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Royal Champions


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And by the way since someone else brought up owning stock in the company, I guess that negates the posting of all who own it, since the line originally gave perks for that ownership to them, also negate the posts of anyone who partakes of ANY perks, including the Crown and Anchor members with their perks and people from all 50 states who ever got a state discountand all those neferious seniors who got a senior discount. Those could all be misconstrued as rewards and thus we are all suspect and how about Carnival's perks and all the rest, dang, we better all just quit posting cuz we're all tainted...busted!:cool:


EXACTLY!!! Any of us who accept this are guilty as charged. I have come to that conclusion as well. We have all been duped so to speak. But if being duped means I get access to the CL and a diamond balcony discount, I guess I am willing to take it.


So now that we have established what I am, I guess all we have to do is haggle on price.


So here goes RCL:


I want to be able to combine my stockholder benefit with my balcony discount just as I used to do so prior to 1/1/09; and


if you send me any additional C & A coupons I would like to be able to combine them as well (same as before); and


I would like a "special" menu in the MDR that is free of any advertising of food items for sale for those of us who request such a menu; and


I would like to see a Voyager or Brilliance Class Ship sail out of Galveston year round; and


I DON'T want to see ANY more cuts to the C & A program or cuts to the coupon books; and


last, but not least....Where is my invitation for the "free" pre-inaugural for the Oasis????

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I think this thread shows CC's willingness to let this be discussed once and for all time.




It's called damage control. Those who have been in that biz, have watched it unfold on this bruhaha.

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No, I am saying, "so what?" and I said that in a post much further back, as did others. The compensation is the free cruise, dinner, whatever, and that is in no way affected by what anyone had to pay to get there to partake of it.


Freeport -- home of the Lincoln/Douglas debates. I have a neice, on my husband's side, who lives there. And many years ago, as a new college grad, I taught not far from there. In the end it is all just 6 degrees of separation. My time is divided between the corn fields and the city when I am in Illinois, these days.


For a while, walk a mile in my shoes. The two “free” events my wife and I have attended have cost us over $2000. If RCI wants to buy and/or influence me, they’re going to have to do a lot better.

As I’ve said before, if they keep inviting us to many more free events, we’ll have to file bankruptcy,

If we ever really get free 7 day cruises or cocktail parties with execs, that might go a long way to buying us,

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For sure when you accept advertising from anyone, you have a business connection to them. Would I expect that the advertiser has used some of the posters in a viral ad campaign, nope -- heck, dumb me, I thought all the posters were just ordinary people sharing their experiences and discussing cruising, as did most of us here, I'd bet.


What do you think the RCs are?:rolleyes:


They are just regular people who like to post on the internet about cruising. Not one of them was hired as a RC to come here and infiltrate this forum and help sell the product. Although, I now understand that you are a lawyer for Carnival, and hence your attempts to harm your competitor RCI is very clear. Thanks for clarifying your vested interest.


Can you prove you are not what I just stated?


How would anyone know this if I hadn't just let the cat out of the bag so to speak? Shameless, simply shameless.


Hopefully you will be able to understand how silly this is now that I have clarified the real situation.:D:rolleyes:


jc<---- has more credibility than ms potter or anyone else, because I am not a RC

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It's called damage control. Those who have been in that biz, have watched it unfold on this bruhaha.


Those with half a clue just laugh and shake their heads at the bruhaha.


jc<---- wonders why people choose to believe things that are just not true:rolleyes:

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The probs is your point of view is wrong. This doesn't necessarily make you a bad person, that is still to be determined.



Prove my point of view is wrong ?



Let me know when you've determined ??






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Prove my point of view is wrong ?



Let me know when you've determined ??







Only after you prove you don't live in your mother's basement, and that you don't actually work for Carnival. :rolleyes:



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Maybe you should refer back to what the orginators of the program SAID they were doing. If you chose to say they are NOT doing it, fine. But they said what they said, and it sures seems by reading their statments that that was their intention. To use basic psychological principles to influence behavior. They may have failed but not for lack of trying.


I really don't care a fig what you think. I am telling what I experienced and quoting what was said to us word for word. And by the way, have you ever received any of those perks yourself on Carnival cruises? Would you turn down an invitation from Carnival to sample her newest ship because you thought someone would one day wrongly accuse you of accepting bribes to talk the way you do about Carnival on the Carnival threads? Hugh Hugh?? I really think enough has been said and it all boils down to whether or not you are a person of integrity...and that issue is all relative for each and every one of us who post on these boards, whether you be an RC or a person who is criticizing same. Don't pester us with semantics because you are as guilty as anyone who has ever given their opinion to someone else. We are all influenced by one thing or the other and have all accepted anything that was freely given and most probably without question!

