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Royal Champions


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To all of those who are bashing the RC program, and/or those who are in it, due to the statements of somone saying it was designed to influence people to think positively of RCI, have you considered that this is the true purpose of virtually every program by every vendor?


Are you a member of a frequent flyer program?

Do you get perks as a frequent cruiser?

Do you enjoy the upgrades you get as a Gold/Platinum/Diamond/Unobtanium hotel guest?


Just because the selection criteria are different, don't think for a moment that the GOALS or methods of the RC program are any less noble than the goals of the other loyalty programs. They are identical.


Not even close! Frequent Flyer, hotel rewards, etc... are all public programs, common rules for all participants, open to anyone and reward guests for return flights/stays. The RC program, RCCL and CC were all very secretive until the cat was let out of the bag. Frequent Flyer programs have nothing to hide. If you fly with us a LOT (and I mean really, a LOT) we will reduce your fare or maybe even let you, any of you, fly free. And we don't need to clandestinely get your contact information from an on-line message board. If you want to participate, go right ahead. If you don't, okay.

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Are these offered to everyone or just a select few?


Just a select few - those who meet the program criteria (in this case, spending lots of money). If you stop meeting the criteria, you stop getting the program benefits.


By the same token, RC's talk a lot about sailing RCI. Note that it isn't always glowing, but it IS usually helpful. As I mentioned in my first post in this thread.


If they stop posting, stop posting helpful things, or start actively "bashing" RCI, they'll get dropped from the program. That doesn't mean RCI asks them to say positive or untrue things. That is just the selection criteria for this program.

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I keep coming back. :D

Trust me, I know that. I was talking of someone else. ;)

And don't get me wrong. Who has them and who doesn't does not matter to me at all. There are lots of RC's who do and don't.

I meant those who have removed them since this because of all this anger toward us. And I can not blame them at all. :(

I am just too stubborn to do that now. :rolleyes:


The only time I ever had anything in my signature was when I had the CC Conquest Crazies cruise there Host Mach put in, and I erased it when I came back from the Ike Conquest cruise, was more than a little aggravated with Carnival, which was when I started being more of a RCL cheerleader. I made some statements that I think RCL would have tried to help us a little instead of dumping us in New Orleans. Within a month after that I got the invite to RC and wondered if there was a connection, with the words against Carnival and for RCL at that time. Ill never know.


With so many booked cruises, I just decided not to bother, and to be honest since I personally have signatures blocked, it seemed wrong to clutter up someone else's view with my own signature.


From what I have read here, my personal opinion is some of the CC people who did not get picked, are determined to destroy Royal Champions and will not rest until they do. I have decided not to feed them any more. I dont want RCs destroyed, but can understand if some do want that. I feel they will not give up until they succeeed, but if we feed them we help them destroy the group. Let it go folks, they dont care what anyone in the group personally thinks.


I have come away with the impression that many are very angry and have this agenda, and trying now to get the RCs to stir things up and question RCL ourselves and pushing pushing pushing. Let it go RCs, dont feed this unless you too want to destroy the group. My post is to other RCs, the rest of you, can post what you want, but I hope the RCs back off and can let it go and let this thread die. They more RCs post the more you give them to feed off. Have a good day.

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If they stop posting, stop posting helpful things, or start actively "bashing" RCI, they'll get dropped from the program. That doesn't mean RCI asks them to say positive or untrue things. That is just the selection criteria for this program.


Sorry but this is incorrect...RCs are not dropped from the program if they actively "bash" RCCL.

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Yes, cruisinMike, from what I can determine that post about DP vs RC was the kick off -- Feb 21 -- linked in Potter's first article, closed, but not deleted the last I checked -- there was a link there to the Insight blog I think -- so not sure about your further reference. I was on a cruise so didn't see it all start.


Can't tell you how many times I almost posted -- me thinks thou protesteth too much (that's how we said it in my home) or my grandmother's -- your words are speaking so loudly, I can't hear what you're saying (kind of strange, but the same meaning, I think -- not sure anyone would have gotten that).


This is just the wildest darned thing I have ever seen, but there are many similarities to the cruise fuel surcharge thread, and the RC program was running then -- pot stirrer, trouble maker, shut up (screamed in big red letters), don't you have anything better to do, let's get back to talking about cruising, you're too poor to cruise if you can't afford $70, was a big one (I'm more special than you are crap again), but no repetitive dead horse emoticons, here. Some of the same nasty RC'ers there as here, and RC's there who were not nasty or obtuse, but have become so here.


