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Back from Victory - March 15-22


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This review is going to be in installments so that I can spend time talking about the ports. The ports were, afterall, the highlight of this fabulous itinerary so I want to do them justice.


So first of all was the "getting there". We flew Air Canada on a direct flight. All went well and we arrived on time, at 3 pm. We joined the line for a taxi to the pier. Price is $19 for the cab and then $1 per bag. Took about 10 minutes to get there.


Embarkation at this time (around 4 pm) was terrific. No line up - just right up to the desk and got signed in in what appeared to be less than 5 minutes.


We went to the embarkation duty free and took with us an empty carry on bag with wheels. Filled that baby up with soda, water, wine and booze and it all went through the scanner without a single problem. All the stories of this being the only embarkation point where you can do this were correct. It was super not to have to plan or buy ahead. Prices were great and so were the samples they hand out!


Took one step on that ship and I was astounded at the sea of green! OMG there was so much green everywhere I couldn't believe it. A tad overwhelming at first. Others have called it beautiful. I would say it was more attractive at night with the lights - sort of scaled it down a little. And I'm proud to say those little seahorses on the stairs didn't bite me once all week!


Our room was, of course, ready for us at this time. Well if I thought the green was something, NOTHING compared to that pepto-bismal pink in the bathroom. That was definitely an eye opener every morning!!


The ship was very easy to find our way around but I confess we never got past the 9th deck (ours). Planned to go to 10 and up all week but never made it. We were in 9263 and it was very handy to have that on the Lido deck.


We bought our drink of the day cards ($23 plus tax) at the main bar in the atrium. They don't advertise these but if you ask, they will produce them from under the bar. Saves you about 20% to have one and it was nice just to bring to the bar for a predinner cocktail each night. Hubby also bought a specialty coffee card (he liked the Americano coffee from there) from the coffee place on the Lido deck. I didn't like the regular Carnival coffee so drank tea all week. Worked for me.


Our room steward, Melvin, was very efficient and did his job well and if we left a note for something, it was always taken care of but we never saw him the whole week - not even the last morning when I expected to see him.


Maitre'd was very visible (Fernando) and helpful. Our server was Dennis and his assistant was Alfredo. First week on the ship for both of them. They were efficient and got a little friendlier as the week went by. There was one waiter named Santiago that was an absolute blast when the waiters did their singing. He got right up on one of the serving islands and shook his booty big time. He really got into it and made everyone laugh and clap.


Food in the dining room was average to good. The prime rib was excellent and so was one of the desserts - an apple caramel in a puffed pastry. Mmm


Buffet on the Lido was disappointing we thought. We looked at it a couple of times thinking we'd have dinner there but it wasn't all that appealing and we only saw it open in the day once because we were out on excursions all day. So most of the time all that was open was burgers/pizza/breaded chicken/fries and a couple of the days the sandwiches or the wok place. Certainly this was a good thing though considering the damage that I did incur anyway if you believe my lying scale that I was foolish enough to step on this morning!


Debarkation was easy and went well. If you had a flight before 2 pm you were given lower debarkation numbers. We had a "normal" number (#11) and got to the airport around 10:30. (Numbers went up to 20 something). Lines at the airport were nuts and the airport was so crowded.


So that's the ship in a nutshell. Next installment will start the ports.


Hope I didn't post too much and bore the pants off everyone!

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Going on April 12th out of Miami, can't wait for your full review.


We went to the embarkation duty free and took with us an empty carry on bag with wheels. Filled that baby up with soda, water, wine and booze and it all went through the scanner without a single problem. All the stories of this being the only embarkation point where you can do this were correct. It was super not to have to plan or buy ahead. Prices were great and so were the samples they hand out!


First time I heard about this where can I read more about this? The last time we cruised a few years ago I did not see a store.

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Well if I thought the green was something,

NOTHING compared to that pepto-bismal pink in the bathroom.

That was definitely an eye opener every morning!!

What?! -you found this a bit too pink for ya?





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1. Oh yeah - that's the lovely bathroom. Thank heavens I had no nights where I had to pray to the porcelain gods! I think that colour would have helped!


