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Everything posted by notamermaid

  1. There is a severe weather warning for the area North of Munich and nearby areas of Bavaria are seeing thunderstorms. The Danube has risen but not as much as expected for today. It may rise further into tomorrow but as of now it looks all rather uneventful compared to the Rhine. notamermaid
  2. Update. Much of the huge amount of rain has hit the Saar and its tributaries so that water will drain into the Rhine via the Moselle. The Nahe drains into the Rhine at Bingen, the forests have given that tributary quite a bit of water. But the Neckar is also now draining into the Rhine a lot so are the smaller tributaries coming from the left around Speyer. One example: It just all adds up. Maxau gauge peaked at 708cm during the afternoon. It will go down fast, but then probably stall and stay at a relatively high level, very likely above 600cm. For those new to the topic - Maxau is here nearly Karlsruhe, currently a yellow dot: Kaub will rise all through tomorrow and peak not before Monday afternoon. It is likely to stay under flood mark I. Koblenz has just reached flood mark I, Andernach will during the night, Cologne early in the morning. River traffic bans are issued at flood mark II. The river is far away from that. notamermaid
  3. The Moselle at Trier peaked at 960cm (!) late this afternoon and is now on the way down. This means the level is still rising at Cochem and the wave is also reaching Koblenz. The peak at Cochem should be early on Sunday (around 6am). Trier will not return to normal before Monday lunchtime (that is where the forecast ends). notamermaid
  4. The "proper" rain is indeed strangely absent from the East and the Czech Republic but it is cloudy with some rain now. I doubt it will be enough for long term relief. The authorities' graph of the gauge at Decin shows the line close to official drought. Dresden gauge is at 94cm, the Czechs may have let a little water through. A rise to 100cm is expected during the night. notamermaid
  5. Thank you for mentioning this topic, it had come up before but it is good to be reminded why cruises do not run in that time frame. Which strikes me then as you say and as gnome12 said, this should not (have to) happen. notamermaid
  6. Situation on the Danube calmer than on the Rhine. Most of the rain is coming down over the Rhine catchment area although there is a wedge of a band of rain over the Danube towards Regensburg. The river will rise substantially but no flooding is indicated. notamermaid
  7. Wow, that is worse than I expected up there. It has been raining hard here with me but not as bad as I had expected. It may rain more in the next 24 hours. These are the gauges Basel-Rheinhalle and Maxau, as timelines: https://www.pegelonline.wsv.de/webservices/zeitreihe/visualisierung?parameter=WASSERSTAND ROHDATEN&pegeluuid=94f6eff1-4f3f-4850-82e0-a086198e9ffd&pegeluuid=b6c6d5c8-e2d5-4469-8dd8-fa972ef7eaea&ansicht=einzeln According to the forecast, Maxau gauge is on a fast trajectory to over 700cm midday tomorrow. Official flooding level will most likely be reached by midnight tonight. The weather is still calmer in Bavaria and at the Main upstream from Würzburg (which is also Bavaria) so from there the Rhine will not be fed excessively and the Danube should cope better than the Rhine as well as much of the Danube basin lies beyond this weather front. Not fun in my state at the moment and people are anxious with the Ahr valley disaster still so vividly in everyone's mind. The valley is at the top of this map left of the Rhine, so far everything is okay there. The dark purple means "100 year flood" and is hitting the forests away from the large rivers. The purple bit near Luxembourg is the Saar valley. Kaub gauge is at 246cm and due to rise to about 350cm by tomorrow evening. That is not a problem. The Moselle is very high already, update is in that thread. Next update from me not before 1600 hours Saturday. notamermaid
  8. Viva Cruises is one of them. @loriva Nice to know that I have whet your appetite for smaller boats and rivers/canals. Must admit that I second the idea of the Moselle. Riviera Travel flies into Düsseldorf from Heathrow and other British airports I believe and they transfer you to Cologne. That is the one I would really like to try. Moselle, Rhine and Main with the Main Danube Canal that would be. The places I know from land trips. I always enjoy seeing the Amawaterways ships on the river. As we know, many people are very happy with them. Looking forward to cruisers' thoughts and what you choose in the end. notamermaid
  9. Both the Saar and Moselle have been put on flood vigilance, meaning an update to the situation is issued every 15 minutes. This is what it looks like, you can follow along: https://www.pegelonline.wsv.de/webservices/zeitreihe/visualisierung?ansicht=einzeln&pegelnummer=26100100&pegelnummer=26500100&pegelnummer=26900400&start=2023-11-10T00:00 Trier gauge is now at 755cm. That is flooding and above HSW M III (river traffic ban). notamermaid
