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Everything posted by Ardennais

  1. We didn’t use the Keel and Cow last week but the menu did look nice. As regards to the ‘fair wait for food’, we found service vey slow in the Olive Grove and Epicurean too. It seems to be a common theme and might be here to stay, unfortunately.
  2. Good for you. i do too but my father wouldn’t when he came with us as it was quite an effort to get his shoes on in the first place and it would be too much of a faff if he only wanted a quick lie down.
  3. My starting salary as a newly qualified secondary school teacher in 1986 was about £6500 per annum.
  4. If posters edit their posts all the time, it becomes increasingly difficult to follow their reasoning. Just saying!
  5. You might not lounge on the bed, we do for after arriving back on the ship and I imagine we’re not the only ones. It was too cold to spend a lot of time on the balcony last week. You again mention ‘changing linen daily, every couple of days’. Why? That wasn’t suggested on this thread.
  6. Yes, sometimes I do. In the summer, for instance, when it’s very hot. A lot of my female friends are also of an age where they suffer from night flushes and they also change bedding frequently. Medication can also cause excessive sweating. That is, however, not the point as I keep reiterating. Unless you have a sofa in your cabin, you will spend a lot of time lounging on the bed too and I bet people don’t always take off their footwear. Another reason for a change of bedding on holiday!
  7. We are NOT discussing what happens at home! That is the whole point. We go on holiday for experiences which are better/different to our everyday life and we pay for it. Otherwise stay at home, cook your own food, clear your own table, wash your own dishes!
  8. What sort of company are you talking about? Most people wouldn’t change their bedlinen at home ‘after a couple of days’ unless they had staff! That’s not the point, however. We are discussing a paid holiday here.
  9. I don’t understand your first sentence.
  10. Sounds lovely. Can you name the hotel and did it have parking?
  11. Every 4 days would be reasonable IMO.
  12. Nobody said anything about expecting them changed every day.
  13. Eating snacks in bed! Seriously, don’t you remember holidays when you were young(er) and still working? Spending quality time with your other half and all that!! Another point, my daughters change their bed linen quite often especially in summer as they tend to use fake tan which can stain if left too long. Looks dirty too.
  14. Not the point. We don’t have a full breakfast, a sit down lunch and a 3 course dinner every day at home either, and we don’t have live comedians and a cast of dancers and singers to entertain us after our evening meal. Our expectations on holiday are different. I would also imagine that people’s nocturnal practices are also different on holiday so changes of bedding would be welcomed!
  15. The technology is amazing, but the screens are almost too busy at times. The Festival musical was about 45 mins long and the ‘storyline’ was a bit twee. I thought that Centre Stage was much better - snippets from established shows. I can’t remember what the girl group in the Sky Dome was called - something like Vixen - but you couldn’t really hear their harmonies or understand a word they were saying.
  16. Our children were 11, 13 and 14 when we started cruising and loved the Baltics and the Fjords. We like museums, churches and historical buildings and they were in their element. We’re not beach/pool people which is why we started cruising.
  17. Possibly, but we got chatting to people, as you do, and a lot were first time cruisers. There were lots of people in their twenties and thirties, so the average age was quite a bit lower I would imagine. Judging by comments made here frequently, seasoned travellers like to avoid the school holidays, so I can well believe that a significant proportion would have been novice cruisers. It was also a 7 night cruise which coincided with half term in the southern half of England.
  18. As long as it works! It was down for two days on Iona last week!
  19. If they do manage to fill Iona to capacity during the summer school holidays, it’s going to be challenging to provide a reasonably good service. Bear in mind that the outdoor decks will be in use then too, hence more clearing up with glasses and plates left here, there and everywhere. If they’ve already got their full complement of staff, then it is rather worrying!
  20. I also noticed some bits on our carpet weren’t removed. I left them there just to see, and there they remained!
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