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Posts posted by AHS123

  1. Hold up...there are BROWNIES?! This is not good for my belly

    Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app

    Those sound good, I wonder if they would warm them up in a nuker.

    I may have to order the kids pepperoni pizza as an appetizer one night too. Those look better than some of the flat breads on the American Table menu to me. But brownies for sure with a side of ice cream.

  2. The gym bathrooms are located within the locker rooms.


    Be careful in the locker areas prior to sailing as these rooms are open for tours given by the spa staff. I saw a spa staffer getting ready to walk a group of women through the men's locker room before sail away and stopped them because there was a man toweling off in there. I assumed then that the spaces were considered gender neutral for previewing purposes. The spa was busy that day with people wanting to tour the facilities. I also assumed both locker rooms were being passed through to reach the gym which could only be accessed by walking through the locker rooms.


    It was that cruise that I suggested to the Spa manager and Carnival that signage be placed at the entrance to the locker rooms and inside the area with wording such as: "Shower Facilities Closed Until After Sail Away." I've never seen signs like that since so I guess the incident was deemed low priority Carnival.


    I was led through the men's side on a tour with my mom on the Imagination some years ago. Your suggestion for signs during tours would be helpful.


    OP, as another stated our kids wear their suits under their travel clothes. Have fun!

  3. Living this thread but do the chocolate melting cakes really have 50 something grams of fat? :(

    We were told in the kitchen tour before the Chef's Table dinner and while they were demonstrating how to make the melting cake that there are 56 grams of fat. I don't recall if they broke down saturated vs unsaturated grams or the caloric count.

  4. I am not reading the same thread as you. Who said anything about a decline in food quality. 14 cruises, we never once ate dinner in the buffet.

    It seems this is about MDR versus buffet and the food in the MDR, at least that's what I got from that comment.

  5. I turned Platinum on day 6 of my cruise and had all the perks from the time I printed my boarding pass. December Magic 2017.


    Seeing your post I just pulled mine up as my situation is not unlike your own. Our luggage tags say PRIORITY but they also have the FTTF emblem on them. Is this how they should look? I checked our excursions and we didn't forget we were turning Platinum and booked FTTF by mistake. Although, I just did a mock booking for FTTF and it did add it to my cart before I removed it. Apparently you can book FTTF regardless. But back to my question, is the FTTF emblem what I should be seeing and not a Platinum symbol or similar?

    Thank you

  6. Somewhere in America, someone clicked on this thread for the sole reason to correct you that "this is an upSELL, not an upGRADE!" And then, there it was.....a real upgrade.


    You make it sound like that's a bad thing. :)

    OP, that's an amazing free upgrade was this casino related and if not how did you receive it?

  7. In a long line anywhere, I position myself near the front of a line, usually near a corner/object or obstruction. Then I just stand there for an undetermend amount of time to let the people that may have seen me go there pass.


    Then at some point I exclaim to my party audibly, so the line people hear, that oops, we weren't paying attention, and then just start moving.


    Works every time. Worked wonders getting off the ship before we became platinum.

    We were creative getting on the ship too, but I'll leave that up to the imagination.


    So you dog honest people and proudly proclaim it? :mad:

  8. Carnival Cruise Line only permits service/working dogs on board our ships. Therapy/companion or service dogs in training are not permitted onboard.


    It's been two Carnival cruises now where we have heard people telling those who ask that their dogs are emotional support dogs. One couple each had a Westie on their lap and admitted they just couldn't be without their pets so they renamed one Paxil and the other Zoloft for the cruise like that was funny and they pulled one over on Carnival. We were disgusted.

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