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Everything posted by SimplyMarvie

  1. Having read (both on the news and on CC) about the ongoing disasters at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, I'm wondering if anyone who has transited Gatwick lately can share their experiences or advice? I know that there have been some strikes both with airline workers and trains in the UK, and I'm wondering how all of that is effecting the airport throughput and what we should expect coming in.
  2. We'll be in Iceland in a few weeks, so the timing is OK for Puffins. We're currently doing some shore hikes and tours but nothing Puffin-specific. If they only tend to be in their colonies, it sounds like maybe we wouldn't see one while we're out and about and would need to make a special trip.
  3. Huh. We were just trying to decide between Japan and Alaska for next year. Looks like I'll go book them both, and we'll have a while to chew on it. (Sadly, both are the same flight distance for us... we ended up cruising the North Sea this year because I just could not face a 20 hour flight with the airlines so discombobulated right now... hopefully next year will be better.)
  4. When cruising to Iceland, how likely are you to come across a puffin either watching from your balcony or while touring on an excursion that is not focused on going out to specifically see a puffin? (One member of our party - aka ME -- really wants to see a puffin. The rest of the family is more indifferent to the idea so selling them on a puffin-visiting tour is not working out real well. We're trying to decide whether to split the party or not.)
  5. Sad to hear that this likely won't be offered on our sailing (but will ask about it). If it's not, is there another way for us plebs (we have no special status with Princess) to learn about the ship and how it's run, meet the bridge crew, etc? I have a 10 year old who is already pretty set on a career at sea and I'd love for him to be able to do the tour or, if he can't, at least meet some of the folks who run the ship.
  6. The last passport bulletin I saw was saying 5-7 weeks is the current standard, so I'd plan on somewhere around that timeframe.
  7. Great minds think alike, I was just about to post a similar question. We also found this recent article from a UK cruise blog listing left-luggage options for Southampton. I think we'll drop our bags at the Robin's Nest so my Titanic-Obsessed son can check out the Sea City museum without his bag before our cruise, if Princess can't take our bags early. https://www.cruisemummy.co.uk/left-luggage-southampton/
  8. This is true. Unfortunately, I come from the anxiety ridden "worst case scenario" tribe, so we've got enough contingency plans to make our own eye chart, covering everything from hopping a cheap flight to meet our cruise in the next port (bless the EU and their non-closed-loop rules) to taking an impromptu land vacation in the UK to packing it all in and going home for an un-structured staycation. I think I'd still rather make the cruise, though. 🙂
  9. Sorry, I meant an outlet converter and not a voltage converter! We're back and forth between 110v and 220v often enough that I just don't buy anything that isn't dual voltage anymore. I've "let the magic smoke out" too many times by plugging things into the wrong voltage that we just gave up and bought dupes of anything that wouldn't take both. But a converter -- voltage or outlet -- is definitely the cheaper option. 🙂
  10. It's a F-type plug -- round outlet with two round pins. Amazon has converters for cheap, it's probably worth it to double your outlet options if you tend to be gadget heavy when traveling.
  11. Um, yes? That's the point. If we can't make it, the insurance covers the financial loss, which is what insurance is for.
  12. We're worrying about the same thing. Our flight is just a quick hop across the Baltic and the North Sea to Gatwick, but I'm already wondering if I should have taken the extra day instead of booking an evening flight the day before our cruise. I'm hoping that we can travel carry-on only, which should get rid of some of the stress with baggage? Otherwise, if we get cancelled we can still make it on the earliest flight in the morning... but definitely got trip insurance in case.
  13. I can't think of a better option using public transport. You would likely need to hire a cab or a driver if you wanted another option. The Bolt app is 'the uber of Latvia' and is secure and easy to use, if you're interested in a taxi. I am not familiar with either of the companies that you listed. But if you have just emailed these tour companies, give them a few days to respond. This week was Jani/Ligo/Midsummer which is literally THE biggest holiday in the Baltics (yes, far bigger than Christmas) and pretty much no one is in the office for anything until at least Monday.
  14. Stuart, I'm glad you're interested in this trip... I haven't yet been to Salaspils, but Rumbala is a very moving and haunting place. You could do the trip on public transportation -- you can pick up a number of buses to get to Rumbala forest from very close to where the cruise ship shuttles drop off. Google will give you transit directions in English or the Riga Public Transit website has an English option in the upper right hand side of the page. https://www.rigassatiksme.lv/en/for-riga-guests/public-transport-in-riga/ The trouble is that I'm not seeing a clear route between Salaspils and Rumbala on public transport. It looks like it's about 2km and theoretically walkable, but I don't have any experience with that. I'd recommend using the Bolt taxi app, and hiring someone to take you to both places. Bolt works like Uber, so it's tough to estimate the fare but I can't imagine the total would be more than 20-30 Euros. I don't know how long you intend to spend at the monuments, but the Riga Ghetto museum, which is very near the Central Market might be a good way to get some additional context. It's open every day except Shabbat and they have English speaking guides available.
  15. Everything everyone said above, but we also bring baby wipes -- kids are no longer babies, but SO USEFUL to clean things and people up! -- and a small ace bandage because someone is almost always tripping in our family. Also, extra extra chargers and our backup batteries. My least favorite kid argument to break up is "...but mom, I have only 5% on my iPad and brother is using the chargers for his phone/iPad/switch/battery"
  16. We're in the Baltics and it's cold and very rainy here in October -- gorgeous colors, and that misty, drippy rain that everyone thinks about for fall, but way more fun to be inside with a book than outside exploring. I can't imagine it would be warmer or dryer heading north into Scandinavia.
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