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Thanks for the warm Welcome!


Cari- Good for you! Do it for you. You are worth it :)


Good advice about traveling. I like the fruit bowl thing. Also measuring off cereal and buying skim milk. Good to be prepared.

Have a great day!


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Hi, all --

I know this won't work for everyone, as some people have to go out of town more than others (to visit family, for work, etc.), but I don't go out of town that often, so when I do, I just look at it as a treat. I don't track points, I don't really censor my eating -- I eat whatever I REALLY want. But that's my only trick... I don't eat it unless I REALLY want it, and then I savor it, mindfully (at least I try!). If I'm feeling so-so about it, I pass (or I stop eating it).


At the WW meeting following my out-of-town stint, I usually am up only the tiniest amount (average is 0.4 per week at this point), so I just go back on plan to take it back off.


Anyhoo, I had a week of eating and drinking slightly too much... Hubby and I held a St. Pat's party, hence the too-much food/drink. Happily, it also meant quite a bit of physical activity to get the place ready, so it's possible the extra activity negated the extra points I consumed. That's my story anyhow, especially as I was down 2.2 lbs this week! Whoo-hoo!


Unless a freakin' miracle happens, though, I won't hit my mini-goal, but I'm still trying to do my best by cruise-time... Unfortunately, I was so pleased with myself that I "celebrated" by overeating Thai food last nigh. -sigh- Self-sabotage is a b*tch. :o (Though, hubby and I had the best intentions of getting low-low-low point sushi for dinner, but our favorite sushi place was closed last night for maitenance, so that's why we ended up with Thai. I blame the sushi place! :rolleyes:)


Anyhow, except for my once-weekly yoga class (and the party prep), I still have yet to increase my activity... really need to do that this week, for sure!! :D


Hope you all have a wonderful week! Think thin thoughts!


SW: 246.2

CW: 203.8

GW: 154

Mini-goal: 195/196.2 by 4/15/10

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Goodmorning friends, Weighed in yesterday and only lost .4 Oh well, this is another week, a clean slate to start over.

I had such a craving for mexican food yesterday. While at the grocery store, I bought everything to make Lo-cal chicken enchiladas. I used the new high fiber, low- cal, whole wheat tortillas. 1 pt for two. I had never tried these before, and wow, they were really good. Filling too. I used all lo-fat ingredients to make the rest. They turned out really good. I had two and stopped.


My plan this week is to try to squeeze in some more excercise. This is the part that I am not very good at. I have a very nice treadmill sitting right smack in the living room, all I have to do is jump on. Easier said then done. I usually put the tv on with the volume either muted or truned way up, then watch an entire 30 min. show. This helps to speed things along. I have done 45 min or an hour but find that if I use the 2 lb ankle weights and the 2 lb hand weights that the 30 min actually works out better for me. I need some excercises for my inner and outter thighs and also my butt. Can anyone help? I thought about getting one of those big excercise balls. Does anyone have one of these to share input as well. Thank-You.


Wishing everyone a great weekend. Cari

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Nine months ago my doctor put me on a Low Carb diet due to my cholestrol. It took 8 months to get my numbers LDL, HDL & Triclercyerides in check.

I have also lost 50 pounds since than.


My WW meeting night is Tuesday. I check in the night before I lost because I only wanted to miss two meetings instead of three


I weighed myself this morning and it is up 3lbs on my scale at home. I know the weigh-in won't count til tuesday.


I was really concerned about weight gain because of the 5 sea days each way.

I had good intentions for exercise. I did a two mile walk the first day at sea,

3 miles walk for 'On Deck for the Cure' I climbed 360 steps each way to Akada Falls totalling 720 steps. (I would never have been able to do this a year ago). Also my 80 year old father had knee replacments in the fall and he did the steps Each Way. We both went to the Missouri Up and down the steps on that. From Pearl Harbor we took the City Bus back to aloha Towners. We got off somewhere in China Town and had a nice walk back to the ship. Went and had lunch. Took an hour nap and I went walking around Downtown Honolulu.


