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Posts posted by jktheangel

  1. The JS upgrades we inquired about was just over $200 for both, on both 4 & 5 night cruises. The agent suggested certain dates for these upgrade rates but I can't recall which ones. I am guessing some dates were more to upgrade.



    Ours for JS was 200 each but that was without taxes and gratuities. The 400 includes those. If we stayed in the "free" then the total would have been 212 for both.



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums

  2. Hi Deb!!! WELL??? How was your cruise???? I've been thinking about you my friend!!!

    Also happyscmom!! And Obiedawg! And jktheangel!!

    All your cruises have happened by now yes?

    I'll bet you all looked stunning, but more important when it came right down to it, FELT stunning! We are our own worst enemies leading up to a cruise or beach vacation.... only to ALWAYS find we are beautiful enuf, God fills in the gaps ;)


    Hope to hear from you soon!!





    Hello. Sorry it's been a rough 6 months. I have self hibernated due to stress and sadness. I'm getting better. I have been

    Attending a church group which helps. I leave for my cruise this Friday and I'm trying to be excited to just get away from the stress here. I have lost a few pds but only due to stress and no where near where I wanted to be but oh well. I hope yal are doing great. I will try to keep in contact more on here I just need to break this funk I'm

    In. Have a great week [emoji3]

  3. Errgggg. So frustrated. I weighed 205 this morning and I don't understand how I walked 4 miles saturday and 1.5 yesterday I didn't over eat a bunch of crap so I'm not sure why I went up 1.5 lbs. I even had a kale and apple smoothie.


    Debbie hang in there and just get back on track. You CAN do it. Whenever we are tempted to put crap in our mouth we need to remember it will ten times harder to undo it than it would be to just not eat it. Alright it's 5 am and I work early on Mondays so I will talk to Yal later. Have a great day




  4. OMG. Last night I walked with someone and he said it's only 3.5 miles. Good gosh it felt like 20 miles but I did it without stopping. A short background on "he" our first date was 3-5-2002. Last December 13 we moved into separate rooms after 12 years together. We are just trying to figure things out. I always pray for God to show me the right way with our relationship. To be friends or get back together fully. It's hard. He works nights and I'm days so he's not always home. I see him Saturday Sunday and Monday nights. Unless his schedule changes like last night. So I normally don't have a walking buddy but did last night. That was nice I think the stress of our long term relationship and living situation makes me more depressed and therefore not want to exercise. I am trying to walk more though. I dealt with a lot worse in my life so I know God gives us the strength. We just have to take it. Anyhow. Tonight he's working so I have to commit myself to walk 2.0 miles by self Which I am going to do and I thought hey what a great time to pray for people. To thank god for all my blessings and to ask for help in this quest tinkles weight So if I can just keep in mind that I could put the walks to good use them I know I can do this. We all can. 😄 By the way I got on the scale this morning before work and it said 203.5. It's only a half pound but hey at least it's going in the right direction As a last note... As we say at church. IF GOD IS FOR US THEN WHO CAN BE AGAINST US




  5. I have been doing good not drinking as much soda and cut way back in the fast food but the scale hasn't changed. That's annoying. As for sunlight. I have to have some. I did hear people say that there is a lamp that simulates sunlight but not sure how that works I have also been walking more although once I get home I just crash and burn. I prayed last nighty before I went to bed and asked to please wake up liking exercise or the gym or at least give me the strength to come home and go for a walk. I'm going to kohls after work today so that will be some walking I feel like I have dropped a lot of bad but with the scale not moving down it's discouraging to say the least so then I tell myself that I'm. It gaining so that's a good sign I eat a 90 calories granola bar for breakfast and I think that's good except it's not filling but I deal with it. Sunday I had frosted shredded wheat bites with a fresh banana cut up. It was actually pretty good It's so much harder to lose when we are older than when we were kids. Maybe because we had to walk everywhere. Lol I will write more. I have to get back to the cave ( work). Have a great day




  6. I am going to look up the app you are using. Sounds better than the one I have now. Today I will be going to the family for a remembers nice dinner of mom. And I am not going to worry about what I eat and I may have a few drinks. I keep forgetting to check my weight which is a problem also because then you don't realize how much you are gaining or in our case losing hopefully I need to go to the store so I think I will park further away than normal to get the extra steps in. I wish I was one of those people who loved gyms. I

    This would be much easier then. I hope you have a great day today.




  7. Ugh. Scale didn't move and I ate McDonald's. Bad day yesterday. It was the 14 anniversary of my moms passing and work was nuts and I cheated. But u did get 6 k steps in. Which is more than usual so that is a plus How is ur loss coming along ? R u over that cold My phone has been acting up at work because we have a large convention in town and a lot are staying on our resort Most go home tomorrow so hopefully my signal will be normal again




  8. This weekend I will buy lemons and try it. I don't eat yogurt. Something about the texture. I almost had a soda today. Phew I didn't though. I instead had a kerns banana pineapple drink. Not sure if it was bad or not but thought it was better than a soda I put the app on my phone later in the day and it says I only walked about 5 k. Yikes. No wonder. I'm no where near 10 k

    I'm the only accounting person for a 658 room resort Sometimes it's long hours and other times it's just 9 hrs but my brain is beat and somehow affects my body. Tomorrow will be a full day of steps on my phone so I will see how far off I am I have cut out almost all bread and when I do eat it. I try only one piece instead of 2. It's hard because I work around people that don't really care what they weigh. And I'm not one to care what people think of me or my weight but I personally would like to get my gut slimmer and thighs. All the problem areas for us woman I know I can do it if I just put my whole being into it. I don't have someone to walk with so that makes it harder. I'm thinking though maybe I will try the indoor walking like you and see if that helps. I only got one water down again today. I will weigh myself tomorrow and see what it says. Kinda scary though. I will let you know tomorrow before work




  9. Good morning

    Well I ate my salad and 1.5 piece chicken finger and no soda. Woohoo. I got one bottle of water down yesterday.lol I thought of putting a lemon in my water but not sure. I work so early in the am that a healthy breakfast is hard. I had a strawberry granola bar this morning with my cup of tea. I just downloaded an app on my phone to track my steps and I'm trying to see if I can reach the 10 k I didn't walk yesterday because after 12 hrs I was exhausted when I got home. I'm starving. I need to get some fruit for snacks before lunch and dinner. How are you feeling?




  10. I drink coke or dr pepper. Usually one a day I never really was a soda drinker because I like it from the fountain but here at work they have fountain so I started one a day. I drink my morning tea. I can't give that up. I drink regular tea with 2 tsp sugar. I am going to cut it to one tsp and once that cup is gone then it's water then afternoon one hot tea then water again. I hate water so this is going to be hard for me. I weighed in at 204 this morning. 4 more than I had hoped. I would like to get down to 190 by December 7 which means I have to be really aggressive It's freakin cold and windy here in Vegas and i don't want to be outside but I have to walk tonight after work. WE can do this. I ate 2 strawberry frosted pop tarts for breakfast. Probably not wise I will order a salad and one chicken strip for lunch I will write after work and how I did. I really need to figure out what is good to eat and that I like. Ugghh this is going to be hard. We have to have faith. More later. Have a great day




  11. No worries about the delay. I'm sorry your not feeling well.

    Well tomorrow I start my much more aggressive weight loss I hate exercising but I have to. I'm going to also watch what I eat and no soda on workdays Its the end of the month closing for me so a stressful week ahead but I can do it or at least that's what I am telling myself I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow morning and then try to lose 2 lbs a week I would

    Like to lose 3 a week but not sure if that is possible


    I hope you start feeling better 😀




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