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HAL Sailer

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Everything posted by HAL Sailer

  1. Hoping @dfish arrived home safely ahead of the storm hitting Midland. I'm two+ hours north of her. The storm has arrived here -- ice, snow, wind. This is our current ice-coated view (NOT!) out our Living Room now ⬇️: And, this is our usual winter view ⬇️: -Melisa
  2. @marshhawk Sending extra hugs. Your decision was hard but know that Neko is now at peace and not in pain. @MISTER 67 Glad to hear you are doing well and celebrating 77 years! @Sharon in AZ Sorry you had a tough conversation with your mother. It's good she has you to lean on even when it's a challenge. @RMLincoln What fun it was to watch your family's sailaway. Enjoy! -M.
  3. @arzz Welcome to The Fleet Report and Daily! Honestly, I don't think we consider anything inconsequential here -- some topics are just more consequential than others. Heck, we help each other with cooking, home improvement, pet care, cruising tips, along with thoughtfully embracing each other's joys and sorrows. Keep dreaming about your return to the sea! You're among good company as many are on hiatus for a multitude of reasons. Personally, the port reports and pictures are helping me add to my bucket list while the 'Good Ship Melisa' is in drydock. Thanks for your informative first post! -Melisa
  4. Eons ago, I had a freezer-on-bottom. Hated it for the same reasons as @superoma. Also, not a big fan of freezer-on-top. So, I'm hoping to find a countertop depth side-by-side with enough interior storage and an exterior water & ice dispenser that will fit the current space with room for the doors to swing and isn't on backorder! Not asking for much, am I??? (Evoking a carpenter's saying, I'll need to measure twice and order once.) -Melisa
  5. After unpacking literally & emotionally from my DSIL's six month long journey to her transition and memorial services last weekend, I gave myself yesterday curled on the couch catching up on The Daily. I won't attempt to reiterate all I read or the prayers I said or the joys I felt, but a few things jumped out: @kazu Thanks for the reminder that we all need to give ourselves time to heal -- physically and emotionally. Your wisdom allowed me permission to take yesterday off. @Seasick Sailor's unfortunate elevator interaction with that currently able but incredibly rude woman who said there should be a handicap elevator made me think of what a PT friend says we should all remember, "We are all just temporarily able." @dfish You mentioned serving the daily recipe mandarin orange salad to your sister when she next visits. To celebrate your return to Michigan, perhaps you'll add some of our famous dried cherries? They are delicious in salad and a great with citrus. @XBGuy, @StLouisCruisers, @bennybear, Yesterday's refrigerator discussion made me realize all the things I'll need to consider before replacing my regular depth refrig with a countertop depth one. The personal experiences of the Daily-ites will have me thinking and rethinking. Thanks! @cunnorl's return to golf reminded me that it doesn't seem @MISTER 67has posted recently -- about golfing or anything. Hoping all is well. And, now, I'll sign off admitting I'm curled up on the couch again this morning and very thankful we are not among the half-million homes in Michigan still without power after this week's storms. Hoping @ottahand7 family's homes are soon restored. My 🙏 and my 🎉 to you all, -Melisa
  6. Just back from my DSIL's memorial service weekend. I need to catch up with The Daily from last Thursday forward. But first, a story from the weekend: At Saturday's service luncheon, an elderly lady named Pearl came to me asking, "Are you Melisa?" Since DSIL's grandson's wife is also a Melissa, I answered, "Yes, I'm the Melisa married to DSIL's brother." Pearl responded, "I thought so. Well, I wanted you to know we prayed for you again." I was very puzzled and my face surely betrayed me. Pearl added, "You know, we prayed for your driving. You know, your DSIL called me at Christmas when you were driving down to see her in that horrid Christmas storm and asked me to start the Prayer Chain for your safe travels." I had not known that DSIL had done that, but I thanked Pearl. Then Pearl added, "I started the chain again on Thursday because I guessed you'd be bringing her brother down for the memorial either in that big Thursday storm or on bad roads Friday. And, since your DSIL could no longer ask me to do it, I just started the Prayer Chain for her. I didn't think she'd mind." I thanked Pearl again and told her I was sure DSIL would be in complete agreement. (And, we had safe travels at Christmas and for the memorial. Plus we arrived home last night ahead of the incoming storm. Thanks Pearl and DSIL!) Now, to rest up and catch up... -Melisa
  7. In addition to last night's horrid loss of three student's lives at Michigan State is the fact that some MSU students who hid from last night's gunman did exactly the same thing only 14 months ago at Oxford High School when four of their classmates were slaughtered. -M.
  8. A righteous rant @ottahand7 and Guest Services should make it right by you rapidly! -Melisa
  9. From 1999: A very special travel memory -- helping my 86 year old mother manage the climb to the top of the Acropolis. She wanted to see the Parthenon in person; not in pictures! -Melisa (The full story of her climb is posted on the July 14, 2022's The Daily, page 4, post #98.)
