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Everything posted by WrittenOnYourHeart

  1. I enjoyed Spectra’s Cabaret a lot. Will likely go back on my reservation day. Spectra looked like a young Billy Porter and was amazing!
  2. I have a reservation for this on Day 5, but decided to try the stand-by “line”. The crew members checking people in let the 3 or 4 of us waiting in early. 😄
  3. Ship - Anthem of the Seas Deck - 6 Stateroom # - 6248 Stateroom Category – Solo Studio Balcony Starboard or Port Side - Port Quiet Stateroom? (With comments on problems) – Relatively quiet. Of course all depends on the people around you. There are some kids who are allowed/encouraged to run down the hall, but that could happen on any cruise. Was stateroom a connecting stateroom? - Nope Balcony View - Give comments on view, noting if location of any obstructions was an issue. – Balcony Size? Normal or oversized for class? - It’s a nice oversized balcony on the back side of a “hump”. Lifeboats are just aft of it - a friend joked I could just jump into the boat from my balcony. Being on the back side of the hump I have to lean over to see forward. Was wind a problem? - Nope! Back side of a hump. If an aft cabin, was soot a problem? - n/a Any specific problems with this cabin? - Nope. It is small, but for one person who doesn’t over-pack it is great. It is close to the elevators/stairs, but no noise from those aside from the aforementioned running kids and some people talking loudly which can happen anywhere.
  4. Chops Grille for lunch. It was good. I was bummed that the famous tots can’t be gluten-free (and the “fries” seemed to be baked) but the filet was wonderful and I always love a wedge salad. (Also ice cream is the only gf dessert option, though the chef made a “chocolate custard” also which tasted like regular chocolate pudding.) I enjoyed it, but I am glad I went at lunch. Popped by the Bionic Bar after - just the novelty of it. Got a “Sunshine” for a cloudy day.
  5. Thanks! Yeah, had it been a direct hit to my nose, I strongly suspect I would have had a broken one to deal with.
  6. Yup. On Anthem I was going up to Deck 15 for sailing under the Verrazano Bridge, and as I was walking up the ramp to the North Star Bar, I was hit in the nose/cheek by a snow/ice ball (it was moist enough it was not just snow) that someone threw. I got up enough to see the people and said to one guy making and holding a ball “You need to be aware of where you are throwing those. I just got hit.” And he acted less than sorry - said it, but tone and facial expression said otherwise. I am still not sure if they were just randomly throwing them, if the intended target ducked, or if they thought I was someone else - but they all certainly played dumb like they had no clue where it came from. ( spoke with an officer at the Top Tier event just to make them aware that in the future, ensuring that as much snow as possible is cleared would be a good idea. She was very apologetic and seemed shocked that people would have been throwing snowballs - she asked if I needed medical attention, which I didn’t…my cheek is a little sore but nothing bruised…and said she would certainly speak to the heads of hotel and housekeeping so that they could follow up with crew about clearing snow if they run into that again.) So yeah, there are a lot of rude people out there.
  7. Got an elephant for my towel animal last night I opted for evening service, which given the sea days works well for me - I can read and chill on my balcony during the day and not feel like I have to be out. I can plan evening stuff around 5-8 much easier as dinner is in there. Some random pics from around… This morning is overcast but nice. I had a nibble for breakfast, then got a shower and THEN decided to walk around the walk/run track. Did about 2 miles. Probably should have reversed walking and showering, but oh well. Watched some people on the Flow Rider and in the iFly. Grabbed a mimosa at the Effy mimosa party. The temps are nice enough now I can read in shorts and a t-shirt on my balcony, so I am doing that until lunch at Chops.
  8. Well, I had been warned about The Gift from various posts on here. I lasted 5 minutes and bailed. Ick!
  9. The Women of Wine tasting was really nice. (Well, except the Riesling which none of us liked. 🤣🤣) And now I shall nap.
  10. I don’t think so. I didn’t make it up there, but I don’t think the hours sheet indicated it was.
  11. They say yes for dinner - last night it was pretty open. Breakfast and Lunch, no.
  12. Ha! I just hoofed it from aft to forward and got to the theater just as the port shopping sales pitch was letting out. Slipped in and got in line and got the bracelet anyway!
  13. I did speak with the Guest Services Manager after the Top Tier event about the snowball yesterday - mainly suggested that in the event of snow again they ensure that tables are cleaned off because of that. She was extremely apologetic - asked if I needed medical attention and said she would definitely speak with Housekeeping about ensuring that snow is cleared. My cheek does not appear to have bruised - it is a little sore to the touch, but that is all.
  14. I’ve decided I’m going back to the Solarium Bistro tonight. YUM! Tomorrow I’m going to do lunch at Chops. 😄 You can tell how crowded the ship is on a cold sea day because people are all over inside. I’m thinking after my wine tasting I will chill and read in my cabin for a little while.
  15. The little free string bracelets are cute…but not “sit through a 45 minute presentation about shops you have no intention of going to - while the Top Tier event with free drinks is going on” cute.
  16. Good morning!! Slept over 8 hours last night!! One of the many reasons I love being at sea!!
  17. We had about 4 in Brooklyn when I shoveled and salted before leaving for the Anthem of the Seas. And yeah, there was snow on her. It was cute watching the Windjammer crew on the back outdoor section taking pictures with it. It was not so cute when a guy (or the group he was with) was throwing snowballs once it had started melting and nailed me in the nose/cheek as I was just walking outside for sail away. Even less cute when I said to the guy with a ball in his hand that it wasn’t funny and I got hit and he half-heartedly apologized. Probably less than half-hearted. Ugh.
  18. Solarium Bistro is the small plates buffet that was described earlier. It is yummy!! I will note that my gluten-free status is due to a wheat allergy that shows up as a little more wheezing, so I can do small cheats/not have to worry about cross-contamination…so the falafel may not be safe for someone with celiac. (I’m used to a place at Disney World that has falafel that is gluten-free.) I also just picked the croutons off my Caesar salad - not sure if you can request one without croutons. I definitely see myself coming back here! I was contemplating trying either the salmon or tilapia just to see if my taste buds have forgotten my choking experience when I was in 1st grade…but I have had 2 friends who developed sudden fish allergies, and I am not sure that a ship is the place to try fish just in case my reaction was really my body protecting me.
  19. “Only” $7.99. I honestly expected it to be more. But better than not brushing with anything but water until Day 4 when my friend could bring me some.
  20. Oh yeah. Once the shops open I will be getting the most expensive toothpaste of my life. I looked dead at the tube on my sink at home this morning…and it is still on my sink at home. Oops!
  21. Cool! I will plan to! There was a letter in my cabin that they made me a reservation for the Solarium Bistro tonight! (I can change it if I want, but it seems like a cool start!)
  22. I was surprised to find a kettle in my cabin! I had thought those were only on sailings from Southampton. I’ll have to grab some tea bags!
  23. Cold at the moment, but very nice!! The ship is packed - there is a large Autism on the Seas sailing in addition to everything else, so I suspect the balcony will be a welcome refuge!
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