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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. Good morning, lol! And thanks all! I love the quote, the sunrise in the clouds yesterday made me think of my parents and brother. It’s DGD’s 17 th birthday, how is that possible? March is a busy month in our family, me in a couple of days and then my late father and grandfather four days later. DS was due mid March but came early, so all my kids and DSIL are February. Forgive me for rambling. We went to bed at 10 pm local time, which I thought was respectable but at 1 am I was awake. I guess with the time change, my body thought I had a nap, as it was 6 pm Hawaii time. Finally, went back to sleep until 8 am Hawaii time. Oh well. @marshhawk thanks for the update, I wish the news was better. I hope you can solve the weight loss, or slow it down. Poor man! And you! Yikes on your LA adventures. @Quartzsite Cruiser Happy birthday Lenda! Hope you have a great day! @Overhead Fred happy birthday to Mitzi! @smitty34877 I had been thinking of baby Camilla, amazing how quickly they grow up! Thanks for sharing the update! Glad you can easily walk places! @cat shepard awesome on the gas! I am looking at a new hybrid soon, remind me of the type of vehicle? a couple more sunrise photos. You can see the mountains peaking through 😉
  2. Sorry late reading this and responding. Their Katsu sandwich is even better!
  3. Wonderful! We just bought that camera and had a great experience with it in Hawaii. Now I need to go to French Polynesia!
  4. you’re welcome! It was so beautiful, made the red eye worthwhile. They had loaded dinner not breakfast, so roast chicken at 3 am, lol! Appreciate all the good wishes, they worked! Thankyou to all @RMLincoln and @JazzyV finally catching up! Sending good wishes to @ger_77 and @Cruzin Terri @marshhawk how’s Chuck? I think I missed the update.
  5. Good morning???? We had dinner for breakfast, A little bleary eyed but home. We have 311 in our city. I’m off to celebrate napping day, great timing! a beautiful sunrise, which I usually miss!
  6. Yikes I’m so sorry! Our last fridge was also a Samsung that gave up the ghost suddenly the week before Christmas a year ago. We needed a counter depth and were lucky to find an LG that was delivered the next day. They are very highly rated for fridges. But I wouldn’t buy one of their ovens,lol! best of luck!
  7. Good morning and thanks all! @rafinmdlove how you helped out! @kazu hope today is better! My best friends first overseas trip was Cairo, she was blown away! Thanks for the kind wishes for travelling home. It’s a red eye, not my favourite but non stop so worth it, Wis it wasn’t daylight savings as that adds an extra hour on! We celebrated last night at a wonderful new resort that has just reopened after being closed for over ten years due to a Tsunami, They grow their own food and source local ingredients.
  8. @Quartzsite Cruiser love the reverse image! So fun to see them from the other islands! I meant to respond about snorkelling, I love it too, but entry can be tough in some beaches so full disclosure DS and DH are to credit. I’m thinking I need to book an overwater bungalow in Tahiti, so much easier! 😂🤷‍♀️
  9. Good morning and thanks all! @grapau27my condolences to Sarah, Pauline and you. Estrangement makes grief even harder. @cat shepard I am sorry to hear you are having to scramble. So unfortunate! @luvteaching I’m sure the board would benefit from your participation. Our last day here, the laundry awaits, lol! A view of Haleakala
  10. I think with that name, it would be easy to click the wrong button!
  11. Not to mention the free breakfasts! Sigh! We shared your pain!
  12. Good morning and thanks all! Love my middle name, my DDF named me. @marshhawkyikes on the meds! Glad to read all the suggestions, hope one works! @dfish we love Kalbi ribs, had some this week from a local Korean restaurant. Hope to visit the Great Barrier Reef one day, for now here’s a few underwater Pacific creatures.
  13. Yikes! So glad the rough ride is over! Enjoy New Zealand!
  14. Highly recommend the private water taxi. It’s pricey but arriving in Venice it’s magical. Your luggage and you will be deposit as close to your hotel as possible. Our hotel had a small dock. We have also used on two occasions, Treviso Car Service. They have clean large vans that can take a group and pick up in Piazza Roma or airport. They have been both reasonable and reliable. I do believe they will provide transport to Trieste. Some things are just worth the cost.
  15. We stayed in a lovely three bed two bathroom in Cannaregio. But it’s a little further and I don’t have access to my files as we are travelling. We did arrange a two bedroom apartment through the Hotel Bisanzio with a lovely terrace. Bonus was the lovely breakfast at the hotel and the interesting less tourist area. My only caution with air BnB is I have heard of several being cancelled due to “plumbing issues”. I would make sure to have a plan B.
  16. Good morning and thanks! We were fortunate to visit Alexander Grahams Bell’s home in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Must be Canadian inventors month! @RedneckBob happy birthday! @sailingdutchy happy anniversary to you both! a whale of a day to you both!
  17. @rafinmd love the maps! @Heartgrove you’ll know when it’s time, sending hugs! Enjoy each day with beautiful Sam! @ger_77 echo Gerry’s comments about only one Hurricane, I finished DH’s as well in New Orleans, barely lived to tell about it! Grief is like waves, sometimes barely noticeable lapping at your feet, other times it knocks you right over and you didn’t even see them coming.
  18. Good morning and thanks all! We visit Hilo every year at least once. We were just in Hilo last week, DS has a good friend there. Highly recommend a visit to Akaha falls and Mauna Kea. Also check the local shops, some sell beautiful vintage Kimonos. Beautiful murals and great local food.
  19. @Quartzsite Cruiser happy birthday to Steve! @marshhawk praying all goes well for Chuck! @ottahand7 glad the surgery went well! @StLouisCruisers glad you found a safe place for your DGD, can’t put a price on that! @cat shepard so glad you are there to advocate for your sister, although so exhausting. @Quartzsite Cruiser great photos of Knossos, do go back so much to see in Crete. Good news our dear granddog is home where DGD can look after him.
  20. @Heartgrove my deepest condolences. These are the hardest decisions pet owners have to make! Sending hugs, so hard to lose such a loyal friend!
  21. Good morning and thanks all! Hard to keep up being so far west where it’s still breakfast time! Crete is our other favourite island. We’ve visited Heraklion and the museum is great but we highly recommend a lot longer stay, as the rest of this huge island is absolutely beautiful and three several week long trips have not been enough.
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