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What is it like traveling with twin 15 month old girls?


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We are considering going on a cruise next summer with our twin girls. They'll be 15 months old at the time. Most likely, one or both sets of grandparents will be going also, so there will be help.


What is it like to cruise with kids that young?

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Its easy... well I say that, because we have travelled a lot with our twins since they were born. We did Hawaii at 10 months, Disney World at 12 months, Disney Cruise/Disney World at 15 months, Disney World at 22 months, Palm Springs at 25 months... and will be bringing them along on our Carnival Cruise this September at 28 months.


You know your kids best... whether they can handle the change of pace, and different environment. We followed some of the same structure as we did at home (Same bed time routine etc.) and likely came back to the cabin earlier than we would have prior to travelling with the twins... but we love every second of it.


The only thing to remember on a cruise with kids that young, is they cant go in the pools... even with swim diapers... so you either need to get to potty training early in preparation, or be prepared for that fact.


Other than that... HAVE FUN!!!! Go at a slower pace than maybe you are used to... and take lots of pictures. (PS, we fit to pack and plays in the cabin just fine... we just had them move out the coffee table, and there was room.)

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Its easy... well I say that, because we have travelled a lot with our twins since they were born. We did Hawaii at 10 months, Disney World at 12 months, Disney Cruise/Disney World at 15 months, Disney World at 22 months, Palm Springs at 25 months... and will be bringing them along on our Carnival Cruise this September at 28 months.


You know your kids best... whether they can handle the change of pace, and different environment. We followed some of the same structure as we did at home (Same bed time routine etc.) and likely came back to the cabin earlier than we would have prior to travelling with the twins... but we love every second of it.


The only thing to remember on a cruise with kids that young, is they cant go in the pools... even with swim diapers... so you either need to get to potty training early in preparation, or be prepared for that fact.


Other than that... HAVE FUN!!!! Go at a slower pace than maybe you are used to... and take lots of pictures. (PS, we fit to pack and plays in the cabin just fine... we just had them move out the coffee table, and there was room.)


You are my hero! LOL

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CW= Cruise Work, Cruise Woe, Cruise Wasted, etc.


Would you take 7 days of all day office work along on a weeks cruise?

Come on Dan, they should take them, and also try them in the supper club, after all it's all about the kids ;):p:eek:

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Come on Dan, they should take them, and also try them in the supper club, after all it's all about the kids ;):p:eek:


Yes, they could change their diapers between courses in the supper club. Now THAT'S a 'SPECIAL' occasion!

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Its easy... well I say that, because we have travelled a lot with our twins since they were born. We did Hawaii at 10 months, Disney World at 12 months, Disney Cruise/Disney World at 15 months, Disney World at 22 months, Palm Springs at 25 months... and will be bringing them along on our Carnival Cruise this September at 28 months.


You know your kids best... whether they can handle the change of pace, and different environment. We followed some of the same structure as we did at home (Same bed time routine etc.) and likely came back to the cabin earlier than we would have prior to travelling with the twins... but we love every second of it.


The only thing to remember on a cruise with kids that young, is they cant go in the pools... even with swim diapers... so you either need to get to potty training early in preparation, or be prepared for that fact.


Other than that... HAVE FUN!!!! Go at a slower pace than maybe you are used to... and take lots of pictures. (PS, we fit to pack and plays in the cabin just fine... we just had them move out the coffee table, and there was room.)


with 2 I dont know ,but we cruised with 1-1.3 y.o:rolleyes:


We could not eat in dinnig room

We could not see any show in full

We could not take any shore excurtion (but we saw all ports before so we had no problem)

book a balcony cabine if you can,so you can have some fresh air when kids go to sleep in 9p.m and afternnon.

Is it easy to go with 1 year old?not at all,but its much better ,than to seat home(specially when you have grandmams with you):p

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CW= Cruise Work, Cruise Woe, Cruise Wasted, etc.


Would you take 7 days of all day office work along on a weeks cruise?


