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WELCOME Annette - Thanks for all the kind words of encouragement you've added to this board. WOW is all I can say. Monday was crazy at work so I did not get on the computer and Tuesday well I was reading all Annette's encouragment letters with responses from all of you. So I think I can post today I am caught up.


Today was 1 egg and 1 piece candaian bacon for breakfast with water (out of OJ and coffee)

Lunch - grilled chicken breast, red grapes, 10 baked chips, crystal light natural lemonade


dinner- taco bake, 2 cookies and milk

snack 10 calorie jello

Well I can't wait for tomorrow as I will be ready to read letters LOL

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Hey ladies!! I am soooo sorry I have missed so much. I fell off the wagon! I went back to school for the first time in 10 years so I am pretty bogged down with my time. I have missed so many pages! I am really glad your all still posting and updating and I do keep an eye on your facebooks :) Yeah I havent been to the gym in a few months I might just cancel my membership for now I just literally dont have the time between full time school and 40 hours at work. Then the house needs tending to and my husband.... and some me time of course. I will try to check in periodically with you gals and see how your doing.

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kimmers- great to get to "see" you on here since I started posting:) I like the 10 calories jello with the sugar free cool whip. I have to be very careful what color I get though because Natalie can't have any red dye and a lot of jello's have red dye. She is a pro at sneaking stuff she is not allowed to have. We hide stuff all around the house but she is good. Right now I have stuff in my luggage hanging bag behind my bedroom door. Sounds strange I know but sugar just makes her go crazy almost instantly. :eek:


Kim-I would def go see a 2nd dr if you are not real happy with the first. Until then don't push it with a lot of jogging. I think walking at a slow pace would be fine until you have solid answers about your health. ;)


Jess- How was the babysitting? I find 10 year olds to be in that age group that can be really hard. My 8 year old is more of a drama queen then my teenager. Plus she thinks she knows everything. Glad you had a good time with your Mom.



Yesterday I did good "mostly". Today I got up at 4 but was only able to work out for 10 mins. Just couldn't go anymore actually sat down and dozed off and on till time to get the kids up. Had a lot of strange dreams so don't know if I just didn't get good sleep or what. This is the 1st time since I started in May that I have had to just stop:confused: Anyway hoping that with my schedule being off today will not lead me down a bad road. Scales still say the same thing just wanting it to go down and maybe get me out of this funk I am in.


Good luck to everyone today!!!!

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Hello All

Annette - I usually get orange or lime and eat it plain but it sounds good with cool whip. I also like the jello puddings. de dulce and boston cream pie are my favorites.


Today was up early so I could get my workout in then was planning a walk when it started to pour so my girlfriend who I don't see often asked me to go to our local restaurant where they fixed us egg beaters and hot green tea what a treat and was still within my points that I wanted to be in.

lunch was a taco salad with chicken breast

supper was stromboli with spinach, tomatoes and chicken breast - with working nights if I do not plan early I eat whatever my mom or sister fixes. as I only get a 1/2 hr break. my sister lives 4 blocks from our house and her kitchen is gutted so we have a pack that we take turns to cook so far it has been working out. She works at a ER that she watches her weight and does not need too.


Kim- your diet coke receipe sounds good. sound simular to dreamfloat I make in the summer I use diet orange pop or diet 7 -up and diet jello mixed with whipped cream for frosting very good and low WW points.

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sound simular to dreamfloat I make in the summer I use diet orange pop or diet 7 -up and diet jello mixed with whipped cream for frosting very good and low WW points.


Kimmer-Do you mix it with a cake mix or is it just the jello and orange pop? Wondering if a diet cherry 7-up would work too? I like the fat free cool whip better then the sugarfree but usually get the sugarfree becaus of Nat.


Ok was a fairly good day but feeling bad now. So is my oldest Brittany. If we both get sick the house is going to be in trouble. She is the only one that helps out around here. Right now feeling a little to rough to care about what not to eat but then again not feeling like going to look for something to eat either. My hope that it is all sinus issues and will be feeling much better in the morning.


Have a great night everyone.


PS kimmer good job on the day. My mom lives right nest door to me so we kind of switch night on who does the cooking also. LOL I love the nights when I don't have to cook. :p

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Hi Girls!


