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Everything posted by OzKiwiJJ

  1. We've been using one for several years. I picked up a second one a few years ago as a spare in case my original one dies.
  2. It depends on what you choose to see. When I do a search on my phone and the results come up it gives me the choice of seeing the Plus fares or the Standard fares.
  3. I wonder how many unvaccinated people are going to turn up at Australian cruise terminals just after the 6th September because they haven't actually read the rules applying to Australian cruising, they've just heard the announcement above.
  4. If you're going to use a debit card you need to ensure it has double (or more) the funds you expect to spend on your trip to allow for the reality that holds don't always come off as quickly as you expect. And with a credit card you need to ensure your credit limit fits under the same rule.
  5. I believe they only refund small amounts in cash on the last day. Anything over whatever the limit is will be refunded by cheque.
  6. Oh that's great! Nice to give the crew a bit of fun. I remember one time when were doing a repositioning cruise up to Asia - I think it it was the Golden one to HK - and one night they had a crew party in the Sanctuary.
  7. Me too! Although I can be tempted by a good pizza for lunch. We didn't get around to trying the Sabatinis pizza lunches on our last cruise but definitely have it on the list to do on the next one
  8. Happy birthday, Lyle. You can start celebrating now as it's the 23rd in our part of the world. 🤣
  9. Usually the Euro outlets are changed to Aussie, a simple job as the Euro circuit is 220v. A few people reported not having the Aussie outlet on Coral's first couple of cruises here. That may have been rectified by now, it may have just been an oversight. I haven't seen anyone post about not having the Aussie outlet in the last month or so.
  10. Yes, it's a trap for the unwary. Best to put cash on your onboard account if you're using a debit card.
  11. With holds the cruise line, hotel or whatever usually releases them when the account is settled but the banks don't release them immediately.
  12. I think we will have to accept higher fares for now. After 2.5 years of no cruises here the cruise lines need to claw back some of that lost income if they want to stay in business. A lot of things are going up in price these days which will add to their operating costs.
  13. Prices were already starting to climb in 2018. When we did our March 2019 Celebrity NZ cruise we looked at booking Celebrity again for our next NZ cruise (we were trying to do an NZ cruise every two years to catch up with my brother) but the fares were much higher than the current cruise, and the two previous ones. I hadn't been tracking the Princess cruises as closely as we had been doing all sorts of different itineraries and switching between inside cabins and balcony cabins depending on itinerary. Of course I do have the fares from cancelled cruises we'd booked and there was definitely an increase in the balcony fares for Round Australia cruises.
  14. We're booked with Princess Plus which is still good value for money even if we pay a bit extra by the glass for better wines with dinner, plus we get 25% discount on bottle prices which means some of those wines are cheaper than bringing a similar wine onboard and paying corkage. We usually have pre-dinner cocktails, and an after dinner cocktail or liqueur so definitely get our money's worth from the package. Besides we hate lugging bottles of wine around the ship.
  15. The app is useful for checking your onboard account and then you can take a screenshot just before disembarking. I didn't find it slow at all.
  16. Round Australia cruises and their sectors are usually more expensive than other cruises. Cruises at peak holiday times are also often more expensive, especially NZ cruises. On the other hand the restart cruises have been much cheaper than 2019 fares were. We have a Vista Suite on Coral booked for an upcoming cruise that is cheaper than a regular balcony cabin was on Majestic Princess in October 2018.
  17. We don't go to the buffet because we prefer the ambiance of the MDRs, and table service over self service. Ar bars we sit somewhere comfortable and order our drinks from the waiter. I don't quite understand your comment about zero symptoms. Are you implying you tested positive to Covid but had no symptoms? If so I hope you were responsible and isolated until you tested negative. Double boosted does not mean you won't catch Covid, it just means you are not likely to be affected as severely thus putting less strain on our already overworked health services. We have had one delightful cruise so far this year, enjoying all the usual things we enjoy onboard. Wearing masks did not detract from our enjoyment. We are looking forward to being back on Coral in just under two weeks.
  18. This diagram shows the risk levels of transmission with and without masks. The key point to remember that an infected person may not know they have been infected because they don't have any symptoms. In most cases people are infectious for around two days prior to symptoms developing and some people remain fully asymptomatic.
  19. Which is why we carry sanitiser so we can sanitise our hands after removing our masks by the earloops, press lift buttons with our knuckles, don't go to the buffet, etc. Certainly there is some risk in removing and replacing masks but if done with care it is less risky than being unmasked in congested areas around the ship, especially the lifts.
  20. Yes, they'd only been operating here for ten days before we boarded so I imagine the crew were still getting used to the system. Hopefully we will have no issues when we join the ship again in another 12 days, apart from the crappy wine that is!
  21. I find the P2 masks much easier to wear with glasses. Just make sure you pinch it firmly around your nose. We use the PPE Tech ones which you can buy directly from them online. The more you buy the cheaper they are per mask.
  22. There were more younger people than usual on our 26th June cruise but I put that down to people of all ages wanting to get back to cruising ASAP. Most of the itineraries so far have been short which suits the younger age group who have work commitments. But there are plenty of us seniors onboard.
  23. Thanks, Irene. I recall that from our last cruise. My issue is that I had Sabatinis booked for the 13th as we move to a suite that day but the new booking for the 3rd seems which is B2B with the 14th has clobbered my dinner booking as far as I can tell. Of course it might still be in their system just not being picked up by the app because we don't have a suite for the 3rd cruise.
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