  10. The weather warning map as of now: Purple is the worst weather, level 4, not often seen on the map. In this case rain and flash floods on small rivers. Dangerous. 100-year-occurrences are possible, meaning flooding reaches a level that statistically only happens once in a hundred years. Maxau gauge is now rising fast. Navigational flood mark I will be reached during today and the official flood warning will most likely be triggered during the night. Kaub will rise fast soon but stay under 380cm most likely. I do not like the grey sky outside of my window, a bit ominous... notamermaid
  11. If you are still around Basel and the area of the Grand Canal d'Alsace, yes, you are not in "Viking ads country" yet. This will come. Daytime sailing is done where the river is more scenic. I reckon you have been on the Black Forest excursion? That is one of the least favourite of excursions that are talked about here on CC. No consolation but it appears that other companies have more appealing versions of that excursion. Thank you for your first impressions. Hope you are otherwise happy with food, drink and attention of the staff. notamermaid
  12. After uneventful weeks as regards river levels the Moselle is now seeing a fast rise. The Saar river has risen already and this additional wave will very much feed the Moselle from the confluence at Konz and from there Trier and the Middle Moselle, starting from tomorrow afternoon. Warning level for flooding will be reached but a bi-annual flooding level is as of now not very likely. notamermaid
  13. The thunderstorms are indeed travelling East so warnings have been extended into Bavaria. A rise of the Danube in reaction to the rain is now indicated in the forecast for tomorrow (Upper Danube in Germany) and to some extent for Saturday (Lower Danube in Germany). We will see how this develops when the thunderstorms have passed during the night and tomorrow. notamermaid
  14. I guess that is the big question with the North-American lines: do they have the supplier equip them with European standard beds or North-American standard beds? Butler service is indeed a rather general term, on my cruise the lady who acted as "butler" just said hello and said we should contact her with any queries. There was only one thing that came up during the whole week and that was sorted at the reception desk. I do not recall seeing a detailed description of what she may have been able to do for us or what was part of her job description. I reckon that on the so-called luxury lines there is a wide range of services, just like you posted, which I assume are more than would have been part of our butler's service. I sailed neither "budget" nor "North-American luxury". notamermaid
  15. Interesting that you mention that, I thought about Esztergom when I posted about Komarom. Seeing that my ship docked in Esztergom as part of its regular itinerary I was wondering why we here so little about that port. Good to know that it is used in low water. It is closer to Budapest than Komarom but still before the Danube bend: notamermaid
  16. The Danube river is mostly still in the clear as regards the thunderstorms in Germany. If the weather heads the usual direction this can still change. Here is a map to follow along: https://www.dwd.de/DE/wetter/warnungen_gemeinden/warnkarten/warnkarten_node.html notamermaid
  17. The warnings for flooding in smaller rivers and a fast rise of the Rhine in the Upper Rhine valley are still standing. Heavy rain over the Black Forest. Here is the warning map: https://www.dwd.de/DE/wetter/warnungen_gemeinden/warnkarten/warnkarten_node.html As the weather is - as is usual - coming from the general West, rain is hitting the Vosges mountains as well and we will see a fast rise of the Moselle, with additionally the Saar contributing a lot of water at Trier, too. The confluence with the Moselle is a few kilometres upstream from the city at the town of Konz. notamermaid
  18. Just to give an idea. Viva Cruises offers this Basel to Amsterdam cruise for 1,995 euros: https://www.viva-*****/en/reise/basel-kurs-amsterdam I can book the S.S. Victoria for 7,109 euros. I can book an Amawaterways ship from 3,498 euros. With all three I will get different amenities, but all include a bed of sorts and three full meals per day. notamermaid
  19. Oh, I see. The gap is "disappeared" by putting something on top. That way the company is flexible with the beds rather than having one large bed. So the twin becomes a queen. In the German brochure of CroisiEurope it says either twin bed or "französisches Bett", which is a grand-lit, i.e. smaller than a double bed. I guess they mean this type: https://www.croisieurope.travel/en/boat/ms-douce-france I am not sure which river cruise line I would call budget. For me apart from a few small ones and a few old Dutch ones they are mid-range to me. But I come from a European perspective to this topic. I never knew you could have a butler on a river cruise ship and food that is tasty rather than "lobster flown in from x or beef reared in fashion y" is fine for me. What I would not want is a bunk bed and a malfunctioning 20-year-old shower. I guess that would be really "budget" and a little less than that to me. notamermaid
