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Everything posted by Jennizor

  1. Sorry, I don’t really know what Swing is. All I know was he was great.
  2. Totally agree terrierjohn. We got home yesterday, we had a lovely cruise although Iona is a bit on the big size for us, she is however beautiful. I booked the Limelight club twice and Sindhu and the Captain’s table all prior to the cruise. We also used The Olive Grove and the Glasshouse and the Coral MDR, we were able to walk straight into them all, never needed a pager and all were really good.
  3. We have just come back from 2 weeks on Iona. Ray Quinn was on the first week, he was excellent. I didn’t know he had such a good singing voice and he was funny and engaged very much with audience. We saw Joel Harper Jackson in the second week he was good but the show appeared to be all about him, with little engaging with he audience, so not as enjoyable.
  4. I was a Customs & Excise VAT officer from 1995 -2000. There were all sorts of tricks for hiding the true amount of cash takings. The best one was, when I asked for all their shop records they brought me a pile of books amongst them were two takings books, one was labelled ‘Shop takings’ and the other ‘Real shop takings’. They were very embarrassed but had to pay the discrepancy. It was not the best job in the world but I met some lovely people who knew I was just doing my job. Others though were very unpleasant, one chap said to me ‘I wish you had arrived half an hour earlier earlier, part of the roof came down and might have hit you.’ Lovely man!
  5. Thanks Graham, just finished packing and having a quiet evening. Our neighbour and friend is taking us to the pick up point (Bolton Wanderers Football Ground) at 7.15. Really looking forward to being on Iona. Two more cruises this year, perhaps one day we will bump into you and Pauline. X
  6. We are also on this cruise, travelling down tomorrow morning. I have also booked Limelight Club twice, Sindhu once and the Chefs Table. I have not booked Epicurean as we couldn’t eat five courses. I have not booked any entertainment, we will just take our chances. Looking forward to being on Iona, we have been on most of the other P&O ships and have always had a great time and have a friend who went on this same cruise last February and she had a great time, so fingers crossed for us. See you there.
  7. We are on Iona next Saturday, I have had a runny nose and been sneezing a bit. After reading this topic, I thought I had better get a COVID test done. Thankfully it was negative, Strangely enough I think it might be early hay fever as I have spent a lot of time tidying the garden this week. I knew I had to do the test but both me and my husband were quite concerned we would be cancelling our cruise after looking forward to it so much.
  8. A bit grey and miserable today in Bolton. This time next week we will on the coach down to Southampton to board Iona. We were up early this morning, the doorbell rang at 6 o’clock and it was an ambulance man. Our next door neighbour Peter, I think he’s 89, had fallen in the night and couldn’t move. Fortunately he had his Careline around his neck and contacted them and they sent the ambulance. His son lives in Wales and his daughter in Scotland. From what the ambulance man said it sounds like he has broken his hip. We are quite a close community and we all look after all the older folk. We do some of his shopping and he tries to get out as much as he can but I don’t think he will be doing that for a while. There will be plenty of help offered if he comes home while we are away. I will still be worrying about him though, he is a lovely man and I was very close to his late wife and I miss her dearly. We couldn’t ask for better neighbours.
  9. We were having new blinds fitted in the conservatory. There were eight in total so it took a while, even longer as the lady fitting them kept coming into the lounge to have a peep and a gossip about the clothes. It was very enjoyable.
  10. Hi AI_W, I managed to print off the boarding passes on my husbands MacBook Pro. I’m sure there will be loads of people struggling with this. Ah well, all done (I think), just have to concentrate on advance on board bookings. We have booked the Limelight Club for one night each week, Sindhu and the Chef’s table. Roll on the 18th.
  11. Yes, the weather here was good. Had a nice long walk, first time for a couple of weeks.
  12. I have to agree with you Jean. As we have got older (69&72), our appetites have lessened. In times gone by I would have enjoyed afternoon tea and then ate a full dinner but not now. We don’t use Epicurean either as there is just too much and I hate waste. Like you, we love the Crows Nest and are quite happy to be there away from the cocktail parties which can get very busy and noisy.
  13. Thanks for such a quick response. We do need to relax now. My husband’s email account was hacked on Thursday and it took 3 days to sort it. Technology is wonderful but for us older folk it can be quite daunting.
  14. I have downloaded and printed the boarding passes on my husband’s laptop. Do I have to do anything with the QR code or is it just for the check in staff? I do try and keep up with technology as much as I can but this is a new experience for me. All help is very much appreciated.
  15. I will try my husband’s laptop before I do anything else. Thanks for your response.
  16. If using my husband’s IPad doesn’t work I will contact our TA, they have printed stuff previously.
  17. Hi Sarah, I am using my iPad and the luggage labels printed no problem. I will try using my husband’s lap top and see if that works.
  18. Yes , I have completed the required information and it says check in complete, and says download to complete, click to download but all I get is a blank page.
  19. Has anyone had issues with downloading their boarding passes? We are on Iona two weeks today. I have completed all I was required to do and have had confirmation there is nothing else required. I have printed off the luggage labels but I can’t download the boarding passes to print, I just get a blank screen. Has anyone else had this problem?
  20. Hi Michelle, congratulations to you and your family on the arrival of your new granddaughter. I am very envious, my youngest is now 10. They grow up so fast, enjoy every minute with her. Xx
  21. That sounds amazing, have a wonderful holiday and I will look forward to your feedback. I probably won’t see it for a while as we are on Iona until the 4th of March.
  22. This morning we got our coach travel confirmation from Intercruises. They confirm there is no need for a COVID test prior to boarding but masks need to be worn at all times on the coach. That’s fine by us.
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