2. The drink of the day card is just that. It's NOT the soda card and you can only get the drink of the day. The first one comes in the plastic souvenier glass which you can keep if you choose, and then the rest are in regular glasses with umbrellas and cherries. Personally I preferred those in appearance.


3. Yes, you read correctly re the duty free booze shopping. It's located after the check in desk and right before you go through security to get on the ship at the gangway. It's not the same duty free as the one that you go to when you visit San Juan as a port. It's ONLY for embarking guests. And they need to see your sign and sail card to buy so they know you're going on the ship and the ship, if they cared to, could know you are bringing it on, but the deal is so long as it's not "in their face" and is concealed in a carry on bag, you're good to go. P.S. Until the ship sails, you can go back to the embarkation duty free if you decide you didn't get enough the first time! LOL


OK now on to the review.


Our first stop was St. Thomas and we went on the shopping, tour and beach break with Sunny Liston Tours. The price was $25 pp.


Sunny picked us up at the pier at 10 am and took us downtown and dropped us off telling us he'd be back at 11:45. That was time enough for us to hit the jewellry stores, specifically my fav: Cardow Jewellers. I wound up buying a beauty of a gold bracelet, really different and exactly what I had pictured in my mind. I had good luck with Cardow a couple of years ago with a ring and so went back. I'm certain I'll return again too!


Sunny picked us and some others up that he had dropped earlier and later for their shopping trips and our tour began. It was raining at this point so we sure didn't mind not walking around and we were praying it would get better for the beach later.


We took a tour "up the mountain" and stopped along the way for picture taking opportunities. The views were stunning. Once we got there, many of us enjoyed the famous banana daquiris. Now these blender beverages were definitely NOT of the tame variety. The guy pours and pours and pours the rum into the blender to whip up the drinks and then when he pours you your drink he adds even more rum to the top. I confess I sucked out and asked him to leave off the extra rum because I figured I'd be flying down that mountain if I didn't.


We all went outside to view the Atlantic side and Sunny pointed out all the places that we were seeing and we got a look at Magen's Bay. WONDERFUL and we could have all gone there afterwards but he then told us it was an additional $4 pp just to go there. We all opted to go to Sapphire Beach too. Come on!! That's the price of another drink! LOL


We got to the beach about 1:15 and Sunny gave us a choice of him coming to get us to take us back at either 2 pm or 3:30. We all chose 3:30 of course. The beach was beautiful. There was one beach style restaurant and the prices were pretty high, but we were hungry and thirsty and that Bushwacker drink was rather tasty.....


About 10 minutes after we got there and Sunny was gone, the heavens opened up again and it just POURED. We waited it out under some beach umbrellas and when it stopped it was like it never happened. The sun came out, the sand was instantly dry and we went in search of beach loungers.


When we looked around, there was only us and two other couples from our group that we could see. One of the couples said that when it started to pour Sunny actually came back and offered to take anyone back then that wanted to go back. How great is that? He didn't need to do that. That was excellent customer service in my opinion.


Too bad they chose that option though because the next 1 1/2 was glorious on the beach. One of the guys in our group went snorkelling and had a fabulous time. We almost had to go and find him and dig him out of the water at 3:30. :p


Sunny wasn't too concerned though (guess he's used to this) and took us all back. We had a chance to look around at the port and buy our tshirts and mugs that we buy at every port.


That night in the theatre was the Welcome Aboard Show and then the comedian Al Romero. At first I wasn't too sure about that guy with some of his jokes. To me, they bordered on offensive at first, but then he moved on and made a couple of jokes that just about made me fall off the bench, and it was all good after that. He did an adults only show the next night but we didn't go to it - mostly because we couldn't stay up that late! Boy does the sun take it out of you.


Next stop Dominica.

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Second day was Tuesday - St. Patty's Day and also Dominica Day. First of all I always thought you pronounced it like Dominican Republic. But it's not - it's like a female's name - Dom-in-eeka.


For this day we chose an island tour with Reyno Tours. Our guide for the day was a young woman by the name of Crisca and our driver was Russell. One word for these twol - FABULOUS. They both impressed all of us so much with their knowledge and passion for the island. They packed so much into the day too.


