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Tanning.. Before You Cruise

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How do you get color on your face if you cover it with a towel in the tanning bed? Do you self tanner to match the color of the other tanned areas of your body?


I cover my face (or turn off the face tanner) when I tan in a tanning bed. I have found that L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Tinted Self Tanning Lotion (in Deep Natural Dan because I have olive skin) works well for me. Its also great to use all over if you don't want to use a tanning bed.

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That's very kind of you. Thank you.


And that's just what it is - "my" experience. No one will ever be able to say with certainty what makes some people fall victim to this and others do not. A very dear friend of mine has survived Stage 4 Melanoma TWICE' date=' and he almost never exposes his skin to the sun.


Everyone will make their own choice, and being smart about exposure is key.[/quote']


Wow, that's amazing that your friend has survived Melanoma twice!


I've been thinking about your post since yesterday actually and I decided I'm not going to go tanning for my cruise. I really do try to be careful, & I don't really need to go tanning to avoid burning. So it's as simple as that. If I'm always trying to be careful, then it's counter-productive for me to go sit in a tanning bed. So thanks for putting things in perspective for me.

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Hi Pugs,

I knew that you were out there somewhere. I am careful with the sun. I have bought each one of us our own tube of a high spf sunscreen. My daughter has a condition where if she doesn't wear it, she gets extremely ill. I also want the little ones protected. I'm fairly careful with myself also.

If I have time before I cruise, I might go to Planet Beach for a spray-on tan so that I won't look so freakishly white. I've never done this before.

Pugs, I hope that this works. If it doesn't, I will be the one at the Meet & Greet that is striped.


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LOL.. Bonni, let me warn you about the spray on tan. If you don't follow the directions and rub it in correctly, you'll get some spots, etc. If you do plan on getting that done, try it this weekend to see how it goes before you end up in all your vacation pics with stripes and spots..

"If it doesn't, I will be the one at the Meet & Greet that is striped."


You're so funny.. that literally made me laugh out loud.


And I didn't go anywhere. I just spent too long typing a response to Millbrook Mom's post on our roll call that I was too tired to type any more. And I was going to do one quick look at Fashion & Beauty forums & go to sleep and I saw your name and got excited. lol.

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Wow, that's amazing that your friend has survived Melanoma twice!


I've been thinking about your post since yesterday actually and I decided I'm not going to go tanning for my cruise. I really do try to be careful, & I don't really need to go tanning to avoid burning. So it's as simple as that. If I'm always trying to be careful, then it's counter-productive for me to go sit in a tanning bed. So thanks for putting things in perspective for me.


It truly is a personal decision. All I can say, honestly, is once you experience the true fear of having this disease, you will NEVER risk it again just for the sake of having a tan!


That being said, I would be lying if I didn't say that I miss my tan. I loved the look and the feeling - just not the ultimate result.:(


Have a look at the Sunless Tan thread. HUGE thread, but worth it if you are interested in the look of a tan without the risk. DesperateHouseWife has become our mentor in how to achieve a safe tan.


Best wishes to you and congratulations on making a very wise decision.:)

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After watching my dad waste away and die from cancer (not melanoma), I would NEVER do anything that might increase my risk for getting cancer. Never.


Embrace the pale. Tan is out.


Also, there are so many ways to get a safe tan that you really don't need to spend time baking in a booth or in the sun. Try Mystic, or one of the millions of at-home tanning products. They really do work.


So, to answer your question - no, I do not tan before a vacation.


Also, there is no such thing as a base tan. It is the UVA and UVB radiation exposure that damages the skin, and having a tan doesn't change the way your skin responds to the sun... it just masks the redness and the damage.


I'm honestly not trying to lecture here, I just feel pretty passionate about living a healthy lifestyle, and the issue of sun protection falls under that umbrella.

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I cover my face (or turn off the face tanner) when I tan in a tanning bed. I have found that L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Tinted Self Tanning Lotion (in Deep Natural Dan because I have olive skin) works well for me. Its also great to use all over if you don't want to use a tanning bed.


This is also what I use on my face and works well.......I also have olive skin and don't have to spend alot of time in the tanning bed.....

Just enough so I don't burn while on vacation.......

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This is also what I use on my face and works well.......I also have olive skin and don't have to spend alot of time in the tanning bed.....

Just enough so I don't burn while on vacation.......


I pretty much use the L'Oreal Sublime every day during the warmer months. With all the exfoliating and AHA that I use, I have to do that. When I use it on the rest of my body, I use it with a little body lotion as it blends better.

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I pretty much use the L'Oreal Sublime every day during the warmer months. With all the exfoliating and AHA that I use, I have to do that. When I use it on the rest of my body, I use it with a little body lotion as it blends better.


Not every day but Summer more then Winter.......I can get pretty dark in the summer but I also can get really light in the Winter lol! I have never used it on my body.....

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Not every day but Summer more then Winter.......I can get pretty dark in the summer but I also can get really light in the Winter lol! I have never used it on my body.....


