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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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I have two stories that are funny. The first story is... there was a group of fire fighters, they had brought with them a life size inflatable doll. They carried her everywhere that they went, they even dressed her for the occasion. Formal dresses, swim suits etc. It was halarious. They would take her to dinner, disco, shows. Too funny!

My other story is about a guy that was dressed like a cave man the entire trip. He even kind of looked like one, long hair, big belly. He would be out on deck with is cape and bat dancing to the music daily. He wore a tux to formal night but still had his bat, it was to funny.:)

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First off what's up with those people that do the funny quirky things like bring the bear or a bucket everywhere? LOL


I think the funnest thing to me is every cruise without fail, the day we are leaving to go home, EVERY TIME we see a cruise worker standing at the front of someone's VERY dark room with the door wide open saying Mam/Sir we are in port you need to wake up it's time to leave the ship! LOL

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i am not one for taking large tour groups so we rented two jeeps in aruba and went the opposite direction of the ships jeep tour around the island. we met up with the tour at one of the caves. if you like the taste of dust be the second through 15th jeep in line. the people got out of their jeeps with dust all over their faces and clothes. the smart ones who had sunglasses had big rings on their faces. it was quite a sight! later that night, we had a midnight sailing as we were only going to Curacao the next day. At about 11:57, we spotted a very drunk man trying to make his way back to the ship by midnight. he had to have been to Carlos & Charlies. He got to the fence and the passengers began yelling to him to hurry up. Fortunately for him, the security guards loaded him into their car, pulled upto the plank and dropped him off. he couldnt get up, people are yelling and laughing. Some ship crew members went out, picked him up, carried him on board and the plank went up and off we sailed. If the security guards hadnt helped him he never would have made it. I love Aruba !

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We met some really outrageos guests at our cc party, that we sort of teamed up with. WELL one of them decided that 2 unmarried couples in our group ,should not be living in sin(for the whole 2 weeks) So, we had a mock wedding in our suite. IT was hallarious ,he "read the vows" out of a John Deer tracter book. We had bridal veils of toilet paper, happy new year balloons--and a really nice room steward who cleaned up the rice. When some crazy cruise critics get together--you can have a blast. And I don't drink. I will probably never have this much fun again. SEA YA don loves to cruise My 10th coming up

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I have a funny but kind of gross one.



I was sailing on the Enchantment of the seas with my wife and 2 boys. My wife was at the spa and my two boys were with the other kids on the boat. Anyway I had to go to the bathroom. I went to the one near the Windjammer. Anyways, I went into the stall and starting going to the bathroom. I was alone, with no one else in there. Than some guy walks in goes in the stall next to me. He sat down and just waited. Than someone else came in, and went into his stall and started having sex!!! It was either his wife or girlfriend. They didn't know I was in there. I didnt know what to do. I just remained so silent and held my hands over my ears not wanting to hear everything. But then she made a really loud noise and I really couldn't help it and laughed so hard. The man said "Oh Sh*t!" and the woman said "F*ck!" They zippered up and ran out so fast. Than I left. I saw them outside sitting on a chair. I knew it was them because they were staring at me from the first second I walked out of the bathroom.


Than later on I was walking out of my room when I see them going in the room next door. It turns out they were in the room next to us.


Also, please don't think that I'm immature for laughing when she made the noise. I only thought it was so funny because of the circumstances I was in.

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Don't know how funny this will be, but at the time (24 yrs ago) I thought it was histerical.




We were on the Mardi Gras in Miami and apparently there were two ladies that missed the ship. I remember thinking they were older but hey I was like twelve. Anyway we're pushing away from the pier when this tug pulls up and these two ladies are standing on the outside of the railing with their suitcases. The "cargo door" of the ship is open and these women had to jump onto the ship. Looking back I bet they were scared to death but at the time them throwing their luggage across and then jumping was to funny. They got little too no help from the tug personel something about liability if they fell or their bags didn't make it.

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I have two for sharing: On Explorer the belly flop contest turned badly when a man went in head first and cracked open his bald head, the remainder of the cruise worn a almost turbin. The second on the Diamond Princess, a very nice looking Canadian lady chatted up my husband in the Disco with me on his other arm. She had been drinking, alot, and at the end of the evening told him she wanted to give him her panties so he could go home and tell his friends that Canadian girls "rock". All those stories about girls liking old fat guys must be true.

