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AoS Refused Entry to St Lucia And Antigua

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Not to sound like a broken record, but this IS something new. This is a strain not seen before, that behaves differently in different areas, that doesn't respond to some of our meds (and could stop responding to the ones we have if it mutates) and has spread in a random pattern. Just because where you are doesn't have any confirmed cases doesn't mean it isn't serious or a pandemic. Where I am we have many, many cases and also some deaths. And, as I have stated - yes, people die from the regular strains of flu every year - those people are normally children, elderly or health compromised. 1/2 of the people that have died of H1N1 have been young, healthy people. I think people need to stop thinking regionally about this strain - look at it as a whole, not 'well, I don't know anyone with it, they say in the U.S. it isn't as severe, people aren't dying in mass numbers' or whatever. I hope my ports don't get closed to it on my cruise but I of course would like the people on the islands to be protected from it - the medical facilities and healthcare would be taken to task if they had a large outbreak like we're seeing here in Ny/Nj.


Every death in the NYC area has been announced and each one had a caveat that the person had underlying medical conditions. IT IS THE FLU. The media has hyped it (WHO and CDC said so) and sounds like you bought it hook, line and sinker.

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With that logic, people living downstream from a dam that's about to burst should only worry about it when they start seeing the water. :confused:




Never said that.


But now that I think of it, didn't we already bring diseases to them a couple of hundred years ago when we first "found" them?


That analogy does not fit at all. A 20 foot high wall of water hitting your house today is exaclty the same as a 20 foot high wall of water hitting your house next November. The laws of physics are the laws of physics. They are contant and universal. Biologicals change. And with those changes their behaviors can change. You know what a twenty foot wall of water will look like six months from now. None of us knows what an infuenza A subtype H1N1 will look like six months from now. Just think about how many years we have had flu vaccines that prove to rather ineffective because what we "thought" the flu virus was going to look like that year turned out to be different.


So what is it that you are confused about?



Maybe it would be better to get this flu while it is behaving rather mildly and develope immunity to it rather than waiting until it mutates into a killer? I might also add that I am a pretty healthy person and have never had a flu shot. I'd much rather take my chances of getting the flu, feeling poorly for a few days, and then having natural immunity to that virus pretty much for the rest of my life. The human immune system is actually quite awesome.

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Every death in the NYC area has been announced and each one had a caveat that the person had underlying medical conditions. IT IS THE FLU. The media has hyped it (WHO and CDC said so) and sounds like you bought it hook, line and sinker.

I'm sorry, you clearly don't understand microbiology or the like if you have this very simplistic view. I don't mean to be rude but saying "it is the flu" is something my little nephew might say. I would recommend maybe reading up on it and finding out why science is working hard on this one. As well, I never said that the NYC deaths didn't have an underlying condition - I was QUOTING the WHO that said that although in most cases it is mild that it needs to be taken seriously. Then said that about 1/2 the deaths were young/healthy people. I didn't give that stat - they did. However, the reports are that MOST had an underlying condition - they have not found an underlying health condition in at least one of the 15 that died. They advise that this particular flu is persistant and resiliant and that it needs to be taken seriously. I also don't see a mention that it has been hyped - as a matter of fact, WHO clearly states that they would have made it a pandemic earlier if countries had given accurate numbers. They also warn against complacency, which is what many seem to be guilty of here...

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So what is it that you are confused about?



While you're checking the calendar as to when it will hit, I will be up at the dam trying to prevent it's demise. Not confused at all. I applaud all trying to keep this at bay.


I hope they succeed. Others hope they make it to their ports.

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When I was a child, I had a wonderful teacher. One of her saying was: “Those who do not read history are condemned to repeat it. “ I think that the WHO wants to trying to prevent a disaster. The way we will know that they succeeded will be the fact that many people will say that it was a false alarm. If the do not succeed, we MAY be in a real disaster.

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When I was a child, I had a wonderful teacher. One of her saying was: “Those who do not read history are condemned to repeat it. “ I think that the WHO wants to trying to prevent a disaster. The way we will know that they succeeded will be the fact that many people will say that it was a false alarm. If the do not succeed, we MAY be in a real disaster.


I agree with you completely.

