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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. I have similar problem. I can't leave the back door open without being nearby. On a couple of occasions I have walked out of the kitchen (in the front of the house) to find it standing on the door frame or inside😠
  2. Morning to you all. Bright and sunny down with a temp of 16c down here and expected to get a little warmer. Got woken up about an hour ago, from our neighbour with a lot of crashing and banging going on. It appears he's having scaffolding put up. I'm meeting up with a friend for coffee this morning, but nothng else planned. Hope everyone has a good day.
  3. We will see. It was supposed to be nice two days ago, but wasn't!
  4. Yet another grey, dull, cloudy, dismal day with rain with a temp of 16c. Apart from the odd day, here and there, it feels as though we are still in winter, as this weather is no different. It's beginning to get me down!😒
  5. The pandemic was a tough time for a lot of us. Just before lockdown my third daughter got married and some fo the guests were scrambling to get home in time. My youngest son had to cancel his wedding. My eldest daughter was diagnosed with MS and in the middle of lockdown moved in with us, as she couldn't cope on her own. I was also still recovering from neuro surgery, which took years! (I'm still not right in the head🥴but a least I have an excuse!) This thread helped in many, many ways with a virtual world tour and the A to Z of ports, along with the many photos. There is a lot to be thankful for, virtual friendships that have been made, support for each other in tough times and so much more. Hopefully this thread will continue for a long time yet. Thank you all.
  6. Morning all, Back to grey, dull and dismal weather at 16c, but no wind, for a change! Being taxi today as my daughter and partner are off on holiday and asked if I could give them a lift to the station. But no other plans, other than the normal chores. Hope everyone has a good day.
  7. Good Morning, It's very quiet here again this morning. Bright and sunny again, although still windy, but a pleasant 16c and an expected high of 18c. The wind, I expect will make it feel cooler. Meeting a couple of friends later for a cuppa and a chat, but as it's dry, have decided to walk as the traffic recently has been horrendous, with traffic queuing on the roundabout to get into town. Hope everyone has a good day.
  8. Those were the dates that I have seen, but the 25th November cruise seems to have dropped on the itinerary.
  9. I have read your comments with interest as we have a cruise booked in November. It will be our first time on Arcadia, but not the first time with P&O. Our cruise is for 16 nights, so hopefully we will not experiences like above. There was a short cruise on her itinerary after her refit, but before ours, but it seems to have disappeared. So it looks like our cruise is the first after her refit.
  10. Morning everyone, Wishing both @Eglesbrech and @brian1 a happy holiday. Like everyone else has said I hope Marilyn is feeling better this morning. Another grey,cloudy day here with more rain expected this afternoon. Depressing weather! Hope everyone has a good week.
  11. Morning everyone, After a very wet, rainy day yesterday the sun is trying to get out again, so perhaps I'll get out into the garden with the new book I bought yesterday.😊 The good thing about the amount of rain yesterday was that we didn't need to water the garden. Hope everyone has a good day.
  12. Thank you for an informative and interesting read and review of your cruise, and the pictures of your lovely girls. I have enjoyed reading about your adventures and experiences of your cruise. I have sailed on Arvia and in the Caribbean but not on the two combined.
  13. Good Morning, It's very quiet on here this morning, hope everyone is well. It's raining, misty, breezy and very muggy, with heavier rain is due in later. Not a nice day at all. My daughter's dog has just frigtened the sea gull that comes knocking on our door, so hopefully it will get the message! Hope you all have a good weekend.
  14. We have had one nice hot sunny day. Today after a nice sunny start, has become very overcast, humid and misty out over the moor. So looks like we will get rain tomorrow. That seems to be the pattern to our weather, one or two nice days followed by rain.
  15. Lovely photos @Megabear2, glad you had a good time, despite the problems with the flights. Hopefully your flights get sorted soon. My granddaughter is due to fly down from Edinburgh tomorrow🤞
  16. Morning everyone, Partly sunny and 17c here, but it's not expected to be as hot at yesterday! Also depending which forecast you look at we, have rain tomorrow, or not😕 My youngest granddaughter broke up from school yesterday, but her Mum hasn't, so is coming over for a sleepover tonight. Also bringing the dog as her parents are going away for the weekend. A trip to the shops, intend to go soon and just hope the traffic isn't too bad. Hope everyone has a good day, take care and stay safe.
  17. I saw it too, but would need to travel up the day before and stay overnight which would cost more than the cruise itself!
  18. On Ariva at Easter take away coffees were served in blue plastic takeaway mugs which were supposed to be returned for re-use. Have they stopped doing this? I saw many of the mugs left outside cabins and around the ship.
  19. Good Morning all, Sunny and 16c down here. Washing on the line and it feels quite warm out already and the sun hasn't got properly round to the back garden yet. Hope you all have a good day.
  20. Another consideration that the tour guides need to take into consideration is the speed they walk. On an excursion in Rome the tour guide we had was walking way to fast, even my father, who was fit and healthy, over 6 foot tall and would long paces when walking had difficulty keeping up with them!
  21. Morning to you all. We had the weather that a lot of you are describing yesterday, minus the thunder. Today we have got blue sky, sunshine and supposedly it will be warm. I received a letter yesterday with the results of my MRI scan informing me that there has been response to last year's treatment, with another scan in a year. So all looking OK.🙂 Just a few errands to run but, as per norm, nothing exciting doing! Hope everyone has a good day.
  22. I have just realised that today is St Swithins Day, so according to folklore, we will now rain for the next 40 days!
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