The next day in Kona got into a little bit of trouble. I wanted to walk up the Hill to Hio Haties but they would not let me at the pier. Maui divers is inside Hilo Haties. Bought a pendant that will serve as my 50lb anchor. Than met up with some friends and ended up in a bar having a couple of Margaritas. Than a couple of more back at the ship. Than I was out til dinner. (The 3lbs are propably from the Margaritas)


We were on deck 3 so I used the stairs to deck 8 allot.


My breakfast was usually a raisin bun, 1/4 cup apricots and coffee. A couple of mornings I had a slice of french toast instead of the raisin bun. Lunch I usually had the salad bar. I would take a look at the entrees to see if there was something I really wanted to have a taste of. I few days I got into a little trouble and had nachos at the Taco Bar. Dinner was pretty portion controlled. I normally don't eat beef more than 3 times a week.


I had few slips in 15 days! I know very well it could have been 10lbs instead of three!


Tuesday is weigh in! Back on Track today! I will let you know how I do!



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Well... this weekend didn't go as well as I had hoped. The kids made my husband and I goody bags packed FULL of candy, then there was all of the cake, pizza, chips, etc etc etc... I definitely didn't do as bad as I could have, but I wasn't great. I was proud of myself from staying away from alcohol all weekend and bringing my own baggies of cereal already measured which I did eat both mornings. My downfall was the tortilla chips. I just couldn't stop eating them. Arg! Weigh-in is tomorrow so I guess I'll find out how bad this weekend did me in. However, I don't think it will be too bad.

Today I have been really good so far with my WW bagel and cream cheese, fresh strawberries, and then Progresso soup for lunch. I have TONS of points left for dinner and definitely won't use them all... even tho they say you should eat all of your daily points. Oh well!


This coming weekend will be another challenge with a friend from out of town visiting us. When the two of us are together we usually are drinking, a big no-no for my WW plan! AND we're going to Disneyland. Thank god for 1 point bars and other low point snacks. I will be filling my purse with them for a day at Disneyland. I hope I can resist the warm pretzels and ice cream! Like my husband said, I will be burning a ton of calories walking around the park all day, so that is a plus! Wish me luck!


Happy losing to everyone!!! :D

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Is it too late to join in?


I'm Kelly. I'm 41, have been married 20 years and have 3 boys. The oldest is 19 and has recently moved into his own apartment. My others are 17 and nearly 16. I am a SAHM and I homeschool our boys. I am a WW repeat offender. I first joined WW when I was 23 with 2 babies, lost 70 lbs. in 6 months and promptly got pregnant. I've been on and off over the years. Four years ago I got serious and joined again, was 30 lbs. from goal and got very sick. I am now dealing with the chronic illness I will always have and have crawled out of the depression I was in and am back at it, will make it to goal and become lifetime this time for sure!!


I lost 14 lbs. and then started back to WW Jan. of '09. I've lost 46 lbs. since starting to attend meetings. I have 40-45 pounds to go.


Height 5'6"

SW 250

CW 190

GS 145-150 or whatever I weigh at a size 8

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Goodmorning fellow WW,

Welcome Kelly, don't feel bad, there are a few repeat WW offenders here. Myself included. Just jump back on the wagon, stay focused and track-track -track. I make sure I get to my weekly meetings too.

