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Live From The Volendam Dialy Report


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Great review!! Keep them coming! Glad you are having a great time!!


Glad you're enjoying great weather too!


The Volendam is a beautiful ship, and they do a great job with the upkeep.


How has the A/C been? Ours was sporadic last month in our cabin. (7014)


Agree, the Pinnacle is great..we forced ourselves to dine there 3 times last month. My DH couldn't get enough of the porterhouse. I on the other hand varied my choices. The shrimp were EXCELLENT!


may the sun continue shine throughout your journey!!


Peggy Sue:)

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The War Department, a.k.a. Kathy B., is called that because she is always on the warpath about something I have done, something she thinks I might have done or something I am about to do.


Kathy B. is one of those intelligent young women who has excellent taste in everything but men.


Don B.

Live and in person from the Volendam

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What a great night (and day) on the Volendam. OK, first the ‘Wow, we had a really great time’ stuff. Much had been written about HAL attracting an older crowd with nothing left moving after 10:00 P.M. Lemmee tell you it just aint so. Tonight in the Crow’s Nest the group RAIN was featured. The late night activity was a 50’s and 60’d sock hop. WE (and about a hundred other people) HAD A BALL. We danced to all those really great songs from that era until 1:00 A.M. at which time we left the party, which was still in full swing albeit with CD music. There was a trivia contest won by yours truly as well as a King of the Volendam to determine who was the best impersonator of Elvis – the king of rock’n’roll. There was also a best twisting contest before that. As all this was taking place drinks were two for one in the Crow’s Nest and if those drinks were under poured I am Marylyn Monroe re-incarnated.


I can’t say enough good things about RAIN. They have an amazingly broad repertory, which they perform and they are very, very good at everything. We had close to a hundred people out on the dance floor during both the slow numbers and the fast ones. Can you tell that we had a really good time?


Oh yes, the question I answered to win the trivia contest and the bottle of champagne that goes with that sterling triumph – “What did it cost to mail a postcard in 1951?”. See, it helps to be a little older ‘cause I was around back then. Actually I like the age group that cruises on HAL ships. Shoot, this is probably the last place on earth that I will constantly be addressed as “Young Man”. Loving every minute of that considering that my kids think I am older than dust and was around to greet the dinosaurs.

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OK, on to real stuff.


Lido Restaurant vs. Rotterdam Dining Room


Last night we ate in the Rotterdam Dining Room after the first formal night and tonight in the Lido Restaurant. I deliberately waited until now to compare the two. In a nutshell the Lido Restaurant wins hands down IMHO and yes, Matilda, there are problems in the Rotterdam Dining Room.


OK, first the good things about the dining room. It is a more elegant setting and a much more formal one. The place settings all have three forks, at least two spoons and a whole bunch of knives. Also the lady’s chair is pulled out for her plus her napkin is unfolded and placed on her lap by one of the table staff. We also found the quality of the food to be excellent with five different entrée’s to choose from. Each course was delivered to the table and those things that should have been hot were as well as those things that should have been cold being cold.


Unfortunately the staff is stretched too thin. They were courteous and they were cheerful but there simply aren’t enough of them to render really top-notch service in the dining room. This was our first time in the dining room. Unfortunately the table staff made no effort to introduce themselves so I can’t say exactly who was our headwaiter or how many assistants he had. I can tell you that there aren’t enough of them and there was a significant delay before the main course arrived. Significant as in ten minutes or so after everyone had finished the previous course. The bottle of wine we ordered was delivered promptly and the wine steward did return to refill our glasses three different times. The table staff themselves were friendly and courteous at all times but there just aren’t enough of them to go around.

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On top of this there is a problem with the air conditioning in the dining room. At the start of dinner all was comfortable but got warmer and warmer and warmer and warmer still as the evening wore on. By the time the main course was delivered both of us in formal attire at our table were mopping our brows and trying to pretend we really weren’t sweating like a pair of ditch diggers. By the time the meal was over we had to return to our cabin. My shirt was soaked, not just damp but really soaked. I am neither a whiner nor a complainer but engineering really needs to look into this problem.


