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Everything posted by wemjam

  1. We have cruised several times this year and have been doing the EMed tests recommended specifically on the Carnival website. These have run us $69.99 for 2 tests. I have seen a few people here on CC mention the company ON Point, that allows you to use your own home test and they proctor it on line for only $16.99. We have several home tests that were given to us by Rite Aid when my husband got his prescriptions this past week. I am a bit nervous trying something new for our next cruise because it is a family group going of 6 and I would hate to responsible for providing the wrong information about doing it with On Point instead and we all get there and can't board. So I am wondering how many of you out there have used On Point and boarded Carnival with no issues - and more importantly too, has anyone not been able to board with one of their reports of passing? PS: I am REALLY hoping this because I mute point by next month / mid month when we cruise and we won't need a test at all. Holding my breath Carnival follows NCL
  2. If you are a mixed drinker or like things like specialty martinis, frozen drinks, etc. I would use an average of $12 a drink (some or more some are less). My Chocolatini and Tiramisu run around $14 each. So if two people buy it and can drink at least 13 drinks a day between the two of you, every day, at these prices between you it is break even and anything above that is "free" at that point. Now when you start factoring in extras like: GOOD Coffee in the coffee shop each day for both of you Free bottled waters Milk Shakes here or there for the 2 of you if you like Energy Drinks if you like Sodas, Juice, Etc. Add these and the break even point just keeps dropping. Only you can decide how much you will really use it and if it will work for you. If you are going to get it, do so BEFORE you cruise to save the extra 10%. Almost 50 cruises and we have never purchased it. My husband just gets the Bottomless Bubbles. He more than drinks his weight in pop when we cruise lol, and I mostly drink water. Neither of us are big drinkers and are lucky between the 2 of us to have 2-3 drinks a day. We aren't specialty coffee drinkers. I do like 1 or 2 milk shakes on a cruise and just buy those. I will say; however, in a month we will have Cheers for the first time, but only because we got a special offer months ago when we booked this cruise and got cheers for like $180 total for the two of us for our entire week long cruise - that I can certainly use up and come out a head on the back end. I plan to try some new drinks and see what I like... I won't feel bad ordering something I don't like and don't end up drinking if I didn't just pay $15 for it!
  3. THIS. Menu is the same you just have to call now. You can scan the QR code in the room to see it as well. We always end up ordering the same exact thing for lunch one day on our cruise (on a port day when we come back tired, hot and wet), and don't even need the menu. Know it by heart. So if you are an experienced cruiser and know what you want just pick up the phone and tell them. A lot of us have a routine and know by heart what we want to eat when and where 🤪
  4. Please note: This is only for Platinum and higher guests, and only to drop luggage and leave prior to 1:30. They do not want everyone trying to get into their room while the Stewards are still trying to clean and prep them.
  5. I have had them assigned two months out, and I have had them assigned two weeks out. Just depends on a lot of factors. I will say the few times we have done it (don't do it very often because I am afraid I will end up in a room I hate), we have been very happy with the room we were given. It was a room we would have likely picked ourselves. We have even been upgrade to a different class of room (inside to ocean view). For the price we paid when we did these less expensive trips, we were quite happy with the choice. Don't think you need to worry about bunk beds 😉
  6. You never know, you sell enough booze and the price can come down.
  7. Ask for the baked potato. My husband gets it every meal and simply asks. They are always able to provide it.
  8. Not sure why you are responding to a post that is so old? Also not sure why you would think a Carnival gift card would work on these other lines? They specifically say Carnival. While the other cruise lines may be under the same umbrella, they are still independent cruise lines and there is no cross over between them.
  9. The one that you get free is usually smaller, but more importantly usually overcooked and tasteless. The steakhouse tends to be more flavorful, larger and plumper. IMHO
  10. Quick question, how was the temp in the Casino? Another formu is saying the public spaces were HOT. I want to go to the casino but not if I am going to sweat to death
  11. Have fun. Now that you have joined the board, there is lots of info to be had here that may help you. Just pick some topics and read away...
  12. I beg to differ that it kind of does. NO business can continue to add to the services that they provide while still maintaining every single old thing as well. They would price themselves right out of the market. Either that or we start paying twice as much for our trips. There has to be a balance between new and old and as you put it "fare prices." Can't have it all. Again, I believe your statement alludes to exactly what I said. People are more upset that they feel something is being taken from them, then the actual thing itself.
  13. That was a question, not a statement forgot ? Trying to figure out what menus will be on a 6 dayer so we can plan steakhouse... said that in later post.