I joined WW in 2003 and met my goal and made lifetime in 2004. I am still lifetime but had gained 27 lbs back during the last 18 months thus putting me from the bottom of my wiight span to the top portion. I am 5'7 and feel much better in the high 120's VS the 140's or 150,

Everyone has their weakness, just find out what yours is and work on it. Mine is tracking and excercise. I have to make myself get on the treadmill but once I'm walking I seem to be OK with it. Also, I keep my journal visable on the kitchen counter or when I go to work it is in my purse. I have 2pt bars both in my pruse and the glove-box of my car. I have been in many situations where it is lunch time and I can't make a wise food choice so I just eat a 2pt bar and then order a tossed salad with fat-free or lo-cal dressing and a diet pop or unsweet iced tea. I take my own snacks to the movies as well. I keep the Crystal Lite packets in my pruse too. I also keep a huge fruit bowl on the kitchen table and fill it each week with a variety of fruits. Easter is coming up too, I have already started my WW plan of action for that. Planning is the key.

Welcome back. Cari.

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I am a lifetime member that fell off the wagon seriously the last 2 years. I joined WW again in Jan '10 and I have lost 20 pounds which is really good. I have 35 more to go! I am going on a cruise May 29 '09. Any ideas how to not gain weight on this 5 day cruise to Bermuda? I want to take some WW bars with me and walk as much as I can but the food is so good on cruise ships it is difficult to know what to eat. Any help would be great! I don'e want to lose my momentum!:o

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I am a lifetime member that fell off the wagon seriously the last 2 years. I joined WW again in Jan '10 and I have lost 20 pounds which is really good. I have 35 more to go! I am going on a cruise May 29 '09. Any ideas how to not gain weight on this 5 day cruise to Bermuda? I want to take some WW bars with me and walk as much as I can but the food is so good on cruise ships it is difficult to know what to eat. Any help would be great! I don'e want to lose my momentum!:o


Wow, 20 lbs, good for you. That must mean new cruise clothes for you! After your weight loss, I can understand how careful you must want to be while on your cruise. This is my philosophy and will be when I cruise in Oct. I will be good 80% of the time and induldge " A little " 20% of the time. In addition, I vow to take the stairs when ever possible and to keep my bottled water with me and eat plenty of fresh fruit and yogurt for breakfast, salad bar and grilled chicken for lunch and for dinner I am going to eat exactly what I want but with portion control. I will take advantage of the walking track on the top level of the ship and try to limit my alcohol intake. When I visit the POC I am planning to take a bottle of water, Crystal Lite to mix in and a few 2pt bars. This way I can steer clear of the fast-food type meals at some of the restaurants. I will focus on the excrusions and not the local food. When I get back, I'll just go to my WW meeting and get back into my routine again and start planning my next cruise. Good Luck, Cari.

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Welcome kleo! I'm sure you're going to do great. Hoosiercouple always has great advise. Just like she said, track track track! For me it's using etools constantly. At work I'm in front of a computer all day and almost always have WW.com open. I always plug in my meals in the morning so I know my points for the day and don't over eat. I also discuss dinner with my husband in the morning to see if he's ok with what I will make or if he's craving something terrible like pizza! Then I make plans for myself, like a SmartOnes pizza since I know the smell of his will have my dying for some. hehe.

I'm a HUGE fan of etools and highly recommend it if you aren't using it already. You can plug in any numbers and get more accurate results than using the slider. I have an iPhone and downloaded the WW application. It is magic! I never have to carry my book around. I just pull out my phone and plug in the numbers. I don't have to worry about not knowing the point value of something when I'm at the grocery store or a restaurant. I absolutely love it!


Last night was weigh-in for me! *gulp* I lost 0.8 lbs. Not as much as I was hoping for, but it's still something. I'm still kinda upset about it even though my WW co-worker buddy and my husband have been encouraging me. I thought I would have lost over 1 lbs at least, but I know I know... I was close. I guess I now know how detrimental one weekend of slipping can be this early in the plan, yikes! This coming weekend I have a friend visiting from out of town. I'm going to struggle to stay on track, but I think I can do it. Like I said before, for Disneyland I'm going to stuff my purse full of 1 pt bars. This morning I said to my husband that I can make us all turkey sandwiches for the park. That will cut back on cost AND points for me! I just need to go buy some 1 pt bread. As I think about it, I'm kind of looking forward to the challenge of this weekend. I think I can do it! Staying positive will be key. I do wonder about Friday night when we go out to eat Korean BBQ. The rice paper and salty oil dip is deadly delicious with the meat. I have NO idea what point value rice paper has :-S Does anyone have any idea? I figure with the meat (which is basically all Korean BBQ is) I will just stick to the lean pieces and of course watch my portions. Usually I waddle out of Korean BBQ ready to explode. It's our favourite dinner out. Wish me luck!