We went to Mr. Nice's Fruit Stand first and stuffed our faces with fresh picked bananas that really did taste superior to what we eat in Canada. We had coconut candy and the juiciest grapefruit ever. After we had our fill, we stopped at the banana plantation and Crisca explained the whole "banana process" to us. Very interesting. We stopped to see the black sand beach, which is hotter on the feet than you can ever imagine! Ouch - I can still feel it. We stopped at the hot sulpher pool - P.U.!! But not as stinky as the one we went to in St. Lucia. Then we went to Emerald Pool and Trafalger Falls. Now each of these have an extra cost to them of $5 each and that's not just for Reyno Tours. That's for all tours. It's paid directly to the authorities on site and everyone has to pay it.


Emerald Pool and especially the Falls should come with a bit of a warning though. The walk in is NOT for the mobility impaired or for little children. It was downright treacherous in some areas and I got as far as being really close to the pool so that hubby could go in and I could take pics with the zoom lens, but as for the Falls, I couldn't get there at all. I got as far as I could and then Crisca said that it was only going to get worse and recommended that I stop. I listened. Hubby went and Crisca went with him and took pictures of him in the Falls for me so that I could see it. I have to say this too: the entire time at the pool and the falls Crisca hardly left my side. She knew I was struggling but determined to try to make it and she held my hand and guided me personally and left only when she was sure I was in a position to go it alone. I appreciated that so much, she has no idea.


After these stops we drove through the Botanic Garden and stopped for more picture opportunities and then back to the ship. On the way back to the ship, Russell told us all about Dominica's history and the pride that was in that man's voice was so strong. Very touching indeed.


Those two made this day so special for us all. And then when I thought it couldn't get any better, they surprised me again. I had asked Crisca if we could get dropped off at the fire station instead of the port on the way back (it was fairly close) so that we could get a shirt for my son. He's a firefighter here back in Ontario and when we go on vacation we like to buy him one from our travels. When we got back to the port, there was Reyno waiting for us. Crisca and Russell said their goodbyes and then Reyno took us himself to the firestation and waited for us while hubby ran in to buy the shirt and then took us back to the port. How's THAT for extra customer service? And he wouldn't take a dime for the extra favour.


Folks I can't recommend Reyno and his gang enough. Crisca and Russell made us feel their pride for Dominica. It's not the sort of place I would likely to consider for a vacation, but it sure is somewhere I'm not likely to forget for a long while.


That night in the theatre was "Livin' in America" and we were too wiped from our day so didn't even attempt to go and see it.


Next stop.....Barbados.

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Thanks for the review, I especially like how much you're writing about the islands! Look forward to hearing the rest.

Were there any nights that there was something going on out on the Lido Deck? We also have a cabin on the Lido Deck (9268) and can't wait to be there.

Thanks again!

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Thanks for the review, I especially like how much you're writing about the islands! Look forward to hearing the rest.

Were there any nights that there was something going on out on the Lido Deck? We also have a cabin on the Lido Deck (9268) and can't wait to be there.

Thanks again!


Yes there were parties going on every night on the Lido deck. We only hit one of them but it was really fun. One night they had a late night Mexican buffet going there too.


You'll love the location of your cabin. So convenient to everything and near to the elevators too.

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Sorry, I'm a bit slow. :confused: The drink of the day card, is it all you want for the day for $23.00?


Oh wouldn't that be a bargain and lovely? No, sadly it means that you get 5 drinks of the day for $23. You can drink them all in one day or however you want. The first is in the souvenier glass the the other 4 are in regular glasses. You can buy as many of these cards as you wish. When you get a drink, they punch the card to show the drink's been used up. In the end, you wind up saving about 20% over what you would have paid if you had bought the drinks individually.

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Thanks for the great review. We are sailing on the Victory in October, and will be on the Verandah Deck in an aft cabin (8439). Can't wait!


I appreciate the detail you are going into regarding each port.


Keep up the good work......looking forward to reading more!



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Sorry, I'm a bit slow. :confused: The drink of the day card, is it all you want for the day for $23.00?


There have been a few threads about these lately. You could probably find some by searching (use the advanced search) and just search the Carnival board.