Annette- the babysitting went great! When we sat on the couch to watch tv what did she say she wanted to watch? The Biggest Loser! LOL She's funny and I love her. It was late so we didn't watch much and then she went to bed I got on their couch and fell right to sleep. Got home around 1am and sacraficed the gym in the morning for sleep.


I had chicken casserole my dad made last night for dinner and a packet of peanut butter crackers.


This morning was half an english muffin with peanut butter and bananna. I have left over casserole for lunch, an apple, fiber bar and sugar free pudding for snacks.


Not sure what tonight will be for dinner but I am going to make time for the gym! Then 9:30pm I am meeting a friend at the movies.


This weekend I will meet my new cousin who was born last weekend and not sure what else...probably not much since I got bills to pay! LOL


Have a great day and weekend!

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Morning everyone.


Feeling bad still but not sure how much of it is from the sickness and how much is from the medicine that I took last night.


I did still get up at 4am but I just walked 30 minutes at a slower pace then usual. I didn't do any weights because I have learned from experience that working out when sick and damage you muscles. Wasn't up for that. The worse part is going to be the extra snacking that I am doing just to keep me awake. But I so do not care right now lol.

Natalie's family party is tonight so I do have to go to the store and pick up some sugar free cupcakes I found and her costume.


Jess- I am glad the babysitting went well. My daughter Ellen and my neice like "The Biggest Loser" too. I must say that I was really shocked with the outcome of it this week. Sounds like good plans for the weekend. I love holding newborns. Find a rock chair and just have fun with the new baby.

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Annette - I am sorry, yes I use White cake mix my sister loves Yellow cake mix then use the whole 12 oz can of pop your choice so the cherry would be awesome choice. Bake as directed on the box (the pop replaces the egg, oil and water) as for the topping I mix one 8 oz tub sf cool whip with one whole pkg of sf jello powder stir until all desolved and refrigerate then I let the cake cool at least 45 minutes then put topping on and refrigerate 1 hour before serving. I usually make in morning to have for supper that night. Everyone loves it. My dad is a diabetic and it is something he can enjoy without the guilt and his favorite is orange dreamscicles so that was why we call it dreamfloat cake. I have also made with 7-up and lime jello for a summer treat


I bet your choice would be good then too. Since Natalie is not good with red dye you could always leave the jello out of the topping and put plain cool whip on top of your cake and sprinkle with candy sprinkles or nuts for garnish, just an idea.


I am going to have to try that with cherry 7 up and then use cherry sf jello.

Also sorry to hear you are under the weather


Jess- I am glad the babysitting went well. I always love for my nieces to come over but can't wait until their parents pick them up too. I usually have some sort of activities planned but now they love to soak their feet so that passes at least and hour by then to paint the toes and put lotion on another hour. They are 3 & 5


breakfast- english muffin and egg, decaf coffee

snack bannana

lunch- grilled cheese & red grapes

snack- got to busy to take the time

dinner- unknown splurging my sister and I are going out to the bar but I am the DD (Designated Driver) so no alcohol for me good choice, I saw their menu and hope they have the soup and salad still as they have good soup then I will be with in my calories otherwise I guess it is fried food - -we'll see


Happy sweetest day to all my friends - and a great weekend :)

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Kimmer, that sounds a lot how I make my "Diet Coke Cake" lol! I used Coolwhip for the topping mixed with FF/SF Jello Banana Cream pudding (according to the box) and put it in the fridge to thicken. Then once the cake is done cooling off, I add the 'icing' and then put in the fridge for a while. Too funny!!!

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Hey Ladies,


Well my short vacay was awesome, despite the rain and cold. We had a blast and everything seemed to fall into place despite some set backs.


My friend and I tried to keep each other on track as much as possible. So Here is the break down of my food for vacation:



Egg Biscuit


Chicken cake (kinda like a crab cake, but yummier)

Mashed potatoes

Green beans

Home brewed Root beer (one glass)


Grilled Chicken breast (3oz)

Baked potato (only half)

Salad with ranch

roll with butter

apple cider (2 cups)


Sorry I'm not labeling what meal. This is just easier.



Egg Benedict on English muffin with Canadian bacon (I scraped a lot of the Hollendaise sauce off. And I only ate one of the sides on the Benedict.)