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On the Elation last June my cruise buddy (my 15 year old daughter) and I were getting on the elevator. When the doors opened, there were 2 gorilla's waiting for us - one pink and one blue! They grabbed hands and skipped off the elevator whistling at my daughter. The next day we were laying out by the pool and I had fallen asleep. I woke up when I felt something tickle my ear. I looked over and it was the pink gorilla laying next to me sunning with a drink in his hand. Needless to say, it was hysterical. We had so much fun watching these characters run around the ship all week. In fact, we are leaving on another cruise in 2 weeks and I wanted to get a cow outfit - but my daughter says NO WAY! :p


Another story...... (gross)


2 years aga we were just debarking off the Rhapsody in Galveston and were heading to the stairs. I looked over in the corner and there was an older gentlemen pooping in the corner. He was so surprised by us that he pulled his pants up and dashed off as quick as he could. IT WAS DISGUSTING! Guess he just couldn't make it! Talk about stinkey!:eek:



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Your first story was GREAT!!!:) Can you imagine what the luggage x-ray person thought when he/she saw TWO Gorilla costumes in the luggage?! "What the???"


Your second story, GROSS!!!:eek: I mean, REALLY GROSS!!!



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Your second story, GROSS!!!:eek: I mean, REALLY GROSS!!!





I agree, that second post may have killed this thread for a while. :(


However, the sad fact is that there are not enough "facilities"

particularly on piers and certainly on many of the

islands/destinations we cruisers enjoy. Even some rather

fancy places, like European cities, have few if any

public rest rooms. For older cruisers/travellers,

getting around becomes an unpleasant

challenge. And of course, getting older is not for the squeemish

(I should know).



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So, I'm thinking that this is the funniest thread on the entire net. I wish I had a great story to add. I'm thinking that the bear people are the funniest. I want to know all about them. How did two people who are equally crazy about bears meet up?

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These are so great! Ok, here are a couple of mine....


1) My dad and one of his friends always play practical jokes on eachother every cruise we go on. Imagine the faces our waiters get when he askes for a plate of fish heads (decorated nicely of course) sent to table 306.


2) On the EOS a couple months ago our waiter was really nice but sort of quiet (unlike some of them in the past who have done magic tricks, showed us how to fold napkins and sech with me and my two other sisters). One night after our entree and me ordering my chocolate cake, he brought a plate with a plain bagel to my place. I sat and looked at it for a couple minutes thinking........uhh I didn't order this. Then I scooted it over to my mom. She picked it up and....*SCREAM* a ROACH hopped out from under it! I didn't quite know what to think of this practical joke. The waiter had a plastic bagle with a roach latched onto it with a string (something you get out of the "waiters-that-work-on-ships" joke book?) It was funny though because my mom freaks out about those things. We were sitting right beside the capitans table in the center of the dining room and people around us were looking for sure....


3) Last year on the Mariner of the Seas a family that cruises with us alot came along. One of the boys is my age (we are both teens). Let me explain on this cruise there were 122 (exactly) PANAMANIAN girls traveling together. It was like an army! But as you can imagine, all the OTHER girls onboard were jealous whenever they saw these skinny, tanned girls walking around. Not to be rude, but whenever you have 122 girls you get a fat one, right? Well, I walk into the teen room one day, and who else but the one chunky one is sitting smashed up against my friend Jason talking to him. He is sitting there with his horrified look on his face, but too nice to say anything. I came over and sat on the other side of him and said hi. After a couple minutes of just sitting and listening to music, she gave up and walked off. He turned to me, grasped my hand and said in the most sincere voice "I will love you until the day I die!" I laugh whenever I remember that face.


4) EOS (same cruise) me and my friend Heather getting back onto the ship. Of course as two teenage girls, we crack up everytime we see drunk people. There is this lady infront of us yelling out crazy, i-am-so-drunk things. She would throw her hand up and yell out these things. We thought it was funny, so as we got closer in the line to board the ship we would throw our arms up and yell out: "I'M SOBER!" "I DON'T DRINK!" ect, I dont think she ever noticed.


