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Everything posted by wemjam

  1. Deal breaker for me (when I actually cancelled cruises) was wearing the masks on board all the time. Don't get me wrong, have nothing against the right of a company to require them... but at the time I had to wear it all day long at work and it just isn't my idea of a fun vacation. Even now we have had to put them on in some ports (like Nassau) when going into shops, etc. which is OK too... just don't want to spend all my time in one. Room type, have done them all (except Captain's Suite) they all have their perks for different moods I am in. Food, can always find something to eat somewhere that I like, too many choices not too. Don't like a lot of sea days, but if ports were cancelled I could live with it - as other poster said - any day cruising is better than a day at work. Obviously would not voluntarily want to be on a ship with infrastructure issues of any kind (so that would be a deal breaker if I knew in advance, but that never happens before you go so you have a choice, only once you are there and then it is too late)
  2. So because you insist that EVERYONE is exposed then they should just lie about it? The difference is while we all likely may be exposed in our everyday life, no one - not even you - can just assume that everyone is exposed. The question isn't do you "think" you were exposed, it is "were you" exposed. The point of the questionnaire is to determine if you know you have exposure, as the OP hubby does. Answering honestly is the right thing to do for the "greater" good of everyone on the ship, isn't that the point? I too am sure that most people will not answer yes to this question even if they know they were exposed because they are thinking only of themselves and missing out on their vacation. I get it, that's a tough thing to happen. But you know what - it also isn't right of you to assume the worst of someone that is in reality doing the right thing. You immediately jump on them that they must be trying to get out of their cruise why else would someone do something so foolish? In reality the OP's husband is just a man of the highest integrity that likely answers to a higher power in his heart. I commend him. The world is coming to what it is because most people think only of themselves... its the me, me, me syndrome. If the OP's hubby has his convictions then I say answer yes. Carnival may or may not deny boarding, they may just be required to go through additional testing which may delay their boarding a little. Again big deal, the ship isn't leaving without them (again the me, me, me syndrome - got to beat everyone on the ship). And worse case, if they can't go, at least he can sleep at night knowing he did the right thing and didn't sell out over a few bobbles.
  3. Been on 3 cruises since start of year, getting ready to board our 4th. Hubby got sick day after returning from our 2nd cruise of the year, me not at all (and I tested to be sure). I am far more aggressive than he is when it comes to sanitizing everything and my hands all the time and not touching my face or mouth (he is a smoker and I constantly yell at him to sanitize before he puts that cigarette to his mouth). He also has a bad habit of standing way to close to people when he chats with them! I am a personal space kind of girl. I also was exposed at work multiple times too (luckily didn't get it)... so you know it can come from anywhere. Even didn't get it after being in the house with him when he did have it here 2 months ago after the cruise. Did he get it on the ship, maybe? Or the airport, or the hotel, or the restaurant we ate at the night before we boarded, or the uber driver. Who knows? Fact is, it is out there, and it is up to each person to try to be as responsible in policing their own mitigation as possible. Covid is here to stay! Isn't going away. Refuse to stop living my life because of it, just taking the extra precautions to be safe. This includes not relying on other to make sure my stuff is clean. I sanitize my own room, I wipe off my own tables and condiments with Lysol wipes, sanitize my hands (especially if eating with fingers like bread or something like that), etc. Can't expect that someone else is going to take care of it for me.
  4. Ok, so that was a lot of math to follow lol. But I think the easiest solution would be to just move them to the 4 person cabin and switch on board. The reason I say this is you may find once on board "others" in the group might want to move too if they can't get along or would rather be in a room with someone else. It is easy to switch on board just go to guest services. However, what I will say is you might be in a predicament because (if I am interpreting this right) what you are really talking about doing is moving this person to another room and "cancelling" their room (since they are now left in it all by themselves), and going down to only 4 rooms instead of 5. Depending on what rates, etc. you booked under, how close to the cruise you are, etc. You may be in for some lost monies if you cancel out that 5th room.
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