But the difference is that at home, you are doing all the same taking care of children while still making your own bed, cooking your own food, etc. Any vacation you take with small children is going to be work. CW might be better than day at the beach work.

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But the difference is that at home, you are doing all the same taking care of children while still making your own bed, cooking your own food, etc. Any vacation you take with small children is going to be work. CW might be better than day at the beach work.



Kids are not appendages of parents. The cord was cut at birth. Kids are responsibilities. It IS OK to vacation away from responsibilities and have a real vacation. The parents ACTUAL job is to prepare the children for life. Teaching them that everywhere and anytime is not what life will hold for them is a lesson that they need to learn. Protect them from harm, DO NOT protect them from reality. Its a futile endeavor anyway!

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Kids are not appendages of parents. The cord was cut at birth. Kids are responsibilities. It IS OK to vacation away from responsibilities and have a real vacation. The parents ACTUAL job is to prepare the children for life. Teaching them that everywhere and anytime is not what life will hold for them is a lesson that they need to learn. Protect them from harm, DO NOT protect them from reality. Its a futile endeavor anyway!


Thats great!

I'm going to copy this and give it to a few people i know.

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as a mom of twins...i can say i am sure u could do it....but my ? is why would u want to? my girls will be 6 in one month and they havent set foot on a cruise ship yet!!!! thats moma get away.

and absolutely, rightfully deserved get away it is<blows kisses to Kerri>

But that said, I'd sail with you and your beautiful girls anytime, we'd just spend a LOT less time drinking :eek: OH NO

;) Carole

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Kids are not appendages of parents. The cord was cut at birth. Kids are responsibilities. It IS OK to vacation away from responsibilities and have a real vacation. The parents ACTUAL job is to prepare the children for life. Teaching them that everywhere and anytime is not what life will hold for them is a lesson that they need to learn. Protect them from harm, DO NOT protect them from reality. Its a futile endeavor anyway!


I'm glad you wren't my Daddy!:confused:

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We have been sailing with our twins since they were 3.




Do not listen to those that say they will not remember it, and that it is a waste.


This year they will be doing their 6th and 7th cruises...(LOL - spoiled rotten :)



That said, 15 months is a lttle young. They will be fine, but you will miss out. I can tell you that at 3 it was tough. AND we had a lot of help.


In particular, we had the late seating...we fed the kids early, and then had an in-room babysitter while we went to eat. Then my wife would go back to the room, while I explored the ship a little.


It was fine for us, but not ideal.


If this is a big family trip/celebration, then go for it. If not, I would wait till they are a little older.

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Kids are not appendages of parents. The cord was cut at birth. Kids are responsibilities. It IS OK to vacation away from responsibilities and have a real vacation. The parents ACTUAL job is to prepare the children for life. Teaching them that everywhere and anytime is not what life will hold for them is a lesson that they need to learn. Protect them from harm, DO NOT protect them from reality. Its a futile endeavor anyway!




We actually vacation quite a bit without our children, and I dont look at them as appendages. As for the amount of travelling we have done with our kids... I grew up the same way, travelling through Europe young, and seeing most of North America by the time I was 12... it is a passion for us, and instills the ability to appreciate other cultures, see the world and appreciate other tastes, foods and environments making for very well rounded kids.


When we travel and no child care is supplied (Ie: Camp Carnival) we bring along a helper... or stay in a Condo where the pace is more subdued... but for our upcoming cruise, we plan on doing the Supper Club and just letting them have fun with friends in the camp, while we enjoy an adults only dinner.


I have never regretted the holidays we have taken with our kids... and wont stop sharing my love of the world with them. It is a way of life for our kids. Right now the memories arent their's they are ours, and we love every minute of it.


It's not a waste of $, or time, or energy... at least for us. You have to do what's right for YOUR family! I dont tell others how to vacation, I just make sure I am having a blast on mine! (with or without the kids!)

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While I don't have twins, I have been taking my children on trips since the first was 9 months old, and the youngest was 10 months when her sister was 5. One is a handful, two of different ages more of a handful, I can only imagine that two of the same age would be a hairpuller!