Tonight we had our evening meal in the Lido Restaurant and it couldn’t have been a more pleasant experience. I was sort of feeling sorry for myself because in the Lido they give you only one knife, fork and spoon and they expect you to use that one knife, fork and spoon during the entire meal. My cutlery fetish was raging and out of control. Darn. To make up for this they have exactly the same stuff in the Lido and yes, Matilda, both the quality of the food and the variety of selections were excellent. I am very happy to report that being on best behavior (after having spent a good part of the day in the dog house) I had one and only one desert. It should be called ‘chocolate sin good enough to die for’ because it was good enough to die for. It was some kind of heavy-duty chocolate cake in three layers with a raspberry sauce in between them. For all you ladies out there with a yen for chocolate have I got something good for you.

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Now a word about the staff in the Lido Restaurant. They were cordial. They were helpful and they all introduced themselves furthermore the ratio of staff to diners is much higher than in the dining room. The table staff positively hovered around us refilling water glasses, pouring more wine, inquiring if everything was ok and done the way we like it. Things work for the evening meal in the Lido is as follows. It is still set up as a semibuffet. The diner is handed a tray with a bread plate on it. If you want a salad bowl that is handed to you as well, a level of service not present at lunch or breakfast. You then proceed down the line and select your own appetizer or appetizers and help your self to your salad. That is the last time you touch anything. If you desire one of the soups (there were three) another staff person fills the soup bowl, places it on its little plate and then gives your tray to another staff person who takes it from there. You tell that person which entrée (or entrees) you want. After that yet another staff person conducts you to a table. Your tray is brought to the table after the entrees are prepared, sliced or whatever. The War Department had the prime rib and then spied the mushroom ravioli in a cream sauce, which really caught her attention. She asked for a small portion of the ravioli. No problem, when the trays arrived at our table there were full portions of each entrée. We did order a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon to go with the prime rib. Yummy on both counts. I don’t think they have the full wine list available in the Lido but they do offer wine by the glass or by the bottle of a blush wine, a white wine and a red wine.

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Once again I got ahead of myself no doubt because of the lingering chocolate high. Dining in the Lido Restaurant is a really enjoyable experience for the evening meal and because of that I’m not sure if we will return to the formal dining room. Oh, about the doghouse – that’s nothing unusual. I made some minor disparaging remark about binge-o or fluffo or whatever they do at bingo. Hell hath no fury like woman with her bingo scorned. The War Department fluffed up quicker than a long tailed kitty cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Not being bright enough to realize when I was well off I did also sort of mention the no-armed bandits in the casino weren’t really gambling and that even her mother could do it if she hopped on her broomstick and flew down to visit us. One has to really watch out for these vicious women and I am sure that once the swelling subsides I will be able to see out that right eye again. Didn’t know the little woman packed that kind of wallop.


More to follow later once I quit seeing these pinpoints of light dancing before my eyes. In the meantime everyone have a great day.

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Wow - great review! I am loving this... not the part about the D/R being too warm. DH hates that, especially on formal night! We will be on the Volendam 3/20/05...


Do you have 1st or 2nd seating?


Keep up the great review - glad to hear your having fun! I won the twist contest one night on the Maasdam and got my "dam rain" umbrella - it was a blast!

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Day 4 – Shopping In St. Thomas


Ah here it is another gorgeous day in paradise. We have bright blue skies and about a 15 knot wind to keep everything pleasant. We docked at St. Thomas early this morning, a lot earlier than I wanted to get up after dancing partying in the Crow’s Nest until the wee hours of the morning. The War Department was in a foul mood when I awakened her so that we could undergo the obligatory customs procedures. You have to understand that to her morning is really mourning unless ten hours sleep precedes it. Someone once asked if I wake up grumpy. I told them that no, I try to let her sleep as long as possible. Anyway on to St. Thomas.


We docked at Crown Point, which right now is all ugliness and construction. There is NOTHING around Crown Point yet although there will be. There are six cruise ships in St. Thomas today. Three of them are the larger ships and they are docked at the other set of docks. The other three, including the Volendam, are all somewhat smaller cruise vessels and are docked at Crown Point. The obvious deduction is that smaller ships will dock at Crown Point while the larger megacruiseships will dock at the other facility.


