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Everything posted by wemjam

  1. Unfortunately, it is very common. Parents cut their kids loose and let them run wild because I guess they figure "where can they go to," and likely because there are just bad parents that don't care. And the bad behavior shows. Numerous times I have seen groups of children being disrespectful, running wild, doing all kinds of things they shouldn't because their parents aren't monitoring them. Just as an example of what I have seen groups of kids doing: *Running full bore down the Promenade like a herd of startled water buffalo *Dispensing Ice cream straight into their mouth (literally like sucking on the spout where it comes out) *Rudely (like pushing people out of the way rude) cutting in front of people in the buffet (this happens a lot) but on more than one occasion have seen them take it a step further and grab something, taking a bite and throwing it back into the pan on the buffet (kid you not) *Cutting in line and running straight up to guest service clerk at counter and demanding something, and when the clerk asked them to politely wait their turn cussing them out at the top of their lungs with every 4 letter word they could muster *DELIBERATELY pouring splashes of drinks over the railings into the lobby *Banging on and abusing just about anything on the ship (arcade games, ATH machine, KIOSK) *Climbing on the railing on the lido deck and sitting on the top railing (mind you on deck 10! a whole group of them) - Luckily a Carnival person stopped that quickly *My personal favorite - running down the hallway screaming and yelling banging on doors at like 1am in the morning *Trying to steal something in one of the stores I am sure others have seen more... but this gives you some idea. The worst part is. I don't think I can think of one example where I can say I saw a single, lone child doing something really obnoxious... its' always when they get in a group - they suddenly get really stupid and brazen!
  2. You aren't give a set table for anytime dining. Your table is assigned when you check in. You can ask for a window by the table when you arrive but it isn't guaranteed, and you may (or may not) be sat in that table next time. Usually in the same area, but not always. We just always ask for a table for 2 by a window each time we arrive, and if we had a server we REALLY liked we ask for them by name.
  3. Remember everyone usually has to be out of their room by 8:30am. Most arrival appointments don't start until around 10:00am.... so if you don't want to leave the ship, you will have to go sit somewhere... and even at that they may be chasing you off lol!
  4. We cruised with two boys through multiple years. As they grew, freedom got more, but they were still on a leash. Younger we would drop them off at supervised activity and ask when it was over and pick them up. Older, they were allowed to "go" to a specific place (teen club, arcade, sports deck, etc.) for a set period of time but they had to be THERE only and they knew we would swing by and check on them off and on. If they wanted to go somewhere else they came back to us and advised of new destination. Again, big ship, lots of people, and places we can't even get to they could disappear to - and it only takes one bad person to change a persons life. Also, have seen LOTS of times what happens when a group of new "friends" get together and run wild on the ship. No kid is a saint and even though ours were well behaved we knew unlimited freedom can be a bad recipe.
  5. I say it all the time... room stewards at the best. I have accidently had a brain fart and walked out and left my jewelry sitting on counter. Came back, still there (after they cleaned). These guys and gals livelihood is on the line and I swear you could leave a stack of hundos sitting there and they would dust around it. Good, honest, HARD working people. Never (in almost 50 cruises) had one bad experience. It's so bad we have deliberately thrown things in the garbage only to have them pull it out and leave it on the counter (which we deduced was "just" in case it fell in and we didn't mean to throw it away).
  6. If she likes chocolate... tell her she has to get a chocolate shake at the coffee bar. Just ask them to add a couple extra shots of chocolate syrup (Ghirardelli) to it.... TO DIE FOR! PS: Don't forget the whipped cream.
  7. This.... You don't have to get a 2nd card. Just have the two people that need to switch (doesn't even have to be everyone in the rooms, just the two that want to switch rooms) go to guest services and tell them they want to switch rooms. They will get new sail and sign cards. We do this all the time when we cruise with my elderly parents so they can both board and such with us and we don't have to wait (we are Diamond, they are not).
  8. We are Diamond so we have a lot of years of using priority debarkation 😁 I would have done the same as you, showed up about 15 minutes before the time stated in the letter. What happened to you would be the exception not the rule from what I have seen. Even as Diamond (who are first off), we usually have to wait a bit before being released. As Platinum the wait was longer. It just all depends on how fast they clear customs. As soon as they do, they start letting people off. You got lucky to be that early.
  9. Only thing that comes to mind for me with side by side, if you really mean getting of one ship and then on to a different one (not to be confused with back to back - two cruises on the same ship one after the other), is arrival appointment time. You will want to time your arrival appointment time on the 2nd sailing to coincide with the time you are pretty sure you are getting off the first ship so you don't have to stand around and wait outside a long time. Other than that I can't think of anything that would be different for the 2nd sailing as if you had just done it by itself.
  10. I do have a fully leaded drink once in a while, but never been a big drinker so usually do non-alcoholic. Some great suggestions I have found (virgin style): Strawberry Daquiri (these are usually very good) Miami Vice Pineapple juice/Sprite* also can make it real good and add Shot of Cherry juice Cranberry/Sprite* Haven't had good luck with a straight up Pina Colada, they aren't usually that great. *Currently not really Sprite - it is Sierra Mist but just read another post that is changing.
