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Desperate to lose weight...considering Lap Band - advice needed!


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I am about 85-90lbs overweight and I can't stand it.

Being overweight makes dating very difficult, and I refuse

to let it stand in the way of my meeting a guy and having a

happy life.


I am considering Lap Band surgery, but I am terrified of the risks.


Can anyone here share their experiences with Lap Band?


Also, I'm open to recommendations for a healthy plan of eating.


I prefer not to do Atkins, but I'm willing to do almost anything else.


I so appreciate any help you could give me.


Thanks. :-)

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Tristan, you should check out the realize band website. It's realizeband.com. They really have a lot of information on them, especially if you are having a hard time deciding what to do. That way at least you can make an informed decision. I had the lap band surgery in July. In 6 weeks I lost 25 lbs. I had a problem with mine but it is not a normal problem. My body tends to reject everything. It tried to push the band out of my body. We was afraid something like that might happen because it has happened before. I had my tubes stapled years ago. about 3 months afterwards my body started pushing the plastic clips out. So as I said this is not a problem most people have. I personally feel that the surgery is defintely worth it. It was great to not feel hungry all the time for a change. But as I said, try the website for more info. Or just google lapband forums, and then you can get even more peoples experience about the band. Just whatever you do make sure that it is something you are comfortable with. You have to make sure you are doing this for yourself and no-one else. If you have any questions I'd be happy to try to answer them for you. Good luck with whatever you decide.


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Watch what you eating, and exercise

I been using a product called Isagenix, as a meal replace for 2 meals a day, and on an elliptcal for about 45 min 2x a day, and then a salad and lean cuise dinner, with a side of vegs

and since March 2nd I am down from 260 to 237.

Get a microwave popcorn bowel to make a low cal snack and use a butter spray, popcorn will had fibre to your diet

It is all having the right mindset

I would rather get working hard , then have something put inside me

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The lapband will restrict what you can take in---you could do that yourself! Portion control is key---most folks think a serving size is MUCH larger than it is! You have to keep telling yourself (while eating 1 portion-sizes!) that you are NOT going to starve! A portion is AMPLE to keep your body functioning properly.

I'd be surprised if a doctor would consider you for the surgery without your trying on your own, in a responsible manner, first!

If there is a reason you are overeating, then you need to resolve that---even after a lapband or gastric bypass, if you don't resolve WHY you overeat, the results will not be long-lasting...there are ways to "by-pass" the by-pass!

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Tristan- (That's my daughter's boyfriend's name! :)) Have you tried many other eating and exercise plans?

I've been a yo-yo dieter and lose and gain weight over and over.

I've been every where from 108 to 225 pounds over the past 25 years.

I finally decided to put an end to it!

The day we returned from our cruise, January 19th, I started watching what I eat, and exercising. I am down 19 pounds so far. I have a long way to go, but if you just pick and plan, and stick with you, you can succeed!


If you go to fitnesspal.com you can enter your stats and it'll tell you just exactly how many calories you should be consuming to lose weight. You can also track your activities there. I found this a very useful tool. Also, go to webmd and put your stats in. It'll tell you what level you should get your hear-rate up to for maximum calorie burn.


There's no magical cure for being over-weight. It's going to take hard work and commitment. Once you get in to good habits of eating healthy and exericising, it just becomes a way of life and you don't think of it as a diet. I've tried every "diet" out there, looking for a quick fix. They don't work. I've finally come to the realization that I need exercise. I resisted that idea for years, but now that I'm on a regular routine, I actually look forward to my workouts! I never thought I'd feel that way about execise.


I know you've heard it from others before, but if I can do it, anyone can do it! I was a queen of lazy for the longest time. I got tied of having no energy, not participating in activities that I'd like to do, avoiding people and situations, hiding myself under big clothes...


I recently discovered the BeachBody workouts, thanks to a long lost friend who looked me up on Facebook. She lost 85 pounds and is now a BeachBody coach. Check out their website and some of the before and after pictures of people and their viedos. They are really inspiring!


Good luck with whatever route you take. Just remember to stick with it!

You can do it!



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I have lost 66 lbs since July of 08. Just by diet & exercise. It can be done. I have been heavy since my mid 20's (trying to have a baby). I finally got serious about last year when I hit my heaviest. I just stopped all the junk food and sodas cold turkey. It is the best thing I have done for my self. It is not always easy to exercise & eat right even now, but I trudge on. Good luck!!!!:rolleyes:

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To the OP, you've gotten some good advice, but unfortunately not too much response regarding lap band.


