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Posts posted by sfaaa

  1. 22 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

    It’s not surprising that demand is declining. For the last two decades, cruise lines have been building ships less and less like ships and more and more like land based amusement parks. The target market has shifted away from travelers and towards those wanting a stationary vacation.

    Post Covid ( if we’re even at that stage yet) travelers still want to travel and have come back to the ships. The amusement park vacationers are suddenly aware of the difference between being on land and being at sea are more attracted to resorts they can drive away from any time they choose.That big new megaship market they’ve developed is falling away.

    Not to mention they misread the China market which turned out to be less profitable than originally anticipated.

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  2. 6 hours ago, jetsfan58 said:

    The Dive In movies are really relaxing and the night stars in the sky just adds to the excitement. 

    Agree. Just like going to old time drive in movies in the bygone era. And it is free. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, CruiszBug said:

    Just got off the Wonder TA followed by first Alaska Cruise of the season on Ovation. Things that made me cringe:

    1) The number of people that coughed outright without covering or protecting their mouth/nose. (One guy standing at the DL Espresso machine facing me sneezed!)

    2) Saw someone touch their face then grab the end of the cappuccino machine that dispenses the coffee to raise/lower the spigot. (If I hadn't seen it I wouldn't have thought twice about getting my coffee, but it made me think about others...)

    3) Saw someone with their finger stuck inside their ear (itch?) in line for the DL continental breakfast, who reached out and grabbed a pastry with that same hand...

    4) The number of people that tried to squeeze into the elevators when they were already shoulder to shoulder.. 

    Welcome back to the old normal before COVID. Saw some of the same behaviors on my April cruise. Simply disgusting.

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