My plans for Victory in May are a little different, but not so much so. Shopping/tour/beach with Papa Bear in St Thomas; island tour with in Levi Baron in Dominica. We'll see if we "match up" with any as you continue your review.


I thought there was a big screen TV on the Lido deck that showed movies every night. I'm not particularly interested, but how do they manage that as well as late-night parties? :confused:


We stopped in San Juan (a day stop, thankfully) in Dec. 07 on Miracle. You mentioned buying other beverages. I don't remember anything but the liquor stores. Imagine that! Maybe that has something to do with all those little samples they hand out! :o


We're going down the day before and there's a grocery store near our hotel. I thought I'd walk down there Saturday evening and get a few things (I don't drink soda and I'm perfectly fine with the ship's water but would like our 2 bottles of carry-on wine). Is there somewhere in the terminal to get wine or is it just hard booze?

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Kim thanks so much for the great review so far. It is making me wish our cruise was sooner than later. We will be on this same itinerary Aug 30. We are flying in on Sunday afternoon and will fly back home on Monday after we come back to SJ.


I can't wait to read more of your review.

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I thought there was a big screen TV on the Lido deck that showed movies every night. I'm not particularly interested, but how do they manage that as well as late-night parties? :confused:


The movie times are 10 am, noon, 6 pm and midnight.


We stopped in San Juan (a day stop, thankfully) in Dec. 07 on Miracle. You mentioned buying other beverages. I don't remember anything but the liquor stores. Imagine that! Maybe that has something to do with all those little samples they hand out! :o


Water and soda can be purchased in the duty free store that I mentioned.


We're going down the day before and there's a grocery store near our hotel. I thought I'd walk down there Saturday evening and get a few things (I don't drink soda and I'm perfectly fine with the ship's water but would like our 2 bottles of carry-on wine). Is there somewhere in the terminal to get wine or is it just hard booze?


You can buy water, soda and wine as well as hard liqour. In fact, when we were buying wine they told us if we bought two bottles they would throw in a free corkscrew so that we didn't have to buy one.

By the way we took one of the bottles of wine with us to the dining room and told our waiter that it was a gift from our TA. He opened it for us and we shared it with our table and we didn't get whacked with a corking fee.



OK on to Barbados......


Barbados day was the Silver Moon II catamaran trip.


Barbados is a very relaxing port to go to because you don't have to run the excursion gauntlet to get to your scheduled excursion. You exit out the port and there are "desks" that are numbered and have the names of the different excursions. Silver Moon told us that they would be at exit 2 and so they were, right on time.


The ride to the marina was about 5 minutes away from the port. The catamaran was SPOTLESS. We chose the 5 hour excursion for 24 max people and it included lunch.


We set sail around 9:30 am and homemade banana bread and drinks were offered immediately. Most people opted for at least one soft drink or water before getting into the good stuff. They did say we could have alcohol before we snorkelled but warned that we should be responsible about it and save it for later. There were no problems with anyone not listening to this advice.


We stopped twice for snorkelling. The snorkelling equipment that Silver Moon provided was the best equipment I have ever seen. It was all in pristine condition and none of the masks were stretched out or shabby at all. The first time was with the sea turtles. I loved them!! We then moved closer into the beach area and had another opportunity to either snorkel to see the fish or go and play on the beach. Most of us went snorkelling but a few went to romp on the beach.


Once we finished (about 1/2 hr. opportunity for each snorkelling stop), we dined on the most delicious buffet lunch. There was chicken, fish, potato, rice with beans, salad, couscous, bbq bean salad. Tons of food and oh so good! We were all starving after actual "activity"! LOL After the guys cleaned up the serving area, they came around with yummy carrot cake for dessert.


Then the drinks started flowing. Malibu Rum is the sponsor for them so it was a popular choice for drink. I loved the MR with pineapple juice. The guys served drinks to us or we could go up to the bar area and get them ourselves. The blenders started whirling and pina coladas were offered as well.


We got back to the port around 2:30 and the most surprising thing of all was that there was absolutely NO pressure to tip them. They put a jug on the counter with tips written on it but not a word was said about it. Throughout the day, the three guys that ran the excursion were helpful, friendly and fun but there was no loud dancing or partying. There was music, but it wasn't at a break your eardrum decibel - just really nice. There were families and couples and all enjoyed it. The excursion was $87.50 pp. Well worth it we thought. What a great day!!


