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Posts posted by sfaaa

  1. 30 minutes ago, UnregisteredUser said:

    It is not good customer service to disturb people, reading the situation and asking when not interupting or disturbing is. It's a huge difference if you didn't know...

    It takes experience and practices to read a situation correctly. You can't expect this from many newly hired staff from a different culture who are practically learning their jobs on the fly. Give them time. They will get a hang of it eventually.

  2. 11 minutes ago, smokeybandit said:

    Quick, when was the last time gangs stormed those walls and invaded the resort? 


    They don't need to. Whatever RCCL did behind the scene is enough to keep the gangs happy and leave Labedee alone. If you think Labedee is not a target, just look at how desperate the Haitians are. Many of them live in total proverty and have practically nothing.

  3. 7 hours ago, BecciBoo said:

    Actually a peninsula with a tall fence:



    A flimsy fence and gate topped with rusty barb wire a pick up truck can easily crashes through. And does anyone really think those rent-a-cop armed guards ( I counted 4 last time I was there) would lay their lives on the line to protect a bunch of foreign tourists off a cruise ship when leads fly? Perception can sometimes be misleading. That said, if anyone feels comfortable visiting Labedee, by all means go.

  4. Haiti government and police are outgunned, under siege 24/7 and barely able to fend for themselves, never mind providing security in Labadee. Although I am speculating here, I won't be surprised RCCL and the local gang controlling the area may have some sort of behind the scene arrangement to leave Labadee alone in exchange for economic or monetary benefits aka protection money. This is usually how businesses are done in the third world where central government is dysfunctional, leaving local armed gang or warlord to become the de facto ruler in the area they control.

  5. 17 hours ago, allinwonderland said:

    She had an overall decent time! But yeah, I think the heat was too much for her and we'll both know better next time (if there's a next time cruising with her). Think I'll be flying solo on the next cruise because we also just have very different vacation styles.

    Alaska cruise has no issue with heat.

  6. 5 hours ago, Petersonfcu said:

    People acquire multiple AMEX and other cards for different reasons.  My wife and I  acquire and churn credit cards as much as we can for the sign-up bonuses.  Over the years we have  collected more than five million travel points and  miles by doing this.  It only makes sense if 1) you and your spouse have good credit ratings, 2) you can control your cc spending, and 3) you make sure you pay your cc bills in full every monthl

    My understanding is that having too many cc or credit enquiries with credit agencies can screw up your credit score. 

  7. 5 hours ago, Mary229 said:

    The rules for gift card payments are that any purchase from the website can be made by gift cards perhaps there is an exception for Flight Ease?  

    I  have the same question. Can gift card be used to pay for Flight Ease? Thanks.

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