  11. This makes me feel good! Last cruise we were on I found what was obviously someone's wedding ring/engagement ring in our safe... about day 3 of the week long cruise. It had gotten lost under that little edge and I was reaching in for something and felt it. It was an expensive ring and real (we know diamonds), I took it down to guest service and told them I had found it. She wrote down our room number. The whole time after that I was thinking to myself I REALLY hope it goes to lost and found and finds it way to the owner and not in someone else's pocket and home with them. So, it is good to know people report it does happen. Just as a side note and suggestion to others. I always select my jewelry I want to take for every cruise (for me its a fun part of packing - "Let me see we what gets to come out of the safe this trip") and after years of trying different jewelry boxes, roles, cases, etc. I had an epiphany one day while in Dollar Tree. I bought a little plastic box for $1 at the dollar store that is designed to hold little nuts, bolts, etc. It is very thin (like 1/2-3/4") with multiple plastic compartments and a snap shut lid. Keeps all the jewelry from tangling during travel, easy to pack in my shoulder bag and fits in the safe on board nicely and I don't have to worry about anything getting loose. I even use them in my own safe at home to keep all my pieces organized. Kind of like this one, but mine has a few more slots:
  12. Interesting, I am not a huge fan of Sierra Mist either so maybe this will be better. Sprite is my favorite with 7up a close 2nd. I do mocktails of Cranberry/Sprite, Pineapple/Sprite, Sprite/shot of cherry (yes Shirley Temple), and my favorite is Sprite/Pineapple/Shot of Cherry. So maybe this will make them a little better.
  13. Bet that could be it! I always add them when I am at the point of making final payment, but not before. I add them and then pay the final balance. Looks like they will have to call and have them added 🤪
  14. I did see that, but we don't get the fun times anymore since they do not specifically provide them and you have to go ask for one at guest services. We always use the hub app and was just wondering if it is in the hub app somewhere we are missing it?
  15. Yea, I swear the first night my ritual is to look at everyday things to do for the cruise and at ALL activities and mark all my hearts right away on my husbands hub app so he can make sure to get me to all the stuff I want to do... and I have not seen Tea Time.
  16. Is it in places to eat or things to do? I always scroll through all days on our cruise the first night on board and mark the things I want to do and I have never seen tea time there... part of the reason I haven't been, never see it listed as an option. I don't look at the places to eat very often... just maybe to check a menu in the MDR only so I can see what is for dinner that night.
  17. A lot may depend on the ship and the stores. Different ships don't always have the same stuff out. It depends on the size of the store and the space. So, as others said, if you really want it I would pre-order it.
  18. I REALLY want to do this in a week when we cruise on our 4 dayer on Sunrise. NEVER been in 47 cruises lol! After having a proper tea in England and Scotland a couple years ago, I love the idea of tea time now - but always forget about it when I am onboard. Question is, do they do this on all sailings or only above a certain number of days, like 5 days or longer? Thanks all
  19. It is kind of funny.... I think the fact that you have to do serious research to make sure you get into a "real" taxi says it all. This is coming from someone that has traveled independently all of the world. There are those places you feel safe in venturing and others where you don't. Don't get me wrong, the people are friendly there, but you can't walk 5 feet without some shady people trying to get you to do all kinds of / and offering you all kinds of shady stuff too. Even when you go there to resorts they recommend you don't leave the resort unless on an escorted tour. It is sad really... stops in Mexico are kind of getting the same way. Used to rent taxis and go all kinds of places in Cozumel, Cancun, etc. because they did a good job of keeping the tourist areas relatively safe. Now not so much everything is spilling into these areas too. Mommy always said an ounce of prevention.....
  20. Also, don't forget to stay on ship time! This gets people in trouble all the time. Your phone will change the time based on where you are... and that is not likely ships time. That can cause you to think you are going to be on time and guess what.... you will see the ship sailing away. 🙃
  21. Not in your account. So, you should have received a letter in your state room on the cruise you turned diamond that you would have then had to present for the dinner. If you didn't do this, you haven't used it. If you remember using a letter, then there's your answer. The letter is the only way to redeem the free dinner (which kind off sucks if you want to prebook the steakhouse because you have to pay for it, then deal with trying to get the refund back onboard when you present the letter - or just wait and book once on line and present the letter when they seat you), Your best bet if you feel you didn't get the letter is to call Diamond desk and talk with them about it.
  22. Amen!!! Frustrates me so. I am a dot every I, cross every T, follow the rules kind of girl and to see people with check in times 2 hours later on their paperwork just being waved through left and right (while I am standing in the middle of a mob at my appropriately scheduled check in time) sooooo very frustrating. Why bother setting rules if you aren't going to enforce them. Got into the terminal and there had to be a few hundred people in there already and we arrived at the tail end of our time slot for the first check in slot.... so I know they weren't all officially from that first 1/2 hour window time slot.
  23. I assure you, you did have a check in time. You may not have realized it and you may have been able to enter when you showed up, but it was there. Been there for years. As for now (and all of 2022 which I cruised all year long), it will depend on the port and the person checking people in. I have seen it go both ways over the last 6 cruises or so. A couple they were just checking to make sure you had a boarding pass and waving you through, others were checking the specific check in time and turning people away left and right. So, if you want to take the luck of the draw and show up early you MAY get through our you MAY end up standing around outside until you can get in the terminal. Only you can decide if you want to take the chance and have to stand around.
  24. You cannot from your room. You can do it at a Kiosk or at guest services. I have tried at Kiosk, and it seems to be hit or miss for me if it works or not so I always go to guest services.
  25. Reply, that doesn't look like the right screen to me. This is how mine looks (screen shot I pasted to word to post here). As you can see I already added insurance and gratuities, so I only have the "remove" option on gratuities now. But before I added them and the insurance the little "add" showed under each line items. As you will see is also where you can cancel the cruise. Are you doing it on your phone instead of a computer, maybe that's the difference?
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