We have always liked St. Thomas and St. Maarten as shopping ports. This visit has been no exception. We have done our part to keep St. Thomas green and lush by spending lots of those Yankee dollars. We have resupplied our liquor cabinet, bought an assortment of perfumes, goop, lotions and potions that women smear on themselves from time to time. We also bought a new tablecloth or two. Yes, we were able to get all the loot back to the ship without hiring a U-Haul trailer but it was close.

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We decided to have a light lunch at the Lido Restaurant before embarking on a tour. The appetizer was chilled asparagus wrapped in ham, your choice of two kinds of soup with veal picata accompanied by spaghetti and a marinara sauce. There were three other entrees as well but my poor tray was groaning by the time I got to that part of the line. They also had a couple of veggies as well as rice, mashed potatoes and two kinds of gravies. There was also a stir-fry station serving a Polynesian Curry today. Desert was a different variety of chocolate sin for the War Department and lemon meringue pie for me. Man, these cutbacks are really hell.


While we were having lunch and in keeping with our campaign to have a drink in every bar on the ship, we had the drink of the day (Pirate’s Punch) from the Aft Pool Bar. This little concoction is made from dark rum with a little fruit juice or juices and some grenadine. Just enough mixer so that the glass doesn’t melt in your hand. The War Department immediately declared it ‘an honest drink’. That means it would probably knock a sailor right off of his feet with the first sip. Whenever the War Department or her mother declares something to be a strong drink look out. You and I would probably want to dilute that puppy by at least 50%. OOOPs, there it goes – I’m probably in trouble again. Don’t want to hear any more of this carping about weak drinks or under pouring at the bars on HAL ships. Oh, BTW the War Department wants me to add that the homemade corn fritters were fabulous at lunch. As soon as we can locate the duty wheelbarrow we’ll get someone to cart us back to the dock for a tour of the island.


More later. Until then don’t do anything we wouldn’t do.

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Thanks, Great reading. Sorry to hear about the DR. We were first sitting, table 45 on the 11/26 sailing and the dining room in our section (upper level, starboard side) was really cool and comfortable all week.


I hate being hot at dinner. I would not have gone back either if that had been the case with us.. I agree l00% about the Lido. They do a great job.

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The War Department does indeed have her pet names for me. These pet names however, cannot be used in a family oriented site like this.


I did wake up grumpy the other morning. What she said next was definitely not family oriented and probably wouldn't be found in a Baptist Sunday school primer. As a matter of fact I thought for a moment that I had somehow been transported back to Marine Corps bootcamp.


The last three days have been very busy ones with a tour, an excursion and yes, Matilda, just a little shopping consequently I have not posted the review of those days yet. I promise to do so tonight or tomorrow. The war department does have some observations and opinions of her own from the woman's perspective. I have gotten her promise that she will include these insights with the next update. Look for "The War Depatment Speaks". Coming soon.


In the meantime everyone have a great day.


Don B. - Live from Barbabos

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Day 5 - Temptation In Tortola

We really didn’t have anything planned for our stop in Tortola so we decided to go ashore and wander around town for a while. Much to our surprise we found that prices on a lot of things were a little better here than on other islands. We also made one other double delightful discovery. They distill a local rum here and free samples are liberally provided. My kind of place although my memories are somewhat blurry for some unknown reason.

Anyway, we ended up in one of the Emeralds International shops. Lo and behold they had the new Citizen Mickey Mouse watches in stock. Several other stops and shops along the way had watches but not THE new Mickey Mouse Watches. The War Department, kind soul that she is, got me an early Christmas present. I got her the lady’s version of the same watch but not the Mickey edition. She really wanted the non-Mickey Mouse watch and her smile lights up my life so no Mickey on her watch. Too bad.


We returned to the ship right at lunchtime. After ditching the loot in our cabin we headed right up to the Lido in order to fight off death by starvation for another four hours. Lunch was as ever really good. I wandered over to the ice cream bar. They had seven, yes count ‘em seven different varieties of sherbert, sorbet, frozen yogurt and ice cream. All that plus the normal array of deserts as well as three types of cookies.
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By dinnertime the number of choices at the ice cream bar had dwindled to only five. However they were five new flavors from lunch. I was able to make do even through my tears of disappointment at this more limited number selections. To counterbalance the shortcomings in the ice cream department they had six different deserts plus even more cookies. I can feel that salt air shrinking my tux even more.
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Day Six – Exotic Dominica

We had booked an excursion with Reyno Tours directly, not through the ship. Can’t say enough good things about Reyno Tours. From beginning to end they did an excellent job. After an early breakfast we headed out to meet them and sure enough they were waiting for us at the end of the pier. I sort of loosely organized this outing and put together a group of six of us from the CC website. Another pair wanted to tag along which was no problem so away the eight us went.