Diced hash browns (3oz)

1/2 cup fruit bowl

3 slices of rye bread with butter


Subway dumplings soup

Ginger ale



Chili's Guiltless chicken plater (It comes with rice and brown bean soup. I ate the rice, but not the beans.)

And yes I had to have some of their dessert shooters. I had the cin. roll one, 1/4 of the red velvet, and the Key lime pie one.




We skipped BK b/c we slept in.


Real Philly Cheese Steak

Can of Coke


Apple Cider


Cracker Barrel

1 biscuit (roll) with butter

I had bK for dinner, so two fried chicken biscuits. But the chicken was like 3 oz total for both biscuits.

Scrambled eggs (they used 2 eggs)

Hashbrown casserole

1 tbsp of gravy

My friend and I together ate about half of their coke cola cake.


Then it was home to normal eating, which was pretty much soup, since it was so cold.


We had a lot of fun. We did some walking and even though my back did hurt I worked through it. Actually the day we headed home, My back felt great. We toured the prison and did a lot of walking around I didn't have any problems. And the drive home was pretty much painless too, even though it was like 8 hours. I have pics up on my Facebook.


Oh, and I totally was good at Hershey. I just had the free York sample they gave us. Oops which I forgot to add above. But trust me, if thats the only thing I forgot I'm good b/c I didn't write anything down all weekend. I just tried to make good decisions. I will be surprised if I don't gain this week, but I feel good about the choices I made, so I will hang on to that.

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Hello all


Kim- That is too funny about the cake and their similarity. I bet the pudding would be better than the Jello. I'll have to try sometime.


Brooke- You are learning and I am proud of you. Like you said when you go on vacation you don't want to drag your notebook and write everything down. The way I have always said this is not a diet to me it is my new way of living and with what you wrote down you made some good choices. And who does not want to splurge on dessert but you said you shared. I think you did well. See it was all a learning experience to see if you could make the right choices with out having help I give you and A+ :)


My weekend went well. we had our annual church festival but this year chose not to eat their as all their foods are fried and comfort foods. We went to church then we went to a local diner and had fresh salad bar and grilled chicken sandwichs then back to the school like a fair to play games and see a lot of school mates that come home for this big weekend.



Breakfast- english muffin with poached egg hard and hot tea

snack bannana and SF Jello

Lunch- peanut butter & jelly, glass of milk and 15 chips


Dinner - above



Breakfast-bagel and dippy egg with milk

snack- bannana and peanuts

lunch- spinach & chicken stromboli leftovers

snack- peanuts

dinner- chicken wings and homemade french fries baked with olive oil spray & herbs and of course homemade pumpkin pie with cool whip and diet pop



breakfast- bagel and poached egg hard and milk

snack- peanuts

Lunch ??

snack ??


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Brooke-sounds like and looks like (from the pics) that you had a wonderful time. To be able to refrain from all that chocolate really shows some determination. I don't think I could have done that good at all. My Mother-in-law (step) and her children live real close and we are planning to go up there one day.


I must admit that I had a really bad weekend. Finally feeling a better think I am over the worst of it. I ate more calories this weekend then I probably have in the last 2 weeks.:( But I was really wanting that nasty taste out of my throat. And I was living on meds and junk lol. I didn't drink any water Sat or Sun but I have gotten 3 cups in already today. I have still managed to walk 1.5 miles each day and hopefully tomorrow I can start weights again. I was really worried that I might have a really hard time getting back on track but so far so good.


Hope everyone has a great day! And good luck to all of you today.

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hi girls!


Brooke I'm so jealous..it really looked like a fun halloweenie type of trip. :D And personally - I think you did awesome with what you ate, considering you were on vacation! :eek: I think that's excellent and inspires me to try and do the same...cause I have very hard time controlling myself.


I thought this weekend was OK..until I looked at what I had written down (today). We were gone all day saturday and I was at the movies again on Sun. I can't even admit a few of the things I had but I think despite all the stuff I'm eating...I'm still eating a little less. Next weekend will be another challenge as we are having a family get together because my Aunt is dying of cancer (only given two months too live and that was about 2weeks ago) and everyone is bringing a potluck. My weekness is carbs and sweets.