And I was totally on your side during that thread..... because I felt that you were right.

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Sorry but this is incorrect...RCs are not dropped from the program if they actively "bash" RCCL.


I suspect it depends on what you mean by actively bashing. If you mean honest complaining becuase of bad service, or pointing out flaws, then I doubt you will be dropped for that.


On the other hand, I mean constanly saying things like "RCCL Sux", "I hate them", etc... That's bashing. I would be shocked if anyone engaging in that behavior would remain.


Also, RC is a relatively new program. I would also be surprised if membership is granted for life. Similar programs have a fixed term for re-evaluations, usually one or two years. The threshold for continuation is usually lower than that for getting in in the first place, but there are still rules, and people can be dropped for cause at any time.

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With respect, your analogy is completly flawed, the highlighted "perks" are gained by spending lots of dollars and in none of them are you expected to toe any party line.


The RC product is limited to frequent posters who MUST be continually positive about the product; and if we are to believe the marketing company's statement they will continue to monitor these members to make sure they stay "on message"



I am one of the conspiracy theorists, at least according to some here. However, I think you are off base here. I do not believe that the RCers are in any way required to do anything. To believe that would be to believe that all who have posted here are complete liars. I do not think that they are in any way. The program as best I can determine is far more subtle than that. I do not believe that they were told what to do but rather subtly rewarded for doing what they were doing anyway. That form of reinforcement increases the desired behavior (positive posting) without any resistance. The rewards were likewise subtle and to a large degree consisted of being selected as special.

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I know this is my first post, and my spouse who posts here frequently tells me, I will get flamed.


I have personally asked Royal Corporate about the Royal Champion program and we told that there was no program. I forwarded several posts and was told that "posters" make up things on the internet to make themselves look important and that there was no Royal Champion Program.


When I followed up with a link with pictures to the Liberty Champion cruise, they stopped denying that such a program existed. But then repeated advised me not believe information on internet and these Royal Champions were chosen randomly.


Then someone posted the Insight Article...I feel RCCL was dishonest to me. This was a very calculated move and they also misinformed me a Diamond Member! I only put my Diamond Status to let you know I have enjoyed my cruises on RCCL and have been loyal to Royal.


RCCL is in the business of making money by providing a great vacation, why did they have to lie to me numerous times. Why did RCCL tell me that their was no RC program and posts on the internet are meaningless.


This issue to me is not about the individual RC but a program that RCCL feels that they need to deceive me about the program. If they have to hide something so trivial what else are the concealing?


Royal Chump

RCI reps. absolutely denied that a charge was being instituted for eating in Johnny Rocket's even as I told them that people on these boards were coming back from cruises and reporting that there was, indeed, a charge. I was told not to believe everything that I read on these boards.


I guess old behaviors are hard to change.... But, damn, I still love those Voyager class ships.:D

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I'm afraid you are incorrect. Here are a couple links to a search on the phrase "loyalty programs and word of mouth" (without the quotes)






Believe me, they get a lot of word of mouth "advertising" from loyalty users. They have to in order to make the programs pay.


I stand corrected concerning that aspect of the programs.

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How do you know?


I know because not one of the RCs has been told what to say about RCCL. We have never ever been told "you must write glowing things about RCCL".


Personally I have always said I am a thorn in the side of RCCL because I have never been afraid to point out their flaws or disagree with many things about the cruiseline.


But that doesnt stop me loving the product.

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Not even close! Frequent Flyer, hotel rewards, etc... are all public programs, common rules for all participants, open to anyone and reward guests for return flights/stays. The RC program, RCCL and CC were all very secretive until the cat was let out of the bag. Frequent Flyer programs have nothing to hide. If you fly with us a LOT (and I mean really, a LOT) we will reduce your fare or maybe even let you, any of you, fly free. And we don't need to clandestinely get your contact information from an on-line message board. If you want to participate, go right ahead. If you don't, okay.


Sorry, that is not true. When we received an e-mail from CC asking if they could release our information to RCI the first thing many of us did was come on these boards with a thread trying to find out what this was all about, if the e-mail was legitimate, and if it seemed ok to release our personal information. There was no secret.