Then as we step on the ship there is a man that fell straight onto the floor (another drunk) and stayed there for a couple minutes assuring everyone around him that he was ok. We giggle about these people to this day.


These aren't THAT funny, but its those little things onboard that make your day......

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My DH and I were on the Mariner of the Seas last week and took an excursion to Orient Beach in St. Marteen. We were warned by the bus driver of the naked people that wanter up and down the beach, but the funniest thing we saw was a guy walking down the beach wearing nothing but a neck tie and a superman cape. It takes all kinds.

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These are so funny! Here's a couple more


1) My parents went on a cruise with his army buddies and their wives (dad was in his early 50's at that time)...an elderly lady(70) continued to hit on my dad and his friends...he described her as having never let go of her glory days and was trying to recapture her youth through her martini....on one of the last evenings my dad and his buddies were up near the pool deck videoing eachother and the ship when out of nowhere this woman appears and proceeds to grab my dad's rear end....as he turned to her - the wind picked up - and her skirt was now hooked up over her shoulders and she was wearing nothing underneath! They all started giggling and then broke into a rousing rendition of "Blue Moon"! Funniest video ever!!!!


2) Several years back my parents took us on a cruise for their 35th anniversary to S. Caribbean on Celebrity. We had some rough seas, rocking ship, etc...well we had noticed a lurching in the ship that just didn't seem like rough water, but having never been on a cruise - what did I know? We went to a show - dancers etc. - and all of a sudden there was a lurch and then a loud screeching noise (like metal on metal - bad brakes) and then all was silent. There was a look of panic on many peoples faces in the auditorium but everyone was quiet....even the show stopped. My brother (being light hearted and cracks jokes when he's nervous) yells out "Iceberg!!!" one lady screamed when he said that - then everyone bust out laughing....the "mc" got on the pa and said "relax everyone - we're in the caribbean!" We found out later an engine had failed, so we'd be arriving later than expected in our next port.

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the most fun thing I saw beside the stupid question ex:1 person from florida asking to another one if san francisco have ocean?etc....but the worst is watching these people eating it´s look like they don´t eat for several weeks before their cruise

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We were on the Royal Princess somewhere off the US east coast. My DH and I were watching the skeet shooting, when one of the shooters yelled - and said - hey - they're shooting back at us.

The ship had somehow sailed into waters reserved for the US Navy firing range, and they were indeed shooting - just not at us.

The skeet shooting was done for the day, and the ship immediately picked up speed and moved out of the area.:eek:

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The wildest thing I've seen yet on a cruise was on the Nordic Empress--we sailed on her 2nd to last cruise before drydock to become the Empress OTS. Our dinner table was on the 1st level near the middle of the dining room close to the Captain's table, and I was facing the entrance to the dining room with the stairs to the 2nd level between me and the entrance. There was a table located basically underneath the stairs with about 6 people at it. To make things even worse (at least for that table!) it was the 2nd formal night. A waiter started up the stairs with a full tray of food, and just as he got right above them, the ship lurched. He dropped the entire tray of food, and everything on it (drinks, entree's, everything) fell right through the stairs and landed on the head of one of the ladies--fortunately no dishes hit her, but the contents sure did. Stuff was flowing all down the back of her formal dress. That area of the dining room got deathly quiet. You have never seen the maitre'd appear so fast at a table--and before you knew it, there were several officers standing nearby. The people were quickly cleaned up as best as possible and were whisked away from the table, and about 5 waiters started cleaning up the mess, and in less than 2 minutes you would never even know it happened. I surely hope that poor lady got a free cruise....and everyone at her table with her....

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...so I was walking down to the restaurant with my stuffed bird on the shoulder of my life jacket, trying to keep my Burger King crown on with one hand, when this wig comes at my face from nowhere....:D
I just about pass out laughing at that one
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We were on a cruise to Alaska with my DD who was only 15. She quickly noticed that the number of young people was very limited to say the least. As we all taking part in the muster drill the ship's officials rolled a gentleman on board in his wheelchair. He was hooked up to an oxygen tank. My DD looked up and said, "oh gosh, this really is the fifty to dead cruise" As it turns out DW and I felt very young as DD was right about the age range of the passengers.

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