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Come on jc prove i'm wrong you made the statement ??



And let me know when you've determined if i'm a bad person or not ??



And i again don't work for Carnival - and i can say that all in one post as not to clock up post counts !!






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Yeah yeah...blast it!:rolleyes:


Hey Becci, I am not sure about your tone here, I mean with the rolleyes. Again, I never use the little thingys so I often misinterpret them.


I was AGREEING with you and then having a little levity at the expense of myself, actually.


I have seen the light here. RCL does whatever it takes to get people coming back again and again and to get people to rave about (Champion?) their Line. They have many "programs" for this, C & A, Stockholder Benefit, M & M's, RC's, probably more and probably more in the future. Some work better than others, some are handled better than others, obviously.


The main difference between the RC's and the other programs is that the RC's are selected where the other programs are open to all who have performed a particular act....C&A folks have to have cruised RCL at least once, Stockholder benefit, well you have to own RCL stock and the M & M, well you have to be sailing on a particular cruise on RCL and then give them certain info. in order to join the M&M.


RCL also has various programs for travel agents, and other people in the sphere of the Travel industry for sure.


I AGREE with you, any of us who take the perks are guilty so to speak.


My post was not in any way meant to be negative, sorry if you got that impression.


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Sorry not meaning to be rude but are you for real :eek:....do you actually believe what you typed?? :confused:


Do you think the RCs are a gang....thats how your words read to me and I find that most offensive.


Remember when we first met? It was on the fuel surcharge thread, and then, as I recall, you sort of started a thread on the issue for our friends across the pond. I have already posted that there were RC's who were with us in that fight, and that spoke well of their objectivity, imo (of course, the time at which they became an RC may play in) I also posted that there are other RC's who I also remember from that thread, who were ugly, or dismissive, at best. Unfortunately, since the 4000 post thread has been deleted, it was harder to refresh my memory than I expected, and I still have one or two question marks on a couple of RC's which I'd like to verify from that time.


If I were designing a viral ad campaign, I know I would not only look for the sweetness and light, I'd also look for bull dogs.

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Couple of points


There is no point in asking the staff here to give their actual opinion as to whether or not a scheme was set up on the premise of being directly from a cruise line, when infact it was just a marketing tool from a PR firm. Reason...with the level of cruise line involvement here...M&M etc...the company owning the board has much to lose if any staff happen to voice a concern or opinion that goes against the company line...they are biased by default, maybe not entirely by choice but certainly under the corporate thumb to think what they like but always speak the company line.

I feel like I need to address this because you refer to the "staff" and that's me. Me and the community manager are the staff. The hosts, in all their fabulousness that so generously volunteer their time, are only following the board guidelines and as noted in the board guidelines, they have their own opinions and can express them at any time.


I'm staff and no one tells me what to say. My actual opinion is I don't see anything wrong with companies using whatever marketing tool they can. I have an advertising background. I have a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree in advertising and for years before working here I worked for companies that were always looking for an "out of the box" approach to marketing. You may not like the tactics taken by RCI to promote their brand but that doesn't make it deceitful. That's my opinion. But since it's not badmouthing RCI, I'm sure you'll again insult me by saying I'm deceitful for being behind some master plan by RCI to take over Cruise Critic one member at a time through the Royal Champions program. With over 422,000 members, it may take them a while.

Now you tell me...how many sites would go out of their way to look after their members like that.

I don't know...how many sites go out of their way to look after their members like that? So far this morning I've personally answered 37 e mails to members with a personal note to every one of them. I've researched a possible problem member situation creating a bad environment for members on a roll call. I corrected the countdown clocks for 3 members that were using a Mac and the code wasn't translating right. I send welcome letters to 4 new members that needed a bit of help understanding how to get started and it's just Noon my time. Cruise Critic is an enormous site but me, the community manager and the hosts do everything we can to look out for you, the members. You don't think this situation has been handled very well by Cruise Critic. That's fine. But to continuously question my integrity and my work ethic is beyond your knowledge base of how I do this job.


If you're unhappy with how an RCI program is being run then do what you always do in these types of situations like when they started charging for Johnny Rockets or when the fuel charges were out of hand...start a campaign. Voice your opinion to them. Let them know how you feel. But you should be careful of whose character you assassinate while you're venting on a message board.


