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Everything posted by Bubbeh

  1. The power of the consumer. Not happy? Walk, plenty more options.
  2. I also heard that they're considering dropping the VISA requirement for a number of countries including Oz and NZ. Back to the good old days. I have no issue with paying the Tourist Tax, when we were there recently the improvements that have been made using this money were impressive.
  3. This is a good strategy but, whatever you do, be factual avoiding emotional or pejorative language. And never threaten to withdraw custom, once you do that there's no reason to satisfy you.
  4. My experience is that you have to be harder to ignore than to satisfy. Works for me.
  5. There are so many things I can say here but I don't know your husband and besides, from you other posts over time he seems like a good bloke. What I did really want to do is commend you on your courage (not sure that's the right word but it's 6:31am and I have a head cold so my brain is a tad foggy) and fortitude to do a world cruise on your own. There are times when I think that I would love to do that but then I think, who'd kiss my forehead and wish me sweet dreams each night.
  6. Yes, it's very much feasible - see @MicCanberra's informative post #10 just below mine. I doubt you'd be able to get a taxi to take you 50m even if it was teaming with rain. Almost take longer to get your luggage and yourselves in than it would to drive there. I am presuming that neither of you is disabled / wheelchair bound?
  7. Well, once again I learn a new and valuable thing. Every day's a school day. Thanks.
  8. As an aside, I'd never thought of taking a hair dryer. I'm sure I could squeeze one in somewhere, just gotta nip out and buy one. While I'm at the shops I might as well buy a hair straightener and curlers too.
  9. That might be a good place to start but I think you probably need to go the the same department in the port of registration. Good luck.
  10. We say bathers although I grew up saying swimming costume. The unfortunate legacy of 10 Pound Pom parents - quickly teased out of me at school swimming lessons. @onlyslightlymad Oh for a life where the only reason Grumpy got cranky was if I said paste instead of butter.
  11. We stayed at the Rydges Sydney International Airport twice and from memory it's right over the road from the entrance to the terminal. Is my memory dodgy? Anyway, I was wondering why if you can transport your luggage from the shuttle stop to the terminal, you can't transport it from Rydges? If it's a real issue to travel even a short distance, perhaps one of you could dash over the road and grab a trolley to put the suitcases on. Just a suggestion, I think the Rydges is really nice and I enjoyed our overnighters there.
  12. As it happens Kevin & Janetta together with the Matt & Brett are my favourites. I'm also becoming pretty fond of the girls (names escape me), BTW, Grumpy reckons that I'm partial to K & J because we always like ourselves in the mirror - I've no idea what he means. LOL!
  13. Thank you for the invitation to contact you, you never know. I gotta be honest, the Frens do my head in, they're so over the top and loud. I can deal with Jonathon but the rest...bloody hell!
  14. Good point but contrary to much human nature I'm afraid.
  15. I am a firm believer that there is no inheritance until you're dead. You're spending you own money be it retirement savings or remuneration. How dare anyone anticipate a windfall from another's eventual death. Not a whole lot makes me cranky but this mindset really gets my knickers in a twist. Edited to say that I don't mean your mindset rather the mindset of younger generations.
  16. Adherence to RSA????? Clearly not a concern in this environment.
  17. Over pack a little, bring a water filter jug. The tap water in the sink is potable just can taste a little iffy. The water filter turns it into tasteless water.
  18. Speaking of Newcastle, has anyone been watching Travel Guides? Sunday night was in Newcastle and it looked like a really interesting destination. Went onto my bucket list for the next time we're that side of the country.
  19. Yep, the days of cruising being a cheap holiday option are well and truly over.
  20. The WW11 tunnels are very interesting provided you're not claustrophobic - https://www.ww2tunnelsdarwin.com.au/ .
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