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Everything posted by LittleFish1976

  1. This made me laugh! That would be all the crap which Princess tells you encouragingly that you're 'gonna do anyway'!
  2. From what I can understand from reading the boards here is that there are two types of upgrading; one is a fare upgrade and the other just the drinks package/s. Is that correct? The beverage packages themselves seem to advertise themselves on the Princess website showing super expensive prices (well over $100 AUD per day for the plus drinks package; even more for the premier). My assumption is that the prices on board would be those expensive prices. I must say Princess has the most confusing processes I've come across on any cruise line.
  3. Option 1 ; Tasmania (Hobart and Burnie) is known for its beautiful scenery and wonderful walks. You could take a day trip and a short walk/'hike' from both cities/ towns. Picton is also a lovely little town. I found when cruising around New Zealand that choosing the small boat tours in and around the harbours, looking at wildlife and coastal scenery were the nicest ways to experience a place.
  4. I've disembarked early but not on RC. The itinerary was changed by the cruise line from what I booked which may have softened their stance but I requested the change once on board as I realised that it would make more sense for me to disembark at the port before the final one. All ports were within Australia so immigration was not involved.
  5. Well that looks as though it's the same wine list as in the QG dining room. Thanks for posting that.
  6. Tango is a pretty easy dance to run a beginners' class for as it's a slow-moving dance (remember this is referring to ballroom tango and not Argentine tango).
  7. Are the 'Legendary Wines' there? (or similar name). Would you mind posting a link to the Britannia winelist you're reading from?
  8. Is the wine list in the MDR different from the wine list in the QG dining room? I'm interested specifically in the wines per glass; I'm familiar with the list in the QG which range from very good (included in the package) to brilliant (at extra cost). Are the wines by the glass different on the MDR wine list from those on the QG list?
  9. I agree and not just about the wine glut here (thanks China). Surely given the nature of wine production (being an annual event) wouldn't they be used to selling a year or two at a time? I was imagining they (cruise lines) would put contracts in place for an annual supply a couple of years in advance and not just for the big producers. Big supermarkets contract with farmers with a long lead time on livestock and produce. I don't see why the big business of cruise lines would be different when it comes to a known product like wine. Cunard's excuse for being out of stock of some wines on board in February this year was that they only replenish in Southampton. As a PSA, I can tell you that they have some excellent European and South American wines on board, by the glass, and within the limits of the drinks package (and even better - very special ones - by the glass beyond the limits of the drinks package).
  10. Cunard are really asking an awful lot of these unpaid 'goodwill ambassadors, dance partners and public relations representatives' as the advertisement advises. I'm surprised the company doesn't realise how valuable these dance hosts are to the company and to the ships and passengers; if they did they would not ask so much of them and pay them something for their trouble. If they expect them to be ambassadors and PR reps as well as dancing the soles off their shoes each night they should look after them and offer some remuneration.
  11. I'm surprised there's so much indignation at the photograph of the dance party posted earlier. They are clearly not engaged in ballroom dancing, as anyone with a shred of training in dancing can see. People are allowed to have fun and dance in many styles, including just moving to the music on a Cunard ship. I'm a very serious ballroom dancer and I have in the past found these dance party nights quite fun, especially since it gives everyone a chance to get onto the floor and enjoy dancing for pleasure. It's also difficult (and perhaps unwise?) to judge the attire of those snapped mid-dance in a semi-blurry photo.
  12. That's interesting. The wine lists I've seen posted via the Princess board must be different. Makes sense in a way - they'd have to print different ones for our market due to the use of AUD anyway so why not change the selection. Interesting.
  13. Having read the Princess board and the arguments about the right to wear a baseball cap in the MDR, I'd say you'll be fine. I find Cunard to be 'just right' (not always perfect by any means but this is the real world) and I'm very picky.
  14. Yes, that's it, John. I have previously read they give you a different limit than the regular paid-for one. Mystery solved! There are some very nice wines and cocktails between $12 and $13.
  15. Thanks. Yes, I have booked a CC cabin and the Premier package so hoping there's a decent drop. Agree with your assessments above. I've read about people taking their own glasses on Princess which made me wonder how bad they were. I thought I'd also seen they list a French champagne by the glass for Premier - do they really stock it?
  16. Thank you for that suggestion. I have already clocked that Vines might be the place to go and that taking a glass into the dining room from there might be necessary! I've read various comments about better and worse glassware; are they using plastic wine glasses in some venues?
  17. I've always found at least one of the lecturers on board gave an interesting, even engaging talk. I think it's a bit tough to say they're uniformly boring. It's a shame if your current trip has such uninspiring talent.
  18. I very rarely drink when I'm not on holiday due to medical issues so when I do drink I want it to be really special. I really care what I'm drinking so it will be interesting to see if the wines onboard live up to the wine lists I've seen advertised for the Grand.
  19. You'd think people would care about other people's health. I just make sure I wear my mask all the time, only taking it off to eat or drink on a cruise and make sure I'm sitting as far away from others as possible. It makes cruising a much diminished experience but I'm stubborn and won't be denied the experience - I just modify my own behaviour to protect myself. The good news is I have less sore throats and colds these days now I wear a mask everywhere!
  20. My concern is that a lot of people will ignore any symptoms they may have so they don't have *their* holiday ruined by having to cancel. Their previous honourable behaviour was 'encouraged' by the possibility of being found out at the port.
  21. I'm a bit confused. The drink price limit on board has been $13 since at least early this year (when the package went from $69 to $70 I think). When I purchased a drinks package yesterday for a cruise over 5 nights in length, the drink price limit was advertised as $13.50. I wasn't altogether surprised as I had seen that figure mentioned here already. I wonder if the $12 the earlier poster is referring to is the price limit imposed by Cunard on the free drinks packages they offer through some fares in the US market. I have read that they have slightly different terms and conditions.
  22. Yeah, well I pretty much do that already but thanks for your advice.
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