I was approx. 70 lbs. overweight. I've lost and gained the same lbs. over and over. Losing weight, for me, is the easier part of the equation. Keeping it off has always been impossible.


Three years ago I opted for lap band surgery. I absolutely love my band. I am very close to goal weight (would love to lose another 10 lbs., but at age 54 and having gone through menopause, it's probably not happening.)


It's not a magic pill...it still takes diligence, making healthy food choices, and exercise. But, and this is a big BUT, it keeps my appetite at bay. I don't come home from work starving and shoveling food into my mouth. I'm satisfied with smaller portions...probably half of what I used to eat. It's easy to say just eat less and you'll lose weight, but it's stopping at smaller portions that was always a problem for me.


I can't say enough good things about the band. I keep my band adjusted so there's nothing I cannot eat, but I just eat less. It takes awhile to get the exact fill (took me about 4 fills before I was at the "sweet spot"). All I can say is, investigate the band. Go to seminar about it. I wish I could have done this years ago. I have a life again!

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Tristan, Jerseygirl gave you some right on advice. It's easy for some people to say, " just eat right and exercise and you'll lose weight". This is not always as easy as it sounds. I tried that for 30 years. Some of us just need more help than others. If you decide to get more information about the lap band, don't feel ashamed that you couldn't lose weight on your own. I let that stop me for way too many years. I was so thrilled after lap band surgery to actually not be hungry all the time. Even tho my surgery didn't work out I'm not quitting. Just talked to my doctor that did the lap band and have an appt on April 22, to discuss gastric bypass. So don't give up, just make sure you are making an informed choice.

Good luck with whatever you decide:)


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Thank you so much to all who responded!


I have tried SO many diets/eating plans, from Slim Fast, when I was

around 16, to The Zone, Weight Watchers, Flat Belly Diet, No sugar diet

and a diet doctor who had me give myself daily injections of some sort of

"enzyme complex."


I did lose 45lbs on WW, but it was when I was 28 or so.

Now that I am mid 30's, I feel it's harder, and to be honest, I've

become lazier.


I will research the lap band more, but I have an appt. with a nutritionist on

Monday, so perhaps that will be something to try.


I would give every penny I have to be thin.

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I am a lap band patient. Check out lapbandtalk.com. They will give you more info because the boards are made up of people that are getting banded and ones that have bands. Just remember to keep an open mind when reading those.


As for my success, I have lost 85 pounds in 10 months!! Not every band patient is like that. I exercise about 1.5 to 2 hours a day and I go to WEight Watchers still. The lap band is not an easy way out at all. It also takes time to get to where you want to be with the band. I also had PCOS which made me infertile. I do not work right now, because I am focusing on my health and losing the weight. Yes, people say diet and exercise will help you lose weight and I agree but I needed the help from my band.


Also, some doctors and bands require you to be 100 pounds overweight and have a co-morbidity. The insurance requires that also. However, if you are willing to go to Mexico you can get your band at any weight.


Good Luck just research it!

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I exercise about 1.5 to 2 hours a day and I go to WEight Watchers still. The lap band is not an easy way out at all.


Pay attention that that. ^^


I know far FAR too many people that have had these surgeries, and today they weigh more than they did before. It's not an easy out, and you WILL have to develop a new lifestyle and eating behavior. If there's a chance in h*ll that you can do this without surgery, I'd sure take that route.

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Pay attention that that. ^^


I know far FAR too many people that have had these surgeries, and today they weigh more than they did before. It's not an easy out, and you WILL have to develop a new lifestyle and eating behavior. If there's a chance in h*ll that you can do this without surgery, I'd sure take that route.


ITA - I have a good friend who had lapband nearly two years ago - she's lost 15 lbs. Why? Because she hasn't changed her way of eating - sure, she may eat smaller portions, but still makes all the wrong choices (cream sauces, fried things, "foo-foo" drinks) and doesn't incorporate exercise - and she's a former dancer.


I made the decision to not be old AND fat as I approached my 60th birthday. Just started keeping a food diary and relied heavily on a very boring routine (fruit/cereal or egg for breakfast, frozen "whatever diet meal was on sale" with salad for lunch, fruit snack in the afternoon, and low fat protein (fish, chicken, etc.)/veggie/carb for dinner - or another frozen meal if I didn't feel like cooking) and doing low impact stuff at the gym 3 times a week if I could make it. Kept protein bars in the car and my purse in case I got hungry while out - heck it beats a stop at a fast food place or the food court. Lost 70 lbs. in 18 months.