After we asked to get dropped off in town instead of at the pier because we were off on yet another hunt for a firestation. I knew there was one in Bridgetown and the driver dropped us off at the door. We got our shirt (had to literally buy one off of a firefighter's back!!) but we got it and taxi'd back to the pier for $5 US.


What a wonderful day again and the weather was perfect. I'd definitely recommend Silver Moon excursion. We saw the excursion boat that holds max 12 people and I think there were even less than that on it when we sailed away but honestly that catamaran was huge and the 24 people on it didn't fill it at all. We all had a chance to move around and lay out on the netting if we chose.


Next stop......St. Lucia.

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Kim thanks so much for the great review so far. It is making me wish our cruise was sooner than later. We will be on this same itinerary Aug 30. We are flying in on Sunday afternoon and will fly back home on Monday after we come back to SJ.


I can't wait to read more of your review.


Wise move to wait for Monday to fly home. That airport is an absolute nuthouse on the debarkation day. I would have dearly loved to do the same as you're doing but since hubby is a teacher and it was the end of our March Break we couldn't take the airport up on their offer to exchange our seats for a night in San Juan and free tickets to anywhere in the US, Caribbean or Mexico!! Wahhhh.

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St. Lucia - now here's a little bit of paradise!!


For St. Lucia we chose to go on an island tour with Serenity Tours. Sherma was waiting for us right where we were told she'd be and off we went for our tour. There was us, another couple and a family of four on our tour.


Sherma packed sooooooo much into our day. We pretty much ate our way through St. Lucia - from bananas, coconut cake, nuts, tamarind, the bakery with the most delicious fresh baked bread, mmmmmmm. Sherma even taught us how to order our bread in Creole at the bakery. The phrase we used (that of course I can't remember how) was a combination of Creole and french.


So many stops to see the sights and then there was lunch at a restaurant that had incredible views of the St. Lucia pitons. Amazing.


Lunch was a delicious buffet and we had the restaurant pretty much to ourselves. We tried a few new dishes that we'd never heard of before like bread fruit (tasted like mashed potato) and green bananas in garlic sauce (again tasted like a potato) and marlin fish. Tamarind drink (pretty tasty stuff) was our drink for lunch.


After ample time to eat and drink and take pictures, we went to the beach for a while and then toured the sulphur springs in the drive in volcano and saw the mineral bath - wasn't getting in there. Oh my the smell was so strong! We got used to it though so long as the wind didn't shift directions! Gag. It was priceless to see everyone's faces when they first got there though. We learned a lot about volcanos from our volcano tour guide and found out that it's a good thing we COULD smell it - that meant it wasn't getting ready to blow any time soon! haha small favours, eh?


On the way back to the port we stopped at the rum distillery. There you could pay $3 pp and sample all the rums that they made there. I did my fair share of sampling but the young woman that was in our tour drank the line. She tried every single one of those rums (just little sips but still); I bow to her because I couldn't do it.


There was so much to see and Sherma wanted us to see everything that we could possibly see. We packed so much into our day and still didn't see all the places that she would have liked to have taken us.


At the end of the day we met John, the owner of Serenity. I was happy to do that because I had corresponded with him and spoke with him many times over the last several weeks bombarding him with all my questions. He was gracious every single time. This fabulous excursion was a bargain at $65 pp for the entire day. Our tour lasted about 7 hours and once again we needed a nap when we got back. I'd love to come back to spend more time in St. Lucia.


Next.......on to Antigua

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For Antigua and for St. Kitts we opted for beach days. We were getting pretty wiped out by this time and wanted to slow the pace down and just relax.


In Antigua we hopped in a taxi and went to Dickenson Bay. The beach was a beauty and we also heard that everyone that went to beaches (and there are apparently 365 of them) thought their beach was "the one". We got loungers and an umbrella outside of Sneaky Petes. I mentioned to Dave at SP that I had heard of good reviews on Cruise Critic and he gave us the loungers and umbrella for no charge. Had some drinks (hubby had his bucket and I had some island creations drinks). SP doesn't serve food but the restaurant (Tom's I think it was called) did have food so we got some there.


