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happy cruzin

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Posts posted by happy cruzin

  1. When did they go on record offering compensation? Did I miss that? I've tried to keep up with this thread.. I honestly think it is a losing battle to threaten lawsuit. We are talking a couple hundred bucks. And, as I said, technically, the cabin is a 9A. They haven't promised anything that they can't deliver.


    I think he is referring to the post on John's blog......he stated that they were working with the ship yard to get the balcony divider fixed quickly - but in the mean time bookings for those cabins would be compensated.

  2. Wow, it's a very thin rope they are walking on then, they (CCL) are on record as saying compensation will be offered and now they,if we are to believe the poster (trying to be balanced and fair here) they are refusing to offer any compensation, it really does seem like a matter for an attorney to handle.


    Here is the post I was referring to.....:eek:


    Well, We had cabin 8473 and paid quite a bit extra for the wrap around. We had no wrap around, no sofa or chairs and could barely fit around the bed. When we inquired, the ship personal agreed with us that we should be given a refund for our supposed upgrade. We received a letter that said they would not compensate us or take care of us. They basically said too bad! I was so disappointed. Please let me have a way to talk to John about this. Thanks.
  3. First review is up of the Dream. Had the actual cabin we will have, aft 7454. Said they had problems with the thermostat, with the different layout there was no couch but 2 small chairs. No mention of a table or the room being too small.[/quote

    Where is the review? We are in the opposite corner aft: 7459. Thanks!



    It's on the front page - sumbmitted by Mark2 ;)

  4. I believe it is based upon John Heald's blog


    "They are not wrap around balconies and therefore they are discussing with the shipyard ways to change this. Meanwhile guests who have booked these cabins based are being compensated accordingly. Hopefully this situation is taken care of quickly and I will let you know accordingly."


    So, apparently said "compensation" is being taken care of on board.




    Not according to someone that just came off of the Dream with one of those cabins. They were basically told "tough, it is the cabin you booked" :mad:.

    I certainly would not want to wait until we are on board to find out what they are going - or not going :rolleyes: - to do :eek:.

  5. My PVP was aware of the situation when I called him, and advised us to check with the Purser when we board regarding our "compensation".


    I see the suggestions to change cabins - and if our sailing was further out, I would.


    We are booked during a holiday (premium pricing), we have been booked well over a year at a good price, we would be penalized for cancelling (fully paid and under 75 days) and I can't see spending more money to book another cabin - even though that is what I would like to do/should do.


    Really???!??! :eek: That does not seem to be a good answer....:confused:

  6. happycruzin - what did you decide to do with your 8473? Do you think Carnival will a) move the partition b) give some kind of on board credit or c) do nothing? I am just so torn as to whether I should pay $250 MORE for the 8G next to our friends or keep the 9A 8466.


    We upgraded to a Cat. 11 on 7. Sadly.....we decided that there was NO WAY we would be happy in 8473 :(.


    We discussed it for a couple of days - with our CVS - and came to the conclusion that we would have been ok with a good sized room and no wrap OR a wrap with a smaller room. But that a small room AND no wrap was just not going to cut it :eek:!


    As far as moving the partition - they may or may not actually move it and we were not willing to risk it not being done by the time we cruise in January.

  7. I've been reading this thread with considerable interest. I can't really tell if the cabins mentioned are wrap arounds or not. Seems like the deck plans Carnival displays should be as accurate as possible! My concern is 9A cabin 6479 on the upper deck. My brother in law has booked that cabin for the 8/21/10 sailing while we have 8A 6477 next to that cabin. Any info on these cabins? Is 6479 a wrap around as the deck plans indicate. My email is tomjamison_66@yahoo.com



    According to my CVS.....Carnival now recognized that 8473 is NOT a wrap. They are still calling it a 9A - but not a wrap :o.

    Still seems like way too much money for a tiny cabin :eek:....I can't believe that they are sticking with the 9A category for that cabin.

  8. That makes sense.


    Even better: take down the divider and the wall between cabins 8466 and 8468.... modify the (now one) cabin and make it a Cat SS. Same for the other corner! They can charge a rate higher than a Cat 12, and kill two birds with one (though pricey) stone. That would have to wait until a dry dock obviously!


    Just let them allow me to make some of these changes - it's fun and easy to spend other people's $$ !!




    Keep up the fight for your suites, Tom. Ya never know who is listening ;)

  9. I am also a pretty big guy.


    My original cabin was a cove balcony. There were no suites or 9As available. A few days after final payment, when 8473 became available I grabbed it, and paid the difference.


    I spoke to my travel agent yesterday, asking to be switched back to my original cabin. At first Carnival insisted that 8473 is a true 9A wrap around, and that I could not downgrade. The guy did some checking, called the ship, had the pursers office take pictures of the cabin, and they were "amazed" that the divider is where it is.