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When I was a child, I had a wonderful teacher. One of her saying was: “Those who do not read history are condemned to repeat it. “ I think that the WHO wants to trying to prevent a disaster. The way we will know that they succeeded will be the fact that many people will say that it was a false alarm. If the do not succeed, we MAY be in a real disaster.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana (December 16, 1863 - September 26, 1952) Philosopher, Essayist, Poet & Novelist

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"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana (December 16, 1863 - September 26, 1952) Philosopher, Essayist, Poet & Novelist


Thank you for the info. I love many of my old teacher sayings - and I know they were from other people - aka "quotes". I guess, I didn't remember the quote word for word - but I sure remember the idea. Thanks for correcting my memory.

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OK, so the two ports went knee jerk banned the ship this week and accomplished what? - Their islanders business's lost at least a couple of hundred thousand dollars in sales.


My hat is off the St. Thomas officials for saying- " We ain't skeered! Bring those American dollars here."

Nothing wrong with being cautious, but you need to be sure of the facts before you put your own residents out of business.

See yall on the Adventure July 5th. Whatever islands we end up on, well, THATS where I will spend my money. Yeehaw!

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While you're checking the calendar as to when it will hit, I will be up at the dam trying to prevent it's demise. Not confused at all. I applaud all trying to keep this at bay.


I hope they succeed. Others hope they make it to their ports.


Good. Last thing I need is a 20 ft. wall of water hitting the house while I'm treating cases of flu.:D:D:D

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Mr. Pete:


No, little Susie stays home (or, if a cruise passenger, in her cabin) with her Mom or Dad; she probably does not feel well enough to visit anyway. The rest of the family still wants to vacation and comes to our house (or the rest of the cruise ship's passengers visit the island).


I have been reading your posts and Im baffled by your sense of reasoning !! Are you real or no dont tell me let me guess you have been smoking whaky bakky aint you !!!!...


In my view there is no logic to your thinking, you dont care a damm about others as long as your holiday isnt messed up !!!...


Restrictions are put in place for a specific reason - to stop the spread of it. Whole crowds are affected by these restrictions because of incubation periods !!!


If your cruise is cancelled then use your insurance !!!

If your ports of call is cut due to swine flu ashore !!! Tough !!! You went on a cruise when this virus is active!.


Now try to follow the plot - A virus is going about, we are not fully aware of the outcomings of this virus as its a new strain. We dont know how its going to mutate and therefore restrictions are being put in place to minimise the spreading of it !!!

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I have been reading your posts and Im baffled by your sense of reasoning !! Are you real or no dont tell me let me guess you have been smoking whaky bakky aint you !!!!...


In my view there is no logic to your thinking, you dont care a damm about others as long as your holiday isnt messed up !!!...


Restrictions are put in place for a specific reason - to stop the spread of it. Whole crowds are affected by these restrictions because of incubation periods !!!


If your cruise is cancelled then use your insurance !!!

If your ports of call is cut due to swine flu ashore !!! Tough !!! You went on a cruise when this virus is active!.


Now try to follow the plot - A virus is going about, we are not fully aware of the outcomings of this virus as its a new strain. We dont know how its going to mutate and therefore restrictions are being put in place to minimise the spreading of it !!!


My friend, I have been saying in my posts that many are overreacting, and you have just proven my point! Thank you!

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The difference here is that in your case, the choice to skip was RCI's. In this case, the ship was blocked from porting by the local authorities.


In your case, more should have been offered. In this case, RCI owes nothing.



Perhaps the ports took it on their own authority because RCI got caught in a lie when they told the news channel that the Mariner of the Seas never stopped in any Mexican ports that week, which was a lie, we spent 6 hours there!!! :P
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I'm also scheduled to board AOS on Sunday, and I agree with other posters who have basically said that there are contagious conditions on every ship AND in every port.


It angers me that St. Lucia and Antigua are so panicked over the media-induced H1N1 frenzy that they would turn away thousands of healthy people who will spend money on their islands. It also angers me that cruiselines, port personnel, etc. are so quick to label any condition with "flu-like" symptoms as H1N1. Yes, there's a chance it could be, but the testing process for H1N1 confirmation takes something like 10 days -- so it's IMPOSSIBLE for them to know if these passengers or crewmembers actually have H1N1. It's just as likely that it could be Influenza A or the common cold -- both of which share symptoms of cough, runny nose, fever, etc.


Would you still take a cruise if you knew other passengers might have cold? Or if a fellow passenger was a nurse who, when not vacationing on a cruise ship, works in a hospital where H1N1 cases are treated? Because I'm here to tell you that, whether you know it or not, you would and you DO!


Honestly, I'm afraid I'll be denied boarding at the port if my nose is running due to my seasonal allergies. But even if they do let me onboard, who knows when I'll be quarantined or the ship will have to miss a port because of me. It's complete madness!