I have way too much concern about personal identity theft to just respond to some unsolicited e-mail that shows up in my box.

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Sorry but this is incorrect...RCs are not dropped from the program if they actively "bash" RCCL.


A well designed program would not need to drop someone. There are far more effective ways of resolving things like this.

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Sorry, that is not true. When we received an e-mail from CC asking if they could release our information to RCI the first thing many of us did was come on these boards with a thread trying to find out what this was all about, if the e-mail was legitimate, and if it seemed ok to release our personal information. There was no secret.


I have way too much concern about personal identity theft to just respond to some unsolicited e-mail that shows up in my box.


I apologize for the misunderstandin, I in no way meant the Royal Champions were secretive, I should have been clearer. When I said the RC Program, RCCL and CC were secretive I only meant the marketing/RCCL side of that program. Again, apologies, I should have used more words!

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I apologize for the misunderstandin, I in no way meant the Royal Champions were secretive, I should have been clearer. When I said the RC Program, RCCL and CC were secretive I only meant the marketing/RCCL side of that program. Again, apologies, I should have used more words!


Thanks for clearing that up.:)

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WoodyWindy wrote:

Just a select few - those who meet the program criteria (in this case, spending lots of money).


More misinformation. I'm reading post counts, not cruises (posting is still free at this time).


The question was whether the other loyalty programs (e.g. frequent flyer) were for everyone or just a select few.


Another example would be United's Global Services. It isn't a "Champion" type program, but it is a "reward" program that you can't just sign-up for. While it has members that are otherwise Frequent Flyers (e.g. Premier 1k), that isn't the only possible criteria for membership. There is a subjective element.


All Champion-type programs have both objective and subjective factors. The objective factors might include how much posting someone does. The subjective would include the nature of those posts, and how broad the readership is. These are almost certainly NOT the only factors considered.


Another factor, independent of the individual "candidates" is that the number of participants is usually limited to a certain target, so most everyone who meets the objective factors won't make it in, and only the tip-top of the subjective folks.


While, over time, you can get a feel for the subjective factors, very rarely are they explicitly published. Again, this isn't unique to RCCL. The United Global Services and Microsoft MVP programs both keep their subjective factors close to the vest.

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Sorry but this is incorrect...RCs are not dropped from the program if they actively "bash" RCCL.



How do you know



I know because not one of the RCs has been told what to say about RCCL. We have never ever been told "you must write glowing things about RCCL".



That doesn't mean they can't drop you - do you really think you're untouchable with regards this program ?



This was going to be my next point - can you Imagine a Champ making a complaint onboard a ship and stating i'm a Royal Champion the ship would bend over backwards incase something was said on a forums !!





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The question was whether the other loyalty programs (e.g. frequent flyer) were for everyone or just a select few.


Well, then, why not just compare RCCL's loyalty program to other venues loyalty programs?


This RC thingy doesn't appear to be a loyalty program that can be compared to programs such as the programs you're throwing out here.

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How do you know?

Yes, how do you know you will not be dropped? And, if so, why does the Manager of the RCCL Loyalty program tell a conference of her peers you are "monitored?"


Why would they NEED to monitor you otherwise if certain criteria in your posting didn't matter.


Furthermore, most loyalty programs reward the individual directly. The purpose of this program is to reward one group for the efforts in manipulating a second group.


So , one might say, if I become more loyal to Royal...it is the Champs who will be rewarded, not me...the Chump.


Many posts ago, a simple understanding response or two from various RC's might have defused this situation. Frankly I was stunned that some I have admired most in the past...were quick to pile on: one called my few posts..."suspicious" as if I had no right to an opinion....Another opined:

All I'm sensing is a bit of sour grapes from those that haven't been chosen and a whole lot of jealousy too.


Some people really need to get a life.


One of the others replied: "Yep..........that's what all the fuss is about. :(


Then, of course, the deleted posts about hating businesses and being people who want to shoot Royal Champs.


Absurd. Insulting. And from RCCL's "ambassadors."


Why such overdone responses? Can RCCL not be discussed even in regard to their marketing approaches without such negative displays toward other posters? These Champ responses have done as much damage to the program as any revelation or comment the rest of us have had.


I do hope RCCL is monitoring today. I wonder if they believe this enhances their Brand to the rest of us?

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