    Long story short, I just spoke to my travel agent, and I am back in my original cabin, and I will find out today if I will get a refund or an onboard credit.



    Please let us know if they offer any compensation. I too am waiting to here what - if anything - they are willing to do :rolleyes:.

    According to my CVS they have finally recognize that 8473 does not have a wrap - but they are still calling it a 9A :eek:.

  10. All the other 9A's are gone for our cruise.


    Oh well a couple of years ago I would of been really annoyed by this, I guess I have mellowed, I don't care, we are cruising with friends, we again have 3 cabins in a row, the F deck will have space :D and we will get an 11 wrap for my birthday cruise, so all is good with the world.


    Now if I had just shown up and found this situation then yes, I would not be a happy boy.


    Oh, our TA called Carnival about this, it seems they know nothing about any compensation, probably down to the time it takes to leak down from John to the front line troops.



    Yeah....I called today too! My CVS was very understanding - but she forwarded me to a "supervisor". I got pretty much the same story..."as far as we know those ARE 9A wraps" :mad:. She even said something about John's blog posting - but then followed it with "we are not sure where he got his information" :mad: :mad:

    So... I am NOT a happy camper!!

  11. We have a deck 7 9A wrap and are anxious to see any pictures of that also. As far as no couch goes, there aren't any on the deck 7 and 8 wraps on the Conquest class ships because they are only for 2 people. As far as I understand the Dream aft wraps on deck 6, 7 and 8 are only for two. There are no 3 person aft wraps. That's why there is no couch. But, we have had a little table and chairs in our other aft wraps so we're hoping that is true on the Dream.


    We need more pictures soon!




    Not necessarily true....we have had several extended aft and aft wraps and they have all had sofas. We often work with our CVS to find one that does have a sofa because we prefer the extra seating space.

    So - even if it is a 2 person cabin - at least some of them have sofas too.

  12. But my point is, there is technically no such thing as a "wrap" category. As someone stated earlier, since the aft of the Dream is curved, all of the aft cabins could be considered "wraps". The description on Carnival's site of the Cat. 9 cabin is 50% larger balcony, and the Cat. 9 cabins on deck 8 fit that description. And like I said, Carnival will tell you anything to make the sale. They'll tell you that the toilet is made out of gold and the bed is made out of chocolate.



  13. But the bottom line is, the category you paid for is 50% larger balcony. That's it. That's all, folks. Period. The end. A regular cabin with a 50% larger balcony. And in fairness to Carnival, the interior space on the deck plans does look smaller than the traditional rectangular cabins. You balcony is indeed at least 50% bigger than a traditional balcony. So you have, indeed, gotten what was advertised and paid for. Again, Im not trying to incite a riot here, just bringing a dose of reality to the table.


    Just for the record....I went back and editied my post to say "SEVERE misrepresentation" instead of "false advertising". I believe "misrepresentation" is more accurate.

  14. What I've learned from this thread:


    1. Don't book on a new ship until you see some pics/reviews

    2. 8C cabins 8462 and 8469 look to be a sweet deal..

    3. Aft cabins 8468 and 8475 balconies also look to be about twice the size of the other aft balconies, and the interior room is probably bigger, too.. Same goes for 7461.

    4. Don't book the Cat. 9's on deck 8.


    I don't blame you guys for being upset. The deck plans are deceiving. But they're not gonna move the dividers. If you think they are, you're fooling yourself. And they probably won't compensate anyone either. The only difference between a Cat. 8 and a Cat. 9, according to Carnival, is that your balcony will be 50% bigger than a regular Cat. 8. That's it, period. It's not a suite, just a bigger balcony. And not a double balcony, 50%. And that's all you're guaranteed. Again, not trying to flame here, just being Devil's advocate. If I had one of those booked, I would cancel it and book something else immediately. It's a rip off. Just hope no one thinks they're gonna get a free cruise out of it. The best you can hope for is that they'll reclassify these at cat. 8 and get some money back, but I wouldn't hold your breath..


    Deceiving is not the word :eek:.


    The published deck plans are a SEVERE misrepresentation of these cabins - they certainly portray a cabin that does not exsist. When we booked the deck plans looked like 9A's on other ships and the description read to us by our CVS sounded like other 9A's that we have had on other ships, including the sofa, end table etc. And on top of it all...we paid a "premimum balcony" rate - over and above the Cat 8 rate - for the additional balcony space.... which now is not available.