We were in a comfortable van along with our tour guide and a driver. Our lady tour guide was superb. She is a native of Dominica and is a terrific spokesperson for Dominica and her people. We had a ball. We went to the Emerald Pool, Trafalgar Falls, one of Dominica’s black sand beaches, the botanical gardens and finally to a beautiful scenic overlook with a spectacular view of the harbor and downtown Roseau. This island tour took almost all day but at no time were we hurried or rushed from one attraction to the next. We paused many, many times along the way to see the exotic local plants. If someone wanted to stop and get a picture of something we stopped.

Just a quick word about the roads and driving in Dominica. The roads here as well as driving on them is not for the faint hearted. Even their ‘good’ roads (and I use that term loosely) are extremely narrow and winding. On top of this Dominica has to be the pot hole capitol of the world. I’d bet they get a good two to three weeks out of a set of tires and shocks here.
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The island is quite mountainous and has some of THE steepest roads I have ever seen. Furthermore they have more blind curves and switchbacks than normal curves. Complicating things even further is that up in the mountains where the rain forests are they get 365 inches of rain a year so the roads are almost always wet on their most treacherous parts. The local custom is that when approaching one of these blind corners or curves he who blows the horn first has the right of way. Up in the mountains this does present some very interesting experiences, you might even say some downright exciting circumstances from time to time. Now fun and exciting often aren’t synonyms. Now don’t get me wrong – our driver was cautious and showed no suicidal tendencies but I was thankful that someone else was behind the wheel.

Just a quick word about shopping here – Dominica is an excellent place to buy spices and herbs which grow here. In addition to the spices they also grow coffee here. We stopped at a delightful spice and herb shop and bought several types of spices, a good supply of cinnamon and a supply of the local coffee. And yes, Matilda, they distill a local rum here too and have been known to pass out a free sample or two. When we left we had a couple of those bottles although I seem to have experienced another temporary memory failure after sampling the fourth or fifth sample.
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Day Six Continued – Trapped!!

We returned from our expedition tired but happy campers. After getting cleaned up we headed to dinner and to the casino. At the casino I had a streak of good luck and won a fair amount of money. I already had my eye on a pair of beautiful pair of pearl earrings for the War Department and decided to purchase them with part of my ill gotten gains. After all she does deserve something for putting up with me.

Anyway after hiding the earrings under her pillow I was on the elevator back down to the casino when the elevator lurched and ground to halt. Hmmmm, this was not good – both the up and the down arrows were lit inside the car plus the car was stalled. The doors wouldn’t open nor would any of the buttons on the control panel work. After unsuccessfully trying everything I could I found the panel behind which was the emergency phone. No directions on the phone but I figured that if I dialed ‘O’ someone would answser. No such luck – all I got was a busy signal. HMMMM, not thrilled so I hung up and tried again. Still busy. By now I am starting to get really mad about the prospect of spending a long time in their stupid elevator. I tried the phone again and realized that it autodialed as soon as someone picked it up. After 8-10 rings someone answered the phone. They really need to put a placard or printed instructions in each and every elevator about the phone.
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The voice on the phone wanted to know what I wanted. Told him that I was trapped in an elevator and that I wanted out. Seemed like a reasonable request to me. The voice wanted to which car and in which elevator bank. Told him that there was nothing inside the car to indicate which car I was in. The voice told me “Ok, they’d check into it as soon as he could get in touch with someone”. No sense of urgency here on anyone’s part except me. I asked how long that would take. The voice replied that he really didn’t know how long it would take to get in touch with the appropriate department. By now I was mad. I was also underimpressed by the response to my predicament. No, it wasn’t an emergency but I sort of figured that someone, somewhere might feel a little sense of urgency here.