Height 5'3"

SW: 157.4

CW: 152.2

GW: 127.4

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I am a lifetime member that fell off the wagon seriously the last 2 years. I joined WW again in Jan '10 and I have lost 20 pounds which is really good. I have 35 more to go! I am going on a cruise May 29 '09. Any ideas how to not gain weight on this 5 day cruise to Bermuda? I want to take some WW bars with me and walk as much as I can but the food is so good on cruise ships it is difficult to know what to eat. Any help would be great! I don'e want to lose my momentum!:o



Hi cruisecrazyk. I don't have the best advice for cruising because for my cruise in May I don't plan on counting points at all or worrying too much about anything. I will watch my portions and try to eat from the salad bar most lunches, but when we're in port I'm definitely eating chips & salsa, tacos, etc. I figure I will get back on track hardcore when I get home. I know that one week won't ruin my WW plan completely. Exercise is a great idea. I love using the walking track and the gym on the ship. People watching while using the walking track could have me walking for hours. There's always something interesting to look at :p And don't forget about the nightclub if you like to dance! That's where I plan on burning most of my calories ;) I suggest doing your best, but not letting counting points and the plan get in the way of having a great time on your vacation. I'm sure you'll do great!

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I do wonder about Friday night when we go out to eat Korean BBQ. The rice paper and salty oil dip is deadly delicious with the meat. I have NO idea what point value rice paper has :-S Does anyone have any idea? I figure with the meat (which is basically all Korean BBQ is) I will just stick to the lean pieces and of course watch my portions. Usually I waddle out of Korean BBQ ready to explode. It's our favourite dinner out. Wish me luck!

You can do it!!! When we go out to eat, I like to google the restaurant nutritional information and figure out the points from their site if I can. If that particular restaurant doesn't have it, I'll look for another one of that type.


Thank you for the welcome :) I am very diligent about tracking. I use the 3 month journal and etools. I love, love, love the recipe builder on etools! I love to cook and bake, and it's now a game to see how low I can tweak my recipes.


My big weakness is activity. I have chronic health issues that make activity painful. I do what I can when I'm feeling good and rest when I'm not. It also makes weight loss slow for me, but slow is better than nothing.


I am aiming to lose 45 more pounds. I'd like to do that by my birthday in Feb. So my goal is to average .9 pounds between now and then. We cruise (for the first time!) in April. I'm hoping to have time to shop, shop, shop. I'll need new everything because I will have lost 105 lbs.!


My biggest eating challenge is eating in the evenings because I'm lonely. My husband is an over the road truck driver. The boys are busy with their stuff. My oldest just moved out and my 17 year old is getting ready to leave for a year to travel with The 99. It is my 15 year old and me. The nights get long. But I am fully concentrating on not eating out of emotions, and I have been doing pretty good. It's hard, but I can do it!

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Hi cruisecrazyk. I don't have the best advice for cruising because for my cruise in May I don't plan on counting points at all or worrying too much about anything. I will watch my portions and try to eat from the salad bar most lunches, but when we're in port I'm definitely eating chips & salsa, tacos, etc. I figure I will get back on track hardcore when I get home. I know that one week won't ruin my WW plan completely. Exercise is a great idea. I love using the walking track and the gym on the ship. People watching while using the walking track could have me walking for hours. There's always something interesting to look at :p And don't forget about the nightclub if you like to dance! That's where I plan on burning most of my calories ;) I suggest doing your best, but not letting counting points and the plan get in the way of having a great time on your vacation. I'm sure you'll do great!