  10. Wow, @Seasick Sailor, that's a very frustrating and, dare I say, useless response... -Melisa
  11. UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! I thanked Pete @The-Inside-Cabin for his response ⬆️ from earlier and he immediately posted the following: "I am in touch with Kathi. I will share updates when able. She is back in Virginia. She will probably post something on her blog in due time." (Perhaps Pete contacted her after his earlier response??? It's good to know she did arrive in Virginia.) -M
  12. The @Scrapnanaconcern continues: On his WC thread and with my apology for a quick hijack of his thread, I copied and asked @The-Inside-Cabinif he had seen Monday's post on The Fleet Report and Daily wondering if he had any update about @Scrapnana. @The-Inside-Cabin responded on his WC thread (post #317): "I don't have any update." -Melisa
  13. @The-Inside-Cabin, not wanting to hijack your thread, but wondering if you saw this post on HAL board's The Fleet Report and Daily. Realize you may not have heard from @Scrapnana or may not be able to share what you've heard. Any news that you can share would be appreciated over on The Fleet Report and Daily. Thanks -- hijack done. ⬇️ Before heading out on the World Cruise @The-Inside-Cabin posted: "Kathi, aka Scrapnana, had to cancel the world cruise at the last second. She was going to be one of our tablemates for the cruise. We stopped by to see her in the Broward County Hospital, where she is undergoing tests but remains in great spirits. We will miss her very much on this cruise." Although they've been at sea since, I wonder if @The-Inside-Cabin has heard anything from Kathi and if they have any update on @Scrapnanathey can share? Just a thought since there has been no other word since she flew home...
  14. @marshhawk, if you are looking for something fun, easy, affordable, and, yes, touristy, I'd suggest Vancouver's False Creek Aquabus. It provides a fun tour of the inner harbour and is easy transportation around that area of Vancouver. Adult day long passes are currently $17CAN (less if a senior). The Aquabus will take you from near Stanley Park (#1) to Science World (#8). As it goes around False Creek (not a creek; a large harbour) it also stops at touristy Grandville Island Marketplace (#2) -- a larger version of Boston's Faneuil Market -- where you might enjoy a meal or a snack. -Melisa
  15. Thanks, @StLouisCruisers ! Now you are doing triple duty --for Rich, for Roy, for me! Thanks for handling it and for explaining how it's easily done. Much appreciated, -Melisa
  16. Yes, last March I did post pictures of Nosy Be from our wet-landing during a cruise of the Indian Ocean on Orient Line's Marco Polo 27 years ago! (The Orient Line is defunct and its Marco Polo went to the breakers...) I don't know how to move the pictures from last March's post to today's The Daily -- and they aren't digital pictures. If someone knows how to repost them here from then, please feel free to do it. And, if anyone just wants to see the pictures I posted back in 2022, you can go to @StLouisCruiserspost #4 on today's first page for the link to March 7, 2022. Click on the link she posted and when it opens you can find my pictures on page three in post #63 of March 7, 2022. Just remember, it was 27 years ago! -Melisa
  17. Understandable @kazu. Just know that The Daily-ites are holding you up with care and prayer. And, remember, to wrap your one good arm around yourself and squeeze -- not as good as a two-armed hug but better than a virtual one! Looking forward to your return, -Melisa
  18. And, where's @kazu??? Unless I missed it, she didn't post on The Daily yesterday nor yet today. Hoping all is well with @kazu ... -Melisa
  19. Yes, @Quartzsite Cruiser, I don't expect @Scrapnana will post, but I was hoping by tagging Pete & Judy @The-Inside-Cabin to trigger a response from @The-Inside-Cabinas Pete posts multiple times a day from the WC. If @The-Inside-Cabin (Pete & Judy) have heard anything from Kathi, maybe they can give a limited update without violating her privacy? Just a thought, -Melisa
  20. 🤕OUCH!🤕 Recently, we've definitely needed an emoji response 🤕OUCH🤕 button! Glad to hear you weren't seriously hurt @cruising sister.
  21. Before heading out on the World Cruise @The-Inside-Cabin posted: "Kathi, aka Scrapnana, had to cancel the world cruise at the last second. She was going to be one of our tablemates for the cruise. We stopped by to see her in the Broward County Hospital, where she is undergoing tests but remains in great spirits. We will miss her very much on this cruise." Although they've been at sea since, I wonder if @The-Inside-Cabin has heard anything from Kathi and if they have any update on @Scrapnanathey can share? Just a thought since there has been no other word since she flew home... -Melisa
  22. @tupper10, I'd send a hug but even a virtual one sounds too painful for your back. Instead, I'll put yours and your son's healing in my nightly prayers.🙏 -Melisa
  23. @SusieKIslandGirl, it's made with honeycomb toffee -- what my grandma called seafoam. No honey involved. -Melisa
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