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Everything posted by wemjam

  1. Probably needs a vacation from all the haters 🤪
  2. Just curious, has anyone pushed back on this point with John since he posted that. Obviously it is not a destination requirement proven by the fact that other ships are doing it. I would have guessed by now there would have been some push back - I would be interested in knowing what he had to say. There has to be a reason we are missing.
  3. My personal experiences have not been as good as mentioned above. I found items came back washed out and color faded - and one time a stain that wasn't there before hand. I stopped using them, and just do a quick load myself.
  4. Yep, pretty much sailing full or close to it. Expect that part to be normal again.
  5. Did ya'll see the addendum in the paragraph at the top of the page. Onboard Service Updates: Securing working visas for the crew is currently a challenge for the entire cruise industry. It’s unfortunately impacting our staffing levels, particularly for Carnival’s culinary and beverage teams. We’ve made some temporary adjustments to our onboard offerings for sailings through August 31st, mostly around hours of operation and special events. This will help us provide guests with the best possible service. When you’re sailing, check the Carnival HUB App to see exactly what’s available. No one is defrauding anyone.
  6. Log out, clear your browsing history and cookies, then log back in and try it.
  7. I just don't see in the grand scheme of things how these minor changes in things impact the overall cruise experience in general. I think it is more the fact that they are being taken away that might be upsetting than the thing itself. If these items were never part of the cruise experience to begin with, they are not something major that a person would feel like they "needed." Swimming, casinos, bars, good dining options, port experiences, etc. These are things most people cruise for and are far more relevant than chocolate fountain night or having to pick up the phone and order my breakfast to be delivered rather than being able to fill out a door tag. The things you are comparing it to like casino, pools, restaurants, etc. These are a much more integral part of why people cruise and really aren't a fair comparison IMHO.
  8. Yes, I understand that. But in the both ways column. If everyone that smuggled indeed paid for drinks and those that share the cheers when they shouldn't indeed paid for drinks... maybe Carnival could lower the price of drinks/cheers. Reminds me off an old adage my husband told me once. A farmer from a large farming community wanted to paint his barn so he went to the hardware to get his paint, red was the cheapest so he bought the 20 gallons of paint he needed. When he asked the owner of the hardware as he was checking out, "why is it the red paint is so much cheaper then the other colors?" The owner responded and said, "it's cheaper cause I sell so much more of it around here and I get a bigger discount cause I buy more." Moral: Farmers paint their barns red cause the paint is cheaper/Hardware sells the paint cheaper because they sell more 🤪
  9. NO biggies on any of these as far as I am concerned. 1. Almost 50 cruises never went to tea 2. Never ate late at night (get WAY more than enough the rest of the day) - Oh wait once, years ago at the midnight Mexican buffet and regretted that BIG time for next 12 hours! 3. Slight reduction in some hours no big deal. 4. Don't even know what Ocean Plaza is (and been on Horizon & Vista) 5. Can still order breakfast, so don't care how. 1/2 the time you used the door hangers it didn't show up when you wanted it anyhow 6. No cake, no big deal. I order the dessert I want anyhow - don't even need the candle and the "Hoppy Birdday" song - and yes I meant to spell it that way... think about it lol! To me these all seem very trivial
  10. Didn't specifically, worded that wrong. Just was saying yes it happens, but OP's post made it seem like they expected it to happen. I think because we see it here all the time from people it can be a bit deceiving.
  11. Never said it didn't happen. Sure it does, but a lot of people see all the reports of it on the forum and just think it happens ALL the time or something - like OP. It is the exception not the rule.
  12. All I can say to all you smugglers is - Why ya'll??? Know I am likely to get slammed for this, but got to say it and don't care. I know drinks can be expensive on the ship, but really. Either save a few bucks before you cruise and step up... or maybe drink a little less? Always got to be those that have to break the rules 🙄
  13. That's enough to scare the chocolate melting cake right out of you! OH NO! Who cancelled my cruise on me!!!!! 🤣😜
  14. I also think what type of room you have to start with plays into it. When we received our upgrades we had booked into an inside room (which we rarely do). Every once in a while we will do a "down and dirty" cheap trip here out of Michigan and if an inside room is dirt cheap we will take it along with a lower priced flight. It is easier for them to sell the cheaper rooms than the more expensive ones, so when they get closer to cruising if the algorithms tell them so, they will offer upgrades to move people to the more expensive rooms for an upcharge and then sell the inside / ov rooms We just did this for the first time in a long time, booked a cruise for October in an inside room at like $94 per person... we will see if we get an offer to move up for some extra $$
  15. I use a travel size hair dryer (still ample wattage just not as high as a big one that is 1700-1800 watts) and a "normal" curling iron - metal not ceramic. Plus I have the Revlon curling brush blow dryer (gives gentle curls AS it dries). All of these have worked on all the ships I have been on. I would be willing to bet it is about how many amps/watts you are trying to pull with it as to if it will work or not.
  16. For the most part Carnival doesn't enforce the dress policy. I have however on occasion seen them do it. Athletic shorts are basketball shorts, which are supposed to be prohibited. At minimum if they must wear shorts and can't put on a pair of long pants, have them wear a pair of cargo style shorts if possible just to be safe.
  17. SSSSSSHHHHHHHH! If we give away all the secrets, they won't be so uncrowded anymore. 🤪
  18. I know you hear about it "all the time" here on the forum but you have to understand that is because those people are excited and want to share. The upgrade fairy is like seeing a unicorn 🦄 They are the exception not the rule. I have cruised almost 50 times over 20 years and I think I have received 3 offers total. 1 was a good one, 2 weren't even that great if I remember correctly.
  19. Only thing better is sporting that white card 😜 Still remember the first day wearing it on my lanyard and how excited I was lol! Now, it's no big deal and is just a piece of plastic... the exhilaration wains over time.
  20. Conquest and Sunrise were regular, not crinkle
  21. Cans only - this is to keep bootleg smugglers from getting their booze on. Cans can't be tampered with like any type of bottled product can. The can use the excuse it is for safety reasons like the airlines have to do, but for the cruise ship the REAL main reason why they have this rule - keeping outside booze off. 🤪 They
  22. Wow, talk about last minute about face! Day before! Hope their "limited number" accounts for a crap load of people because they are going to need them. How many people are going to be able to get tested now with 1 days notice?
  23. Just off a week or so ago, and still no self serve fresh bacon bits at Guys topping bar. Been like that all year 🤔 Hubby likes to get the potato sticks and top it with the bacon bits, and shredded cheese off the buffet which buy the way you can't find anywhere either (only the little cubes)
  24. Sounds like he ended up with 2 account numbers somehow over the years. Call Carnival and they can combine them so it won't matter which account comes up or he books under he will get credit. Calls right now aren't really taking that long... had to call them twice in the last week and it was like maybe a 10 minute hold the one time, and 5 the next.
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