I was up and at 'em this morning hitting the gym with my headache I had from last night and while I didn't feel good and might have not been very talkative...I still did good. Running, walking, lifting weights, pulling weights, pushing weights with legs. stretching..it was good..this week I will be determined to kick myself in the rear and hit the gym more and I think that will help with less snacking and eating late.


Wed we will be in the pool and after that I have to drop my car off at the dealers. My turn dial for my air temp control broke off :(..awhile ago actually and the temps have been below freezing here some days and nights and I have no heat!! Lord knows what that is gonna cost me to get it fixed..at least I'm excited about getting a loaner car! LOL I think after I get my taxes back in 2010 I will be paying off my car and get a new one I have over 130,000 miles on it already and I got it 5 years ago with 14,000 miles.:eek:


Anyway enough about the car - I went through my journal and realized it's already been two weeks :eek: and I only have two weeks left until another official weigh in.


I need to keep working out and make even more changes with my eating habits...especially on weekends!

Edited by Jesscap5
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Jess- girl we could be in big trouble together. Sweets and carbs are my downfall also. Sorry about your aunt. We have a little boy here that is in the hospital with swine flu, asthma, and pneumonia he has coded a few times and as of Sat was in bad condition. Hope the issue with your car doesn't hurt the wallet to bad.

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Hey girls! Today was good for me!

B: Banana Nut Cherrios w/ skim milk

L: Flatout Light Italian wrap, Perdue roasted chicken strips, Reduced Fat Sargento cheese and Sweet Baby Rays Sweet and Spicy BBQ sauce

S: pretzels

D: Spaghetti (Smart Taste noodles, Light Ragu sauce and 97/4 lean hamburger meat)


Workouts: 3 mile walk w/ hubby and about to go get on the treadmill.

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Jess, I'm sorry about your aunt, but its good that you guys are spending time with her as a family. And I think its so great you get to the gym. I still hide from the gym.


Thanks guys for the encouraging thoughts. I hope the scale reflects your positive attitudes, lol.


Last night I had 22 points left b/c I was off schd. and forgot to bring enough snacks. Then I had to go to Walmart, which has completely redone the design of our store, so I was like????????? Mom had a PTO meeting and dad is sick, so the easiest thing was to stop by Mcd's. I got a grilled chicken meal with the medium fries and a diet drink and after that, later in the night I had the ff whipped topping and ff hot coco for 1 point. I actually had four points left over b/c I over estimated what the fries would be. I didn't get back to actual exercise yet, but I will tonight b/c its biggest loser. I gotta make a plan of exercise. Like every other day I weight lift or something.


This morning was shredded wheat.

I have ff yogurt, ff pudding, 1oz of tortilla chips, banana, and apple for snacks.

I have a Healthy choice for lunch.

I think I will eat left over Veggie soup for dinner tonight.


Last night we got a call from my aunts. My grandmother, with the stroke, fell out of her lift thingy while they were trying to move her. Apparently, she has broken both knees and they think the screw in her ankle from a previous break is out, but that wasn't b/c of the fall. They took her to a close hospital, but then they had to call three other hospitals before they could find a doctor on-call willing to take her. Its so stupid. I'm sorry, I'm not really for Obama's health plan, but I do know that something has to be done about this system. Someone should have been there to take care of my grandmother. They shouldn't have had to brace her up and transport her to another hospital just b/c she has medicaid. Its so frustrating when you can't do anything.


Anyway, They think they will have to do surgery to fix her knees. This means they will have to put her under. Of course this is dangerous for stroke victims. We are waiting to see what they decide.


I'll let you guys know how weigh in goes.


Good choices.

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Brooke- I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Was there a aid or nurse helping her with the lift?


Annette- I sent a facebook friend request to you :D


Last night was pasta without the sauce..I know so bad but hopefully it will be gone soon. (They make enough for an army :rolleyes:) Went in the Jacuzzi has I STILL had a headache that wouldn't go away.


Stayed up a bit and had no sugar added ice cream with carmel topping. Waited and nothing helped so I finally took 2 motrins and I had a package (6) peanut butter crackers with skim milk and then I hit the bed and my headache seemed to finally be going away and I slept like a log last night so that's good! ;)


This morning I had a Bagelful bagel...it has cream cheese and apple filling. It's the healthier of the choices of those bagelfuls and fits my on the go constantly lifestyle..190 calories.