This is going to be my plan too. Dh and I are big dancers and go out nearly every weekend. Great fun and wow do you earn the activity points that way!


I have 2 naturally thin sisters. I've watched them and talked with them about how they eat in different situations. I've realized it is completely normal to induldge in vacation and gain a little weight. The key is to come home and get right back to healthy eating! That will be my plan. I'll eat what I want in normal portions and walk walk walk and take the stairs everywhere.

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Goodmorning WW buddies, My weigh in is today and according to my scale I am up .08. I have had a crazy week but that is no excuse for me as I have been lax on squeezing in my excercise. I always have a loss when I stick to my excercise plan. Oh well, I will start a new week. Sunday will be a challange due to Easter. We are going over to Rick's parents home for a cookout and egg hunt for the younger children. They are grilling hamburgers and hot-dogs and everyone is assigned a side dish or two. We are making the potato salad, baked beans and Rick is making a pan of brownies. I am going to cut up some melon and toss in some grapes and orange slices and strawberries. I can just eat one hot dog and then fill up on fruit. If I do not plan in advance then I never do well.

I made up Easter baskets for my son ( he is 18, but I still make him one each year) I did not even think about touching the candy, so that in itself is a positive.


Well I better get going. Will go to my meeting then on to work. Hope everyone has a great Friday. Cari.



PS: Good luck Social with your Korean BBQ tonight. I know what a temptation that can be with food that you really love.

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Have not checked in for quite some time. Been very busy with some crafts. Trying to earn a little extra money for the next cruise. Weight loss since joining W.W. in July now stands at 63 Lbs. My twin sister, who joined at the same time has lost 44 and is at her target weight. I have about 30 more pounds to go. Slower now, I am thinking of joining the gym, to kick start the remainder I want to loose. I know I need the scale to keep on track but I get discouraged when I think I have been good and see I gained a pound in one day. I love sauces and casseroles so cooking remains a challenge. I am working on being easier on myself when I mess up and just starting over the next day. I hope that everyones journey is going smoothly and wish you all success. **As an afterthought, it will be time to post a new picture soon.

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WCAB ~ Do you use eTools? The recipe builder is awesome. I can put in my recipes and then tweak them to make the points less. It has really helped me not feel like I can't cook.


Yesterday was my weigh in. I lost 1.8 and am now down 47.8 since starting meetings (Feb. 09) and 61.8 since starting to change my lifestyle habits nearly 2 years ago. Only 42.2 lbs. to go :)


Doug lost 2.2 this week. He has much more to lose than I do still, but we are both on track for being to goal, or nearly so, before our cruise next April Woo Hoo!!


We are having Easter dinner today at my house. My husband leaves for work tomorrow. I am making the glazed ham recipe in the newest WW magazine and a slimmed down version of scalloped potatoes, steamed asparagus, a huge tossed salad, and angelfood cake with strawberries for dessert. My MIL is bringing mashed potatoes and baked pineapple. My boys would revolt if we didn't have baked pineapple, which is not at all point friendly, but they love it! We don't buy candy, so that isn't a problem for me.


Tomorrow I am going to a friend's family's home to play games after their dinner. I am taking a WW better than sex cake. It is to die for! 3 points for 1/24th of a 9x13 and 7 for 1/12. It is worth every last 7 of those points!

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Hi Kelly, I have brought up WW site but really never have spent much time looking at the recipe builder. I am going to give it a look over this week and see if I can adjust some of my favorite recipes. Thanks for the tip.



WCAB ~ Do you use eTools? The recipe builder is awesome. I can put in my recipes and then tweak them to make the points less. It has really helped me not feel like I can't cook.


