line, but 9:5 when placed.


(on a 6 or a 8) $5 on the line with $25 odds pays a total of $35 plus your bet


(placed bet on a 6 or 8) $30 placed pays $35 plus you bet


= same, yes or no ? plus you get a better rating

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I love these casino threads, there are so many people who think they know what they are talking about.


Anyways, yes its double odd's, yes I would prefer 10x but it's not going to happen, yes there can be some good games going after 10 pm.


No the dealers are not the best in the world, so watch your payouts, if your going to be making call bets make sure you ok it with the casino manager before as I found out the hard way that even if a dealer accepts the bet they will not pay it.


Oh and tell them you want to buy the 5 and 9 and watch them freak out :D

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I've had several occasions where I've had to correct the dealer on place bets. Keep track of your place bets. They've tried to give my money to other people, and other people's money to me. I've even had them screw up the amount on all bets as well. If you're going to play craps on a ship, make sure you know what your payout would be on all your bets. After I got screwed out of about $30 behind the line once, I pay extra careful attention and don't touch any chips until I'm sure it's the right amount.


Yeah, when we were playing craps on Carnival Victory in early Feb. my husband had to speak up a few times about getting his money or it being given to someone else. Granted one of the times, it was a new girl and the Pit Boss had to step in and see what happened, but I wouldn't think they'd have a new person working the table while it was hot.

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If I remember right most of the big casions in Vegas offer 3.4.5 x odds(ie number 4 and 10 is 3 x odds, 5 and 9 is 4 x odds and 6 and 8 is 5 x odds) now if you placeyour bet direct on the number if will pay the same as these odds





8 is the point $25 on the line $125 odds (total $150) payoff is $175

9 is the point $25 on the line $100 odds (total $125) payoff is $175



8 is the point, place $150 on 8, payoff is $175

9 is the point, place $125 on 9, payoff is $175


also when you place your numbers your average bet is higher (if rated) as casinos dont rate your odds.


I think this is correct

Based on my 10 years of experience as a dealer and supervisor in Las Vegas, you are in fact correct.


No, you are not correct.


When you place a bet on a number, you do not get "true" odds. (Because, if you did, then the house would have no advantage whatsoever).


Whereas an odds bet behind the pass line will pay 6:5 on a 6 or 8, a place bet on those numbers will yield a payoff of 7:6.


Similarly, an odds bet for 5 & 9 pay 3:2, but pay 7:5 when placed.


Finally, 4 & 10 pay 2:1 behind the line, but 9:5 when placed.

You are wrong in saying Mack is wrong. What I believe you fail to realize is that until you are betting more than 5xs odds (See my previous post), there is no (Zero, Nada, Zilch) difference in the payoffs between a place bet and a come bet with odds.


Again, if you're talking about being in Las Vegas where you can go to another casino quite easily, that is one thing. We're talking about playing on a ship, where the one or two tables are your only choice.


On a $120 place bet on the 6 or 8 (When was the last time you had that much bet on them?) You get paid $140. $20 pass line with $100 odds pays $140.

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I am a craps player for many years and ran into a funny situation last year on Glory, was wondering if this is the same on all carnival ships.


When rolling the dice, they would not let you do anything but pick them up and toss'em. Pit boss would yell at you if you tried to set them. God forbid if you tossed them against the wall (playing with the dice).


I do get frustrated when a shooter takes what seems like hours before tossing the dice (probably only 15-30 seconds - seems like hours). But, I like to set them a certain way and grasp them a certain way before I toss. Only takes me a few seconds, been doing it for years. Was strange not being able to. Was funny to watch a shooter for the first time on the boat get yelled at. It's almost like they didn't want action at the table!


Has anyone else run into this rule? :confused:

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(on a 6 or a 8) $5 on the line with $25 odds pays a total of $35 plus your bet


(placed bet on a 6 or 8) $30 placed pays $35 plus you bet


= same, yes or no ? plus you get a better rating


For as much of a math junkie as I am, this never even occured to me. Very interesting!

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I am a craps player for many years and ran into a funny situation last year on Glory, was wondering if this is the same on all carnival ships.


When rolling the dice, they would not let you do anything but pick them up and toss'em. Pit boss would yell at you if you tried to set them. God forbid if you tossed them against the wall (playing with the dice).


I do get frustrated when a shooter takes what seems like hours before tossing the dice (probably only 15-30 seconds - seems like hours). But, I like to set them a certain way and grasp them a certain way before I toss. Only takes me a few seconds, been doing it for years. Was strange not being able to. Was funny to watch a shooter for the first time on the boat get yelled at. It's almost like they didn't want action at the table!


Has anyone else run into this rule? :confused:


Never heard that before! As long as the dice stay on the table, I can't see any reason why this wouldn't be okay. :confused:

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No, you are not correct.


When you place a bet on a number, you do not get "true" odds. (Because, if you did, then the house would have no advantage whatsoever).


Whereas an odds bet behind the pass line will pay 6:5 on a 6 or 8, a place bet on those numbers will yield a payoff of 7:6.


Similarly, an odds bet for 5 & 9 pay 3:2, but pay 7:5 when placed.

Finally, 4 & 10 pay 2:1 behind the line, but 9:5 when placed.

line bet $ 5 on the line $10 odds ($15 total bet) payoff is $25 (plus bet) = 1.66 return

placed bet, $15 payoff is $27 = 1.8 return


placed bet is better

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Quick questions for anyone who knows the game well:

If I want to put some down on the 6 and 8, can I do that without putting some down on the pass / don't pass? Or do I first need to have it on the pass/don't pass? Also, if the table min is $5, is that the min I can put on 6 and 8? Last, obviously 6 and 8 are the most likely to come after the 7, so what are the payouts on 6 and 8? Is it even money, or is it less? Thanks!

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Yes, it was very strange not being able to set the dice. Hope, this was just that crue on Glory last April.


6/8 - Questions.


No, you don't have to have a pass line bet to bet on the 6/8.

If table is 5$ minimum, you must put $6 on either the 6/8.

6/8 pay $7 for every $6 bet.

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I am a craps player for many years and ran into a funny situation last year on Glory, was wondering if this is the same on all carnival ships.


When rolling the dice, they would not let you do anything but pick them up and toss'em. Pit boss would yell at you if you tried to set them. God forbid if you tossed them against the wall (playing with the dice).


I do get frustrated when a shooter takes what seems like hours before tossing the dice (probably only 15-30 seconds - seems like hours). But, I like to set them a certain way and grasp them a certain way before I toss. Only takes me a few seconds, been doing it for years. Was strange not being able to. Was funny to watch a shooter for the first time on the boat get yelled at. It's almost like they didn't want action at the table!


Has anyone else run into this rule? :confused:


Haven't seen that. You can flip each die to a number face up but once they are off the table, all you can do is toss them. My frustration comes when somebody blows a good table by sticking their hand out and getting hit by the throw. Seems like once they do, they become an albatross and sink the table everytime they come back. Did I say frustration? I mean to say HATRED. :eek:

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Quick questions for anyone who knows the game well:

If I want to put some down on the 6 and 8, can I do that without putting some down on the pass / don't pass? Or do I first need to have it on the pass/don't pass? Also, if the table min is $5, is that the min I can put on 6 and 8? Last, obviously 6 and 8 are the most likely to come after the 7, so what are the payouts on 6 and 8? Is it even money, or is it less? Thanks!


You do not need to play the line to play 6 and 8 pay 7/6


I only place my bets except when I roll

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