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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. Good morning and thanks all! Good news Sandi and Jacqui! Glad you’re heading in the right direction! Love the Photos! We love Japanese eggplant, not bitter and we have it often in Hawaii. Also like Szechuan and Greek eggplant dips and in moussaka. @MISTER 67 hmmm 🤔 😀 missing our little houseguest, but we have a repeat engagement in July.
  2. I hope someone can answer about the credit if a booking is transferred. My understanding is that in the past that was the case but no longer. But I could well be wrong.
  3. Good morning and thanks all! Love the quote! Been doing yoga for a long time. Really helps with flexility and other things, but I do a very gentle restorative one. Well we were half packed up to head to the RV and then sigh a funnel cloud warning for later today, Sigh! There was a tornado very near there a few weeks ago, so not willing to chance it. Good news our water should be back to normal in another couple of weeks just in time for our big rodeo. @smitty34877 so sorry to hear that Tana is not well. I’m sure you are making your world a better place, and that’s all any of us can really do, I am too the same generation and snuck outside a concert to hear many of the greats, Janis Joplin and I swear Hendrix, but it may have been the lemon gin back in the day. @LambKnuckles loved that Howard persevered and you had many years together, hope those great memories help comfort you today. @ger_77 you tell the best stories, and I too giggled! Glad you caught the little devil! @kazu it’s your turn for some improvement! Soon I hope! Your peonies are incredible! Ours are still just in bud but it’s been cool, but that’s about to change. inquiring minds …. I giggled too! Ooh, now you make me want to go to Cobs! Love that your mom is still so active. We visited my dear aunt who lives near you who will be 100 next week. She is still great, but not the same as even a few years ago. Still recovering from the 12 pounds of lobster three of us shared! I am thinking I should make bisque with the leftovers, but this prairie girl may need help. I love how they were packed, with frozen chopped up bags of carrots to make it airline compatible. Great that we have some direct flights to the maritimes!
  4. Sending gentle hugs to both Terry and Terri! @Cruzin Terri@smitty34877 Ouch! @marshhawk hope all is ok! Thanks @Copper10-8 @ger_77 for the great photo and who’s who! DS made it home with quite the treat! I’ve never had Atlantic lobster this big! @Seasick Sailor
  5. Well DS returns tomorrow strike permitting. Good old west jet! The dear grand dog found a Special treat for us today 😂
  6. Sending gentle hugs! May good memories help comfort you!
  7. Good morning and thanks all. We’re thankful we have had rain, collecting it in lots of containers. @cunnorl we’ve used Stefano’s Rome cabs numerous times and they are wonderful. If you need to book well ahead. DH will celebrate sushi
  8. I would choose the itinerary with the most ports. HAL routinely has two week itineraries that circumnavigate Japan and take you to a number of less easily accessible ports. But I would combine that with at least a week preferably two pre or post. We spent 10 days pre cruise and that allowed us to really enjoy Kyoto. An overnight is just not enough for Kyoto, as well as visiting other worthwhile spots. It also allowed us to work up to Tokyo, a city of near 40 million. Keep in mind avoiding golden week. Japan is much easier than one would expect and extremely rewarding. Enjoy!
  9. Seriously the 7 11 stores have a good rate of exchange at their ATMs. We took some yen. But also were able to use our credit cards easily, @XBGuy love the French Chenin Blanc in the Loire! @Sharon in AZ yikes! Our first breakfast in Japan in the dining room, a woman asked if we weren’t sick of Japan. After that they went after the staff, hard to comprehend some people. I spoke to the Maître D and explained the staff weren’t the issue! But for the most part we’ve met and made some wonderful friends onboard.
  10. Happy Father’s Day to all! Also want to recognize all the pet dads! @Quartzsite Cruiser like you, I lost my dad the week before his 80 th birthday. @smitty34877 loved the hats they used to wear! @StLouisCruisers echoing others, worry you have a secondary infection! Please get checked, Three of my favourite dads!
  11. @Cruzin Terri so sorry to hear this! Hope you will be able to recover quickly.
  12. A VERY interesting read! Sounds like we’re not alone unfortunately https://piperepair.co.uk/2021/06/13/the-pccp-repair-and-reinforcement-project-caused-by-mistakes-of-the-70s/
  13. Good morning and thanks all! We’ve enjoyed Ketchikan mostly in sunshine a couple of times, love passionfruit so the cocktail sounds good other than its name. @0106 congratulations to your parents on their 65 wedding anniversary! @kazu yum on that lobster! DS is on PEI so hope he gets one too! @ger_77 happy birthday to your DS. @Quartzsite Cruiser glad all went well yesterday and you made it home safely @rafinmdhope you soon feel recovered. Sorry to hear so many are not well, we’ve had an uptick in Covid, sigh! Not good news here, a state of emergency has been declared after robot inspections of the pipe found five more critical areas that need to be replaced immediately. These pipes are at only half way through their life span, so not expected! Another possible five weeks of these severe restrictions! So our huge garbage bins are open waiting for rainstorms.
