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Everything posted by Mauzac

  1. Yes it looks good, although we travel a lot in the Med, and have another home over there, so some of the dishes are a bit what we are used to. However, they are doing bouillabaisse so I'll let them off 😁 I am sure it will be great and we look forward to trying Solis on our Feb Quest cruise!
  2. I've seen a sample menu on FB posted by our TA and it looks very good
  3. Oh yes, I should have realised this as I was typing! The TKG on the smaller ships is a quite different set up as far as size.
  4. We will miss TKG but I understand there needs to be change. Our next SB cruise is February on Quest so it looks like we will be enjoying Solis! The menus look good, and great they are utilising the outside area.
  5. @RosieRuby1 I think it takes longer for us in the UK than US clients who often receive it the day they disemark or next day. For us it took about a week and a bit. You shouldn't have to request it, if it shows on your account, it will arrive in your CC eventually!
  6. We have a cruise February next year, likewise can't book TKG (But we do actually like the Grill, sorry!)
  7. We get a lot of notifications for excursions... "get ready for your adventure on RIB seabourn excursion tomorrow" or similar We disembarked a month ago!
  8. Ditto, with a cruise less than six months for me also. I know they only release a small amount of reservations in advance, it's just nice to get a couple booked up before embarkation.
  9. We were due to cruise on the Amazon April 2020, cancelled obviously. We are doing this cruise now, next Spring. Whilst we were consulted about any side effects of the yellow fever jab, we had no hesitation in having it, (late 60s, and 70s) and it is for life. We had no side effects whatsoever.
  10. I know people knock the Colonnade, but we had a couple of excellent evening meals there, sat outside with just dimmed candle type lights. It was lovely. Not just for the dimmed lights, which I like 😂, but the 3 courses were really very good. One lamb dish in particular, and I am not a great fan of lamb! Earth & Ocean I love, unfortunately weather closed it down a few times in Norway. Once we braved the elements, another time it was wonderful sunshine all night 🌞 I have to be in the mood for the MDR, and we did have some fun there dining with others. I, too, prefer the MDR on the smaller ships, not sure why.
  11. I came in from an excursion very uncomfortable after hobbling round in too small borrowed trainers and missed the cases! Thought I was dreaming!
  12. We have been in Svolvaer Lofoten today and we were told they would not be using the tiny airport here and Tromso tomorrow would be possible, but what a shock when we returned from an excursion to..... (drum roll)... Our cases! Thank you for all your help kind people 🥰
  13. Thank you! Rumour has it we might, just might, get our luggage in Tromso in 2 days. I am hopeful but not complacent! Tonight is formal night and captain and officers in the bars pre-dinner. I have pitched the idea of a network TV show called "Survival for the Over Privileged" It's gone down well 🤣
  14. I am amazed that there's nothing to buy! We have been given a credit (thank you SB) but I'm gobsmacked at how little there is to buy. We travel on Brittany ferries regularly and i could kit myself out top to toe on a car ferry. SB not! No make up! Nothing!
  15. No no, it's both of us! I happened to put his massive size 12s trainers in hand luggage as they took up too much room in the case, but he has no clothes either. I just pretend I've been in the hot tub in my bathrobe as I wander down to laundry to wash our clothes!
  16. It was very stormy last night! We are a sea day followed by Svolvaer the next day, but won't pin my hopes on that!
  17. I do hope so, at least there is time to get it there. I have worked out a cunning plan for shoes for our excursion tomorrow as I only have heels I wore over. I am size 6, husband is 12, I can wear the towelling slippers inside his shoes...bit like clown shoes. Needs must... 😂🤣😁
  18. Yes! So near and yet so far... you couldn't make it up!
  19. Update... Our luggage has arrived in Alesund from Oslo but Captain has announced, due to weather, we are not docking. Not sure what next plan is..
  20. Thank you, yes. I hope Alesund happens and the weather doesn't stop us, As far as anything like a jacket loaned from SB I have asked two members of the ventures/expedition team who I know from past cruises, and I have asked three different Guest Services people at different times....nothing! I am surprised at this actually. Thank you for your response. 👍😊
  21. The weather is very bad and this is the most rocky we've ever encountered on a SB cruise. (Not so bad as the Bay of Biscay in March though....that was something else!)
  22. @Techno123 Thank you and yes we will ring our insurance co tomorrow. Just hoping we can get out in Alesund and I can buy some flat shoes.... slippers or heels just won't cut it on a RIB 😂 @SLSD yes I had heard that one customers bags were waiting for them at the departure airport as they flew home. Thank you for the helpful comments, when you have a bit of a dilemma, it's really good to hear feedback and suggestions and I do appreciate it. Tonight we were at a show, that's great because it's dark in there. 😂
  23. Hiya.. we've just heard that instead of 10am it will not dock until 'some time in the afternoon' because we are 15ft plus waves and very windy. Then another sea day and then Svolvaer Lofoten on Thursday followed by Tromso Friday I pretend I've been in the hot tub which is why I'm wearing my bathrobe and slippers round the ship whilst I wash our clothes! We flew to Amsterdam then on to Copenhagen @skybluewaters
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