I'm a "stress eater" big time and last year DH was in and out of the hospital for a few months - I wasn't watching at all what I ate and never got to the gym - packed on nearly 30 lbs. which I'm fighting with now. I think it's all a mind game - you need to decide what you're going to do, put it down on paper, and try to get into a routine. WW is great because it teaches you about food and how to make the right choices - a co-worker is trying to lose, she was having a tomato and lettuce sandwich on white bread - I told her she needed to incorporate some protein and more fiber - she asked what would constitute protein! A little education goes a long way. A slice or two of turkey and whole grain bread would have made her lunch way better.

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it's all a mind game - you need to decide what you're going to do, put it down on paper, and try to get into a routine. WW is great because it teaches you about food and how to make the right choices - a co-worker is trying to lose, she was having a tomato and lettuce sandwich on white bread - I told her she needed to incorporate some protein and more fiber - she asked what would constitute protein! A little education goes a long way. A slice or two of turkey and whole grain bread would have made her lunch way better.


I completely agree. I am amazed at how little people bother to learn about what they SHOULD be eating, and how much exercise they really need to get and stay healthy. Blows my mind in fact. :confused:

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  • 3 years later...



Did you ever go through with the lap band? We are on the same NYE sailing of the Gem. I have ummm firsthand knowledge of the lap band. A friend had it done in February of this year 2012 and to date has lost 90 pounds. He will begin to just maintain soon.best of luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my experience, but please bear in mind it was fairly unusual. I got a lapband in July of 2008. Everything went fine with the surgery and I quickly lost about 35 pounds. One morning I was getting ready for work when I suddenly started having severe abdominal pains. I ended up in an ambulance, and didn't leave the hospital for 4 straight months. It was severe acute pancreatitis caused by gallstones (probably caused by a rapid weight loss). In all, I had 8 abdominal operations, 10 separate hospitalizations, and a total of 6 1/2 months hospitalized. They gave me only about a 3% chance of survival, as I had many complications (sepsis, lung collapse, kidney failure). I ended up losing half my pancreas, half my colon, my gallbladder, and my uterus due to complications. I also lost my lapband. I did lose 70 pounds as a result of the illness (once, I had to go 4 months with nothing by mouth, not even water). In spite of the nightmare, I was very lucky and fully recovered (although it took over 2 years), and even returned to full-time employment.

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I know this thread is old but I just wanted to add my .02 I had Lap Band done in June 2010 and so far have had great results/experience. My advice to others is to do your research of the procedure and of the physicians/surgery center you will have it done at. Don't believe everything your read about it either - I heard so many horror stories from others that knew someone or was a friend of a friend type of situation that I almost backed out of the procedure and I did stop talking about it to my friends. Only you can make this decision for yourself.


Alot of people consider this the "easy way out" - let me tell you, it has not been for me. The lap band helps me with the physical part of eating in the way that I can not overeat or I will be very uncomfortable & possibly sick but it does nothing for the mental part - that takes alot of time and patience - for me I still struggle with this at times.


Anyway - if you have any questions, please ask.

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I have some people that are very close to me that have had Lap Band.


My best friend that has struggled his whole life with over eating after work in the evenings. He is a single guy that mostly eats out of boredom. (he wouldn't mind me saying that:)) He got lap band surgery and he is doing awesome! He has lost about 75 - 80 lbs so far and I always see him out walking. When ever we go out to eat he says "whatever I order for lunch will end up being my dinner too because I can only eat half." Now I feel like the over eater. :o


Another friend has lost about 70 lbs but she has her band tightened and loosened depending on her plans. I don't agree with that method.

If she goes on vacation or when the holidays roll around, she has it loosened so she can eat as much as she wants and then she gets it tightened when she wants to get back on track. That seems risky to me. But who am I? Not a doctor.


A co worker of mine had it done and is was a total waste. She lost weight but had to restrict the amount of food that she really wanted to eat....so she had it loosened and the band is still on but has not real purpose. There is no filler in it.


Another co worker got it done and they have really yo yo'd but that is due to having the filler removed and then put back in.


I know of others and none of them have had complications. 2 of them had gallbladder attacks and gallbladder removal within 18 mos. of having the band put on....but they say it was for the best.


All in all, if you gradually get the band filled and find what level you are comfortable with and leave it there....you will lose and you will maintain.