  14. Love the peonies! @Overhead Fred mine are similar and @Vict0riann ooh, please pace yourself, with your upcoming surgery. Great advice from @kazu You can never have enough chocolate, and Bruges is in a special category! @smitty34877 glad you are feeling a little better! @Cruzin Terri safe travels, hope you’re feeling better. We may have trouble giving our granddog back, lol! Not great news on the water front, two workers were seriously injured so work has stopped for awhile. Hopefully they’ll be okay and things can resume.
  15. Good morning and thanks all! @catmando happy birthday! We’re one week into the severe water restrictions, and another week best case scenario. Sigh! I have learned how much water we waste. Was shocked by how much extra water I use washing my hair in the shower, so will use the sink. At least the whole city has clean water flowing and we have cut consumption substantially. Unfortunately we also been having storms with tornados, one was very near our Rv, so that has limited our options. But as Maureen says there still lots to be grateful for! Also in a bit of a funk when HAL refunded two unexpired FCD without our request or permission. And a two hour, three way phone call with Our TA and HAL couldn’t correct it, even with our TA’s notes. HAL just insists the guest requested it, when neither we nor our TA did. We’ll see how they respond to the email. Not impressed. loved this scene, the deer were wondering if the patio was open?
  16. We used Nautilus and had a wonderful day swimming and touring on a beautiful boat. You can control how many people as it’s a private tour.
  17. Sorry to hear Tana and Terri are sick! @Vict0riann glad you have a date! @erewhon Congratulations! Always good to be five years out!
  18. Good morning and thanks all! Hard to type with one finger. As I snuggle the Granddog! @Denise T happy birthday! @StLouisCruisers glad the ice is broken, uncomfortable but beats the alternative. And the view is always better when you take the high road! @smitty34877 glad the teenager had a great time! Hope your weekend wasn’t too exhausting! @ger_77 thanks for the update on Maurice, glad he is recovering so well! @Cruzin Terri hope things are improving! @kazu some extra hugs! We’ve enjoyed Malta a couple of times, first with DD’s Maltese friends touring us around. I’ll try to share some different photos. We greatly enjoyed seeing the extremely ancient ruins, Hagar Qim. Over 5000 years old.
  19. @Cruising-along I’m sorry you are having such difficulties with that erratic. Is there something the state could do, Making it a park with proper fencing? Or would that just cause more issues?
  20. Good morning and thanks all! Bon Voyage @Mtn2Sea and @cruzn single @kazu I’m glad you explored some options, but hope you get some relief soon from your pain. Makes it hard to make any decisions. Sending extra hugs! I’m envious of that lobster roll! love Celtic art! Happy Sunday all! Find joy where you are! We sure enjoyed the soothing views and wonderful creatures in Waterton.
  21. Very late responding, just glad it’s not locked. @ger_77 we are in YYC. It has also impacted the towns of Airdrie, Strathmore and Chestermere But the fear is that we will run out if we don’t severely restrict as we were using more water than we have and our running at 40% less capacity. Hopefully that will not happen. We have saved our shower water to flush toilets and bowls in all sinks to catch used wash water. It really makes you realize how much we do waste. When we are at the RV we use very little. We will be okay, just hoping the city will. Some areas have no clean running water and they have to access emergency trucked in water. So we are the lucky ones. Ironically, our minister spoke about the importance of water last Sunday. @RMLincoln thanks again for your wise words. I too have learned to set my expectations aside. We do have so much to be thankful for. And we can always learn new ways, @Cruzin TerriI am sorry for your trials, I’m hoping things will turn around for you. I read a beautiful book called 1000 gifts by AnnVoskamp about finding gratitude in small things after the loss of a child. It is a wonderful book. @Seasick Sailor thanks for taking one for the team for all your research😂
  22. Good morning and thanks all! Bon voyage to @Suslor Fourth time lucky! You give me hope! And @swin26 praying all is well for @cruzn single @smitty34877 hope the teenager has a great time, and that things are calm for you this weekend. I lost my dear brother at 30 years of age less than a year after he was diagnosed with a gliablastoma. A terribly aggressive disease. They have excavated to the location of the leak, the pipe is 11 km long with a diameter of two meters, so hopefully it can be repaired in a week, best case scenario. So we will be on these extreme restrictions for awhile. We now save every bit of grey water, truly makes you think about something we take for granted, clean water. There is a very real concern we will run out. Stores have limited purchase of water. On a brighter note, we have our dear granddog as DS is off to Prince Edward Island for a little R and R after his four years of intense study. Hope you enjoy some of the wildflowers of Waterton National Park. It’s a UNESCO world heritage site,
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