  14. There it is! So this is 7 days, what if we sail 6, any idea what menu we don't get... is it the last one on day 7? Trying to plan my steakhouse night
  15. No lobster even on 6 days? Am I missing it? My mom is going to be disappointed. So just to confirm if we are on a 6-day cruise menu should be days 1 - 6 as listed in order.
  16. This! We love this class of ship and will miss them when they are all gone. We always felt we got more "personal" service when we cruised these smaller ships.
  17. I think the big picture here is things change. Sorry, it is just the facts of life. Carnival can not keep just doing everything exactly the same way forever. Those that have cruised before, especially for a long time, like to pick apart Carnival any time they make a change that is "taking something" away from them. Don't get me wrong, I am not a cheerleader here, because some changes have annoyed me too. But I understand that things are ever evolving. Let's not forget that change also brings positive things too: 1. Facial recognition - SO much better and efficient getting off the ship now! 2. Kiosks on board to handle account issues instead of going to guest services and waiting in lines 3. Check in efficiency has dramatically improved (I remember my first cruises waiting in HUGE lines for long periods of time to check in, so much shorter now) 4. Adding ability to buy things before you board - excursions, dining, etc. (never used to be able to do that) 5. Carnival Hub App - getting all the info at your finger tips (account balances, checking in for dinner - so much faster and better, buying excursions and such, ordering food) 6. Revamping of older ships to include new bigger and better options in entertainment, food options, etc. These are the key things that come to mind for me and I am sure there could be more - but ALL of these costs them money to make cruising better for their guests. So sometimes we deal with things leaving, and sometimes it is new things coming. If we aren't moving forward... we are moving backwards. 😁
  18. If you go down and then check in there you will end up just standing there waiting for a table. Some nights/times this may not be bad and could take just a couple minutes, other nights it can be PACKED and miserable to do so. It is so much easier to just check in on your phone and then wait for it to alert you when your table is ready and walk down. We usually start walking down from our room right after checking in and by the time we get close we are alerted our table is ready. We figure if we make it most of the way and don't get the alert we will just sit down and relax somewhere and people watch if need be. Either way, no matter where you are on the ship, you have time to get there once you are alerted, so staying away from the dining room area until your table in confirmed ready is the best option. I LOVE the new way they do this, so much more efficient then the lines, chaos, etc. you had to deal with before.
  19. Free gratuities is probably the best option $ wise. Do a mock booking and see what the price difference is for the "free" 2 category upgrade and that should help you determine. If the upgrade is really worth less than the gratuities (which will probably be the case), then there is your answer. If it works out the other way around and the upgrade is worth more $ than what the gratuities will work out to, then you have to ask yourself is the room really better for you and worth the $, or just stay where you are an save the $ on gratuities.
  20. Come on Carnival! I don't mind the testing and have done it on all our cruises this year, but we have our family cruise coming up in a month (that was postponed over 2 years due to Covid) and since I am the one that is handling EVERYTHING and ALL the planning, this is one less thing I have to worry about. We were going to have to have an on line Covid testing party at my house... now maybe not. Fingers crossed.
  21. You can order off the bottom section of the menu "Steak House Selections" but these will be at upcharge and you will have to pay for the steak and/or lobster. This is on the menu in the link you referenced. So, it is available, it just isn't free. Otherwise, no lobster on 4 days.
  22. I never use the pool, the hot tubs, the Lido Deck lounge chairs, kids' clubs, the gym once in a blue moon back when I was trying to get in shape, and the spa only for the occasional pedi if I feel like treating myself. Never used to play in casino, but last couple times decided to try for just a little bit for the heck of it and could care less as well, also avoid the buffet. So not that different than you. And I still don't think these changes they are making are the big deal everyone seems to be making it out to be. People seem to be acting like Carnival just said they are shutting down the bars or something (which by the way I very rarely use either.) If people really want to jump ship over these minor changes, HAPPY to see them go - maybe we could get back to 70% capacity that way. And that I LOVED. Like I said before, the average cruiser that never knew these things existed to start with wouldn't even know they were missing. It's not like someone is going to be like, dang! I wish Carnival had afternoon tea, or geeze why do I have to pick up the phone and order my breakfast. Unlike something that is major like - Boy it would be nice if we had a swimming pool, gym, hot tubs, etc. if they didn't exist on board. This is the stuff people expect and are major when contemplating a Caribbean beach vacation.
  23. This! If you get it to them early you are more likely to get it back that evening, but it can take until the next day so plan accordingly.
  24. Guest services usually has them at the very end of the counter up against the far walls in little up right plastic holders (same place they used to keep extra fun times) on most of the ships I have been on. As another poster said, just walk up and grab, no need to wait in line.
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