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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. Good morning and thanks all! Sending extra hugs to @kazu and @smitty34877 Praying things start to improve for both of you soon! A very big welcome home to the Grand Australia crew! That must feel quite something! re metric, we’re bilingual! My mom only understood imperial, our children only metric. We translate, lol! Lots of beavers here!
  2. It was several hours and included an excellent lunch, but the exact length I have forgotten. We stopped several places to swim.
  3. Good day and thanks all! Glad to hear that dailylites families are safe in Taiwan. After our earthquake experience in Hawaii, I can only begin to imagine how it must feel with the aftershocks. We visited Galway several years ago and were taken by the mackerel fishing. @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for your photos! I’m glad you are home safely, and enjoyed the gorgeous blue bonnets! I will ever make it to page one being in the west and even further west part do the year, lol! @RedneckBob we had the pleasure of getting our medallions from Captain Timmers as well! @smitty34877 glad the help allowed you all to have a more restful night! Praying for more calm for you and yours. @dfish aww, it looks so sore, glad you went to the dr! Hope it improves soon, if not I second the recommendation to see your eye dr. @Haljo1935 so sorry you have these insurance issues. Makes me feel very blessed. Stay warm everyone! We are in the midst of another spring snow…
  4. @Nickelpenny congratulations! We have over 100 days on HAL but are just on the cusp of four star! I envy you your laundry! @smitty34877 glad you are going to get some help, sleep is so important for all of you! @dfishglad you are getting some treatment, hope it improves quickly!
  5. Good morning and thanks all! @smitty34877 so sorry to hear your news, sending gentle hugs and prayers. @dfish yikes on your eye, so glad you will stop at the urgent care for treatment. We enjoyed seeing some of the flora and fauna in Costa Rica well our snow has melted just in time for the weather event that starts later today! Sigh!
  6. LOL! I couldn’t post them if I didn’t know they were good! My favourite was a passion fruit ganache, it’s missing but there were two. I also really like the early grey lavender and earl grey roses, there’s a a matcha one, a cardamom one, espresso, hazelnut….. It was hard to choose! They’re a chocolate shell mostly filled with different flavoured chocolate ganache. They had beautiful raspberry truffle bunnies,and key lime ones as well as chocolate dinosaurs. Ridiculously pricey but beautiful and we were married at Easter🤷‍♀️
  7. Good morning and thanks all! @summer slope prayers for Mike, so hard away from home! @smitty34877 so sorry to hear Tana and you all had such a tough night, hoping you all get some relief! @ger_77 please don’t apologize, it’s a privilege and honour to help others, grief is such a tough thing and sharing helps! @aliaschief I have loved following your adventures! So glad you have shared! I think we are united by a common love of HAL, but it’s always good to broaden one’s horizons. Thank you! @RMLincoln happy for your wonderful news about the positive outcome for all you’ve been through for DH’s eye! @marshhawk good luck today! @Nickelpenny sorry you had bad results, hoping you can maintain your joint health! We got our snow warning yesterday, today will be very pleasant and than lots of snow. The joys of a Canadian spring! Had to share some amazing local chocolates we had! Such a great name, the chocolate lab!
  8. @ger_77 no words! I am in awe, so sorry for your loss.
  9. Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit! Hope everyone had a Good Easter! We’re between snow storms so that’s good. @ottahand7 hugs to you on this hard day! @kazu excellent news, fingers crossed no more hiccups! We had the pleasure to visit Tokyo and be there when the emperor abdicated. We enjoyed a visit to the imperial palace and gardens. Stunning beside the modern largest city; it can be a tad overwhelming. We were glad we visited at the end of our trip.
  10. @Quartzsite Cruiser glad your DH was ok! They can be very dangerous. The frond fell between us, I was walking with a ship friend and DH was walking with her DH. It fell right between. Safe travels! that’s why I appreciate these guys!
  11. Happy Easter! Good morning and thanks all! We’ve enjoyed visiting Nauplion a couple of times, though narrowly missed a falling palm frond!
  12. Nice! So there is hope about the Tasman. lol on the bathrooms! @aliaschief it must have been incredible, but sounds exhausting!