However, I say go and have fun! I don't regret a moment of vacations with my babies. While I know there were times I wanted to scream, times I felt sad when I couldn't do something because I had to take care of a small child, I also know there were so many more times I could not stop smiling at my childrens' joy at discovering new things.


Sure, people will say why take your kids, they won't remember it, but so what. YOU will remember these times with your children. Take pictures, take video, and cherish your time with them. The bad moments will be forgotten, but the happy moments will be treasured. Years from now, you will delight in looking over the pictures you took of your time with your twins on this cruise, and you will surely have many stories to tell your children about what they did, even it if was crying along with you out of frustration or exhaustion. Yes, years from now, even those memories will be treasures.


My daughters are now 18 and 14. My eldest is off to college this summer, and my girls and I will be taking one last mother/daughter trip before our lives change as my eldest steps out the door. I have never taken a vacation without my children. Sure, DH and I have spent a night away at a hotel or something, but an actual vacation, I just can't do it. My children see things with a different perspective than I do, and I love that.


I can't imagine walking a beach and not having my girls there, discovering things in the sand that I would just walk by. We have had some wonderful conversations while on vacations, conversations that might not happen when you are living hurried lives at home. Vacations with your children are a wonderful time to really make memories and just enjoy each other. DH and I will have plenty of time together when our children are gone (and they will be gone in the blink of an eye), and our marriage is very happy right now with our children around us, and it will be happy when it is just the two of us, off on our own adventures, but we are parents at this stage of our life, and we like that. They are great kids, and we really enjoy being with them!


So go, realize it will be hard at times, but it will also be fantastic. Be prepared as can be, it takes out a lot of anxiety from vacationing with little ones if you are prepared. Just remember, they are only this age once, so enjoy every moment!

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I'm glad you wren't my Daddy!:confused:


I SO disagree with that.

When I was a kid we had very little in the way of money. My parents didn't make vacationing a priority...for us as a family or for themselves. Do I regret not having family vacations with them?? NO

But I do feel sad that they never took any time together alone.


Even when we were kids, the three of us would BEG them to do things together. They felt 'bad' doing this. They rarely even went out for dinner. Then one day, they did decide to go to Spain. They took a week and went and had the best time. They came back all rejuvenated and refreshed and happy...I think I was 8 years old at the time. My siblings and I stayed with my Grandparents and an Aunt and had a blast.


We begged for my parents to go away again, they never did....they said they'd wait until we were grown.


Well, we grew up, they became empty nested and then at the age of 53 my dad died suddenly of DVT.

There is no second chance now.



chew on that a while.


vacationing as a family is wonderful...but it's better if you can also have equal vacation time as just a couple.

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I think it is a personal choice. If you don't mind the work of small kids when you are vacationing, Great. Keep in mind that not everyone wants to hear your kid crying, or whatever. Be considerate of those around you, so many other people are not.

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I SO disagree with that.

When I was a kid we had very little in the way of money. My parents didn't make vacationing a priority...for us as a family or for themselves. Do I regret not having family vacations with them?? NO

But I do feel sad that they never took any time together alone.


Even when we were kids, the three of us would BEG them to do things together. They felt 'bad' doing this. They rarely even went out for dinner. Then one day, they did decide to go to Spain. They took a week and went and had the best time. They came back all rejuvenated and refreshed and happy...I think I was 8 years old at the time. My siblings and I stayed with my Grandparents and an Aunt and had a blast.


We begged for my parents to go away again, they never did....they said they'd wait until we were grown.


Well, we grew up, they became empty nested and then at the age of 53 my dad died suddenly of DVT.

There is no second chance now.



chew on that a while.


vacationing as a family is wonderful...but it's better if you can also have equal vacation time as just a couple.

I think you misunderstood my post and I know I didn't clarify it. I too feel parents should have time without children but I also feel traveling is very enriching for children and helps them to develop expanded minds. I wouldn't want to handle two 15 month old children on a cruise but some people are able to take it in stride and enjoy having their wee ones with them. I'm a firm believer in to each their own. sorry about your Dad.


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