I used to get very dark in the summer when I played tennis several days a week....even with sunscreen. I'm not outside so much now, so I try to keep tanning to a minimum...just enough to have some color!


I started using L'Oreal when I ran into this girl at the gym and asked her if she had been on a tropical vacation. She hadn't, she had just used this self tanner. I was hooked after that!

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Even though my mother and her father have had skin cancer, I am going to go tanning before our cruise to the Caribbean in June. Either in a bed, or on the beach. Depends on the NJ weather. My skin looks much healthier with a just a little color. I'd rather start the first day of our vacation feeling better about how I look and I'd rather have a little color before being so close to the Equator where even with my Cuban blood and a high SPF sunblock, I will burn if I am this pale.

It is a matter of choice and preference. And no one can tell what will happen to them, even if they live under a rock and never see the sun. I will lay out on the beach every day, but I could only be bothered with going to a tanning bed a few times at most.

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Well' date=' I won't get on my soapbox, but I will answer. After all, you asked!


I used to tan in the tanning beds. Not often, but always before a cruise. For the very reasons you all listed on this thread.


HOWEVER, I have since been diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma. I've had 3 surgeries in the past 2 months. After what I have been through, you couldn't drag me into a tanning booth kicking and screaming. I wish we knew what we know now when I was younger. And I wish I paid more attention as I got older. I, too, enjoyed a nice tan and always received compliments.


You only need to be told once that you may die from cancer to stop doing anything that may accelerate that condition.


Everyone will do what they want. This is just my observation from the "other side" of the argument. If you do want to expose your skin, I hope and pray that you don't go through what I am.[/quote']


As a fellow Melanoma survivor I couldn't agree with you more!!!!

When I was diagnosed in May 1995 my youngest son was 9 months old and I couldn't believe that I could DIE from a freckle!!! I had two surgeries to remove the melanoma and tons of tests to make sure it had not spread to any lympnodes (it hadn't thank GOD)

But, I knew of someone who had just died in March of that year from Melanoma. then 2 years ago my priests father died from melanoma. Just this last NOvember a friends daughter died at age 33 from melanoma. I also have 3 friends who have survived melanoma, (1 who was just diagnosed a month ago!)

Now I have to say that NONE of us were sun worshippers at all but we all had burned over the years. Melanoma is a terrible disesase that is almost completely preventable Use sunscreen.


I am cruising in June and I would much rather be a happy white cruiser than a dead tanned corpse. This is my opinion but is shared with the people who I know who have had melanoma as well.

Because I have had melanoma the chances of my siblings and children of getting melanoma has increased by 50%!

So if they are white, fair haired, fair skinned Irish like me then they have about a 40% chance of getting skin cancer on their own. NOW add the additional 50% because of me and they now have a 90% chance of developing skin cancer! NOT worth the risk

Since my kids were babies they have always been slathered with sunblock, they kept it in their baseball bags and in their desks at school, the teachers use to put it on them before recess when they were very young. Now they are older they do sometimes forget but as soon as they get pink they panic, as well they should.

Watching the family members of the one's who have lost a loved one to melanoma is heart breaking, especially the 33 year old daughter who left behind 2 small children.

I will not ever get off my soap box, Tanning is not worth the risk, use fake tans, stay alive, if not for you, then for your loved ones.

Go white, go life!!!

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GOOD FOR YOU!!! Everytime I post the facts (not just my opinions) on how damaging tanning beds in particular are for you, I get attacked by other posters. They say I am just trying to ruin their good time.:mad:


I put the facts out there b/c not everyone knows and I want people to know the facts before they make a decision. Alot of people just don't get it and have that "it can't happen to me attitude". A friend of ours died from a melanoma on his foot. Another almost died from one on his shoulder. I had a dark spot on the sole of my foot, that fortunately turned out to be OK (after surgery to remove it). My Dr. freaked tho, it is VERY abnormal to have any pigmented lesion (freckle, mole) on the soles of your feet or palms of your hands. Anything like that must be checked out IMMEDIATELY. While melanoma is usually black, can also be white, pink, red or blueish.


I tried alot of self tanners to find one that looks great on my skin and doesn't stink. Everyone's chemistry is different, what works great for me may not work for you and vice versa.


Power to remaining white or fake tan!!