  13. Thanks @erewhon sounds fabulous! How was the crossing? I’m such. Fairweather sailor. LOL, I grew up with one bathroom for four people. Now we have four for two, lol!,
  14. Good morning and thanks all! Nice to see the Greenland photos, Sandi and Lenda! @erewhon welcome home after 30 days! Where did you go? @ger_77 I’m exhausted just reading about your day! Prayers for your friend! It is wonderful how you support others! Hope you have a great family visit, love your descriptions of the excited little puppies! @kazu my only advice is word of mouth. One of our best dog sitters was our son’s friend. He would even sleep on the couch to be near the dog! He was special. We had an older retired couple but they didn’t really understand dogs. Praying you find someone excellent, soon. Sorry so much rain is falling literally and figuratively. Bon voyage to all those off today! @RMLincoln I giggled about the backing up. Good for you for driving the truck and fifth wheel. I stopped at the motorhome, lol! It is still snowing, sigh!
  15. How sad! The Indonesian green tea was amazing! Thanks for coming back!
  16. We didn’t, but it was a number of years ago so things may well have changed. We found them very reliable.
  17. Special hugs to @luvteaching and @smitty34877 those anniversaries are particularly tough! I am in awe of the strong women on this thread!
  18. @BermudaBound2014 adding my thanks for your very informative and interesting thread. I particularly enjoyed your positive attitude! I followed along and had my heart in my throat, when you made your midnight visit to Kona. Hoping there was a good outcome for those involved. We felt a bit uncomfortable in San Diego with public transit. Unfortunately, it is a growing problem many places and in Hawaii as well. Hopefully answers will be found. I’m sending much aloha for your time in Maui, I feel the same, Hawaii is a very healing place and has been an important part of my life for decades. Many great memories, and we hope to continue to spend a few months each year as we have been blessed to do so. Mahalo! and kudos to @canadianbear thanks for taking one for the team!
  19. Good morning and thanks all! Yum on that wine! @dfish the big box store in Hawaii sold a carrot daikon salad that was really good, similar to the last one. @ger_77 prayers for Maurice. @summer slope so sorry to hear of your injuries yikes! Heal quickly! @kazu sorry that more things have arisen! I wish I was closer, Ivan is such a love! We got to enjoy seeing over 40 bald eagles yesterday.
  20. Good day and thanks all! Prayers for Baltimore and the devastating news! We have fond memories from that area and Annapolis. @AncientWanderer yikes on your poor DGD, glad they got a diagnosis quickly, praying the antibiotics work well! Hope your DH receives good news and you can soon relax on your cruise! @kazu beautiful photos of Maverick! Praying you feel better soon! DH got his stitches out this morning so all is well there. We had a lovely day yesterday seeing a rare Western bluebird. They only are usually found in BC, and poor thing must have got blown off course with our storms.
  21. Good morning and thanks all! Great photos of Cork! We enjoyed our visit there and to Waterford! No Blarney though! An interesting day, the Greek PM is visiting Canada today and Yoko and John’s bed in was in Canada. Wish that would afford peace! @grapau27 hope Sarah and Pauline find a way to say goodbye. When DH’s father died his stepmother wouldn’t have a funeral, so it was very difficult. All the best at this trying time. Glad you’re sending Sarah on a little trip. @cat shepard Happy birthday to your DS! @ottahand7 what a great way to do a wine tasting, although I love lamb and octopus, lol! Apparently bluebirds have been sighted! They didn’t get the snow memo!
  22. Very late today! Bon voyage @RedneckBob @dfish sending some gentle hugs for you and River. Children of trauma need that calm support, but it’s not easy! Bless you! @ger_77 great idea on the coasters! @Haljo1935 gentle hugs! We watched part of the state funeral for former prime minister Brian Mulroney, the Montreal basilica is beautiful. A moving service with tributes from Wayne Gretzky, Trudeau and his family. Nicely done.
  23. Good morning and thanks all! @seagarsmoker happy birthday! @RMLincolnsometimes it’s hard to understand decisions, some forgo regular diagnostic tests, refuse biopsies…. But sometimes the best decision can be to not have chemo depending on the individual. Current thinking and newer studies don’t recommend for low or even moderate risks for some cancers. But each person has to weigh the pros and cons of treatment and side effects for themselves, hopefully with good advice from their oncologists. Glad you supported your friend in her decision. Bonvoyage to those heading off! the snow continues….
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