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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. There was pole dancing in the atrium on Arvia last month!
  2. No, we are not travelling until the middle of September, so plenty of time to sort thing out. Many thanks, Pam
  3. Just looked at this with interest as we are due to call at Haugesund and Mum is in a wheelchair. So I know what to expect!
  4. A pleasant 18c down here and sunny again, we have had quite a lot of mist recently. Had another sleepless night with sea gulls squawking all night followed the dawn chorus.
  5. We had no problem when we disembarked from Arvia last month. There were plenty of taxis and no queue, but I suppose it depends on the timings!
  6. I didn't get to try The Olive Grove on Iona but did on Arvia. My mains was the tuna and I also had tiramisu for desert, but your tiramusu looks a lot better than mine.
  7. It's a nice sunny day down here and a pleasant 20c. Thank you for sending it to me😁 I've pleased to say that I have am not experiencing any side effects from my treatment yesterday, and have a phone call from the hospital to check up on me. I have also received one from my youngest daughter who took me there as well, being a nurse she gave me the third degree. I am not planning on doing anything today, just going to take it easy and perhaps spend some time in the garden with cup of coffee and a book. Hope you all have a good day.
  8. We too prefered the Opal when we were on Iona last year.
  9. We travel up to Southampton the day before by train, as it takes 5.30-6 hours if there are no problems, so we stay overnight in a nearby hotel. We don't have the option of using a coach as the nearest pickup point to us is Bristol. OH is not in a position to walk back into Southampton to kill time after dropping luggage off and queuing for long periods of time is difficult for both of us. We were on Arvia last month and although our check in time was 12.15 as we arrived a little early we joined the queue. 12.15 came and went but we hadn't been called to check in, therefore we went and asked only to be told that they weren't calling for that time yet, but we were allowed in. How much longer would we have had to wait if we hadn't enquired?
  10. I did not know this fact. My mother uses a wheelchair, she can manage to get up into a coach but cannot walk far and so we have always just booked excursions that she can manage.
  11. Thank you all for your messages and good wishes for today. Well it has been dull and dreary down here all day, but boiling up in Plymouth. We arrived at Derriford Hospital three quarters of an hour before my appointment, but it took fifteen minutes to get into the car park, as it was a case of one car out, one in. I was called from the main waiting room on time, but then sat for an hour in the treatment waiting room. Once they got my mask on and had me lined up for the radiation beams, everything went smoothly. Back home now after meeting the mist half way home, which continued to get thicker the nearer we got to home. It is now foggy here. Now treatment is over, I now to have to wait for about six months for an MRI to see if has been successful🤞 I'm feeling fine but would love to murder a glass of wine, but have been advised not to drink for a week due to the medication I'm on😒 Oh well, it is what it is! Can someone please send some of the sunshine down here?
  12. No, those with priority boarding headed straight in.
  13. MPW is on our Britannia cruise in September so will look to see is he is batch signing menus!
  14. On Arvia last month we had a boarding time of 12.15. We arrived a little before 12 and handed over our luggage and joined the queue. Shortly after joining those with a boarding time of 12 were called. When it got to 12.20 we hadn't been called, so we and a few other passengers went to enquire, but were told that they hadn't been told to call the next time but allowed us in.
  15. Our weather is dull and dreary and on the cool side at 14c but none of the rain and thunderstorms that we have had a weather warning for. We desperately need the rain as we still have a hose pipe ban in place from last year. I've had a sleepless night so feel tired already. I have a hospital appointment up in Plymouth for my radiation treatment late this afternoon so it will be a long day. So no more driving for me for a least a month.
  16. When on Iona in January last year the same table was booked for us each night at the same time, but did inform them on the one or two occasions that we would be dining elsewhere.
  17. We are due to visit Flam on Britannia in September and one of the excursions listed is Flam railway and biking. Taken from My P&OCruises: "Soak up the sights during a journey on the world-famous Flåm Railway, then immerse yourself in the picturesque landscape on a bike ride back down the mountain. Board the train at Flåm station, sit back and watch the views grow more and more dramatic as you climb 2,800 feet over a distance of just 12.5 miles. Passing by sheer cliffs, verdant valleys and sparkling lakes, the train will slow down at key sections to make perfect photo opportunities. Reaching the highest station, Mydral, you’ll turn back and descend to Berekvam, over half way down the railway. Hop onto your bike here and begin the thrilling ride on narrow gravel and asphalt roads towards the valley floor. Follow your expert guide and enjoy the rush of pure air as you pass by raging waterfalls and tranquil mountain scenes"
  18. Have a good time. We have sailed on both Arvia and Iona and liked both ships. Our next cruises is to the Fjords too, but on Britannia in September and also have PI booked pre-cruise. Will be interesting to hear your views on Stravanger and Haugesund, especially as the later is a new port for us.
  19. Sorry to hear this. Hope they find the cause and you are home soon.
  20. Sorry to hear about your accident, but glad that you are not seriously hurt. Wishing you well and hope you soon get over any soreness. We are due to call in at Flam in September, but I will not be biking!!
  21. I too have never heard of them, so just googled to see. Our nearest is the other side of Plymouth, to us about 88 miles away!
  22. We were on Arvia in May and the shuttle drop off point is near the Cathedral in Marseille.
  23. Happy Birthday to your Mum, I hope she enjoys the rest of her day after her celebration breakfast.
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