After 5-6 minutes more the car came back to life, the doors slid open and I took off before anyone showed up with what I figured would be a lot of paperwork. I checked with the Front Desk the next day to see if any report had been filed on this elevator. They could not find any record of a report so I went looking for any ship’s officer. I didn’t want a chunk out of anyone’s fanny but I did want to accomplish two things. The first was to make engineering aware that a problem had occurred in one of the elevators and second to let them know that there might be a hole in their procedures when such an event occurred. Fortunately I met an officer from the environmental department in a passageway. He was very concerned over this occurrence and very apologetic. He took down all the pertinent details and then proceeded to get someone to look into the elevator immediately. All’s well that ends well.
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Day 7 – Adventures In Barbados

We pulled into beautiful Barbados right on schedule. Warm weather and steel band music greeted us from the pier. We had booked the Turtle Encounter and Beach Water sports Excursion through the ship. We took a small bus from the ship to the terminal because where we docked was a good distance from the terminal itself. On to another bus there which took us to the Ocean Adventures pier. Once there the fun began big league. These guys know how to party and how to conduct a great excursion. And yes, Matilda, they had an ample supply of the local rum aboard but more about that nectar later.

After a short boat ride we arrived slightly offshore from a big power plant. The turtles like the warm water discharged by the plant and sometimes congregate there. Today was no exception. There were a number of these gentle creatures present. After the snorkel stuff was handed out we were then shown how to use the equipment. After that it was into the water. There were fifteen to twenty turtles swimming in the general area. These gentle sea creatures seemed to be almost as curious about us as we were about them. They would swim right up to us and often would be within easy touching range. What a great sight!!
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We snorkeled for about 30 minutes until the turtles departed. Kudos to the War Department. She is not a good swimmer and hasn’t been in a pool except those on cruise ships for over ten years. When I suggested this expedition I wasn’t optimistic that she would go for it. She loved it. We have created SNORKEL WOMAN and now she wants to do it again. Let me digress for a moment and tell you how well equipped Ocean Adventures is to conduct these expeditions. Two of the ladies on our tour couldn’t swim. No problem, Ocean Adventures has a dense foam flotation device for this circumstance. One of the Ocean Adventure people hopped in the water then helped the ladies in and after having them hold on to the flotation device towed them to the area where the turtles were. Pretty darned neat IMO.

After we were all back aboard the boat we headed for a lagoon about twenty minutes away for the ocean water sports. In route they opened the bar and were serving rum, rum punch, beer, bottled water and soft drinks. After three rum punches and a glass of straight rum we were really cooking. When we arrived at the lagoon the water sports began and the bar stayed open. What a party.

They had waverunners and sea kayaks available at no extra cost. They also provided a ‘banana boat’ which holds six people or so and is towed behind a speedboat. They also have a round inflatable saucer type, which also is towed, behind the speedboat. Both of these water toys are a real blast just hang on tight.
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Snorkel Woman and I tried out one of the sea kayaks. Now you have to understand that while these are reasonably stable watercraft Snorkel Woman has never been in any kind of kayak before so she was a little intimidated. On the second try we got her safely aboard the kayak and I climbed into the rear. We shoved off and then promptly set the world record for the shortest duration trip before capsizing a sea kayak in calm waters. After we finished our horizontal pirouette Snorkel Woman vowed to stick with her snorkeling.
Finally around 1:00 P.M. or so it was time to head back to the ship. Congratulations to Ocean Adventures for a job terrifically done and to Snorkel Woman for bravely trying two new things completely beyond her realm of experience. I am now ferverently hoping that snorkel stuff isn’t expensive to buy. HMMMM, maybe I’ll get lucky in the casino again.


We decided to return to the main dining room and give it another try. The service this evening was simply super and there was no sign of any problems with the air conditioning. The dining room was filled to approximately 2/3 capacity which undoubtedly helped. Still the service, like the food, was superb that evening. Our table staff recognized us by sight even though we had eaten only the one meal there since the cruise began. A partial bottle of wine, which we didn’t finish, appeared without us having to ask for it. There were no delays and course after course arrived in a timely fashion. Glasses were refilled several times over the course of the meal and everything was really nice. Glad we went back.

Enough for now. More will follow later so everyone have a great day.
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