I am now eating a package of peanut butter crackers and I also had some diet hot cocoa.


Snacks will be an apple, hummus and Kashi whole grain crackers, sugar free pudding and I have extras just in case including mini bag of popcorn and a yogurt nature valley granola bar.


Will be going home for lunch :D

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Kim-Great job! Seems like you had a great day with diet and exersice!


Brooke-So sorry about your Grandmother. I know that with her condition it doesn't leave a lot of options. I agree not big on the health care thing but there needs to be some changes. I just have a hard time even listening to their ideas when they aren't going to be using them. If I have a great idea why wouldn't I use it myself? Anyway, that is just horrible that she had to go through that extra moving around to find some help. Hopefully she is in good hands now. Do you have weigh in today?


Jess- Got your request pretty sure I added you. I have been having headaches off and on myself. They are a pain to deal with.


Yesterday I think I ended up fairly good. I did get up and walk 2 miles plus do 40 mins of conditioning. So I was so excited after I finished not so much during lol. I am having a coke zero now (shame) but I am planning to just drink part and put the bottle in the fridge.


Good luck for the day everyone and hope we all make the best choices that we can.:p

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Hey guys,


Thanks for all the wishes for my grandmother.


Sooo, drum roll please...........I lost .8. LOL. The other two girls I go with were mad b/c they both gained and I was the one who went on vacay. But I'm not counting this one as a lb. b/c last week the WW scale said 330.8 down from 331. This week it didn't go down to 329, so I will just say i stayed the same on my log. I think thats fair.


This week I hope to boost up my exercise and pull at least a 1lb next week.

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So, last night I did have my soup. I also had frito lay jalopeno cheese dip and tortilla chips. I was in the mood for something spicy and hot and its only 1 point for 2 tbsp where as real cheese is like 4 points for 1/4 cup. But as always, I had the points. I also did 20 mins on the bike at a pretty good speed and 3 sets 5 reps each of 7 upper bottom weights. Does that make since? No, it doesn't. I do seven seperate ways of lifting the weights. You know like arm curls, then out to the sides etc. 5 reps each and a total of 3 sets.


This morning I had shredded wheat and added a wheat toast with some butter.

Lunch will be smart ones lasgana with 1/2 cup of corn.

I have yogurt, ff pudding, banana, and tortilla's for snacks.


My aunts called us back last night to say that they have decided not to do surgery b/c its too risky. They are going to let the bones heal on their own. They are talking about a nursing home for recovery, but my grandmother hates nursing homes and she cries the whole time she has to be in one. Although my aunts may not have a choice. Social Services have to come and check things out as standard practice. My aunts take turns on the weekends coming to take care of my grandmother. My grandfather takes care of her during the week mostly, a family friend comes in twice a week to help clean and so forth, and she has a home health care nurse come in like once a week. So, we don't think it will be an issue. So, I guess we sit and wait to see what happens.


On a good note. My nerve in my back seems to be getting better. It still hurts, but I say the pain is at a 5 instead of the 8 it was at compared then to the 10 it used to be. I don't know if its the weight I've lost working for me or just time and patience. Whatever it is I'm glad its getting better.


Good choices girls.

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Good Morning!


Last night I had hard bread my mom made with ham, spinach, tomato and cheese on top. She baked them in the oven. Those were the first time we had them. They came out pretty good except I like feta on it more..so I added some feta for more taste. I had one and a half.


Later I had a bowl of no sugar added ice cream with carmel sauce and even later I had a package of peanut butter crackers (6) and a small glass of milk.


This morning at 5:30 we met at a pool and did water aerobics, went back home and took shower got ready ..no time to eat I had to run to the Volvo dealership to turn my car in so they can see what the problem is and see what part I need to get the heat/ air temp controller working. They gave me a sweet loaner car ...it's a Volvo XC60 SUV brand new! Love it!! :D


So I did go to dunkin's this morning and got a turkey and chedder flat, but they are kind enough to take the bacon off for me (which they said they are not really suposed to do but they know me cause I work right next door)


What I REALLY wanted was a chocholate chip muffin with butter but lucky for me I found out today they stopped selling them a year ago. Darn it!!!


and yes I AM blaming my craving for mother nature (cause it's just about that time) I was the same way last night too.


