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Everything posted by Biker19

  1. Because CC posters named them as such. RCI itself calls them consecutive cruises.
  2. Welcome to CC. Capri is overrated and the excursion can be cancelled at any time due to sea conditions.
  3. That might vary by ship and cabin attendant - you might get something more/different from a regular cabin,
  4. Deliveries to/from the Airbus facility nearby via that plane is probably pretty routine.
  5. Don't book based on hurricane season or any other "might be" reasons.
  6. That likely depends on where on 12 you are and if you are taking the elevator - figure about 5 min.
  7. The timing of the dry dock is not really up to RCI - it's mandated by the timing of the initial delivery of the ship.
  8. He was on Oasis till the start of COVID, then Allure and finished his career with RCI on Jewel in early 2022.
  9. Right, Captain Ban was the alternate Captain, my mistake. I believe Claus Andreson was the captain and he moved on to other ships after the incident. One of several threads from the time:
  10. You might want to enlighten the chief and others which ship/when you are talking about.
  11. Captain Ban is still at the helm of Q class ships and no, sales didn't go down on Athem or other ships after that incident (106.4% occupancy in 2016, the year of the incident and 108.4% in 2017). Folks have short memories, despite the media hype.
  12. Somehow, I don't think OP would see it that way.
  13. Can’t remember the last time we had a live refurb thread.
  14. No, call C&A directly and tell them you sailed on a solo booking -they may tell you their system says otherwise at which point you'll have to take up the issue with your TA.
  15. All ships go into dry dock every five years during the first 20 years of service - how much "refurbishment" takes place during those varies.
  16. The reporting suggests that (6:45 set dining) is only a possible option on board.
  17. Most reports, including the OP, suggest you are an exception.
  18. Yes, solo points for a no show was the norm pre-2020.
  19. That doesn't sound right. The initial push back may have been due to the GTY booking being limited to new bookings only.
  20. The policy since early 2020 has been that you no longer get the extra point for solo when you have a booking for two and a no show for the second person. The booking needs to be modified to a solo booking before sailing to get the extra points. Anyone that got the extra points for a now show since then is rare and were just lucky.
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