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I tan. I started doing it to get a base color before vacation a couple of years ago and suddenly noticed a marked improvement in acne both on my body and face. After the tan faded, my acne came back. I didn't really put two and two together at the time, but in years since have noticed that each time I do tan for a little while my skin really does look amazing. Honestly, if it comes down to wrinkles later or acne now (and lots more scars from said acne), I say tan. I am very dillegent about checking over myself though, and do know the risks. *note, I am not saying tanning helps everyone with acne, I'm just saying it does for me, and mine was very very bad*


I understand what people are saying when they say that they are just trying to help and warn others of the dangers, but I have to wonder what rock someone must have crawled out from under in order to not have already heard about the dangers. It's kind of like telling a smoker how unhealthy it is (but I guess at least with tanning there isn't second hand exposure). Yes, it's unhealthy and self-destructive. Yes I know this. Yes, I still choose to do it :)

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GOOD FOR YOU!!! Everytime I post the facts (not just my opinions) on how damaging tanning beds in particular are for you, I get attacked by other posters. They say I am just trying to ruin their good time.:mad:


I put the facts out there b/c not everyone knows and I want people to know the facts before they make a decision. Alot of people just don't get it and have that "it can't happen to me attitude". A friend of ours died from a melanoma on his foot. Another almost died from one on his shoulder. I had a dark spot on the sole of my foot, that fortunately turned out to be OK (after surgery to remove it). My Dr. freaked tho, it is VERY abnormal to have any pigmented lesion (freckle, mole) on the soles of your feet or palms of your hands. Anything like that must be checked out IMMEDIATELY. While melanoma is usually black, can also be white, pink, red or blueish.


I tried alot of self tanners to find one that looks great on my skin and doesn't stink. Everyone's chemistry is different, what works great for me may not work for you and vice versa.


Power to remaining white or fake tan!!


I know what you mean. Some times people don't think it can happen to them. When I was going through treatment there was a gentleman there from Nigeria, his skin was as dark as you can imagine and he was being treated for melanoma. there were people who actually questioned how he could get melanoma because he was so dark!!???

Another time I was getting makeup done at the counter of JC Penney and the girl doing my makeup and I were talking, I mentioned the melanoma and she said she always tanned, never burned and couldn't get it. about a month later I convinced her to go to the doctor because she had a pimple onher face near her nose that bled. Turned out to be squamaous cell skin cancer. She was so grateful that I was a pain and that she went to the doctor. I personally could not understand why I got it because I didn't like the sun, couldn't understand people laying out in the sun (boring) so how did it happen to me? I was active in the summer and ran around outside all day as a child. A few years ago tanning beds were advertised as a "safe" alternative to tanning, there is no such thing!

It does do good to get the word out because there are people who are not educated on the dangers, just as there are people who will chose to ignore the dangers, that is fine, just make an informed decision and live with it!

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Hi!! I am new to the board.. i am going on a cruise May 16. I have started tanning about 3 weeks ago... i am tanning but i am not getting the brown that I want... is there any lotions or anything that yall might recommend to increase the summer look..

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Wow with a 90% chance you might as well get a tan and look good. You are going to get melanoma anyway.


Would you say the same thing to smokers - keep smoking because you'll get cancer anyway???? Sorry, but I took great offence to your flippant post. I have melanoma and I am not well. It is every bit as serious as any other type of cancer out there. Once you are ill with it, "looking good" is the last thing to be worried about.:(

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Wow with a 90% chance you might as well get a tan and look good. You are going to get melanoma anyway.


I too found this post to be extremely offensive.


We all eat, so should I say to you "since you already eat, you may as well go ahead and become morbidly obese and die of a heart attack or diabetic complications"?


Very, Very rude and inappropriate comment.:mad:

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Hi!! I am new to the board.. i am going on a cruise May 16. I have started tanning about 3 weeks ago... i am tanning but i am not getting the brown that I want... is there any lotions or anything that yall might recommend to increase the summer look..


If you are very fair you simply are not going to get very brown. Do not waste your money on the "tan accelerators" etc. that salons sell. They do not work. Everyone has a certain amount of melanin in their skin by heredity. Nothing you can do will change that and the amount that you have dictates how dark you can become.


If you wish to be darker, use a fake tan solution in a darker color.

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I like the Supre products - either the black or the hemp.


Hi!! I am new to the board.. i am going on a cruise May 16. I have started tanning about 3 weeks ago... i am tanning but i am not getting the brown that I want... is there any lotions or anything that yall might recommend to increase the summer look..
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If you are very fair you simply are not going to get very brown. Do not waste your money on the "tan accelerators" etc. that salons sell. They do not work. Everyone has a certain amount of melanin in their skin by heredity. Nothing you can do will change that and the amount that you have dictates how dark you can become.


If you wish to be darker, use a fake tan solution in a darker color.


I wanted to say the same thing, Endoshine. If you're fair, you're just not going to be brown.


My mom recently ordered this AMAZING self tanner from Bare Escentuals, sold by QVC. It's a pump self tanner that comes with this fantastic brush to rub it in. You never actually get the self tanner on your hands which I thought was so cool! And if you're fair but have a slight tan, self tanner will definitly give you the bronze color you're looking for.

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Wow with a 90% chance you might as well get a tan and look good. You are going to get melanoma anyway.


Wow, with a moronic attitude like that you may as well just jump off the ship because someone will shove you overboard anyway.

What an incredibly rude, thoughtless, ignorant comment to make to someone who has had melanoma and is scared to death that her children could get it also.

You must be a real thrill to be around when someone is sick and dying.

I wonder how you manage to walk upright without a brain in your head.

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