Good Luck to you and just know that if you really want to lose the weight and decide on the band, you will NOT be able to eat the way you used to without being totally miserable.


BTW - when I go out to eat with my friend, I try to eat the amount he eats and call it quits. when I continue eating he just looks at me and shakes his head. lol

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it is offered thru hospitals. Involves the use of powdered shakes, powdered soup mixes and protein bars for 12 weeks and then a 12 week period of weaning back to regular food, but better choices. Weekly meetings and weigh ins with a rotating support staff of dietitian, physical therapist and behavioral therapist and then an ongoing support group weekly after that.


Wife and I have been on it since Mar 1 and have lost 72 and 75 pounds respectively and are still losing more. Not cheap... but what a difference it has made in our lives.


I'd try it first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

;)Good advice I too know a couple that have had the lapband and lost tons of weight at first but now sadly they are even heavier then they were before.:( It is sad because they make every excuse not to go out and have fun now.




Pay attention that that. ^^


I know far FAR too many people that have had these surgeries, and today they weigh more than they did before. It's not an easy out, and you WILL have to develop a new lifestyle and eating behavior. If there's a chance in h*ll that you can do this without surgery, I'd sure take that route.

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I had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy one year ago. I won't say it has been without issues. I came through the surgery beautifully but I have not had my head together all the time about eating. While I am not able to eat very much at one setting, I am able to snack and that is my downfall.


So far, I am maintaining what I lost over the year (about 75) lbs. but I want to lose another 20 or more. I am and have always been an emotional eater. While I have had therapy I still sometimes snack when I am upset.


This is something I must overcome. I have, however, learned to enjoy some types of exercise (just started jogging and love it). That will be a big help.


I had IBS for years and thought it was gone after the surgery. But if I snack I find it comes back. It is miserable and I do not know why I do this to myself.


Anyway, I am still a great supporter of weight loss surgery but you mind has to be right also. I was a yo-yo dieter. I am so happy to wear regular clothes and be close to a normal weight. There are tons of advantages but there are restrictions as well.



All in all, it is a very personal decision, must be weighed (no pun intended) from all angles. Support from others is wonderful. You will find that many of those around you who are overweight will not "like" you as much anymore. They will definitely not want the weight loss topic to come up. The only people who compliment me (and there are really a lot of them) are mainly people of normal weight who do not have weight issues.


The surgery is expensive if you insurance does not cover it (mine did not) but I now have eliminated diabetes meds, high blood pressure meds, meds for sore joints, etc. That in itself makes it all worthwhile but it is a lifetime change.

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Thank you so much to all who responded!


I have tried SO many diets/eating plans, from Slim Fast, when I was

around 16, to The Zone, Weight Watchers, Flat Belly Diet, No sugar diet

and a diet doctor who had me give myself daily injections of some sort of

"enzyme complex."


I did lose 45lbs on WW, but it was when I was 28 or so.

Now that I am mid 30's, I feel it's harder, and to be honest, I've

become lazier.


I will research the lap band more, but I have an appt. with a nutritionist on

Monday, so perhaps that will be something to try.


I would give every penny I have to be thin.


That right there is part of the issue.. all of those "diets" you mentioned are fads. Slim Fast is chemical junk and all of the others restrict certain types of foods..


Have you ever tried just eating clean and exercising? You don't have to deprive yourself and surely you can find some type of exercise you enjoy. The nutrition part is going to be the biggest part of your success. Transition into clean eating - it is a life and game changer!

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  • 9 months later...

I am about 85-90lbs overweight and I can't stand it.

Being overweight makes dating very difficult, and I refuse

to let it stand in the way of my meeting a guy and having a

happy life.


I am considering Lap Band surgery, but I am terrified of the risks.


Can anyone here share their experiences with Lap Band?


Also, I'm open to recommendations for a healthy plan of eating.


I prefer not to do Atkins, but I'm willing to do almost anything else.


I so appreciate any help you could give me.


Thanks. :-)


Looks like this thread kinda died out a while back. I didn't get the lap and, but it did get the gastric sleeve back in February. It's the best decision I ever made... At least the best one since getting married :). Is a very personal decision, but am happy to share my experience if you wish. Dieted my whole life... And noticed a clue of the cliche "just control your portion size" comments... I know the OP knows... And many others know its just not that easy... And it's actually somewhat rude to tell someone that.. Especially when they are a beanpole :) let me know if you have any questions!

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