To every one else...thank you for having a civil discussion about this. In the end, your comments may bring change.

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Come on jc prove i'm wrong you made the statement ??



And let me know when you've determined if i'm a bad person or not ??



And i again don't work for Carnival - and i can say that all in one post as not to clock up post counts !!







Boys, Boys, can you not come to some sort of truce here, or at least agree to disagree? Think of the commonality you share, jj/jc (kinda similar) and Coxswain you started NOOTS and jc was active in NOOTS. See....more in common than you realize, now be nice.

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I’ve been on CC for a year, maybe two. From the very beginning I noticed the many unusual acronyms and nicknames used here. When I first saw the Royal Champion designation in the signatures, I asked them what it meant. Some of the very harsh critics in this thread have been on CC much longer than me. Why didn’t you ever ask what it was? I can’t be the only person who asked.


I don’t understand why there is so much animosity toward them. The RCs have always been very upfront. Not only are they seasoned cruisers, but they’ve been on the boards for awhile and I find them very knowledgeable. I think many are missing the point that these posters were “Royal Champions” long before anyone at RCI thought of the marketing campaign. It has been explained over and over in this tread how it came about.


There are cheerleaders on these boards; in fact every sub forum has them. Most of the RCs aren’t very good cheerleaders, Many have been highly critical and vocal about some of RCI’s decisions, such as the Chops Steak in the MDR, the new ad campaign, the Oasis of the Seas, the reserved seating by the pool, etc. And many are not “loyal” to RCI, they sail all the lines.


I find nastiness on message boards prevalent throughout the Internet. People will attack in this type of forum, but they would never confront someone in person or sign the attack with their name. There are many posters in this thread and in the previous ones who I have never seen before. I also find it odd when you have no RCI cruises listed in your signature line, yet you feel you have been maligned by the Royal Champions.


I’ve learned a lot on CC and generally enjoy reading it. I read every post with a critical eye- I look at who wrote it, how many posts they have, their CC tenure, where they are from, their affinity status. I don’t have any problem with Royal Champions or the program. I’m amazed that some people are so jealous over this “status.” I am also very sorry that the RCs have been attacked on here.


I'm quoting you because I have now found someone who is:

1. Reasonable

2. Fair and balanced

3. Kind

4. Does his homework!

5. Makes relevant statements based on unbiased research!:rolleyes:

Oh bliss, oh joy.

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My post was not in any way meant to be negative, sorry if you got that impression.



No I didn't take yours negatively and I meant I would take another in a hearbeat or anything else they want to give me. It's like Christmas to me. I never turned down a single Christmas gift because I may be accused of bribe taking! Never look a gift horse in the mouth!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Officially, thanks to the moderators. It seems there may be some maturing taking place on CC, regardless if by choice or a feeling of need (put out the fires, so to speak). Much needed thread, and not just for this one topic.


I have read each and every post and I have surmised, due to other folks saying so, that there is several angry, jealous, whining, conspiracy theorist, etc. types on CC. I recall having been given the label by several here in the past on threads recent and long gone including the fuel surcharge thread of a year and a half ago.


I feel no need to discuss the obvious benefits/pitfalls of a viral marketing and for those looking for a definition and discussion of it can learn more here (not the absolute word but a good place for a 101 lesson (note the author allows the use of the site and to copy...their own viral marketing). Note, this is not new and written in 2005:




What I would like to comment on, is that it has appeared on this site that whenever a topic of discussion is not, shall we say, in the company's best interest, there is a home based group that flails the names mentioned above and then cries fowl that they are being "attacked". We even now have this home based group starting threads that have the we vs. them theme in it. It appears this is all in the name of quashing what they term as needless, ridiculous comnplaints or whining.


We now have the RCers taking the victim stance and forming what has become a well known circle of defense by some in other threads, in this thread.


I see this as a bigger question then any individual, or for that matter group. I, for one, do not believe the management of CC is that incompetent to not know what this was about. And even if they were, the facts had to become clear and be recognize for what it was, indeed a viral marketing campaign, after the Liberty 2 day event. I admit to knowingly having seen the RC title in some signatures, but had no idea where it originated. Based on what I can surmise at this time, CC complicity in this is, in fact, knowing allowing the viral marketing campaign to continue on these threads without letting their members know of it.


