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HAL Sailer

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Everything posted by HAL Sailer

  1. @0106 I can't attest to Hokey Pokey as I'm ONLY a mint chip girl. And, my DH's memory no longer remembers his Hokey Pokey pursuits. From the following web description, I'm guessing he loved the toffee bits. And, all the dairy products in NZ were extra rich and flavorful from grass grazed herds, so Hokey Pokey's vanilla base was likely delicious, too. From: https://www.theflavorbender.com/hokey-pokey-ice-cream-honeycomb/ "If you’re a Kiwi (New Zealander), Hokey Pokey needs no introduction! For the rest of the world though, those words are just hocus pocus. Hokey Pokey ice cream is one of the most popular ice creams in New Zealand, perhaps second only to plain ol’ vanilla. It’s a quintessentially Kiwi treat where rich creamy vanilla ice cream is mixed with crunchy bits of honeycomb toffee (i.e. hokey pokey). It’s incredibly tasty and incredibly addictive, so much so that they even have rehab centers in NZ to treat those with hokey pokey addictions. Actually, that’s a lie. I made that last bit up. But you know what I mean. Whether you call it Hokey Pokey or Honey Comb or Sponge Candy, those who have tried it will attest to the fact that it’s one of a kind!" -Melisa
  2. @Cruzin Terri and @Lady Hudson, thank you for your condolences on the loss of my DH's sister (my DSIL). Your messages are much appreciated, -Melisa
  3. @cat shepard, our condolences. My DH lost two young adult (but childless) nephews to the ravages of addiction. So, we some sense of the tragic loss you, your nephew's extended family, and, especially, his son have suffered. 🙏Our prayers are with you all.🙏 -Melisa
  4. We definitely need an 🤕OUCH🤕 emoji response button! @Seasick Sailor I hope time heals and no serious injuries are found! EAT ICE CREAM FOR BREAKFAST DAY reminds me of DH in his prime. On a multi-week tour of New Zealand, DH discovered his love of NZ's famous Hokey Pokey ice cream flavor. (A flavor many of HAL's current World Cruisers are enjoying.) In his prime, DH could eat ice cream anywhere, anytime. So, it quickly became the joke that while the group (including yours truly) gathered at a local establishment for a pub meal plus a pint, DH would disappear and then rejoin us Hokey Pokey filled cone in hand. And, by the end of the tour, the pub group's numbers dwindled as the 'Hokey Pokey Pied Piper' led more and more astray... Oh, the good memories, -Melisa
  5. Thank you @puppycanducruise. I missed seeing your post earlier today. Your heartfelt words are appreciated, -Melisa
  6. Thank you to @StLouisCruisers, @ger_77, @superoma, @Heartgrove, @cat shepard, @ocean sounds, @smitty34877, @dfish, @1ANGELCAT, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @JazzyV, @marshhawk, @durangoscots, @Sharon in AZ, @aliaschief, @ottahand7, @grapau27, @Cruising-along, @kazu, @bennybear, @cunnorl, @Seasick Sailor, @RMLincoln, @erewhon, and anyone else I inadvertently missed for yesterday's heartfelt condolence messages. As @marshhawk so aptly said, "She was the memory in the family, when your DH didn't remember. I know you will miss her." With deep appreciation to all, -Melisa
  7. We did receive separate messages from each son this morning but each mentioned his brother in a tender way. Perhaps through this journey with their mother they, too, have found peace. -Melisa
  8. We woke to the news that DSIL passed very early this morning. My DH said about his only remaining sibling, "I'm not surprised, but I wasn't ready to hear it." After so many health challenges, my DSIL is blessedly now at peace. Thank you all for your continued prayers over these past months, -Melisa
  9. Nothing is seeing its shadow in NW MI today and the deep freeze is headed our way. Currently feels like +17°F but headed to a feels like -17°F overnight with a -1°F high tomorrow. Even our river is shivering as it freezes over. Brrr! Hoping we hear from @rafinmdsoon. It's been 20 hours since he reported being home... -Melisa
  10. @rafinmd My 🙏prayers🙏 are with you and with your entire medical team (yes, even with that night nurse who needs to learn what to say when) for your speedy and complete healing. -Melisa
  11. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for including me, but you can remove me and shorten the Care List. Yesterday's and today's The Daily discussions of fraud have reminded us all that, as the sergeant on Hill Street Blues used to say, "Let's be careful out there." -Melisa
  12. That's the website our financial advisor recommended and that I used. I found the Equifax and Experian credit reports more user-friendly but the bank where the fraudulent account was opened mainly uses TransUnion, so I check its report very closely. Depending on the circumstances, there are limits on how often one can check each bureau's report for free. Perhaps the only good impact of Covid-19 is that EVERYONE can check each of the three bureau's reports FREE each WEEK through December 2023. I do not know the history of that Covid provision, but I'm glad it exists. We've always been extremely careful with our data, information, accounts, etc and this identity theft made me feel very stupid and violated. But I've learned how often it happens to even the most careful people. That doesn't make me feel less violated, but I don't feel as dumb... -Melisa
  13. @cat shepard @JazzyV @Quartzsite Cruiser @Sharon in AZ @marshhawk @*Miss G* @bennybear @kazu @grapau27 @smitty34877 @StLouisCruisers @ger_77 @Cruising-along and anyone I've inadvertently missed: Thank you for the birthday wishes! Your 🎂greetings🎂 have made me feel like I'm celebrating the birthday that wasn't! My DH's very ill sister (my DSIL) is no longer able to remind my DH the things he no longer remembers. It's just an expectation adjustment I need to make... Thank you so much -- you've made my day, -Melisa
