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Everything posted by muffin

  1. Booked 4 cabins for alaska next summer on $1.00 deposit day. Thinking of moving it over to a big box agent. Have never done this, but seems people think it gets them a bonus, and with 4 cabins, that would be nice. Is there a time limit? Are there special things I should ask,or be aware of? We are doing HIA and are 3 star is any of that matters. Thanks for the education should you choose to reply.
  2. Yes, they are split into 2 cabins,each with a parent…there are NO connected inside cabins on Koningsdam! We will ask, but know they will be up for the experience of the special evening……just a little shorter than it would be if the parents only were all together. The other perks made it worthwhile even if they only drink mocktails and pop….. OBC, excursion $, gratuities, dinner, wifi. Great time is promised! Family fun.
  3. eight of us in group. Two children who will not enjoy their included speciality dinner. Can their included dinner in HIA be used by one of the adult couple at another time?
  4. There is a recent extensive thread on here with lots of info for you It is entitled First Time Alaska …which scenerio for us? And was started by dlcal . Good place to start! have a great voyage.
  5. Don’t know where you will be sailing from or where you live. Ships from Vancouver more likely to go through the waters on the EAST side of Vancouver island both up and back. This route is MUCH more scenic than ships leaving from Seattle as you go very close to beautiful scenery both up and back. . When you go outside Vancouver island on the west side you see nothing for a full extra day as you are out too far at sea in both directions. I would try to do glacier bay, but for us, the deciding factor is the route north immediately after leaving That counts most for us, and we live here! It’s just so nice to see the beauty up close and personal from the ship too. Have a great trip.
  6. I’m older than that! I remember when there was no Internet cafe….actually no internet period!! both worlds were fun, but the first was was much calmer.
  7. no problem. Have the Uber drop you at the drop off point underneath the terminal. There younwill give in your luggage to the people who get it on the ship for you. Keep your walker so you can sit, while spouse goes on shortbsearch for staff with wheelchairs. They are wandering about...just hail someone. They will take you to a line to get all regisrer etc. You may have to change chairs depending on if you get a person associated with your ship. They will keep you right. You also get to go thru short lines! Do your arriveCan if required before. Upon disembarkation staff will assist with chair, luggage and get you to transport of your choosing. Have a great trip.
  8. On august 14, we booked to rent 12 days of car rental in October. Cost was 984 usd for least expensive economy car. Yesterday checked to see what was happening with rental cars. Got same exact car for 448 usd dollars less!!! Cancelled first, booked second. All with mauicarrental.com . Double check your car choices. Good luck!
  9. Thanks Scott and Princeton…. Just booked House Without a Key on your recommendation. Looks VERY appealing. Just the cocktail/ sunset hours, then back to ship on our second day there to have dinner and watch our departure. Excited already and it’s 5+ months away!
  10. Forget I asked. Tried to delete. Didn’t think my question through. Mea culpa!
  11. Thinking of booking British isles tomorrow.. if I were your friend would you tell me to wait?
  12. Delighted you were treated in such a respectful manner. Obviously your letter was truthful, polite, and to the point. Well done.
  13. The next step would be even better, west jet offers a callback with the times listed online. Last night I called and picked first spot available. 1: 15 this afternoon. At 1:12 the phone rang! This is obviously not for immediate concerns, but is dandy for runof the mill queries.
  14. You can also phone them if there is nothing available. They will do their best to fit you in.
  15. we did this in Vancouver. The secondary screening was simply affirmation you did not present with any symptoms…a chat with a nurse. Our only problem was with the same nurse saying we need BOTH proofs of recovery mentioned in L ink # 2 on this site, quoted from Princess website. We pointed out the tiny word OR at the end of the first requirement meaning we did not need Both! This was early in the season, and I think we may have been the first recovered people they had met with positive tests of Covid between 10 and 90 days.
  16. Re one cabin in particular versus a category. Please see link # 12. I was In error when I said see link 13. It states you can bid on individual cabins as I read it. The more cabins you bid on the more chance you have. I have no interst in this, but did want to mention that it MAY be you bid on specific cabins. Looks that way to me.
  17. See # 13 for info on exact cabin. I read it that you bid on any cabin individually if you like it’s layout, location, etc etc,. You do not bid on a certain group of cabins with the same BA, BW etc designation awarded by the cruiseline as it’s category. I may be wrong!
  18. For Lahaina suggest mauicarrental.com. about 100.00 per day. Will only go up. Pay at pickup so no risk. You’ll have to get yourself to the rental location, but Uber can do that. They may start to offer transport later in the year or in the winter if it goes well for them. Suggest usual big few for other islands……Google is your friend!
  19. Learn something everyday! No doubt I will see lots of them throughout our cruise at the ports. Some even become a Xmas tree ornament for happy memories. Thx for the info.
  20. Have no idea what a tchotchkes is. I will buy one if we find one! (chocolate? Hot Cakes? ). Help me out here! I understand Dole Whip and am sure they are delicious. Would certainly give a thumbs up for a stop to buy one....can’t say I recall having one before.
  21. Thanks for the note....yes, I meant plantation! Looking at the website now it has changed significantly. Will decide if we want the new? improved? Rendition. Reviews are very mixed and it is not up to speed since covid it seems. The map was great...outlook is lovely and always the chance of seeing those wonderfully crazy hang gliders! Thanks for your take on the high points.
  22. Thank you Princeton. Very helpful info. Would you rent downtown over airport from aAlohaTower beginning?
  23. cruise has overnight in Honolulu. We plan on renting car for first full day. Where to pick it up and return with least traffic and bother? Hope to hit these sights....dole factory, north shore to enjoy surfers, lunch at Turtle beach? Wander down east coast and back through town? question also about traffic and direction. Clockwise or anti Clockwise on this route. ? Thinking pick up at 9 am, return 6 or 7 pm? Should we forget back through the hanama Bay Area, and go/ return over the mountain pass? When is traffic coming and going from downtown Honolulu? Any other must do stops? Not interested in Pearl Harbour or Polynesian center ( done before) . Thanks for insider knowledge of traffic patterns! Sometimes it really matters! Have second day to do the museum, Waikiki, dukes etc. thanks.
  24. my hunch is the 16 days was chosen to allow for the Hawaiian trips to be included in the no test needed group.
  25. I like the explaination that doing an overnight is just an extended excursion……for some people, at some time, this is exactly what they want to do for reasons important to them. Viva La difference!
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