Its angers you? i think you are being very unreasonable, and inconsiderate at this point.


i mean...as a cruising fanatic, i was a bit disappointed that the ships had to be turned back, and i also felt it for the passengers as well, but you have to respect the decision made!! especially since these islands are very fragile.....they are third world countries, and the least of outbreaks, can put these islands into serious turmoil.


i applaud them for this decison...don't take any risk; because, an outbreak would put the countries in an expense, which exceeds the revenue that they would gain from this ship..

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My friend, I have been saying in my posts that many are overreacting, and you have just proven my point! Thank you!


And you sir are the person who spreads the virus without a thought for the rest of the population.


I am not in any view overreacting ! I will/do listen to what is being said by the experts, helping to minimise the spread of the virus. I wonder how you would react back in the middle ages !!! Oh its over hyped !!.


Get a grip on life

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And you sir are the person who spreads the virus without a thought for the rest of the population.


I am not in any view overreacting ! I will/do listen to what is being said by the experts, helping to minimise the spread of the virus. I wonder how you would react back in the middle ages !!! Oh its over hyped !!.


Get a grip on life

you know what i mean!! these people are so inconsiderate and irrational!!

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you know what i mean!! these people are so inconsiderate and irrational!!



To a point I can understand why some cruiser are upset that their annual holidays are cancelled or altered due to an external problem. However we need to remember that both Governments and the WHO have indicated necessary actions to minimise the risk of spreading the virus and from looking at some of the posts some people dont like being told what and what not to do.


Yes initially the virus as 'in the unknown' but with each passing day more and more people are being affected by this virus, our total in Scotland todate is 500, one was even a baby born prematurely to its mother who was suffering from the virus. Which now proves that it can be transmitted through the womb, however people who have recovered that were / are pregnant might now have passed on virus to their unborn. Oops better watch out I might be called a 'scaremonger' in a moment for stating the truth.


Fact: Until this baby was born the experts didnt know that it could be transmitted through the womb. Now I beg to ask what other things are likely to come to light. What other problems are going to raise its head, can this lie dormant before becoming active? I dont know but I will continue to take preacautions until such time as its relaxed.


No I dont feel that I am hyped up due to the media, Im more hyped up over the fact that there are people out there who cant and wont accept basic facts, facts that precautions are being taken by various authorities/countries/organisations to try and minimise and stop the increase of this infection. All these people can see is 'they cant do that my holiday is ruined'


Take the blame for "what" exactly"? For "possibly" being infected with a VERY mild case of influenza? :confused:


If it had gone the other way and they had tested positive the local Government would have been strung up for not taking action, the financial aspects could have cost more in medical outlays than the money they would have made. As regards to being infected with a mild case of influenza - tell that to those families that have already lost relatives. Most of which have come from countries where they dont have the medical facilities that we in the UK/USA have, they cant afford it. But hey never mind there is another cruise ship coming in next week so we will get some more money !! You dont care that locals might be affected as long as you get your port of call !!

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If it had gone the other way and they had tested positive the local Government would have been strung up for not taking action, the financial aspects could have cost more in medical outlays than the money they would have made. As regards to being infected with a mild case of influenza - tell that to those families that have already lost relatives. Most of which have come from countries where they dont have the medical facilities that we in the UK/USA have, they cant afford it. But hey never mind there is another cruise ship coming in next week so we will get some more money !! You dont care that locals might be affected as long as you get your port of call !!


I am not so sure that it is all about people "getting to their ports of call" or people being selfish. I do not believe that this action of turning away one ship is accomplishing anything. The fact is that on every ship sailing right now there is the potention for people to be harboring this virus. They could either be overtly ill or in the incubation period. If these island governments are truly interested in "protecting" their populations they should shut down their seaports to all cruise ships and, for that matter, should shut down their airports.


There are times when government agencies do something just to show people that they are doing something. However, doing something does not always mean that one is accomplishing anything. Once again, if the premise is that these governements are trying to keep this virus off of their respective islands and protect their populations turning away one cruise ship just isn't going to cut it.


Believe me, I understand your perspective and point of view. However, looking at the matter of trying to control this virus, the action that was taken makes little to no sense. And that is my opinion as someone who has been treating infectious diseases for a good many years.

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you know what i mean!! these people are so inconsiderate and irrational!!


How many cruise ships were allowed to make port in Antigua this week and how many thousands of foreigners were allowed on to your drop dead beautiful island? Now let talk about being irrational.......