Anyway I also had some Kefir (yogurt like) and a package of peanut butter crackers.


Snacks I have sugar free pudding, an apple and mini bag of popcorn.


Lunch is left over from last night.


Don't know what dinner is tonight.


Have a great day everyone!

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Brooke-good job on the weight loss. I don't know that I have ever done that well after a vacation.:p Keep up posted on your grandmother.


Jess- Right there with you with good ole' Mother N.:mad: Right now I am trying to distract my mind from thinking of Chocolate anything lol. Plus Itend to get really moody and want to snap at people. I have been taking calcium daily for the last couple years and it really helps more then I thought it would. One time about a year ago I was in major need of a chocolate thunder from down under at Outback and my husband went and got me one from takeout. He was going to be stopping by my brothers house for something and I told my brother he better made sure he had me some good dessert and I didn't mean no bakery dessert from the grocery store and if he didn't to make him go get it because I would kill him if he didn't have it when he got home. LOL I honestly had to ask my husband if he thought it would be ok for my oldest daughter to have a friend spend the night since I was in such a moody state at that time. All went well and no one got hurt. I hate when I am in those moods I try to just stay away from people at least it only happens ever now and then. A few years back it would last for like a week and would happen every month.


Today has been pretty good so far. I even got a good workout in this morning that I could be proud of. Luckily I have praise band practise tonight so that should help with not being able to go to the kitchen and snack to much.

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Hmm, I just sat here for 10 mins trying to think of what i was going to say to you and I can't remember. I knew turning 26 was bad,lol.


Last night we had bbq on wheat bread and I had about 1/3 cup of potato salad, then some cereal for a snack later.


Today is pretty much as usual, unless I decide to go to subway.


They sent my grandmother home with a morphine patch. She is completely out of it. Mom couldn't barely get her to talk last night. But she is home and I suppose if she was more aware, happy.


I didn't exercise last night. Those weights made me so achy and sore I had to take a night off. But I'll be back on it tonight.


I have to work Sat. Its our Folklife Festival. I only have to work for 2 hours though. It will be rainy and 66 degrees and its a completely outdoor event, so who knows how fun it will be.


My bday is next tuesday. Its great b/c my flex points reset on Tuesdays, lol. I might have to use them all for cake and eating out, maybe. Last year I kinda didn't have a bday. My friends flaked and my parents thought I'd be with my friends. It was a big pity party for about a week, lol. Probably be the same thing this year, but I guess that happens when you get older.


Good choices.

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Last night for dinner I had one grilled cheese and not even half a cup of tomato soup. I had a bad night and just went to bed after that.


I got bad news yesterday about my car - it's going to cost $760 to fix my temperature control unit..so I have a few options..get it fixed with money I don't have, get another car or go without heat all winter in Northern NH.:rolleyes:


My options are not looking so good right now. Brooke to answer your question on facebook: The knob did break off and the reason it did is because it wouldn't move and I was trying to force it. It kept getting harder to turn all year and by then it just wouldn't move. When it came off (before summer) I was able to turn it with pliers to get the cold air...but now it will not budge and it is stuck on cold air. My dad and I have used several different pairs of pliers and the weather has already been below freezing level so that's why I needed to get it checked out and find out how much it would cost to fix it. Turns out the part itself only cost $200 but labor is $560 :eek:...lets not mention it's got other problems and over 130,000 miles on it. It's not an old car it's a 2003...I got it in 2004 with 14,000 miles on it. I just drive A LOT. Plus I don't live in a city...so anywhere you go even to a small store takes at least 30minutes. lol


The other thing is when I went to drop my loaner car off, I paid the $20 for the loaner car and got my paperwork and left. I was in my car with my dad looking at the paperwork and realised they charged my card $120! :eek:


When I called the other day - I asked how much it would be to look at it and they said it's free of charge but $20 for the loaner car. When I went in yesterday to drop my keys off they never said ANYTHING about a charge besides the $20. I understand it takes time to look at and time is money but at least tell the person before you just charge them!!


I feel bad but I have to call...switch and bait is not good. Seriously I am just so stressed about it now and mother nature is here I will be so happy when the weekend comes.


Brooke I am sorry to hear about your grandmother- you all are in my prayers. Hope she is feeling better soon!

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