Yesterday was my weigh in. I lost 1.8 and am now down 47.8 since starting meetings (Feb. 09) and 61.8 since starting to change my lifestyle habits nearly 2 years ago. Only 42.2 lbs. to go :)


Doug lost 2.2 this week. He has much more to lose than I do still, but we are both on track for being to goal, or nearly so, before our cruise next April Woo Hoo!!


We are having Easter dinner today at my house. My husband leaves for work tomorrow. I am making the glazed ham recipe in the newest WW magazine and a slimmed down version of scalloped potatoes, steamed asparagus, a huge tossed salad, and angelfood cake with strawberries for dessert. My MIL is bringing mashed potatoes and baked pineapple. My boys would revolt if we didn't have baked pineapple, which is not at all point friendly, but they love it! We don't buy candy, so that isn't a problem for me.


Tomorrow I am going to a friend's family's home to play games after their dinner. I am taking a WW better than sex cake. It is to die for! 3 points for 1/24th of a 9x13 and 7 for 1/12. It is worth every last 7 of those points!

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Hi WW friends, I hope everyone had a great Easter. We went to an Easter egg hunt and cook-out. I actually did very well. I just had one hot dog and just a spoonfull of baked beans and potato salad. We ate around 4:30 so this was actually lunch and dinner combined, so not so bad. We played a game of softball, so I got some activity points too.


Kelly, Is the WW cake that you are referring to, the recipe where you mix a box of cake mix with a can of diet pop? If so, it is sooooo Good, especially the chocolate.


Have a great Monday, Cari

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socialcruiser ~ Whenever I go out of town, I take breakfast and sometimes lunch with me. I have 16 oz. take alongs with a twist on lid from Rubbermaid that I portion things into. I portion out fruit, yogurt (I buy that by the quart) and cereal (in a baggie) for breakfast. I take 1 point English muffins. I may boil eggs to take. I portion out crackers and take along Laughing Cow cheese wedges.


I have a freezer full of individually portioned soups and leftovers from dinner. My husband is a truck driver and I keep it full of things for him to grab for the week. So I'll often take a couple bowls of soup or chicken and rice or whatever is in there.


I use freezer tape or masking tape and put a small piece on the lid and write the points.


Do you have the food companion and dining out companion? Those are great resources and even if it doesn't tell you the exact points for what you're eating, it is a good estimate and keeps me on track and motivated.


I hope you have a great weekend.

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Hi Kelly, I have brought up WW site but really never have spent much time looking at the recipe builder. I am going to give it a look over this week and see if I can adjust some of my favorite recipes. Thanks for the tip.

You're welcome. I love eTools!

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Hi WW friends, I hope everyone had a great Easter. We went to an Easter egg hunt and cook-out. I actually did very well. I just had one hot dog and just a spoonfull of baked beans and potato salad. We ate around 4:30 so this was actually lunch and dinner combined, so not so bad. We played a game of softball, so I got some activity points too.


Kelly, Is the WW cake that you are referring to, the recipe where you mix a box of cake mix with a can of diet pop? If so, it is sooooo Good, especially the chocolate.


Have a great Monday, Cari

That's the one. It is so good!


I posted the recipe on my recipe blog. HERE it is if anybody is interested.

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kleo, great job on your 1.8! Good advice on the Rubbermaid containers. I should buy some of those, especially for foods that can get smooshed easily.


Korean BBQ on Friday was delicious but I'm sure I went over my points, daily and weekly. I was proud of myself for only having half a beer. While all of my friends got smashed off of soju and beer I was the lonely designated driver, but quite happy about it! My BIG success was Disneyland! I had cereal for breakfast and made us all sandwiches for the park and brought some 1 point bars. I ate my sandwiches, one 1 pt bar and then a giant dill pickle, the one and only thing I bought at the park. I also packed water and gatorade for us. We were at the park for 12 hours, so I racked up a ton of activity points. My feet were killing me by the end of the day. We got home at midnight and I still had 6 daily points leftover! I wasn't hungry, but I ate a pear and went to bed. Considering my friend was visiting from out of town, I did a really good job. She and my husband ate junk, but I only allowed myself the one night of Korean BBQ. Tomorrow is weigh-in and I'm hoping for the best!


