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Everything posted by brisalta

  1. That is one type of vessel with both ends pointy.
  2. I have never been charged for SMS texts no matter which continent I have been on.
  3. You do not need a so called smart phone for SMS messages. Inexpensive feature phones have SMS capabilities.
  4. Sad to say but in the past 10 years or so the UK government has turned the consular services into a money making business. There are ridiculous fees for everything.
  5. Not necessarily so. There are vessels that have both bow and stern that are blunt and there are vessels that have both bow and stern pointy.
  6. That has not been my experience. You are close enough to the coast at times that you can see it especially if you are on one of the higher decks.
  7. @Megabear2 Jan Swartz jswartz@princesscruises.com is the head of HAL Group of which Princess Cruise Lines is part of. She used to be head of Princess but takes a direct interest in what goes on at Princess. John Padgett jpadgett@princesscruises.com is now in Jan's former role at Princess.
  8. The stern is aft. The bow is forward.
  9. No, they are operated like an air vent on a ship. 😉
  10. There is a HVAC vent in the bathroom. Just make sure it is fully open, and the door open and clothes hung on the line in the shower stall dry very quickly.
  11. The Medallion has both active radio frequency transponder and a passive mode. The passive mode uses an RFId chip and the door sensor has a radio frequency detector and also has an RFId reader. How do I know this? I looked at the documents filed with the FCC.
  12. See my comment #15 where I questioned whether John Padgett still worked for Princess.
  13. I cancelled within 4 days of sailing due to my partner having a medical problem. Called Princess and cancelled. Within a few minutes received a credit back to credit card for all taxes that had been paid. We had Platinum Princess Cruise Protection so we got a note from the doctor which we used when we filed a claim with AON. Received the fare back in a checks/cheques in about 3 weeks from date of filing the claim.
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