If CC did notify the membership that RCI was indeed doing viral marketing through members on this site, I apoligize and would ask for a link as I may have missed it.

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Remember when we first met? It was on the fuel surcharge thread, and then, as I recall, you sort of started a thread on the issue for our friends across the pond. I have already posted that there were RC's who were with us in that fight, and that spoke well of their objectivity, imo (of course, the time at which they became an RC may play in) I also posted that there are other RC's who I also remember from that thread, who were ugly, or dismissive, at best. Unfortunately, since the 4000 post thread has been deleted, it was harder to refresh my memory than I expected, and I still have one or two question marks on a couple of RC's which I'd like to verify from that time.


If I were designing a viral ad campaign, I know I would not only look for the sweetness and light, I'd also look for bull dogs.


I remember the FS thread and I checked when I started mine for UK Cruisers...that was Nov 17th 2007 ....which doesnt coincide with CCrs becoming RCs. :confused:


You appear to be implying that RCs shouldnt post the same as any non-RC. We are all CC members and everyone of us has to abide by the CC guidelines.


As a side note...not all the RCs are friends...the RCs arent some special little group who do group hugs or attack a subject together.

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Come on jc prove i'm wrong you made the statement ??



And let me know when you've determined if i'm a bad person or not ??



And i again don't work for Carnival - and i can say that all in one post as not to clock up post counts !!







You call that proof. I again don't work for Carnival. I am sorry I can't accept that as proof.


Nobody else will either.


jury is still out... although they are thoroughly prejudiced after reading your posts.



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WOW! I just needed to take a breath catching up on this thread. I actually HAD to skip a bunch of pages, because it is too darn long and I'm at work... and I'm trying to get myself ready for a cruise this weekend. So I really don't have time to be in here. But this thread and subject are really something. So, since we have a massive jar of pennies collected already, why not my two cents worth?? :D


I have seen those sig lines for a while and actually know one of the RCs. She mentioned going to NYC for the Oasis thing, but I didn't make a big deal of it. I figured they had just contacted some D+ members for it. Whatever. Knowing that one member (oh, you know who you are!) and figuring she is a decent representative of the RCs, I know they aren't swayed by this. It isn't their fault, and I believe them all as much now as before I learned what an RC really was. Makes no difference to me.


I will say that I am surprised CC gave up the info to get the RCs contacted (or contacted them for RCCL) in the first place. Seems that they opened a can of worms now by doing so. I think it would have been wiser to maintain the anonymity of the posters and insulate RCCL from them.


In addition, RCCL really makes people that are no RCs feel inferior here (yes, the J word). Look, I know the perks aren't anything super. But when I see the sig lines with Royal Champions, now I feel like someone that wasn't good enough. Ok, well, I've only been on 6 cruises and I only have posted in here a few hundred times. But when am I eligible? HOW am I eligible? Who knows? The whole thing just seems a little ill conceived to me.


In any event, can everyone PLEASE take the advice of taking a breath and taking it easy. This really is NOT worth all this angst. It's a forum folks. People write opinions. Many opinions are biased for many reasons. I think RCCL's C&A program is much more likely to sway the masses than this program. Lets all get a grip and move on.



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Cecilia I LOVED LOVED LOVED that....love it!

Now I must go get ready for work. Since I just discovered this thread an hour ago, I had to make all my rebuttals at one time. I think I'm finished, but it may be too tempting to stay away....have fun! And really, when alls said and done, this board is just a way for me to get carried away, I don't take baths(showers) so don't use Calgon:o And a fun way to spend some time. Make love not war!

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What is more amazing is, CC has 422,647 members and the thought that 75(or whatever) RCs could influence soooo many people to cruise with RCCL, is ridiculous :rolleyes:




I think RC's have a lot more presence that you may realize.

There are what? 50RCs?

Let's say they average 2,000 posts each.. (some are a lot more, some are less).

That's 100,000 posts with probably 95% of those on the RC board. So.. that's 95,000 posts they contribute to the RC board.


Now, if only I knew how many posts there have been. You would have a much larger % that the 50 posters out of 422,547 number.


I think :)

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Considering that on my last 3 cruises I could not get the drink I normally drink at any of the parties, just champagne or rum punch. No, it was not payolla or a bribe.


Please. Now tell me you did not like the h'orderves they served either?

No one else on the ship gets finger food like that unless they are an invited guest.

I have done 27 cruises. All I ever had to do was ask for a different drink and see if they would bring it. Most of the time yes. Free of charge too. ;)

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