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Everything posted by NHProud

  1. Take the cash and hire a caregiver for after Lindaโ€™s surgery. You probably already have someone coming in to clean your beautiful home . .
  2. Cruising Around the World in 274 Days . I had posted the link then realized oops canโ€™t do that . This has to be it . I found it on my fb feed . Lots of stuff hanging off the walls .
  3. Iโ€™m sure theyโ€™ll have lots to post on f b . I keep in touch with a couple we met ten years ago on a cruise . Their son was stationed here and we had him over for dinner. Itโ€™s a small world. I enjoy your pics of the U.K. . Lucky you to live in such a great location.
  4. Some of you have amazing recall ! The son of the woman who cuts my hair is a retired NYPD detective who worked in Times Square on New Yearโ€™s Eve. The gala pics for the world cruise are posted over at that other place. Laura looked fantastic. Pax range in age from 2 to 87 .
  5. The last two episodes summed it up. Everyone showed up in court to air their grievances against those four and at the end they are sentenced to jail for not lending aid. We last see these four shallow , self absorbed, egocentric individuals forced to spend time with only themselves for company. Thatโ€™s my take on the last show. I like the show and I too have seen many reruns. Iโ€™ve seen Seinfeld perform four times and with Jason Alexander , once. Iโ€™ve watched Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. The episode of him driving President Obama on the White House grounds was really funny. There was an actual Peterman catalog which I would get in the mail. What do you think of the last episode? It didnโ€™t go over well with the viewers.
  6. I had huge blisters on my forehead which was diagnosed as shingles. It wasnโ€™t painful and it didnโ€™t itch. I was told to isolate until it cleared up.
  7. You have a great property in a lovely setting. Our neighbor built an extension on his house that obstructs our view of the canyon . We have pharmacists across the street , physical therapist to our right, doc and attorney to our left and respiratory therapists two houses over . Everyone is very nice .
  8. Gotcha ! We traveled south , a medical doctor, a nurse , a PhD in science and a chemist and with all of those microbiology classes 3/4 of us got sick . I was tested two weeks post return for parasites so Iโ€™m not enthusiastic about eating or drinking anything off the ship on our cruise next year . You can be careful and educated and still expose oneself to microbes.
  9. @h20skibum Iโ€™m so happy for your daughter and your family. What happens to our children happens to us whether it is good news or not so good news. Enjoy your cruise and the holidays in peace . J.
  10. Thank you ! We used รœber from Fullerton Amtrak to San Pedro for that price but return to Fullerton Amtrak cost us $150 in a fancier car . Good to know next time . Enjoy yourself on your cruise.
  11. Thereโ€™s an article in todayโ€™s Wall Street Journal about The Math Behind The Megaships and the Icon is mentioned. It is powered by liquified natural gas , can hook up to shore power , treats its own waste, and can produce nearly almost its own water through desalination. The hull has a special coating to reduce friction. Almost a self sustaining floating apartment building . Iโ€™m curious about the life boats . How many and how large ? Some ports are not welcoming cruise ships because of the effect they are having on the environment . Who will welcome this big boat ?
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