  20. Yes, all good. Here for everyone's interest is a historical photo. In 2013 Passau saw one of the worst flooding in history. There is a wall where they put the significant markings. On Wikipedia is a photo that shows the old figure scale just after the water had receded and before they painted the 2013 figure on. You can see where the wall is wet: They also made a correction so the new scale looks a little different. notamermaid
  21. The weather has turned a bit so we are getting thunderstorms with partly heavy rain. On the Rhine it appears we will see the effect more than on the Danube. No fast rise is indicated on the German Danube yet. notamermaid
  22. We have a severe weather warning for parts of Baden-Württemberg, that includes the Neckar and its tributaries as well as parts of the Upper Rhine valley. The Rhine is due to rise fast and may reach official flooding status at Maxau. This is a change from the modelling published yesterday. Friday into Saturday will see a sharp rise in figures. This wave may cause a bit of trouble for navigation but as of now flood mark II is ruled out. As a consequence the level in the Middle Rhine valley will rise fast but it looks like the wave will not be fed that much by the Main river. We could see a level at Kaub of 360cm and more. That means at Kaub there will be no official flooding as of now. notamermaid
  23. Interesting. I had never thought about the bed size before, I am kind of fine with the twin bed set-up. I am not familiar with the American terms so I just say that you would like a double bed without the mattress break/gap? I wonder if one can easily find out from online descriptions what the other lines offer, by that I mean Riviera Travel, Viva Cruises and Arosa. Also, would all cabins be the same on each ship of a company, or could they differ from ship to ship or even on a single ship? notamermaid
  24. Is it ever possible not to get sidetracked with such stuff? 😊 Takes will power not to keep researching, I know that well. I have looked a bit more into the canals of France, as I was wondering how they decided on the lock size. It was some time in the 19th century, that is they went for standardisation then and we still use some of what was decided then in European waterway ship classification. It was the Frechman Freycinet who gave his name to the type of peniche (barge) that is the basis for the ship class I on rivers and canals west of the Elbe. So the small locks that determine how far up the rivers and through the small canals in France a river cruise ship can sail make it clear that any modern ship will not be able to but the converted barges, if converted from peniches, can. West and East measurements are here: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binnenschiffsklasse_I Which means that English real narrowboats can sail on all those waterways suitable for peniche as they are shorter and narrower, narrower by quite a lot. Wikipedia has quite a comprehensive page on the narrowboats [feel free to get annoyed with any mistakes on the page 😉]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narrowboat As far as I know all river cruise ships built after 1980 are larger than peniches. It is fascinating to read where ships can sail or cannot, a few years ago (I mentioned it at the time) I talked to a representative of CroisiEurope. The lady told me that one or two the locks on the Neckar are just a few centimetres too small for one of their ships. But they also have another ship that is just a bit smaller so that one sail all the way to Stuttgart whereas the bigger ship turns round on the itinerary some time after Heidelberg and before the impassable lock. notamermaid
  25. Elsewhere there has been mention of river cruise ships of the small kind, meaning converted or newly-built barges. They are so practical for sailing areas of shallow rivers and small canal locks: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2535554-want-to-go-beyond-the-standard-rivers-of-europe-and-scenery-downsize/page/2/#comments Here is a barge that unusually started life in Britain. For our Royal Navy connected lady near Bath, here is a special mention of this vessel, the modern Sir Winston. Her former name is Victoria Regia. @Canal archive I think you may enjoy this thread: http://www.mapleleafup.net/forums/showthread.php?p=253847&nojs=1 There are quite a few river cruise barges that are relatively old. 1945 is not the oldest by far! Hard to beat must be the De Nassau, she was built in 1910. She has also had an interesting life, according to the German Binnenschifferforum: https://www.binnenschifferforum.de/showthread.php?98493-De-Nassau-FGKS-02211655 notamermaid
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