    So....something needs to happen :mad:

  15. Here's the answer John posted on his blog yesterday:

    According to the Guest Services Manager this was brought up to the ship yard yesterday in a meeting they had as you are correct. They are not wrap around balconies and therefore they are discussing with the shipyard ways to change this. Meanwhile guests who have booked these cabins based are being compensated accordingly. Hopefully this situation is taken care of quickly and I will let you know accordingly.


    So...at least they realize they have really messed up and are trying to make it right. I'd definitely call my PVP and make sure things were remedied. Hopefully, things can be worked out and everyone will have great cruise!


    They may very well fix the wrap balcony issue - but I do not think the can do anything about the snugness of the very small cabin.


    If in fact it has only a bed - no sofa, no chairs, no table, no counter/desk I do not think it is acceptable to call it a "9A Premimum Balcony" - much less charge like the 9A's on other ships. :eek:

  16. That's right!

    Hey - maybe they can move the divider during the short time they have no passengers onboard, but how the heck can they make room for a desk, sofa, or chair???

    I booked thinking I was getting something similar to Tom's 9a pics, not a mini-inside with a balcony! ;)

    Beautiful balcony or not, if I have to crawl over my bed to cross the room and do my makeup in the bathroom, I may be better off in a regular aft cabin at a substantial savings???:confused:


    Yep!! I am just sick over it and I really feel like we have been duped :eek:!! I would NEVER have booked 8473 - if I knew what it really was going to be!!


    The deck plans make it look like 9A's from other ships, my CVS read me the description when we booked and it sounded like 9A's from other ships.


    But now......the reality is quite different from 9A's on the other ships. And we paid a lot of money for that "mini-inside with a balcony" :mad:!!

  17. I agree it does suck.. someone dropped the buck and is not admitting their screw up.. for those of you that did book those cabins hopefully a nice rebate is in order.. and the bonus is you still get the aft of the ship.. think positive.. dont let it ruin your cruise!!! Carnival MUST step up and make their screw up right!!!


    Sadly, even a significant "rebate" is not likely to make it good for us. The pictures posted show basically a bed - that you can not even walk around - no sofa, no table and chair and no counter/desk space. We paid wwaaaaayyyyy too much money for a basic dorm room!!


    There has been a SEVERE misrepresentation of these rooms. I certainly hope that my CVS calls me with other options - not just a rebate and keeping this cabin!


    Like I said before - if I did not have family travelling with us I would have already cancelled.

  18. YEP - I knew that I was taking liberties when I selected that one (one of my favorites). Though the person who asked did not say what category...


    Here is a Cat 9A (from two ends -- the BEER is a good reference)!



    Something tells me that this (Conquest class) 9A is better than those on the Dream.


    History of (Carnival) AFT-WRAPS:


    1> Spirit class (Cat 11) -- best of the best (as was in my previous post)

    2> Conquest class (Cat 9A) -- Above photos

    3> Dream class (Cat 9A)...


    Does anyone else detect a steady deterioration in quality/quantity of aft corners over time? :confused:


    With all the "improvements" being heralded with each new class... what's up with that?? !! ??




    Agreed :(!!


    The really sad part is - those of us with Cat 11 and 9A "experience" have now booked these tiny no wrap cabins. I really wish someone had taken the time to correctly update the deck plans when it became obvious that these were to be tiny - no wrap cabins - rather than to continue the deception :mad:.


    It is amazing to me that the contiune to show - and sell -these a full wraps - with reasonable cabin space :confused: :eek:. FRUSTRATING....to say the least!!

  19. I was too --- until I saw those photos. Carnival should be embarrassed, REALLY!!


    Here are pictures from a recent stay in a 9A on the Freedom:











    Granted, it's not HUGE, but it was manageable - and the (almost) 40 foot balcony railing didn't hurt!!




    And we would have no reason to believe that the 9A's on the Dream would be so dramatically different :( :eek:!!

  20. Thanks for those photos --- I can only hope that the 9A's we have booked on deck 6 and 7 have a bit more elbow room in the cabin. I can tell you that from looking at the interior pic of 8473 that I am not willing to be cramped like that - PERIOD. Especially when paying a premium to be in that cabin over a Cat 8.


    Carnival... Carnival... Carnival... I understand you are trying to please the masses (and do a good job at it), but what in the HECK (more PC than what was on my mind) were you thinking with these mini corners???


    But hey... if I wanted a COVE balcony or a FAMILY cabin --- the Dream would be my GO-TO ship. We, however, DO NOT WANT those! :mad:




    EXACTLY my thoughts :mad:!


    What they heck did we pay the "premium" for :mad: :eek: !! Why in the heck (also not really what I am thinking) would they call THOSE a 9A :confused:???!??!??!?!


    Needless to say....I am quite upset and disappointed. I now know that those cabins were misrepresented :mad:!!!

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