And I almost forgot to mention, I bought Popchips at Costco. I had read about them in a few WW articles and on HungryGirl's blog. They are delicious and not high in points for something that tastes like chips! I got the sour cream and onion flavour. 22 chips is 3 points. That's a big serving! I highly suggest them for anyone who loves salty things. They have other flavours. At Costco I saw regular, barbeque and salt & vinegar.


Good luck and have a great weekend everyone :)

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Hey, all, can I join in? This looks like a very fun and supportive crowd!


I'm Andrea, another WW "repeat offender" - back on WW since the beginning of the year, and down 17.5 pounds so far. I travel a lot and those weeks tend to set me back - but not as bad as they used to.


We've got a 7-nt Bermuda cruise on Summit coming up in late June (that's DH, DS8 and me). I'm trying not to set a particular goal for that cruise, but it would be nice to be down another 20 pounds by then. But "slow and stead" is my mantra this time around. I also love the etools, and haven't started going back to meetings yet. I'm sure I will - probably soon after I hit my first 10%.


My WI is Sunday - this week I was back up a half pound (weekend entertaining).


SW - 229

CW - 211.5

GW - 145

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Welcome AndyB! Congrats on your success so far. Have a great time on your cruise! I agree it's tough setting goals for a specific date. I want to be down a total of 15lbs by my cruise in May, but slow and steady is the plan! As long as I stay on track with WW I'll be happy :)


I had weigh-in last night. I'm down another pound! I miss seeing -2.2lbs like my first 2 weeks, but I understand that WW isn't an overnight weight loss program. I'm happy with another pound and am one step closer to my ultimate goal! woohoo!


Tonight we're going to a restaurant that has an interesting but delicious looking menu. Nothing fried or greasy, yay! It's a special occasion since my parents are visiting from Canada. I haven't seen them since December! I can't wait! I'm going to have to watch out for the pre-dinner bread basket. I read reviews that it's to die for *gulp*


Is everyone participating in the 5K WW walk on June 6th? That's right around moving time for me so I may or may not have time to do it. 5K is approx 3.1 miles and I walked 3.4 miles on my treadmill this morning. I almost wish the WW walk was a longer one so I could challenge myself more. I think I want to train for a half-marathon or full marathon soon. That would be such a great way to get in shape! Can you imagine the activity points for a marathon, wooo eeee!


Also, has anyone tried the WW cheese singles? I bought some yesterday at the store but have yet to try them. I'm thinking of making grilled chicken burgers this week so I bought the singles for that. I'm really liking the oro wheat sandwich thins! I also bought low-cal Western Bagels. They are ONE point per bagel and come in a variety of flavours! I bought roasted garlic I think. MUCH better than the WW bagels. Those are too doughy, yuk.


Have a great week everyone!


height 5'3"

SW: 157.4

CW: 151.2

GW: 127.4

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Hi Social, Yes I tried the Cheese snacks last week for the first time. I really liked them. I also love the pizza flavor pretzel thin snacks as well. I have not tried the WW wheat thin snacks yet. As far as the WW bagels, I agree, too doughy. I buy the Natures Own Whole Wheat Thin bagels. Very good and only 1 pt too. I have not seen the brand that you are talking about, are they new?


Also, contrats on your loss this week. You seem to have a lot of will power and are doing very well and staying on plan. I had a little setback with some Easter leftovers. I need to recognize my "trigger" foods and stay away from them. I don't weigh until Fri and will be happy if I just maintain this week. I did try on some cute summer skirts yesterday at Khol's and really had a reality check. I need to stay focused and keep the scale moving in a downward direction again. I have 23 more pounds to go.


Have a great Wed. Cari.

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