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Posts posted by sfaaa

  1. If you like sea days, cruise to/from Hawaii and North America mainland is great. Lot of relaxing down time and ocean gazing. If you dislike sea days, fly to Hawaii and cruise NCL.

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  2. MSC is the only mass market cruise line I know that uses catering coffee urns and not food service coffee machines at buffet drink station. Many times, the urns would quickly run out or the coffee gets cold in them. Not sure why MSC does thing this way.

  3. 2 hours ago, broker1217 said:


    It was eye opening how people behaved, and not in a good way.


    Tell me about it. Besides not washing their hands or skipping hand sanitizer, what really disgusts me was most coughers didn't even bother to cover their mouths when they coughed out loud and sprayed gems at buffet, MDR or theater.

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  4. 2 hours ago, retrocedat said:


    After Titanic advanced capability to see in front of the ship even in fog and bad weather i thought was mandatory, but it seems i was on the wrong.

    Roald Amundsen has armored hull and built like a tank. It can sail through ice field with relatively ease.

  5. I was on the cruise right before OP. Mask was mandatory in theater and casino from Day 1. Still some people ignored the policy. Handwashing was not enforced at restaurant entrances. Buffet was self served. Some night events at observation lounge were packed with zero social distancing and few masks. By Day 5, fair amount of coughing around. DW tested positive for COVID two days after the cruise. Not trying to be negative but cruisers beware.

  6. Wearing regular mask may not be enough. My wife and I got off an Alaska cruse last Sunday. DW began feeling unwell starting this Tuesday. Sore throat, slight cough, stuffy nose. She used the blue regular mask during the cruise. I wore mostly N95 every time I stepped outside my cabin. So far, I remain negative and have zero COVID symptom. Stick with N95 mask.

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  7. 4 hours ago, robmtx said:

    For those of you seeing the offer today, have you used the Royal Caribbean Amex offer recently? I used it about 6-8 months ago. I'm not seeing the offer now so wondering if I'm ineligible?



    Same here. Got the last one but not this time. Kind of bummed since I have a final payment coming up this Friday.

  8. Be careful if you book NRD. One time, my cruse price dropped before final payment but a nasty RCCL agent decided to play hardball and refused to price adjust given it was NRD which means I could not cancel and rebook unless I paid a $200 penalty. I waited for a few days and tried again. Luckily this time I got a very resonable agent and she repriced the cruise for me without giving me any hassle. 

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  9. 2 minutes ago, JT1962 said:

    🤔. If the person they ordered for just stood in line and ordered for themselves,  wouldn’t the line be longer and take the same amount of time as one person ordering for two?

    Not if you picked the shorter of the two lines thinking it would be faster but it actually turned out to be the opposite.

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