There were a ton of different watersports available there - the jet skis and the banana boat rides were the most popular. There were also boat rides going to somewhere - never did find out. We just laid there and enjoyed the day. I bought a beautiful shawl/pashmina from a woman named Daisy on the beach. She was really nice and gave me a chance to get settled and then came back later - not at all pushy.


Word of warning.....there is a shop there that has THE snottiest people in there. I went in the store with hubby to take a look around and the first woman didn't even give me a chance to get my foot in and said to me that it doesn't cost a thing to LOOK so come in. I answered to her "Of course I'll look". She either didn't hear me or whatever, but said something like "We're people too you know". I stopped and repeated to her what I had said because I didn't want her to think I had ignored her. She then got pushy and said I needed to look at HER stuff and not the other stuff. I told her I wanted to look at all of it. Then the next woman (I guess they are little stalls within the store) makes a huge gesture of backing up into her stall and says to the first woman, "She's a real B****". Well that just about did me in. I couldn't believe my ears. I turned to hubby and said, "Well that's it - I'm done. Let's get out of here." I was so upset I was afraid I was going to cry and I didn't want her to see that! Hubby said to me after that I should have said to her, "Yah? Well this B**** is going to take her money elsewhere too!"


Anyway, Daisy came by later and I bought my beautiful scarf from her so it's all good, but honestly talk about rude. I've gone over this in my head a few times to see if I did something to make her be so offensive and can't see it. And believe me, if I had of, hubby would be the first to let me know too. Well that's my warning.


The rest of the day was wonderful and relaxing and the beach was a beauty.




In St. Kitts we went to Cockelshell Beach. Wilbur, the 300 lb. pig, was asleep under the shade and never moved the entire day. I understand that he will often go dunk himself in the water in the morning and then sleep away the day. I saw no flies or other insects. There were alcohol stealing monkeys that were around for about 1/2 hr. in the morning and then they locked them away in their pen for the rest of the day and therefore no more booze stealing. They were really cute though I have to say.


What WAS the most annoying was the never ending offers for aloe massages on the beach. I must have said no thanks a zillion times. Keep saying it politely though and eventually they leave you alone.


Beach chairs are $5 a piece and so are the umbrellas. They put a ring on the chairs and umbrellas to show they have been paid. If you don't go there first thing, take a walk and see if there are any vacant chairs with the rings still on the back of the loungers. Saves you paying again.


Great beach service there. Our server, Maria, ran a tab for us the entire day and brought us drinks and food whenever we wanted it. Buckets of beer were $15 and drinks (loved the mango margaritas) were $6.


Taxis are plentiful but try to hoist yourself in with another group if it's just the two of you. Otherwise the taxi bill will be a lot. We paid $6.50 pp each way and we joined a family on the way out, and a group on the way back. People double up like that a lot. You can ask your driver to come back and get you at a certain time, but that's really not necessary because they are plentiful. We werent' sure how long we were going to stay.



That's pretty much it! I've already mentioned debarkation and the crazy airport so not going to type that again.


There were more shows on the ship we saw - one called Vroom is one not to be missed for sure. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask. I'd be happy to answer if I can.


Next cruise......Alaska in July. I'm stoked!

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Oh wouldn't that be a bargain and lovely? No, sadly it means that you get 5 drinks of the day for $23. You can drink them all in one day or however you want. The first is in the souvenier glass the the other 4 are in regular glasses. You can buy as many of these cards as you wish. When you get a drink, they punch the card to show the drink's been used up. In the end, you wind up saving about 20% over what you would have paid if you had bought the drinks individually.



Can you tell me if that is $23.00 total or do you still have to add the gratuities to that??

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Your review was awesome. Great reading. It only makes me more excited. We choose this cruise because for the ports. We have our days planned thru St. Lucia. We are also going to relax on Antigua and St. Kitts. Maybe spend some time on the ship and get off a shop in St. Kitts (hear that shopping is right off the pier). Only 47 more days until my trip. I am taking my mother with me and my husband for mothers day. She never been on a cruise before. She is in for an unforgettable experience.

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