  14. @superoma and @StLouisCruisers, thanks for catching the error. Yes, it is my DSIL. We visited her twice last week when downstate for my DH's first cousin's funeral. We found that DSIL's month bed-bound has taken a toll greater than the medical conditions she's fighting. Blessedly, her sons have declared a truce and visit daily but separately. We continue to pray for DSIL's transition. I've not posted much lately. I've been very busy securing our financial affairs. In mid-January, an online non-USA bank sent me a WELCOME to your new account letter. It was not mine! The bank's fraud department identified that a fraudster had attempted to open an online account attaching two traditional bank accounts (not ours) to fund the online account and attached one cash app account presumably to use the app to drain the account of fraudulent funds. Why and how my name was used is anyone's guess, but the fraudster used an invalid email address causing the bank's WELCOME to be postal mailed to me when the bank's email welcome bounced back. That error by the fraudster, caused me to learn my name was being used and get the account shut down quickly. Had the email gone through to the fraudster, I might never have known until more damage was done. But, that started what has been my almost continual work locking up our credit reports, putting fraud alerts on all our financial accounts, securing all direct deposits and payments from allowing any banking changes, etc, etc, etc. So far, nothing seems amiss but… I don't wish what I've been through on anyone. But, if you find yourself the subject to any sort of identity theft, I recommend using the Federal Trade Commission's identity theft website. After describing the type of identity theft you have suffered, its website generates a checklist of everything you should do. One bank recommended the FTC site to me and the FTC guidance has been very helpful. I considered telling this tale of woe late yesterday on Data Privacy Day but I just didn't have the energy. Between the identity theft work, staying in touch with DSIL's continuing vigil, my DH's cousin's funeral and the travel involved, and my DH's ever increasing mobility and memory challenges, I've had little time for anything else. I even missed celebrating my 70th birthday! I'll admit my emotional tank is drained – thankfully our finances weren't! Thanks again @superomaand @StLouisCruisers for catching the DSIL error. I do think it best to move DSIL to the Rotation List as the length of her end days is very much unknown. I've tried to read The Daily each night and I've offered my prayers for those in need and congratulations to those celebrating. I just haven't posted. -Melisa
  15. @rafinmd Add my 🙏prayers🙏 to the rest. Get well soon. -Melisa
  16. @rafinmd I think it's time to take my sister-in-law (DSIL) off the Care list or move her to the Rotation. We are now two weeks into her vigil, she has not improved but yesterday she was moved from the hospital to a nursing home, and it seems her final days may be long in number. Many thanks, -Melisa
  17. @rafinmd Thought of you when reading that Monday's auto train trip stretched into Tuesday and on into Wednesday... 'Train Ride From Hell’: 17-Hour Amtrak Trip Becomes 37-Hour Ordeal Amtrak said that a CSX freight derailment forced its train from Virginia to Florida to detour from its normal route, adding 20 hours to the trip. Full article: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/11/us/amtrak-delayed-va-fl.html
  18. @kazu So glad you got home safely before the FAA disruption. Sorry it's sans luggage. Prayers for your healing and for continued sanity as you deal with your elbow's limitations. @Scrapnana Good to hear your daughter's flight to Florida took off. Wonderful that she will be with you for your return flight. Prayers for a quick diagnosis and treatment plan. @grapau27 Just catching up on your Sarah's health crisis. Prayers for her. You & Pauline are such a blessing to her as you are there for her today and every day.
  19. @richwmn Thanks! Didn't mean to challenge your use of 'minor' just knew, based on the reports of damage, that it was lucky the outcome wasn't more serious especially since there are posts about people being on the sports court when the lightning hit. Glad all are safe and repairs minor. -Melisa
  20. Given the descriptions, on various GWV threads, of the explosive bang felt when the lightning hit, the ship's radio antenna being destroyed, a window broken, and a hole left in the Lido, methinks my definition of 'minor' differs widely from @richwmn's. 🤔Whew! So glad the Zdam is underway and that no injuries are reported. -Melisa
  21. The vigil for DSIL continues into day eleven. From five hours away, my DH prays his sister knows it is okay for her to quit the fight... So glad to learn that @Scrapnanaand @kazu are both headed home. My 🙏prayers🙏 are offered for each. -Melisa
  22. Not @1ANGELCAT but it's the same link @rafinmd shared but with @Scrapnana having now posted a Friday update. https://2022-2023hal.blogspot.com/
  23. @kazu You have demonstrated time and again that you know how to take lemons and make lemonade. But, enough with the lemons!!! It's time for you, your travels, and your life to have a cherry on top! Get well, travel home soon, heal completely – and may you never be faced with another lemon! With prayer and care, -Melisa
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