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To a point I can understand why some cruiser are upset that their annual holidays are cancelled or altered due to an external problem. However we need to remember that both Governments and the WHO have indicated necessary actions to minimise the risk of spreading the virus and from looking at some of the posts some people dont like being told what and what not to do.


Yes initially the virus as 'in the unknown' but with each passing day more and more people are being affected by this virus, our total in Scotland todate is 500, one was even a baby born prematurely to its mother who was suffering from the virus. Which now proves that it can be transmitted through the womb, however people who have recovered that were / are pregnant might now have passed on virus to their unborn. Oops better watch out I might be called a 'scaremonger' in a moment for stating the truth.


Fact: Until this baby was born the experts didnt know that it could be transmitted through the womb. Now I beg to ask what other things are likely to come to light. What other problems are going to raise its head, can this lie dormant before becoming active? I dont know but I will continue to take preacautions until such time as its relaxed.


No I dont feel that I am hyped up due to the media, Im more hyped up over the fact that there are people out there who cant and wont accept basic facts, facts that precautions are being taken by various authorities/countries/organisations to try and minimise and stop the increase of this infection. All these people can see is 'they cant do that my holiday is ruined'




As i mentioned in an early post; i feel their sufferings and pains, but you cannot just look at it from your end. Try to put yourself in the countries position so you can get an idea as to where they are coming from....then you can weigh both arguments and conclude which is more substantial/rational.

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How many cruise ships were allowed to make port in Antigua this week and how many thousands of foreigners were allowed on to your drop dead beautiful island? Now let talk about being irrational.......

well this is the summer season, dubbed "the slow period" so we only have three (3) ships making calls to the island. they are;

adventure of the seas- which makes fortnightly calls

carnival freedom- which calls every 5th week

carnival victory-whick makes weekly calls


now this week, we were scheduled 2 calls; 1 from AOS and the other for Victory. AOS was the 'only ship' to have been ever denied access into the country; due to, this h1n1 virus issue.

I would be lying if I gave you any figures, as to the amount of foreigners entering this country by air, but i can tell you one thing; non of them have been denied access(well at least to my knowledge).

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RCI (and other lines) need to act quickly to determine how many, and for how long these ports are going to be closed to thier vessels. Its not fair to passengers to just ride it out day to day. And its fine to say its not RCI's fault (and if RCI was not informed that this would happen ahead of time then its not) but now that they have been refused entry once, the next time (and every time after that) will be thier fault if they do not let people know in advance.


How can RCCL know if they will be refused entry until they get there? The cruise lines can make changes to there ports any thime they want. Everybody knows that.

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What should anger people more is the fact that it makes no difference whether one had infuenza type A or subtype H1N1 (swine). The swine subtype is not behaving any differently than seasonal flu. I am not aware of ships being turned away in the past if someone on board had "flu like symptoms" so why should it be happening now? As I said previously, this reaction seems to be about a month behind the times. Back then we didn't really know for sure what severity this virus would have. We are now much better educated.

I know this was earlier, but I just saw a new post by this poster saying they work with infectious diseases all the time. Not to be offensive, but this is what is so scary to me about new strains of things like this. Even the people that we are trusting to take care of us and take our symptoms seriously aren't up to date with critical information. I'm not sure if this is just someone looking at the 'no big deal' reporting of some media or just counting their chickens before they hatched or simply thinking that since they haven't seen anything in their hospital then it isn't a big deal - but a day later the WHO declared it a pandemic and they and the CDC let us know the ways in which this virus is certainly different than type A influenza. You only need to look through this thread to read those ways, including one that was just found that pregnant women can pass this on to their fetus' - something that the experts weren't aware of. So - I say to all of us posting, even those in healthcare that aren't actively working on understanding this virus - let's leave the facts to the experts and enough with the assumptions (that have turned out to be incorrect, mostly). When given the health status of ill people aboard a ship then I think I'm going to trust the island or port making the decision to let them in or not. Although we think we'll do well to pour our money into trinkets, alcohol, cheeseburgers and waverunners and create revenue - what good is that revenue when a virus that the islanders don't have immunity against or the best medical facilities to fend against creates sickness and/or deaths? Revenue shouldn't be placed over health. End of my rant :)

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Just to keep things in perspective... in the 10 weeks or so since H1N1 surfaced in the US there have been 60 confirmed deaths due to H1N1 (141 worldwide). In the same period there have been approximately 8000 deaths from non-H1N1 influenza strains in the US alone! Just a little perspective to counter the media hype.

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